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Cartoons of the prophet muhummed, muslims have now gone "LIAR KILLER DEMON".

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I haven't been near a news source for a few days, and I'm just getting up to speed with this stuff. Talk about overreaction...


Danish newspapers portray Mohummed as a terrorist.


Over the top Islams get angry and threaten to kill everyone. Way to go...is irony too abstract an idea for some people?


Also, I'm hoping those protestors with the nasty slogans aren't in the majority, but sort of like the KKK wing of Islam - if they aren't, I'm scared.

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Also, I'm hoping those protestors with the nasty slogans aren't in the majority, but sort of like the KKK wing of Islam - if they aren't, I'm scared.


The problem is, this is why groups like the BNP show up. All societies, faiths etc have groups of pricks... thats just the way things happen.


Shame huh.

We shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.


Sir Winston Churchill.


Exactly, i mean who are these people. to go to someones country, and say we will radically change it. why does it matter to them so much, that i am indian and not a muslim.

Also, I'm hoping those protestors with the nasty slogans aren't in the majority, but sort of like the KKK wing of Islam - if they aren't, I'm scared.

Believe me, they are. The liberal wing of Islam is currently sleeping in my bed. :love:Very liberal.


So at yesterday's protest a guy turns up dressed like a suicide bomber shouting "Britain you will pay, 7/7 is on its way"


The police do nothing.


Another 2 guys turn up, one a German, one an Irish guy handed out the comic to people....they get taken to a cell over night for "disrupting the peace"


Yes it probably wasnt a good idea to hand out the comic to a load of angry muslims, all you're gonna do is stir up trouble.


But what of the guy dressed like a suicide bomber shouting stuff eh? surely he is stiring up trouble aswell?? Being a Londoner i find that really offensive seen as what happened in my city in July was so horrific i dont need people doing things like that thank you.


Platty, I completely agree with you. It's terrible how people are treated so differently.


I don't think the cartoons should have been printed but I also don't agree with the way the Muslims are protesting, even after people have apologised. All they're after is an excuse, they'd be doing this stuff anyway.


In my eyes, a peaceful protest doesn't involve signs saying that Europe will pay because the suicide bombers will make it so.


Yeah exactly.


However the protest's yesterday were not as bad as the friday one's. Some of the stuff i saw with my own eyes whilst walking past and then later watching on the news was pathetic. To wish further attacks on the country you live in? whats wrong with these people ?


I blame religion. /sarcasm


I think they're just angry, and unfortunetly people say and do stupid things when they are angry. We all do it from time to time, have either done or said something to someone which we regret later. These people are angry, prehaps justly so, so some of them end up doing or saying something stupid, like torching embassys or wishing for more terrorist attacks. It's the fragility of the human condition (at the risk of being overly sentimental.)


Still, it's worth keeping in mind that these people are only a tiny minority among the entire, mostly rational non-embassy torching Islamic population, and are not representative of the Islamic faith. To say they are would be like saying George Bush represents all Christians.

I think they're just angry, and unfortunetly people say and do stupid things when they are angry. We all do it from time to time, have either done or said something to someone which we regret later. These people are angry, prehaps justly so, so some of them end up doing or saying something stupid, like torching embassys or wishing for more terrorist attacks. It's the fragility of the human condition (at the risk of being overly sentimental.)


True we do all get angry but we dont all go around with nasty banners do we ?


Still, it's worth keeping in mind that these people are only a tiny minority among the entire, mostly rational non-embassy torching Islamic population, and are not representative of the Islamic faith. To say they are would be like saying George Bush represents all Christians.


Not once have i said them arsehole's represent the whole muslim and islamic community, not once. Everyone knows this, well every sensible person knows this.


But why dont you good muslim brothers teach these idiots a thing or two eh ? Maybe then they will stop bad naming your islamic faith.

True we do all get angry but we dont all go around with nasty banners do we ?




Not once have i said them arsehole's represent the whole muslim and islamic community, not once. Everyone knows this, well every sensible person knows this.


But why dont you good muslim brothers teach these idiots a thing or two eh ? Maybe then they will stop bad naming your islamic faith.

Whoa, chill dude. I know what I said might have been pretty obvious, but sometimes It's worth saying it anyway just so we don't forget, you know? I never even thought you suggested otherwise, I just posted that as sort of a general reminder, and as my own general opinion.


I am frankly just pissed off with everyone right now. Ok, yes I can see that the cartoons were offensive from a Muslim point of view, but it's no excuse to go insane denouncing the whole of Europe and all non Muslims. In Europe the principal religion is not Islam, accept that. The people responsible for the stupid cartoon have apologised, you've won, move the hell on. The extremist Muslims should also stop with the whole victim complex, oooh America is out to get us, the Jews are out to get us, Europe is out to get us, NO THEY'RE NOT, stop the god damn paranoid fantasy. The media, stop bloody portraying Muslims as terrorists and trouble makers as your just making the problem worse. America stop dicking around in the Middle East in your quest for oil and further power. Evangelical Christians stop claiming God is always on your side and accept that some people have different religions and accept that evolution bloody well does exist. Racist biggoted arses, deal with the fact that other people live in Britain and aren't all stereotypes, amazingly not all Muslims are terrorists, not all French people wear berets and have strings of garlic round their necks and Britain is not the greatest nation on Earth. Just everyone stop being such small minded petty idiots, some people might have different beliefs or points of view to you, but thats life, deal with it and learn to accept and judge people as individuals.


Oh my god, thats just rediculasly funny.


Freedom go to hell?!?!!? :S


Okay...let's lock them up then!!


Your 3/11?!?!?!....Okay...are these guys just retards?!!?


Behead....unviolent?!?!.....These people really need locking up to make sure there are no more retards like this breeding!!

So at yesterday's protest a guy turns up dressed like a suicide bomber shouting "Britain you will pay, 7/7 is on its way"


Quick disclaimer: I'm NOT trying to have a dig at you, or make you look stupid or anything.


But what exactly does a suicide bomber dress like? Apart from the chic belt with bombs on it?



This whole thing has gotten rather out of hand, but it's important to note that all the protests with the terribly OTT signs were all from the same protest, and all had been written by someone with the same handwriting. Don't let BNP propoganda make you hate the entire muslim community for the actions of 30 odd people.


Does anyone know where this march was held or which group organised it? I can't help but think that those signs are so SO terrible and irrational that they must have been made by people who can't speak English properly. I suppose I just have too much faith in humanity.


Edit: 30 odd? 50? Bah...




Quick disclaimer: I'm NOT trying to have a dig at you, or make you look stupid or anything.


What exactly does a suicide bomber dress like? Apart from the chic belt with bombs on it?


So that means they're going to fail stopping us getting on with our daily lives again?!?!...Oh no, how terrible; I'm trembling in my lil space boots!!


Oops!!...Sorry for teh double post!!



This whole thing has gotten rather out of hand, but it's important to note that all the protests with the terribly OTT signs were all from the same protest, and all had been written by someone with the same handwriting. Don't let BNP propoganda make you hate the entire muslim community for the actions of 30 odd people.


Hey, I hadn't noticed that all the signs were written in the same hand. Just goes to show that those signs, although terrible, are clearly the work of a tiny extremist minority. Well spotted and a good point Domo Kun.

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