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Nintendo News | Microsoft Manager Knocks Revolution Online

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Guys do you honestly think someone who works for Microsoft is going to outwardly say


"Yeah I love the sound of Nintendo's online service I cant wait to play OOT again"


Put simply, no he is not. It's this mans job to push Live arcade, hell thats his specialised area, he is saying these things because to his department the Revolution virtual console is the big rival and they have to be worried. So please, don't take it literally when a Microsoft representitive talks about how great Microsoft are and everyone else isn't.


ha ha ha makes me smile ds and revo both free to play online and advanced level of offline wifi support including game share multi play from one cart or disc all totally free xbox live gold is wot you will need for down loads and online play with shedbox 360 so acording to microsoft paying is better than free year right like ill pay £40 a year to play online wen its free with ds and revolution free and easy is way to go



i trust nintendo far more at op stability and lag free conection than windows maker microsoft with there buggy laggy and hackers delight system



Please go outside and find the largest hole you can find and try to fly over it.

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Frankly hes far too cocky. All the competition has to do is offer a competent free service and live is already undermined. Not to mention the fact that the competition cant ignore live so that will be their target whther they admit it or not, how are microsoft going to survive? How are they going to justify paying for Live. In all likeliness those comments will comeback to haunt him

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he's right. retro games arent fun, but that includes these crappy arcade "classics" that microsoft are getting.


the only generation of games that ive found to age well was the SNES/Mega Drive era, i admit still enjoying the odd game on those

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Let's not pay too much attention to this guy - he is the enemy after all. All the companies will be fuming toxic PR clouds like a volcanic range (with Reggie actually spitting fire), so I think we can all look forward to this kind of cheap, baseless fanboy esque bitch slapping for many months yet.

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I know this guy is from MS but I don't really think he has his facts straight. How is Nintendos virtual console a limitted idea? Maybe new, simple games are being made for the virtual console.


Ooooops, did I forget to mention that Nintendos online service for online multiplay will be free. Yes FREE... can your hear me Mr. Gates!?!!

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I can see where he is coming from.


I dont want to play Ice Climbers, that'll get old in 5-odd Minutes. I'd rather play Ice Climbers with updated graphics and achievements and online play*, something that Microsoft and respective developers are doing with the XBL Arcade.


* - T'was rumoured Nintendo would update games, do it Ninty.


Wasn't rumoured. Confirmed :P

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i trust nintendo far more at op stability and lag free conection than windows maker microsoft with there buggy laggy and hackers delight system

This is the best post I´ve ever read....hackers delight system, it´s woth to put that into my signature...lol this is amazing spelling...

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Whilst Nintendo's online service for DS is sufficient, for a home console it's just simply not good enough. If they can successfully build a community-based interface much like L!VE then we're onto something.


In any case I will never, ever pay to play games online. Even though I appreciate the fact that servers cost money, paying for a top Broadband connection, then paying for the game, and then paying for the subscription fees to play that game is just way too much money, especially since we've just seen game prices breach the £50 thresh-hold.


With regards to the Retro comment; this guy is just a trash-talking, company-cheerleading nonce, much like Phil Harrison and Reginald Fils-Aime. Sure, there are some games that age badly (mostly pre-16Bit and 32/64Bit in some cases), but there are a massive wealth of classics out there, and anyone criticising the likes of Super Mario World shouldn't be working in the games industry.

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Pac-man and Joust hold up today whereas OoT, Super Mario World and Super Metroid don't?! Having a giraffe! His only noteworthy criticism is that they haven't officially decided yet to allow other 'new' games on the VC (Geometry Wars etc.) rather than just the retro back-catalogue. Would be a hell of a missed opportunity if they didn't.

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AHAHAHAHAHA....What the hell's he on about!?!?


For a start, has he not realised how well people recieve old retro games and still enjoy them today?!?!


Tbh, I couldn't agree more!


His only real argument is that retro games are old, so they aren't good anymore.... wtf?

I know for a fact that the retro gaming community is quite large. A lot of people I know pefer retro gaming to modern and newer games. This Microsoft moron really doesn't have a clue.

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I dont really get the whole Pac-man phenomenon. It was good back in the day but it bores me now. Space Invaders and Tetris I still love however.They should mix those two. He can play Pac-man, I'll play all of the mario platformers from beginning to Rev.

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Lets put it this way, you arent exactly gonna fully compliment your opposing company are you? You want the audience to swing your way..



Yes, but saying what he did makes him appear like an utter fool. It would be enough for him to big-up their XBLA service. That would have gotten the point across, but to bad-mouth Nintendo's back-catalogue, which is infinitely stronger than any other company today is pure stupidity. It's a blatently redundant thought that makes him out to be an utter moron. He can comment on their actual service when they actually dish out details on it.


Until then, it's anybody's guess to how they implement it, but to say their legacy doesn't live up to today's standards is absurd. Just look at the Famicom Mini Series sales for proof. Telling people about your product doesn't ALWAYS have to follow on with you badmouthing the opposition, especially when the criticisms are completely retarded.

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It's been a long time since I've heard someone say, "We have learnt a lot about (blah) by looking at the work (blah) did with/on (blah)".


It actually quite a strength to see a good idea and use it yourself. Yeah it's copying but it just makes sense.

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I dont really get the whole Pac-man phenomenon. It was good back in the day but it bores me now. Space Invaders and Tetris I still love however.They should mix those two. He can play Pac-man, I'll play all of the mario platformers from beginning to Rev.


You need to play PacMan VS. ;)

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The guy has a point. Xbox live offers quick downloadble games which are original and were designed for the 360 while the Nintendo download service only offers games which have been released allready or re-released and even re-re-realesed. And Nintendo say they're the inovative ones.

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The guy has a point. Xbox live offers quick downloadble games which are original and were designed for the 360 while the Nintendo download service only offers games which have been released allready or re-released and even re-re-realesed. And Nintendo say they're the inovative ones.


I see your point kong, but you can't imply that Microsoft are more innovative than Nintendo just because they have a few original downloadable games. It's a good feature and it's new and original but it doesn't put them ahead of Nintendo in terms of innovation

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