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N-E Café Episode 65 now available!

Now up on the main page. :D

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Another great episode, some decent coverage of the latest Nintendo Direct as well, but the main highlight is hearing about all of your experiences with the latest Podpals game, What Remains of Edith Finch as this is a game which I've played before, years ago when it was first available on the PS4, I really enjoyed my time with the game, and for anyone who has played the game before, I think they'd definitely enjoy listening to this episode, as I did. :) But, for anyone who has yet to play this title, definitely play the game first.

I've used some of the graphics in a banner before, there aren't a lot of .png images which work that well, but I think this simple banner promotes the episode well enough. :peace:

Thanks again to @Londragon @nekunando @Nicktendo for their views on the game, and for everyone else who contributed discussion to this Podpals edition, plus thanks to @Vileplume2000 for putting the YouTube version up. :smile:

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N-E Café [066] Culling the Herd is now live at all good podcast providers.


Recorded on the 28th of February, 2021.  

Episode 66 of the N-E Café returns to normality, with regular hosts Lee Davies, Nick Lone and Gregory Moffett discussing the most noteworthy Nintendo News of the week, their Recent Games, and destroying Nintendo franchises to find the gems within. Join us for the cull!

This is episode 66 of the N-E Café Podcast, an N-Europe Podcast. Enjoy!

⦁ Intro Music: Super Mario Odyssey - New Donk City

⦁ Introductions: 0:00:35

⦁ Nintendo News: 0:04:40

⦁ Download Delights: 00:29:05

⦁ Crash Bandicoot, No More Heroes, Zelda - LTTP: 00:33:12

⦁ Burnout Paradise: 00:46:52

⦁ Mario Kart Live: 00:55:31

⦁ Big Topic - Culling the Herd: 01:07:07

⦁ Closing: 01:57:37

Can you guess what game the Transition Tunes come from?  If they ring a bell, get in touch with us, or if you have a Listener's Question you’d like us to discuss, contact us right here.


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5 minutes in but I'm already going to give a crack at the transition tune:


It's a licensed song, so that makes me guess either THPS1+2 Remastered, or Burnout Paradise Remastered. It sounds a bit too modern for Tony (don't know if they added post-2000 songs to that soundtrack) so I'm guessing it's Burnout.


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As it happens with a delayed release, I also listen to the episode later than usual. I'm up to the beginning of Burnout:

  • I see Greg is back to his usual self :heh: There is a strange comfort in that;
  • Nick's review of Crash had me chuckling for a good while :laughing: ;
  • For me, LTTP has some design issues that really bothered me the first time I played it. Second time went smoother (and I appreciate the difficulty, actually), but I do think it's the weakest 2D Zelda;
  • Can't believe I won the hat sorting! I don't think I'd ever won such a thing before! One more game to add to the backlog, then... Though if it's short enough, maybe I can incorporate it into my monthly pot-pourri.

As for the transition tunes...


I don't know the age of the songs, but I kept thinking Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2, so that's what I'll be going with. There's a good chance Vileplume2000 got it right, though


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1 hour ago, Londragon said:

Episode 66 is now live at the N-Europe YouTube Channel, too.

Excellent, it's likely I'll be listening to it in a bit, straight after the Smash presentation, I should have the promotion article up this afternoon. :smile:

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N-E Café Episode 66 now available!

Now up on the main page. :D

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I enjoyed the game that you all played this week with the various Nintendo franchises, a good selection of titles in there, some obvious picks at the start and some potentially surprising ones, but then, that's the good thing when you're playing a game based on whittling down either favourite games, franchises etc... you'll usually get different results each time, depending on who is playing, and it can be interesting to see what we really value out of all those options available. :)

It was a good call to put certain franchises on a 'safe' list, as those will usually be the ones which will be there until the end of the game anyway, also, I was putting the above banner together while listening to the podcast, and just as I was pasting one of the logo's up there (I won't say which one) it was mentioned at the exact same time, some interesting synchronisation there, I thought. :D A lot of the logo's in the banner, were chosen based on the palette, and where they seemed to fit, I reckon it turned out well enough.

Also, I should be able to give the podcast and/or N-Europe a shoutout on a stream later this evening, trying to do a bit of cross-promotion, when possible, plus Old Nintendo Gamer as well possibly, will see how it goes, but anyway, keep up the good work, everyone, as the podcast really is great to listen to each week, and there's a lot in it for what's normally an hour and a half to two hour long (or more) show. :peace:

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3 hours ago, Londragon said:

Are you streaming @S.C.G? Or just watching?

Watching, but also participating on a weekly basis, on RetroFaithKnuckles over on Twitch, as there's a few streams on Weds, Thurs, Fri most weeks.

Wednesday is the PSO stream, as Phantasy Star Online is just about the only game I'm playing at the moment, so it's a good chance to play a classic online game for a few hours, and a fair few other players have gotten into playing the game through watching the stream. It takes place over on the schtserv, which is an independently run server for the game, one of the few ways you can still play it, if you've got either a GameCube with the required hardware, or just with a Wii or via the PC, but those latter methods are more involved. It's good fun though, if you like PSO, we usually just start up a Discord chat with three or four players, and play through a few areas in the game, or a few quests.

Thursday is the Retro Radio stream, recently, I've been helping out with the news section, so that means covering the news articles which we have on N-Europe (there's also a link which comes up on the stream, during the evening) and I try and mention the N-E Café Podcast plus other independent YouTube channels, such as your excellent Old Nintendo Gamer & Son channel, at times when it can be reasonably linked in. :smile: There's also Sega news, whenever possible, as Faith is more about Sega and retro games, plus retro news to keep it all relevant to the audience. On last night's stream, I covered the Pokémon Direct news, Smash, Qubic Games 17th anniversary sale, I mentioned the last two editions of N-E Café, plus there was Panzer Dragoon II Remake news, and new games on Antstream.

The rest of the Retro Radio stream, usually consists of a guest, this week it was Sam Victor who appeared in Star Wars: Rogue One as a speaking part, which was an interesting interview in itself, giving some insight into film production etc. And then, later on there's a collector corner, this week it was Colonel Falcon, who collects console bundles and variations, he had a nice collection, plus I don't think I've ever seen so many different GameCube bundles in one go.

Friday is a Retro Gaming stream, most recently, it featured Xenocider, which is an independently developed, on-rails shooting game, in similar vein to Space Harrier etc, by Retro Sumus, who have been interviewed on the stream as well, which gave a really interesting look into indie development, kickstarter etc. It's a great game, I followed it from when I originally backed it, but the kickstarter didn't get funded, so they just went ahead and made it anyway. You could order copies of the game, a lot are sold out, but they've made some cheaper digitial options available now, which I believe you can play on a Dreamcast, as long as you have a certain setup or a boot disc.

This isn't a paid affiliation, but it is promotion of another independent site, which is passionate about videogames, and being that Retro Faith has a focus on Sonic, this is promotion which is in context and this is something which N-Europe may look to persue in the future; promotion of independent sites or channels which are passionate about videogames. So if you know of any independent websites which have a specialisation in specific areas of videogames, which you think might be of interest, then please let us know and they may be featured in the future.

I know this should probably be in the General Retro Discussion as I posted similar posts in there a while back relating to some interviews, but being as we're talking cross-promotion, there may be more chances in the future, or as a regular thing that N-E Café and/or Old Nintendo Gamer could be mentioned, especially if there's things which link into what's on the stream, in the podcast episodes, or maybe from some of the highlight videos as well. :peace:

N-E Café Podcast, Old Nintendo Gamer & Son, Retro Faith, and a few YouTube channels are all I tend to watch when it comes to gaming these days, but I'm definitely keen to promote independent videogame media, sites, ventures etc where possible, even if I don't play/review/talk about games quite as much as I used to. :)

Edited by S.C.G
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Haha - really enjoyed the Nintendo franchise game at the end. I don’t think I appreciated just how many Nintendo franchises there are (or at least ones primarily on Nintendo consoles). 
After starring in some poor poor sequels after his original fun introduction, becoming a meme for Nintendo hype leading to constant disappointment, then the apparent disbandment of its developer, Skip, now Chibi Robo has to live with the embarrassment of being unceremoniously dumped in the first round of your alternate universe franchise culling. Poor poor Chibi... :cry::grin:

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N-E Café [067] A Link to the Spin-Off is now available at all your favourite podcast providers.

Recorded on the 7th of March, 2021.  

Episode 67 of the N-E Café has regular hosts Lee Davies, Nick Lone and Gregory Moffett discussing the most noteworthy Nintendo News of the week, their Recent Games, and answering Dennis’ Listener Question about Zelda spin-off games. Join us for the fun!

This is episode 67 of the N-E Café Podcast, an N-Europe Podcast. Enjoy!

⦁ Intro Music: Pokemon SwSh - Route 1

⦁ Introductions: 0:00:30

⦁ Nintendo News: 0:03:40

⦁ Download Delights: 00:36:42

⦁ Captain Toad DLC: 00:43:36

⦁ Colorful Colore: 00:50:06

⦁ Pokemon Shield: 00:55:36

⦁ Big Topic - Zelda Spin-Offs: 01:04:05

⦁ Closing: 01:19:22

Can you guess what game the Transition Tunes come from?  If they ring a bell, get in touch with us, or if you have a Listener's Question you’d like us to discuss, contact us right here.


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Finished listening, and thanks for answering the question! Some cameos there that you mentioned I didn't know existed, so cheers for that! Liked your suggestions as well:

  • For a Nintendo Kart, I'm on the fence for something like that. It may become too much of a parody, seeing characters like Samus or Captain Falcon folded up in a kart. Link already looks weird in MK8. But maybe if they abandoned the karts and go for more general rides (Captain Falcon in his Blue Falcon, Samus in her ship, Kirby on a Rainbow Ride/Star kind of thing) that could work. Because they are already going down that road with the inclusion of Link, Villager and the F-Zero tracks in 8. Commercially it could be a success like Nick said.
  • I really like the idea of a Zelda-themed strategy game. It would worked so damn well, basically you can just copy/paste the Zelda universe on a Fire Emblem game and done.
  • A sailing (mini)game sounds awesome as well. Would be full of charm and could make a great spin-off title.
  • I've yet to play Link's Crossbow Training but fleshing that out and making it an on-rails shooter is something I wouldn't say no to.
  • Things that popped in my head: An action/adventure in the style of Ninja Gaiden or Bayonetta. Story of Seasons X Zelda, tending to your own Lon Lon Ranch while questing out in caves and dungeons. Tingle's Theathrythm with crazy dances and Zelda songs. Or a Zelda title (not necessarily a spin-off) set closer to present times, throw in steampunk technology. You could say that was already in BOTW with the Divine Beasts, but they could take it further.

Thanks for another enjoyable episode, I hope to get it on YouTube today!

EDIT: Here it is.


Edited by Vileplume2000
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I actually managed to hear the whole episode during the morning, but then lacked any free time to comment until now. And I knew the transition tunes, too. Oh well.

I'm afraid I don't have much to add on the discussion front. Though I remember I wanted an interconnected Zelda MMO at one point (with every race, Labrynna, Holodrum, Koholint Island, etc.) because I wanted to see the different worlds interact. The idea of playing as a Goron, Nouki, Tokay, etc. also appealed to me. These days I think something like a Pikmin-style game (or even a strategy RPG, as you suggested) would be better to fulfill those wishes of seeing a world of different tribes and races interact.

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N-E Café Episode 67 now available!

Now up on the main page. :D

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Some great discussion this week, Zelda spin-offs is an interesting topic, I think it's something we'll see more of in the future, especially if the success of Cadence of Hyrule and the two Hyrule Warriors games are anything to go by. There's also the large gap between mainline Zelda games to consider, even if part of it is being filled by the Skyward Sword HD remake, there's still plenty of room for some experimental Zelda titles, or crossovers.

Nice to hear about what you've all been playing, I'd never heard of Colourful Colore but it looks interesting enough, plenty of visual appeal from the restricted colour palette, and it looks like the game probably gets more challenging as you progress through it. I never finished Captin Toad, on any platform, let alone the standalone dlc... I could play it on the Switch, especially as it has those extra stages, I'd need to be in the right mood to play it though, I'd have thought. Pokémon Shield, I just don't have the enthusiasm for any more, I didn't get that far into it at the time, I've gone back for some of the dlc Pokémon but not all of them, again, another game I could play, but equally... it's a series I'm largely indifferent to now. ::shrug:

Obvious picks for the banner, Zelda from Hyrule Warriors and Link from Link's Crossbow Training, to go with the theme. :) Excellent to see this week's episode up on the N-Europe YouTube channel so promptly, being that it was there and that I was posting articles earlier, I was able to get this week's promotional piece for the site done in a timely manner. Thanks to everyone involved in the production and promotion of the podcast. :peace: (I'll mention the podcast on the Thursday night Retro Faith stream, during the retro news section if I can)

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N-E Café [068] Streets of Goblins and Ninja Turtles is now live at all good podcast providers.

Recorded on the 14th of March, 2021.  

Episode 68 of the N-E Café has regular hosts Lee Davies and Nick Lone discussing the most noteworthy Nintendo News of the week, their Recent Games, and looking to the past for more game resurrections. Join us for the fun!

This is episode 68 of the N-E Café Podcast, an N-Europe Podcast. Enjoy!

⦁ Intro Music: Monster Hunter Rise - Shrine Ruins Battle Theme

⦁ Introductions: 0:00:31

⦁ Nintendo News: 0:03:05

⦁ Download Delights: 00:32:32

⦁ Apex Legends: 00:37:28

⦁ Turok: Dinosaur Hunter: 00:48:17

⦁ Big Topic - Game Resurrections: 01:02:03

⦁ Closing: 01:25:14

Can you guess what game the Transition Tunes come from?  If they ring a bell, get in touch with us, or if you have a Listener's Question you’d like us to discuss, contact us right here.  Enjoy!


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The SNES Final Fantasies aren't on the Switch... and neither are the NES ones. Definitely a painful omission of the Switch's library.

Just finished listening the Turok segment. Fascinating to hear, as I never played the series, didn't know about the similarities to Metroid Prime.


Lion King for the SNES

Have to assume it's that version. Had that game on the Mega Drive as a kid, with very fond memories of it


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Right, after hearing the "modern revival" segment, there's a few more things to add:

  • Zelda II is a good shout, with enough tweaks and QoL improvements, I could see a game like that being appreciated in modern times.
    • Incidentally, if you're looking for 2D Soulslike, the indie game Blasphemous might be something to consider. I only played a demo, but it was enough for that game to leave an impression on me.
  • Correction: The Aladdin game from Nick's memories has not been rereleased, as that's a Capcom game. The Mega Drive/PC version (developed by Virgin) is the one that was rereleased alongside Lion King.
  • Nick not remembering if the tall protagonist of Goof Troop was Goofy got a chuckle out of me :heh:
  • For my personal picks, I'd like to see Mysterious Murasame Castle (oiriginally Japan-only, but now available on 3DS VC) get that "revival" treatment. It's a really fun game, marred by excessive difficulty, but it's basically a frantic twin-stick shooter done all the way back in the NES. Alternatively, Wario Land style platformers are the sort of thing I'd like to see a modern version of.
    • As for straight up re-releases... the Game Boy Mega Man games. They feel very distinct from the NES games, and the level design is way better, but they keep getting ignored.
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N-E Café Episode 68 now available!

Now up on the main page. :D

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A lot of decent discussion, as again, this week seemed like a slow one for news, so you did well to have that much in the news section, the TMNT game was definitely the highlight for recent news, I know it hasn't been confirmed for any consoles yet, but of course it's coming to Switch, as it's just money on the table otherwise. It's interesting to hear which games you'd like to see brought back, and a lot of them I remember fondly as well from back in the day, I think a new Desert Strike, or a remake with a different setting, but retaining the same mechanics could do well, as there's clearly a market for it. (as an aside, that interview with Tony Barnes over on Retro Faith was really good, it was interesting to hear how the games in the 'Strike' series were made)

While I've never played a Battle Royale game, and probably never will, so I can't say much about Apex Legends, other than it's nice to have options, now that it's on the Switch... Turok is a game series which I'm very familiar with, my brothers and I used to play the games back in the day, there's no other FPS series quite like it, plus the fact that key members from the studio then went on to make Metroid Prime, you can definitely see the link between the games in many ways, which is why I'm glad that more people are getting to properly play the first two games, thanks to the remakes.

The banner art couldn't be anything but Turok, as it is a game which has strong Nintendo heritage, being that it came out on the N64, I was going to incorporate the Turok logo as it's a great example, but it just wouldn't scale very well, and I found the 'sights' which form the 'O' in the logo which is the focal point anyway, together with the image on the other side, I think it works rather well. It was fun to piece it together. :)

Thanks to you both for another great episode, and thanks to Dennis for the upload of the episode to our YouTube channel. :peace:


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Another entertaining episode! It's funny because when that very first Nintendo Switch trailer came out, I thought that beat-em-ups would be great for tabletop mode. As you're playing with 2 people on a small screen it would be a good fit since it doesn't require split-screen for co-op. How nice to see that the genre did make a revival (although not only the Switch is the reason for it).

Mickey Mania was such a cool game! I remember playing it at a friend's house, and the black-and-white start on Steamboat Willy was great. Still, The Magical Quest will remain my favourite Mickey Mouse game. Another Disney game I played a lot was The Jungle Book, also from Virgin I think. And Aladdin I rented a couple of times back in the day.

As for a modern revival. I would love to see the real-time-strategy genre make a proper comeback. Games like Command & Conquer, Red Alert, Starcraft and Dune 2000. Another genre that I loved when I was younger but haven't played in a while as I feel that there have been no good releases in it is the point & click. Although you could argue that maybe the walking simulator is kind of filling in this gap.

Desert Strike/Jungle Strike is a great shout, loved these as a kid and wouldn't mind a remake of that. Speaking of helicopter games, Choplifter II on the Game Boy, I have fond memories of that but no clue if that holds up.

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