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1 minute ago, Glen-i said:

Good session

Indeed. That was a lot of fun :)

1 minute ago, Glen-i said:

more than halfway to the normal ending.

Can't wait to play the rest. This game's amazing :o
It does share a lot of similarities with Donkey Kong Land 2, which I played quite a lot as a kid. That certainly helps.

2 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

I really have to commend your performance on Rickety Race. Coming in 1st and getting the DK coin without that backwards boost start trick is very difficult. To nail it on your first try was spectacular!

No idea what that backwards boost start trick is, but thanks for the compliment :D I was a little nervous when I got closer to the last opponent. I could feel the finish getting closer and closer :laughing:

Captured a lot of clips, but editing and uploading the best will have to wait until tomorrow.

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36 minutes ago, drahkon said:

No idea what that backwards boost start trick is, but thanks for the compliment :D 

Oh, I did it on my attempt, you hold left once the race starts and you hit a barrel that sends you flying forward. Makes getting 1st a lot easier, the only problem is you have much less time to react to holes.

Proper embarrassed there.

Man, this game is a true classic.

Edited by Glen-i
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Glad we got past Kremwood Forest, a slight dip in fun, especially Web Woods and it's stupid end-of-level DK coin. Web Woods is one of two levels I actively dislike. You've not seen the other one.

For that bonus before we called it quits, you need to use the roll jump. Roll off the edge, then jump. Tricky to pull off.
I'll be up for more tomorrow.

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17 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Yeah, I figured, but I was already tilted :D

Yeah, fair enough. Wouldn't want to tackle Screech's Sprint while angry. Or Castle Crush for that matter, that level is tough for people unfamiliar with the layout, very little room for error.

Speaking of Castle Crush, there's a crazy way to skip the level.

It's difficult to do and you miss the bonus and DK coin, but it's bonkers!

DKC 2 has a failsafe where if something like this happens, the game skips the level instead of crashing, 9 times out of 10. Great programming on Rare's part in an era where you can't patch anything.

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1 hour ago, Glen-i said:

Glad we got past Kremwood Forest, a slight dip in fun, especially Web Woods and it's stupid end-of-level DK coin. Web Woods is one of two levels I actively dislike. You've not seen the other one.

I always considered Web Woods to be one of the iconic DKC 2 levels! Out of interest, what is the other level? Animal Antics?

Tag me in if the going's getting too tough for you, @drahkon!

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2 minutes ago, darksnowman said:

I always considered Web Woods to be one of the iconic DKC 2 levels!

The two other forest levels in that world are way more interesting and dynamic, Web Woods forces you to a crawl because of how Squitter functions. Perfectly fine animal buddy in short bursts, but throughout an entire level filled with constant pits, it's glacial in it's pacing. The bonuses are very cleverly hidden, but that means most first-timers will be replaying it a lot and the DK coin being on the end goal (Which requires near perfect timing) also causes a lot of replays.

8 minutes ago, darksnowman said:

Out of interest, what is the other level? Animal Antics?


And it's all because of that one section, you know the one. Rest of the level is actually quite fun, but that one point utterly ruins it. Quite possibly the worst level in the entire DKC trilogy. DKC1's Snow Barrel Blast and DKC3's Rocket Rush are other competitiors for that illustrous title.

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9 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

The two other forest levels in that world are way more interesting and dynamic, Web Woods forces you to a crawl because of how Squitter functions. Perfectly fine animal buddy in short bursts, but throughout an entire level filled with constant pits, it's glacial in it's pacing. The bonuses are very cleverly hidden, but that means most first-timers will be replaying it a lot and the DK coin being on the end goal (Which requires near perfect timing) also causes a lot of replays.


And it's all because of that one section, you know the one. Rest of the level is actually quite fun, but that one point utterly ruins it. Quite possibly the worst level in the entire DKC trilogy. DKC1's Snow Barrel Blast and DKC3's Rocket Rush are other competitiors for that illustrous title.

I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing that first-timers have some replaying to do here and there--that's what going after the !s and DK coins is all about, after all. I get what you mean though, Web Woods is long and slow, but I always feel like real progress has been made when you get through through it. It's like the game has been warming up until that point, and when you make it through the endurance test of Web Woods, it feels like you've bonded with the Kongs and you're ready to see out the final worlds of the quest. :blush:
Then Kreepy Krow wipes you out and you're doing it all again from the last save point.

As for Animal Antics, I always felt that Pot Hole Panic in DKC 3 was better version of the idea. You can gif me all you want but I'll hear no ill said of Snow Barrel Blast or Rocket Rush.

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6 minutes ago, darksnowman said:

As for Animal Antics, I always felt that Pot Hole Panic in DKC 3 was better version of the idea. You can gif me all you want but I'll hear no ill said of Snow Barrel Blast or Rocket Rush.

You're totally right on the first point. But Snow Barrel Blast is an awful, barrel cannon level that gets away with it because it looks pretty. Rocket Rush is a great concept, but you're not allowed to make a single mistake on the ascent, otherwise you just won't make it. It's pure trial-and-error and that kinda sucks. The boss straight after it is crazy clever though. Makes it worth the hassle.

I should point out that these are just the low points of each game. The positives of each game far outweigh the negatives.
Well, except DKC 1. The three mid-game worlds all kinda suck there. But then the factory levels are great!

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6 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

Rocket Rush is so good that DKCR and Tropical Freeze ripped it off several times over ;) 

Every single one showing you how to do Rocket Rush better. Left-right movement to provide more reaction time, no silly harsh fuel limit, and actual checkpoints.

But seeing as we're talking DKC trilogy levels, what's everyone's favourite?

Edited by Glen-i
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Glad we can all agree that the worst thing Rocket Rush did was inspire some (of the better) levels in those cheap knock-off "Returns" games.

Sure, I'm happy to derail a thread into DKC (trilogy!) discussion. Allow me to split hairs and select some preferred stages:

Jungle Hijinx
Ropey Rampage
Barrel Cannon Canyon
Minecart Carnage
Vulture Culture
Treetop Town
Orang-utan Gang
Snow Barrel Blast
Ice Age Alley
Minecart Madness

Pirate Panic
Barrel Bayou
Rattle Battle
Target Terror
Rickety Race
Ghostly Grove
Haunted Hall
Gusty Glade
Web Woods

Difficult to choose because all the levels are so varied! Take Lake Orangatanga (world one), which has Lakeside Limbo, Doorstop Dash, Tidal Trouble, Skidda's Row and Murky Mill. All strong levels that give you the intro pier level, the locked doors in Doorstop Dash, the tide pushing you back in Tidal Trouble, slippery terrain in Skidda's Row and then Murky Mill forcing you to contend with the elephant being scared of mice. Then, the vertical barrel shield levels, Riverside Race, the springing spider platforms in world 2 and it just goes on and on like that that from one world to the next. Swoopy Salvo just gets better with age. Great stuff.
Maybe the only level I am not fussed on in DKC 3 would be Poisonous Pipeline as it reverses the controls, but even with that, you get used to it over the course of the level... unlike in DKC 2 where K Rool reverses the controls for a few seconds only, then they are back to normal just when you are getting used to it and have to adapt back.
If DKC 3 didn't look so bright and cheery I think it would be appreciated a lot more!

The same goes for DKC 1 & 2; the list of less preferred levels only amounts to only one or two per game.

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12 hours ago, darksnowman said:

Glad we can all agree that the worst thing Rocket Rush did was inspire some (of the better) levels in those cheap knock-off "Returns" games.

Man, that's really harsh on two fantastic platformers. Especially when I like them more than the first DKC by quite a margin.

Speaking of the first DKC, my favourite level from that is Blackout Basement. You see, my biggest issue with DKC is that compared to the levels in the other two games, DKC 1's are kinda dull. DKC 2 and 3 started to lean more into what I like to call the "Mario 3D World structure". Basically, in Mario 3D World, almost every level has some kind of mechanic that, once the level is done, you'll probably never see it again. DKC 3 is basically this and that's why it's my favourite of the SNES trilogy.

But that's not to say DKC 1 doesn't have hints of this. Stop & Go Station, Temple Tempest and Tanked Up Trouble are great examples of the game throwing a twist at you to keep things interesting. But Blackout Basement is my favourite. It also helps that Fear Factory is the best music in the game.

Going on to DKC 2, Haunted Hall wins out for me. I do like me some minecart style levels, and as far as the SNES games go, this one is the best. Music's great too and it stops Gloomy Gulch from being a utterly hopeless world. (Don't know why I called that world Kremwood Forest earlier, isn't that DKC 3?)
Anyway, what the hell is up with Kackle? Sure, DKC 2 has the darkest tone of the three, but at it's core, it's still two monkeys fighting against goofy Crocodile Pirates.


And then this thing shows up!

Bound to give your 5 year old nightmares.
(Shout out to Squawk's Shaft, not because it's a particularly great level, but because of that name. How the hell did that get past Nintendo's censors!? That's the kind of naughty Rare that makes the Banjo games so funny.)

DKC 3 is defo the hardest to choose a favourite level from, there are so many unique mechanics in play in this game. I think I have to go with Ripsaw Rage. An auto-scroller with some good context on why it's an auto-scroller. That said, how effin huge are the (I assume) Kremlings that are handling that saw?
Anyway, it's a very clever level. Although, I might change my mind on that on any given day.

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