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13 minutes ago, Mr-Paul said:

Sounds like the creative content announcements starts in an hour. Before that it's all businessy stuff!

Thanks for the heads-up, I missed the start! 

They mentioned they have 10 Star Wars series planned to hit Disney+ in the next few years...so confirmed we already have Mando S3, Bad Batch, Kenobi, Cassian, and Headland's planned series, and after those a Rebels sequel show is probably the most likely by a long shot. Even treating that as all but confirmed, after that they're still expecting another 4? 

Exciting times! :D sounds like they have similar ambitions for Marvel and their animation arms too, really nice to start hearing more about Disney+ now we're a year in. 

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15 minutes ago, Julius said:

Thanks for the heads-up, I missed the start! 

They mentioned they have 10 Star Wars series planned to hit Disney+ in the next few years...so confirmed we already have Mando S3, Bad Batch, Kenobi, Cassian, and Headland's planned series, and after those a Rebels sequel show is probably the most likely by a long shot. Even treating that as all but confirmed, after that they're still expecting another 4? 

Exciting times! :D sounds like they have similar ambitions for Marvel and their animation arms too, really nice to start hearing more about Disney+ now we're a year in. 

There's got to be an Ahsoka show with Rosario Dawson, surely, as well as an animated Rebels sequel.

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11 minutes ago, Mr-Paul said:

There's got to be an Ahsoka show with Rosario Dawson, surely, as well as an animated Rebels sequel.

Yeah, her and Boba Fett getting their own shows have been heavily rumoured the last month or two, and even if not her own series, I have to imagine they at least plan to potentially slot Dawson in elsewhere. 

The only reason I hesitate on there being a standalone Ahsoka series starring Dawson is because it depends on where in the timeline it lands, and also because...


...of how Rebels ends, clearly setting the sequel up to have her and Sabine tracking down Ezra (and otherwise Thrawn too, as Ahsoka was searching for him in Mando).

I think the only real possibility based on what info we have now, and know is likely coming, might be a prequel show to the Rebels sequel. I say this because they're not going to release an Ahsoka show set after that until it's finished I don't think - at least if she's going to be a main character, it'd dramatically lower the stakes for her at least! - but I'm not sure how I'd feel about that if I'm being honest (at least on paper, sounds a little redundant). I don't think they'd have Dawson going back to be too much younger as Ahsoka either, so I think an adaptation of the novel is probably off the table too. Maybe something set during the time of the original trilogy?

Either way it feels like it would most likely be setting up a Rebels animated sequel, though now I think about it, I guess you could also slot a series in bridging the gap between the end of Rebels proper, before the time jump to the end of the Galactic Civil War and epilogue of the show's finale, and give us a bit more time seeing the early days of the New Republic, and maybe have her meet Luke? 

It's a weird one from what I'm imaging right now at least, for sure. 


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Man, this was so exciting. Can definitely see why they wanted people tuning in - imagine all of this news was delayed from SWC's cancellation, so nice to get it all at once, even if it does feel a little overwhelming! 

Ahsoka is exciting, though yeah, with it being set during The Mandalorian and considering what happened in Mando recently, this is absolutely setting up the Rebels animated sequel. I guess that might be a bit further off than I wished. My hope is this is where they're going to let Filoni spearhead and direct his own live-action project all the way through, because that's the next stepping stone in his development. I think that would be the most exciting part to me! Also, major World Between Worlds vibes from that logo...

Andor - lovely sizzle reel, always great to see BTS stuff and hear how excited the cast and production staff are for the project, and that concept art looked great! 12 episodes, going to be so much fun, can't wait; crazy to think it's been 4 years next week since Rogue One released! Need to rewatch that film soon...

Obi-Wan Kenobi - still a terrible misstep by Abrams to not have Hayden appear in Rise of Skywalker, but whatever, he's here now in a project I care much more about. With the casting of Hayden it makes me think we're getting flashbacks (could we see Hayden and Ewan in their armour from TCW?!) to The Clone Wars, which I think would be awesome, but also I think it gives me a bit more confidence that this is going to be an Obi-Wan introspective series. The idea of him leaving Tatooine was always my main potential gripe for how this might be handled, I wanted Kenobi staying on Tatooine to protect Luke and of course to learn from Qui-Gon (speaking of whom, got to imagine we might get some conversations with Liam Neeson at some point?). I think this could be Kenobi reflecting on his life and fighting his inner demons, a lot of events of The Clone Wars, what happened with Anakin, losing Qui-Gon, etc., and through deep meditation perhaps even stumbling across a mechanical and almost inhuman presence through the Force, leading to a confrontation - through the Force - with Anakin/Vader. It's what I've been hoping the series would be since before it was even announced, so all of my fingers are crossed for it. Also, maybe have him attacked by Tusken Raiders at some point and her goes all Avatar-state like, sandstorms whipping up around him, and either controls a Krayt Dragon through the Force or creates the illusion of one, leading to the Tuskens being terrified of him and his Krayt Dragon scream in ANH? One can dream :p hands down my most anticipated Star Wars project in the works. Fingers crossed for 2022?

Rangers of the New Republic - another one set around the time of Mando, looks like we're finally going to get that era fleshed out much more (and thank goodness, there's some 30 years to fill between ROTJ and TFA!). There were rumours about a Cara Dune show previously, and while I don't want that (she's great as part of an ensemble in Mando, but don't think she has the acting chops to lead) the lack of a mention of Cara here seems to suggest she won't be in it? I really hope it's just the New Republic pilots from Mando in a space buddy cop show. 

The Bad Batch - looks absolutely stunning, getting that higher budget like The Clone Wars season 7 did, clearly! Really excited for this with so many key staff members from The Clone Wars returning, no doubt we saw this sizzle reel because it's not too far away (I'm guessing we'll get it in H1 2021? That's always been the vibe I got at least), going to be interesting to see the transition from the Republic to the Empire from the inside. Again, for me it's basically more Clone Wars, so...I can't wait! Oh, and, Kamino! Wonder if we'll see the unfinished Kashyyyk arc from TCW here too, and quite possibly the Boba arc, depending on when that was set? EDIT: upon rewatching, do I spy a Fennec Shand? And Bracca from the start of Fallen Order (is it maybe also in the concept art for Andor too with that scraped Venator)? Heck yeah! 

Visions - YES, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I MEANT YESTERDAY WHEN I MENTIONED TAKING RISKS BEFORE! I actually stopped myself from typing "maybe a Star Wars anime series? Would love to see ufotable's interpretation of a lightsaber duel", and while not ufotable, it's awesome to have some creatives from outside of Hollywood stepping in, cannot wait to hear what they've got cooking, and I'm super excited for the art style reveal!

Lando - my favourite part of Solo and Donald Glover is the best so heck yeah I'm in. 

The Acolyte - yes, finally some news on a High Republic series! Thought it was odd there was no video game/series announcement tied to it, well, I guess here it is. It could be about the Jedi, but given how the word Acolyte is used in Star Wars - Acolytes of the Beyond from the Aftermath novels, Dark Acolytes from canon and the EU - I wonder if maybe they're hinting at something a bit darker here? 

A Droid Story - another no brainer. Lucasfilm Animation + ILM?! Hell yeah. Really curious to see where in the timeline this could drop, because it's super vague. I'd love to see a kid Ben Solo going on adventures with 3PO and R2, though I doubt that's it :p 

Taika's project - I mean, it's an update, and that's more than we can say we've got for Rian's trilogy or the Feige-produced project (unless it's one of the above?). But really weird to be honest. Still hope it's different to what we've had in Star Wars before; still holding out for a comedy club in the seedy underbelly of Coruscant! 

Rogue Squadron - heck yeah, this is going to be Starfighter Battle: The Movie and I'm all about it. A Patty Jenkins-helmed Star Wars film sounds super interesting, and really excited to see the potential for tie-ins (this is surely going to have a tie-in game, right?). Sucks we're going to be waiting until 2023 - so another 3 years! - for the next Star Wars film, but with the strength of the lineup they're assembling with their Disney+ shows, I don't blame them. That's a great way to get fans back on board (a year out and I still feel jaded about how TROS turned out). 

Overall, awesome set of announcements. Was not expecting this much at all, even with the hype they were building up for the event. Now hopefully everything goes smoothly with production and we don't get more projects getting canned...

UPDATE: also, I missed it as it was announced at the start, but The Mandalorian season 3 is being billed for Christmas 2021. 

And some more details I missed/are mentioned in the press release:

- Ahsoka is being completely written by Dave Filoni, and executive produced by Filoni and Favreau. 

- the synopsis for The Acolyte seems to all but confirm we're seeing the other side of things at the end of the High Republic era! "...a mystery-thriller that will take the audience into a galaxy of shadowy secrets and emerging dark side powers in the final days of the High Republic era." The High Republic era ends around 100 BBY, around 70 years before The Phantom Menace...could we potentially be about to see the story of the rise of Darth Plagueis?! 

- Kathleen Kennedy also stated that Rangers of the New Republic and Ahsoka will crossover with future seasons of The Mandalorian, culminating in a "climactic story event". So, I'm reading that as either...


...the show ending with them locating Thrawn and/or Ezra (which then will be the likely jumping off point for the animated Rebels sequel), or the show ending with the defeat of the Imperial remnants in the known galaxy and the retaking of Mandalore. 

Or both? It could be both. Both would be pretty big...


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Blown away.

Way more news than I was expecting, stupid me for just thinking this might be a couple of title reveals ! Overwhelming is right, it caught me off guard how casually Kathleen Kennedy was dropping the announcements! Such a shame these couldn't have happened at Celebration.

Ahsoka - Suggestions that her appearance in Mando was a backdoor pilot were accurate I guess! Even though I'm not too familiar with the character (yet), excited for this. Her portrayal in Mando was fantastic.

Andor - Looks great. I really like the logo, it seems to suggest a grittier, less noble side to the Rebellion that was hinted at in Rogue One. I wasn't the biggest fan of Cassian in the film, so hopefully they can make the character a bit more likeable this time around. The man behind the Bourne films seems like a perfect fit for what they're going for though. Need to re-watch that sizzle reel, tons of stuff there to pour over!

Obi-Wan Kenobi - Probably the project I'm least interested in, but it sounds like I'm definitely in the minority. There seems to be tons of hype for this. @Julius I really love the introspective storytelling idea of yours, I just wonder if they'll resist the temptation to make it "epic" and galaxy-spanning. Wouldn't take them long to think of a reason for him to leave Tatooine.

Rangers of the New Republic - It's funny when the logo first popped up I read it as High Republic and I thought oh right, a show about Jedi from a while back, cool I guess? Then I read it properly and was HYPED TO FUCK. Love me some New Republic stories!!! Get Trapper Wolf in too! Bit of a clunky title though ha, but whatever. There better be lots and lots of starfighter stuff :D I'm trying to like Cara Dune but would be perfectly happy if she wasn't in this, at least not in a main character kind of way. So much potential in that 30 year period between ROTJ and TFA. That's what always got my mind buzzing as a kid after watching Jedi: "what happened next??". Also really exciting that Jon and Dave are helming this!

The Bad Batch - Visuals looked good! Clone Wars style but taken up a notch. Selfishly hoping it's more of a one or two season thing only, so they can get onto what I think most people are really wanting, the Rebels sequel.

Visions - Looked and sounded awesome. Very exciting!

Lando - Again, awesome. Is it confirmed Donald Glover is back though? Fingers crossed. Live action Calrissian Chronicles? I remember reading an idea that they could get Billy Dee Williams as a sort of narrator/story-teller whilst Glover provides the actual on screen performance. Maybe with interjections from other characters "No way that happened like that, tell the story properly!" :laughing:

The Acolyte - VERY surprised to hear a High Republic thing. Sounds interesting. I'd need to watch the tease again but I think you're right about the dark side aspect @Julius, I think they suggested as much. 

A Droid Story - Cool! 

Taika Waititi film - The logo looked awesome haha, not much else to go on. I did wonder if it would be a quirkier take on Star Wars and it looks like it is. Wonder what that weird diamond thing in space was all about.

Rogue Squadron - FUCK YES. A big budget starfighter film, sign me the fuck up. The logo is a T-70 X-wing so it must be New Republic era. My first thought was the story would be the lead up to the battle of Jakku, but I don't think they were using those fighters by that early point, so maybe not. Sorry, to get all geeky :geek: I liked her intro video but I don't know too much about Patty Jenkins? Much as I love the concept, a fighter pilot film sounds a bit more niche than Star Wars usually goes for, hopefully their expectations at the box office are in check. Oh and get Factor 5 on a tie-in game!

10 hours ago, Julius said:

UPDATE: also, I missed it as it was announced at the start, but The Mandalorian season 3 is being billed for Christmas 2021

Star Wars should always be a Christmas thing. I mean obviously it can't always be with this much content on the way, but the bigger deal stuff should be.

10 hours ago, Julius said:

Ahsoka is being completely written by Dave Filoni, and executive produced by Filoni and Favreau

Makes sense. I'm starting to think the Rebels sequel production has been halted for a while though :( seems like 3 live action shows + Bad Batch is already a lot for Dave to be working on. Although...

10 hours ago, Julius said:

Kathleen Kennedy also stated that Rangers of the New Republic and Ahsoka will crossover with future seasons of The Mandalorian, culminating in a "climactic story event". So, I'm reading that as either...

 I don't know what it means exactly but I'm 100% here for it. Isn't this 'planning things ahead' thing great!

Overall, massively hyped. "Phase 2" is going to be fun!

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For Mando/Rangers/Ahsoka, I wonder if they'll


Ahsoka is looking for Thrawn. 

The Rangers are presumably looking into imperial remnants.

Mando is currently looking for Moff Gideon, and will probably deduce that Grogu can't be passed on until the people hunting him are killed, perhaps season 3 looking for Gideon's boss.


I wonder if they'll all get leads to the same place at the end of Ahsoka S1, Rangers S1 and Mando S3 and in the last episode of whichever is streamed last:


SUMMER 2022:



Starring Lars Mikkelsen.


Production could easily be disguised as the other shows.


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Just finished Chapter 15, thought it was solid. Not the best, not the worst, just solid.

Got another awesome new rendition of the main theme near the start which I really liked. Not too much else I want to say other than...


Din taking off his helmet, and having Mayfeld go off against the Empire, were both great moments, but highlight of the episode for me?

The sweet sound of those seismic charges. Hell yeah. Hearing that always reminds me of just how awesome and talented Ben Burtt is. 

Roll on Chapter 16 I guess, I'm ready for this finale! 

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A big improvement over the mess of the previous episode.


Boba Fett took a back seat. Although I don't understand how his armour went from rusted metal to cheap looking plastic. Instead, the Slave 1 (which is far, far cool than Fett will ever be) had a bigger role. The seismic charges almost make the return of Fett worth it because they're so, so awesome. When they started to launch it I was like "HELL YES". Redeemed the use of the character slightly.


The reference to the empire possibly recognising his face (well, the genetic scanners) as a really nice nod to his far cooler brothers.


Mayfield being a pretty swell dude was also pretty cool.



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Anyone getting the impression there's a dislike of a certain bounty hunter in the air?

Great episode. Really enjoyed that.


Mayfeld made this one for me. When you have Fett, Cara Dune and Fennec Shand collectively displaying the personality of a wet sponge, it really, really helps when there's a character who talks like a real person. Why is Ming Na's character so STIFF all of a sudden???

Loved Din taking off his helmet, bit weird hearing him talk the same as with it on though lol. Mayfeld against the Empire was great, and unexpected. It gave me The Last Jedi vibes with the whole 'there are no good guys or bad guys' argument.

Slave I interior looked awesome, way roomier than I expected. You just knew the seismic charges would make an appearance.

Not too much to talk about with this one to be honest, solid set-up for next week. 


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Was thinking about Rogue Squadron some more (that's been a regular occurrence the last few days)... I really hope Patty Jenkins gets the action right...

Not doing it right:

JJ Abrams style shakey-cam, computer-gamey, forgettable pew pew (TFA/TROS)

Doing it right:

Gareth Edwards/Favreau/ANH/ROTJ style deliberate shots, tracking cameras and purposeful combat (Rogue One/Mando)

The latter is how a Star Wars dogfight should look, the former is not. imo. More World War 2 style dogfighting, less arcade machine.

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A...Star Wars Direct?!

High Republic livestream event coming at 17:00 GMT on 4th January 2021! From the official site



StarWars.com is thrilled to announce that a special Star Wars: The High Republic livestream will be held January 4, 2021, at 9 a.m. PT on StarWars.com and YouTube, just one day before the first tales of The High Republic arrive in stores. The event will feature all five authors behind the launch stories of The High Republic — Claudia Gray (Into the Dark), Justina Ireland (A Test of Courage), Daniel José Older (IDW Publishing’s The High Republic Adventures), Cavan Scott (Marvel’s The High Republic), and Charles Soule (Light of the Jedi) — as well as Lucasfilm Publishing’s Michael Siglain and StarWars.com’s Kristin Baver. Fans can look forward to fresh insights into the characters and events of The High Republic, along with new announcements and reveals of what’s to come. 

Exciting stuff! :D

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So, Chapter 16. That's a thing. That was a solid episode. Make sure you stick around for the credits music, we get a new orchestrated arrangement of the show's main theme and I think it's awesome...and also because, well, look at how many minutes are left when the credits start :p


Yeah, so it was obvious that as soon as the second punch hit that door from the Dark Troopers they were stretching it out for some dramatic effect so I was expecting someone to turn up, and I think it was very obviously going to be Luke, even before the X-Wing turned up.

Awesome moment, though I agree with @Happenstance, the CG looked pretty terrible (way worse I think than how he looked in the flashback in The Rise of Skywalker). If you're going to do something like that, you absolutely need to give ILM the time, and the show needs more (definitely more) money pumped into it for those shots, though I can't imagine it'll be long until we see some deepfake fan edits which do the scene a bit more justice. Guess Luke and Anakin both had a thing for hallways, huh? Was really fun to see "prime" Luke again, though I really, really think a bombastic reprisal of the Main/Title Theme or the Force theme would have been much more suited to the scene. We got a bit of the Force theme when he took the hood off and stood around, but it wasn't the same - probably the only musical misstep in the whole show for me so far? Also, was it me, or did the saber look a little too dark a green in some shots? I know in the earlier, unaltered versions of Return of the Jedi the lightsaber was a bit more vibrant in colour, but I doubt it's a reference to that; honestly looks just like they forgot to add more special effects to the shot (I'm assuming they're using one of the light-up ones like we saw in the sequel trilogy). Also, because Luke looked a little off...R2 totally stole his thunder for me :p 

Thought the episode was pretty weirdly paced, to be honest, though a lot more focused once we finally got onto Gideon's cruiser. I like how he just lost to Mando so easily once he gave him a second to think, and was clearly a pretender waving the darksaber around (reminded me of Rey's slashing in The Force Awakens at times). Thought it was a bit of a let down that he doesn't feel that imposing now, but it is what it is. Also rolled my eyes a little over Bo needing to fight Mando for the darksaber: I get it from a heritage perspective, but it feels so dated a thing to stick to when you see Mando taking his helmet off in front of everyone to show his face to Grogu. Having a female-centric action scene focused on Bo Katan, Fennec, Cara, and Koska where it didn't feel like people were patting themselves on the back for having a scene with strong females (more Infinity War than Endgame would be how I'd best describe it) was great, still love the look of Bo's armour, and yeah, really good stuff at times. Having a shot of Slave I chasing a Lambda-class shuttle, and that later shot  with them and the Kom'rk-class all parked together - hell yeah! Dark Troopers also looked super cool throughout. 

Also, Grogu will definitely be back, because though the thought in my head of him playing with a young Ben Solo is fun, I think there's no way he dies at the hands of Ben and the Knights of Ren. Plus, this show isn't as much of a commercial draw without him; I think he might get dropped back off once it becomes apparent to Luke that something's up with Ben and he needs to focus his time on training him, instead. 

Oh, and The Book of Boba Fett. That's a thing. I love the idea of Bib Fortuna (or should I say, Bib un-Fortuna? Eh? :p) ruling Jabba's Palace for a solid half a decade or so and then just getting annihilated. Such a smart decision for them to leave that until the end and out of the Investors Meeting last week. 

So yeah, season 2, that was a thing! Now we get hyped for season 3, because anyone who's watched any of the other Star Wars shows Filoni is part of knows that's where it really gets good! :laughing:

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Luke looked amazing. Especially for a TV show. They definitely have some talented CGI people working on the show. All the effects have been amazing this season. Seeing R2-D2 again was great, too. Nice for Luke to have a badass fight scene as well.

I wonder how long it will be for Grogu to return, I can't imagine the next season being entirely about reclaiming Mandalore (the main plot left over). Can't see them having a season without him.

Not so sure about the new show. Ming-Na Wen is a pretty big draw, and the criminal side of Star Wars can be pretty fun....perhaps if they can involve Hondo it will sweeten the deal.


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Second volume of the Season 2 OST, covering Chapters 13-16, is up:

In case you missed the first volume, which covered Chapters 9-12: 

I have my new set of headphones arriving soon, can't wait to test them out digging into this! :D

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Can we please ditch Fennec/Ming Na for real this time? Such a useless, stiff, personality-less character that adds absolutely nothing. This show is crying out for some personality. Stoic Fett, stoic Fennec, stoic Mando, stoic Bo-Katan, throw in Gina Carano's terrible acting (admittedly a bit better this episode) and, Din apart, you've got a recipe of why should I care about any of them. Watching these characters talk to each other is just painful and it seems to be getting worse.

Anyway, I didn't like this episode very much. Maybe rewatching it will help. Gideon started off well but in the end lost all intrigue and menace. Everything just felt really weirdly paced and the action wasn't up to much. 

It got meaningless when they slaughtered stormtrooper number 15 these pat few weeks, let alone number 100. It's just too over the top and loses all meaning. Same with Luke, it was cool seeing him mow down a few death troopers, 30 of them though? It just gets silly after a while.

Not a fan of Luke's inclusion, at all. It was done well enough I thought, but it feels way too early to be including him like that. I was hoping this show would stand on its own two feet, but it seems they feel they need constant crutches like Ahsoka, Fett and now Luke. I've been a huge fan of season 2 overall but I feel like they're really muddying the waters here. This show is about Din and Grogu, not Fett, not Bo-Katan, not Luke. 

Boba Fett's spin-off show, whatever. More senseless slaughtering. Let him and Fennec stay on that show and get some proper likeable characters in for season 3 of Mando please. 

Meh, need to re-watch it again. I did like Cara Dune struggling with her gun, some much needed levity and charm.


I seem to be in the minority because everyone online seems to be going crazy for the episode, which is great to see at least.

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