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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017)


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Haven't been on here in a while, thought I'd pop back in for a bit.

Started this game last month, but due to other games I only got round to continuing from Chapter 2 onwards in recent weeks. As of right now I have just reached Chapter 4.

Really enjoying it so far, Monolith appears to have gone back to what made the original Xenoblade such a great game with a likeable cast of characters (though it did take me a while to warm to them), text on screen that is actually readable and a glorious soundtrack. Getting the original composers back was such a good move and although some tracks sound really similar to ones in the original game, there are plenty of tunes to like here. I haven't really had any performance issues so far either.

I like some of the after battle quotes, especially from Poppi when she casually mentions to another character (I never hear what the question was) "Poppi would tell you, but then Poppi would have to kill you." Reminds me of an abridged version of a certain other Poppi...

I have a theory on who the final boss is but this is without seeing any spoilers or any proof, just thinking along the lines of this game's similarities to the original.


I think that either The Architect is the final boss or Jin fused with the architect is the final boss, since Jin at the end of Chapter 3 claims that he wants to destroy all of humanity (pretty generic but oh well)

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I lied before, I was actually in Chapter 3. Being in Chapter 2 must have flown right by my nose. Oh well. I just met with some weirdo character calling himself Bringer of Chaos in Chapter 3. Though I'm really enjoying the game, it goes so slow for me that I'm afraid I'll be playing this game for several weeks to come, building a huge backlog for me. I don't do more games at once in general, especially not with one which is as complex as this one. Just learned about chain attacks but I need more blades to make that more fun, I guess.

Edited by MindFreak
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Just started this yesterday after 100% DOOM. Played on TV at first, and it looks and runs great. Handheld next, and while not as great looking, it’s nothing as bad as expected. Mind you I just spent 2 hours running around the shopping area fulfilling random quests. Great stuff.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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1 minute ago, MindFreak said:

Oh no, the timer is wrong in the game! It went from 17-ish hours to 38-ish hours when saving last time for me. And I save more often than that. Sigh. Can't handle such things.

Might be all of those cutscenes towards the backend of Chapter 3, they do go on quite a bit.

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I'm going to be starting this soon but I'm a bit concerned and could do with some help before I start.

I'm not massively into JRPG's, but from my understanding, despite this being a very complex game, it is rewarding to those that take the time to understand it. My concern is that I won't get past the first few hours and therefore will end up dropping it, much like I dropped the 3DS version of the original.

Can someone please provide some tips to help get me through the first few chapters and stay motivated? I'm worried I'm not going to fully understand the combat system and will therefore end up getting frustrated/bored.

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1 hour ago, Goron_3 said:

I'm going to be starting this soon but I'm a bit concerned and could do with some help before I start.

I'm not massively into JRPG's, but from my understanding, despite this being a very complex game, it is rewarding to those that take the time to understand it. My concern is that I won't get past the first few hours and therefore will end up dropping it, much like I dropped the 3DS version of the original.

Can someone please provide some tips to help get me through the first few chapters and stay motivated? I'm worried I'm not going to fully understand the combat system and will therefore end up getting frustrated/bored.

The combat system is explained to you in managable chunks so no worries there, it happens as organically as possible so that you're learning but subconciously rather than it all feeling like a huge tutorial; everything just happens at the right moments and the game has a really good opening which will surely keep you invested, plus the supporting characters do an excellent job as well. :)

Once you get to the first "Open area" you'll know it when you see it, just grind and explore for a bit rather than worrying about where you've got to go, I've had the game since launch and I'm only ten hours or less in and I still haven't got past that first open area, you don't have to go far to find creatures higher level than you so don't worry about dying or anything, especially since there's no real penalty for it. :D

Now, I would have gotten further by now, it's not because I don't want to... because believe me I really do, I've just been really rubbish with games generally in the latter half of 2017 apart from finishing a few titles but I will endeavour to try and finish this game at least before the next big game comes out in a couple of weeks. :peace:

Keep us updated anyway and I'll try and do the same, because I'm only a few hours ahead, chances are we might even end up playing the game at a similar rate which could be interesting, if you have any questions then just give a shout and I'll help if I can but I reckon you'll be fine. :smile:

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5 hours ago, Goron_3 said:

I'm going to be starting this soon but I'm a bit concerned and could do with some help before I start.

I'm not massively into JRPG's, but from my understanding, despite this being a very complex game, it is rewarding to those that take the time to understand it. My concern is that I won't get past the first few hours and therefore will end up dropping it, much like I dropped the 3DS version of the original.

Can someone please provide some tips to help get me through the first few chapters and stay motivated? I'm worried I'm not going to fully understand the combat system and will therefore end up getting frustrated/bored.

I'm in a very similar situation to @S.C.G  Over 9 hours in and still wandering around the first big area, Level 13, nearly 14, just practicing the fighting mechanics, and searching for loot.  Just take your time, and get plenty of practice in when the game teaches you a new mechanic, so it becomes second nature.  And man, what a great opening.

Edited by londragon
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38 minutes ago, Emerald Emblem said:

Started the game up just, my first major complaint with the game is the auto battle bs, which is very reminiscent of my least favourite Final Fantasy game, that being XII. But I'm willing to play through all the tutorials and see if it warrants this design choice.


...it does. :p

Or at least I believe so, because of the type of game it is, this then allows you to think about other aspects of the battle more strategically such as your placement around the enemy.

For instance, certain attacks are more effective when executed from the side or from behind the enemy, granting you a larger amount of damage given the right circumstances. :D

The more you play, the more it makes sense... this was the same for the *first game as well and that odd experimental title which came out inbetween it but before this, the true sequel. ;)

*Disclaimer - based on my own gameplay time alone, I put at least fifty-plus hours into the original despite not properly finishing it, I still enjoyed it a lot, not much time was spent with the Wii U offering despite my appreciation of the battle system and now with this latest title it feels right.



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Auto-attack was frustrating at first but now I'm glad that I don't have to mash the button all the time. Sometimes I can actually take a sip of my coffee while battling. And you can cancel the auto-attacks a little later on and unleash more powerful attacks. So yes, it does make sense.

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1 hour ago, Emerald Emblem said:

I'm getting into the story now, though I still despise auto battle, especially in 1v1's because it devolves into just a war of attrition where you just wait for specials to charge up and hope they die before you do, not fun.

Do you know you can cancel the auto-attacks to speed up the charging of Arts?

As your auto-attack connects flick the left analogue ever so slightly to cancel the animation, you’ll then auto attack at a faster rate, charging the Arts quicker.

Once you get accustomed to it you’ll find you’re mostly using Arts and repositioning with much less time auto-attacking.

Having it as auto-attacking helps when strategising as to what Blade combos you want to build to add the element orbs you want for your Chain attacks, as well as nailing Driver combos to get better drops & max the damage you deal.

Edited by Kav
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48 minutes ago, Kav said:

Do you know you can cancel the auto-attacks to speed up the charging of Arts?

As your auto-attack connects flick the left analogue ever so slightly to cancel the animation, you’ll then auto attack at a faster rate, charging the Arts quicker.

Once you get accustomed to it you’ll find you’re mostly using Arts and repositioning with much less time auto-attacking.

Having it as auto-attacking helps when strategising as to what Blade combos you want to build to add the element orbs you want for your Chain attacks, as well as nailing Driver combos to get better drops & max the damage you deal.

Just got the bit where it explains cancelling auto attacks, and didn't quite get it.  Perfect timing Kav, will give this a go tomorrow.

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On the way to work this morning I equipped my level 68 character with +26 luck & a 30% luck increase and bonded with:

4 legendary, 21 rare and 76 common blade cores...

...after getting nothing but common blades throughout it was only on the final 2 common cores that I got a couple Rare Blades.

Neither were the class I was hoping for.


Edit: why is the size of the text in this post going mental?

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On 10/01/2018 at 1:00 PM, MindFreak said:

Oh, I thought cancelling auto-attack was using Specials right after the attack hits. Now you're saying there something more? So just a little flick with the control stick right after the attack connects? Gotta try that later on.

Yeah, whilst you’re building the Arts you can flick the stick to cut the animation & attack faster.

Still use the Arts to perform the cancels though, and cancel Arts with other Arts & Specials.


For an explanation of the Battle System, check this out, it puts it straightforwardly enough:


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7 hours ago, Kav said:

To fill out Roc’s affinity chart you need to do Merc Missions and fill the Merc Rank meter, then talk to the guys at Merc HQ in Garfont, Uraya, to level up your Merc Level.

I'm sorry Kav, you had to mention "Merc" 5 times to win tonight's star prize. But thanks for playing.

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3 hours ago, Glen-i said:

I'm sorry Kav, you had to mention "Merc" 5 times to win tonight's star prize. But thanks for playing.

It was late, I was tired! :heh:

On the way in to work I’ve reached the final battle. It gives you warning before starting that it’s the last one and asks if you wish to continue so I just saved it...

...now I’m unsure whether to do it, and finish other stuff post-game (MERC missions :p, side-quests, Blade affinity charts etc) or do that stuff first then come back and fight the battle.

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