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Spider-Man (PS4)


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My one bit of advice, if you're going to platinum it, thwart every crime you can when you see it, because for me I just had loads of those left to do at the end.
Well if I didn't, I wouldn't be a very good superhero would I?
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I actually had a moment where I saw a crime taking place, but I'd already completed that district, so I swung over it thinking "well I don't need to help here, there's nothing in it for me" and then I realised Uncle Ben was going to die again.

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Finished the main story last night.  What a game to be had, a great story and some interesting side missions.  Finished up with 95% completed, planning on taking a break to play something else before tackling the rest (maybe when the DLC hits i'll return).  The 3rd act did sort of take the flow away from the game a little, but none the less it was a good experience.

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Could someone tell me how far I am into the main storyline...
Spoiler Some mercenaries have just shown up and I was sneaking through Martin Li's office
Doesn't it tell you on the map page how far you are through the campaign?

It sounds about 40% to me.
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Picked this up yesterday; I’m probably six hours or so into it.

I’m loving it so far, and though the story has yet to really take off (completed about eight story missions), the traversal and events going on around Manhattan are more than enough to keep me busy. My style of play so far has just been to aim myself in the direction of the next story mission and then doing any tasks on my way, which has resulted in me getting 44 of the 55 backpacks. 

The combat feels great, too, very much like the Arkham series in this regard, though I’m still finding myself attempting to use Arkham’s grapple mechanic from time-to-time :p I haven’t actually invested in any upgrades or suits other than the ones required by the story, which is definitely keeping me on my heels for now.

I’m also really enjoying the music, especially the main theme and all of its renditions in the game.

I don’t go out of my way to Platinum games (I’ve only Platinum’d two non-Telltale games on my PS4), but I could certainly see myself cleaning up at the end of my time with this game, depending on how much I have left to do.

Now to get back to swingin’ around :p 

Edited by Julius Caesar
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The one thing I've found that annoys me so far, is the way that Spider-Man can sometimes get stuck under a small ledge. That, and how annoying it is to do fine tune movements (trying to get to a small specific area, while Spider-Man won't stop leaping about). These only seem to amplify when you're doing the Taskmaster missions!

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3 hours ago, bob said:

The one thing I've found that annoys me so far, is the way that Spider-Man can sometimes get stuck under a small ledge. That, and how annoying it is to do fine tune movements (trying to get to a small specific area, while Spider-Man won't stop leaping about). These only seem to amplify when you're doing the Taskmaster missions!

Yes, absolutely this.

Sweeping grand swings across Manhattan are beautiful to watch and control, but his movement in small settings - and, as you stated specifically, under small ledges - seems to be something of a complete oversight on Insomniac’s behalf.

With regards to the Taskmaster missions in particular, especially seeing as your score is practically determined solely by the time that you take to complete them, I’m surprised that the R1+L1 option to grab and throw the bombs with your webs doesn’t have a greater range (like it does in the overworld and battle scenarios) or that the R2+L2 “zip” isn’t centred on the bomb within a certain range; I keep finding myself zipping up to ledges, with the camera half-facing the wrong direction, and just wandering around rooftops holding R1+L1 in the hopes that the bomb is literally right next to me.

Those, along with some occasional camera control issues and seemingly random drops in frame rate, are the only real qualms I have with the game so far. I really don’t mind the repetitive nature of the side content/collectibles (yet), and I think I’ve just got to the point where the story starts to pick up. 

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Yes, absolutely this.
Sweeping grand swings across Manhattan are beautiful to watch and control, but his movement in small settings - and, as you stated specifically, under small ledges - seems to be something of a complete oversight on Insomniac’s behalf.
With regards to the Taskmaster missions in particular, especially seeing as your score is practically determined solely by the time that you take to complete them, I’m surprised that the R1+L1 option to grab and throw the bombs with your webs doesn’t have a greater range (like it does in the overworld and battle scenarios) or that the R2+L2 “zip” isn’t centred on the bomb within a certain range; I keep finding myself zipping up to ledges, with the camera half-facing the wrong direction, and just wandering around rooftops holding R1+L1 in the hopes that the bomb is literally right next to me.
Those, along with some occasional camera control issues and seemingly random drops in frame rate, are the only real qualms I have with the game so far. I really don’t mind the repetitive nature of the side content/collectibles (yet), and I think I’ve just got to the point where the story starts to pick up. 
How many times have you accidentally grabbed and thrown a bin rather than the bomb too?
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5 hours ago, bob said:
14 hours ago, Julius Caesar said:
Yes, absolutely this.
Sweeping grand swings across Manhattan are beautiful to watch and control, but his movement in small settings - and, as you stated specifically, under small ledges - seems to be something of a complete oversight on Insomniac’s behalf.
With regards to the Taskmaster missions in particular, especially seeing as your score is practically determined solely by the time that you take to complete them, I’m surprised that the R1+L1 option to grab and throw the bombs with your webs doesn’t have a greater range (like it does in the overworld and battle scenarios) or that the R2+L2 “zip” isn’t centred on the bomb within a certain range; I keep finding myself zipping up to ledges, with the camera half-facing the wrong direction, and just wandering around rooftops holding R1+L1 in the hopes that the bomb is literally right next to me.
Those, along with some occasional camera control issues and seemingly random drops in frame rate, are the only real qualms I have with the game so far. I really don’t mind the repetitive nature of the side content/collectibles (yet), and I think I’ve just got to the point where the story starts to pick up. 

How many times have you accidentally grabbed and thrown a bin rather than the bomb too?

Way too many times. 

It’s an actual problem. I think Spidey might hate bins more than he does the idea of a small portion of NY being levelled. 



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I completed the final story mission on Sunday. I really, really enjoyed the game’s story — it’s not anything revolutionary, by any means, but it’s just a fun and smartly assembled Spider-Man story. I can’t wait to see what they could with a sequel on more capable hardware, and it’s a great way to kickstart the Marvel Video Game Universe.

However, despite spending a lot of time on side content parallel to my enjoyment of the game’s story, I was still left with around fifty things to do after conpleting the final story mission on my map, many of which were the randomly occurring crimes. Whilst it offers me an excuse to pop in for an hour a day and just swing around completing crimes — which I’ll happily do, seeing as traversing Manhattan is so much fun — I do feel like the number of random crimes should either be much lower or instead be perpetually generated and only have five or so of each type required to 100%/Platinum the game.  So, add that to my very small list of “complaints”, if you could call them that, about the game. I’m currently sitting at 97% completion with around thirty more crimes to bring to an end.

Otherwise, I love it. I’ve got a few more games to catch up on from this year, but I’ll be surprised if this isn’t what I want to be GOTY at the TGAs.

Oh, and I feel the music isn’t being mentioned as much as it should be - shades of the Spider-Man jingle, Danny Elfman’s main theme for the Raimi films, and even hints of the Avengers theme being in the game’s main theme alone is extremely hard to pull off, and I think is an indication of the hard work put into the pieces - so kudos to John Paesano for assembling a wonderful score to accompany the game. 

Edited by Julius Caesar
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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally completed this over the weekend, and got the Platinum trophy for it yesterday. I absolutely loved it - definitely my favourite game of the past couple of years, and may even have moved into my top 10 of all time. 

Swinging around the city (which is astoundingly beautiful), is so much fun. I think the best proof of that is how little i used the fast travel. There was once that I got stuck in an awning, and the only way i could get out was to fast travel. Other than that, I would always prefer to swoop through the streets, performing tricks and slingshotting my way over the buildings. In fact, the final trophy that I needed to get for the Platinum was to ride the subway 4 more times. Unfortunately, this meant that my screenshot for the Platinum is possibly the least heroic one I could have got. 

I also really loved the combat system. This is something that has definitely improved over Spider-Man 2. The combat in that game was fun, and functional, but it was basically just a few button combinations and the ability to throw thugs around with your web. The combat in this game was much more varied, and they way it was set out allowed you to string together all sorts of interesting combos, which flowed pretty naturally from your fingertips by the end of the game. You found yourself thinking "Oh, i'll web that guy, then grab that guy's gun and then throw this guy at him - punch him into the air, before slamming back into the ground to knock over that other guy."

I actually didn't mind the forced stealth sections with MJ and Miles. I thought they were a nice change of pace actually that highlighted how OP and God-like you were as Spider-man. They also helped move the story along, and felt naturally part of the characters. 

I do have a couple of criticisms, namely that there could have been a bit more variety in the street crimes - just a couple of extra deviations from the standard beating up of goons would have made a difference. Where were all my balloon rescues?! The other criticism was that they could have spread the boss fights out more throughout the story. I loved being able to fight all of the Sinister Six, and the tag team format was really fun, but it felt like all of the boss battle happened right at the end, aside from Fisk. Oh, and criticism number 3? Where the fuck is my Raimi suit?! 

Anyway, 9/10, would buy again.

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Glad you enjoyed it. I'm finding it a real chore to get through, but I'm going to force myself to finish it before Friday.

I have a feeling that Red Dead is going to do this game no favours in hindsight though. It'll make Spidey's openworld structure look even more dated than it already feels. Having said that the gameplay itself is pretty fun, and I feel more compelled to finish every fetch quest than I have in most openworld games.

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Courtesy of Venturebeat:


Spider-Man is the obvious standout success from September. Despite launching exclusively for PlayStation 4, it outperformed every other new multiplatform release for the month. It has also a top-chartered from a historical perspective.

“Marvel’s Spider-Man, the best-selling game of September, achieved the highest launch month dollar sales for any PlayStation exclusive in history, and is the seventh largest launch ever achieved by any game on any PlayStation platform,” said Piscatella. “Marvel’s Spider-Man generated higher dollars sales in its launch than any other game this year and currently ranks as the third best-selling game of 2018, and the No. 8 best-selling game over the last 12 months.” 

“Marvel’s Spider-Man achieved launch month sales 37 percent higher than the combined launch month sales of all other Spider-Man games released since The NPD Group began tracking in 1995,” said Piscatella.


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Bought the Season Pass today, and would start the first bit of DLC after work, but I find myself doing something I thought I'd never do.... completing the game again straight afterwards. It annoyed me that they added two more trophies so now my game completion percentage isn't at 100%. So I started a NG+ on Ultimate difficulty to try and get them both at once. It's surprisingly quick to beat the game when you only do the story missions. All the side quests and collectables add so much time on that you don't realise how quickly you can progress through the story. It's also stupidly easy, even on the hardest difficulty, when you have all the gadgets and suit powers unlocked already. Hopefully I can power through fairly quickly and get started on The Heist.

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6 minutes ago, Choze said:

Thats insane. It somehow beat out Assassin's Creed in the US. I would not have ever imagined that.

I am not even half way thorugh the game. Definately Insomniac's moment.

Certainly helps that Marvel/superheroes in general have never been more “in” at the moment. 

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Anywho, beat the game again on Ultimate. It was surprisingly quick to get through. Pretty much the only hard bit was the last boss, mainly because it stops you spamming the focus boost suit power, and starts you back at the beginning of the fight each time you die rather than saving phases.

Can't be arsed to start the DLC, might have a go next week sometime.

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Disappointed by the DLC. Finished it earlier this week and it was pretty short. A bit too short. 

Also experienced a bug where I was web swinging and ended up going through a building and being trapped in said building. Literally couldn't get out. Had to restart checkpoint. Not great. 

I'd hold off from this if you're on the fence about picking it up. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone play the 2nd DLC?


It's more of the same, although the difficulty ramps up a bit - the final boss is far harder than any of the main game bosses. I ended up having to cheese it by swinging in, punching him a few times, then running off and hiding while my health regenerated. Felt really heroic.


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