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Battlefield 1


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More than slightly gross.


Anyway as for the game itself, I'm not a first person shooter guy but even I'm tempted by this. It looks absolutely gorgeous. I do wonder if that was PS4K footage we were watching though.


I think it was PC... all the gameplay demos were on PC from what I hear.

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Easy way to deal with them.


Ignore. ::shrug:


You're absolutely right, exactly the same as the miniscule content locked to amiibo in various games, just ignore them.


I think it was PC... all the gameplay demos were on PC from what I hear.


I guess the PS4 version won't look as good as that then

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...I guess the PS4 version won't look as good as that then


It probably won't but it won't look much worse. BF4 on the PS4 looks immense as it is. When all hell is breaking loose around you, it's an amazing feeling!

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Complaining about content locked amiibo is fine but complaining about microtransactions isn't ?


I never said that you complaining about microtransaction is wrong. ::shrug:


You just turned it into a conspiracy again while twisting my words into something they weren't intended to convey, hence my reaction.

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Sorry, what exactly is your point? Complaining about content locked amiibo is fine but complaining about microtransactions isn't ? There's another example for you @Ashley


I get what you're saying and I take it on board, I do.


But be aware your post can be interpreted as petty point scoring. Nobody was saying anything about amiibo and the comparison thus was out of nowhere and just seems like an attempt to try and 'rebalance' this so-called anti-Nintendo bias you claim.


Just read through your posts before you post them and think about how they can be interpreted by others. We're never able to predict every possible interpretation obviously, but try and get in a different mindset from time to time.

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I get what you're saying and I take it on board, I do.


But be aware your post can be interpreted as petty point scoring. Nobody was saying anything about amiibo and the comparison thus was out of nowhere and just seems like an attempt to try and 'rebalance' this so-called anti-Nintendo bias you claim.


Just read through your posts before you post them and think about how they can be interpreted by others. We're never able to predict every possible interpretation obviously, but try and get in a different mindset from time to time.


Thanks I will do but I'm racking my brain trying to think of an appropriate time to bring this up. If I'd mentioned it when someone was complaining about amiibo people would say "Why bring Battlefield up". Anyway, moving on.... the game looks great, lovely visuals and looks loads of fun

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Thanks I will do but I'm racking my brain trying to think of an appropriate time to bring this up. If I'd mentioned it when someone was complaining about amiibo people would say "Why bring Battlefield up".


I think you've answered your own quandary there. The two are at best only tenuously linked and as such there is no time when they should be brought up. Some people love amiibos, some people don't. Some people love microtransactions (or at least are happy to pay for them), some people don't. You're welcome to put forward an argument about the issue at hand but you don't need to drag in something unrelated as it just weakens whatever point you were trying to make.

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  • 2 months later...
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After a couple of matches I've realized again that Battlefield is not a shooter for me ::shrug:



Haha! Same for me.


I played one game and seen that the gameplay style hadn't changed from previous games. I spent ages walking around a stupidly big map ( had a fair bit of pop-in going on, as well ) and it took me ages to find anyone to shoot. I then jumped in a tank and was pretty bored just sitting in that, as well. I finished the match and then deleted the demo. :D


The series is far too slow paced and the maps are far too big. I much prefer the more close combat, run and run style that CoD or Titanfall offers. These games offer a much better pick up and play feeling, IMO.

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Haha! Same for me.


I played one game and seen that the gameplay style hadn't changed from previous games. I spent ages walking around a stupidly big map ( had a fair bit of pop-in going on, as well ) and it took me ages to find anyone to shoot. I then jumped in a tank and was pretty bored just sitting in that, as well. I finished the match and then deleted the demo. :D


The series is far too slow paced and the maps are far too big. I much prefer the more close combat, run and run style that CoD or Titanfall offers. These games offer a much better pick up and play feeling, IMO.


Are you spawning where the action is :p


I had a few games this morning and loved it. But then I do think Battlefield 4 is one of the best shooters ever...

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The series is far too slow paced and the maps are far too big. I much prefer the more close combat, run and run style that CoD or Titanfall offers. These games offer a much better pick up and play feeling, IMO.


I feel the same. I need quick and constant action :D Battlefield doesn't offer a different experience which, objectively, is spectacular and good but not for me.

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