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Nintendo NX & Third Parties


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After WiiU, I'm not sure I'll be buying day one consoles from Nintendo soon. Best to wait to see if their promises (same every gen), of learning their lessons come off.

Here are a few things that they have to do for me and to entice third parties/consumers back...


Most importantly: Image. Design it to look sleek and modern and give it a good name. WiiU was abysmal.

Controller parity with other systems to ensure all third party games just work.

Virtual Console cross-buy with next handheld system. Have a dedicated team that support third parties in getting their old games on their console. Games Nintendo players may have missed from this/last gen.

Cross-platform online gaming available day one for third parties.

Allow EA to put their EA Access offer in their store.

Improved, faster GUI that replicates mobile.

Parity with current gen (at least).

Improved toolset for Devs.

More sports/racers that appeal to western audiences.

...IE bring back WaveRace, ExciteBike/Truck/1080 and more Ubi/EA bundles.

More Nindie promo/bundles on their store. Begin building new relationships as the next 'minecraft' could emerge from it.

Do crossovers again like NBA Street V3. Disney Infinity / more Skylanders Amiibo deals?

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Sony will no longer create handhelds?! (is this old news?)

Yeah, Sony said it in September




He doesn't outright say it, but it's obvious that's what he means.


Sony are out of the portable gaming device business, at least for the foreseeable future.

Edited by Serebii
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Doesn't say they're out of the handheld business, just not actively pursuing new consoles at the moment.


The Vita could still keep ticking along for years anyway. It's become a great place for indie and experimental titles and you don't really need a better processor and what not for now.


Anyway, NX...

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Personally, all I feel I really need from a third party on NX is a great football game.. even if it is just FIFA :heh:


The only option on Wii U is a pathetic version of FIFA 13, which I refuse to own, but Nintendo consoles usually seem to suffer in this area. While the N64 had the excellent ISS 64, ISS 98 and ISS 2000, and the Wii received a breath of fresh air with the 'playmaker' controls of Pro Evolution Soccer, I need a quality modern football fix to play online on my Nintendo system without it being gimped in some way!


Also, while I love the Wii Remote & Nunchuk, the NX controller needs to be able to accomodate all genres sufficiently without limiting the amount of buttons available or having confusion amongst the compatibility of numerous different controllers. I played Baseball in Wii Sports Club very briefly with my brother on Friday evening, a game where the controls were pretty perfect in the original Wii title, and found it to be so irritating to keep having to change between the Wii Remote and Wii U Gamepad for the updated control scheme, constantly removing wrist straps and being very careful not to drop the Gamepad during the changeover process as dear knows how that would be replaced or, indeed, how much it would cost!

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Does anyone know why instead of Final Fantasy X, we got Crystal Chronicles back on the GC? Or why we never got MGS2 but received Twin Snakes? Was it because Sony chipped in with production costs or was it solely the developers choice? [EDIT] Or was it the whole mini disc space thing?


Personally, all I feel I really need from a third party on NX is a great football game.. even if it is just FIFA :heh:


The only option on Wii U is a pathetic version of FIFA 13, which I refuse to own, but Nintendo consoles usually seem to suffer in this area. While the N64 had the excellent ISS 64, ISS 98 and ISS 2000, and the Wii received a breath of fresh air with the 'playmaker' controls of Pro Evolution Soccer, I need a quality modern football fix to play online on my Nintendo system without it being gimped in some way!


Also, while I love the Wii Remote & Nunchuk, the NX controller needs to be able to accomodate all genres sufficiently without limiting the amount of buttons available or having confusion amongst the compatibility of numerous different controllers. I played Baseball in Wii Sports Club very briefly with my brother on Friday evening, a game where the controls were pretty perfect in the original Wii title, and found it to be so irritating to keep having to take change between the Wii Remote and Wii U Gamepad for the updated control scheme, constantly removing wrist straps and beign very careful not to drop the Gamepad during the changeover process as dear knows how that would be replaced or, indeed, how much it would cost!


Was just about to mention Pro Evo!!! I think I was one of the few here who imported the jap version of Pro Evo for GC on my Panasonic Q - needless to say, even with the language barrier I went to the trouble of editing everything to fit the current season... I was that desperate for quality football on a Nintendo console, especially after the IMO Pro Evo golden years on the PS2.


For me, I would say even just 10 mainstream and quality third party games/franchises could be enough:


Metal Gear Solid

Final Fantasy,




A realistic driving/racing simulator


Is enough for me.

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It does seem weird that Square would spend the time to develop a Gamecube exclusive instead of producing a port of Final Fantasy X. I guess Sony must have had some sort of exclusivity deal for mainline FF games.


What are the differences between Twin Snakes and MGS2? I know that Konami didn't develop it, Silicon Knights handled the development, but I was under the impression it's an entirely different game but I've never played it and i'm not a fan of the series, so I don't know if that's the case.


There were some really strange deals going on in the Gamecube days, like Capcom making Resident Evil 4 a Gamecube exclusive (albeit only for a couple of years) when the Gamecube was so far behind the PS2 in terms of market share. Imagine the uproar if that happened nowadays.

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What are the differences between Twin Snakes and MGS2? I know that Konami didn't develop it, Silicon Knights handled the development, but I was under the impression it's an entirely different game but I've never played it and i'm not a fan of the series, so I don't know if that's the case.


Twin Snakes is a remake of MGS1 not 2. It did use the combat system from 2 though.

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What are the differences between Twin Snakes and MGS2? I know that Konami didn't develop it, Silicon Knights handled the development, but I was under the impression it's an entirely different game but I've never played it and i'm not a fan of the series, so I don't know if that's the case.


There were some really strange deals going on in the Gamecube days, like Capcom making Resident Evil 4 a Gamecube exclusive (albeit only for a couple of years) when the Gamecube was so far behind the PS2 in terms of market share. Imagine the uproar if that happened nowadays.


The GC was so interesting in terms of third party contribution, I wonder what Nintendo were doing to attract it because the GC was getting very unique stuff. I mean the N64 didn't get RE1 but yet the GC got the REmake exclusively for that generation... Its almost mind-blowing in this day and age. Not forgetting the Capcom 5 - I don't care what anyone says I love PN03 with a passion and Viewtiful Joe was a successful new IP.


Twin Snakes was a remake of MGS1 in the then current gen visuals and wasn't and hasn't been released on any other platform.

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Does anyone know why instead of Final Fantasy X, we got Crystal Chronicles back on the GC? Or why we never got MGS2 but received Twin Snakes? Was it because Sony chipped in with production costs or was it solely the developers choice?


At the time, S-E and Nintendo had some bad blood between them. Bridges had to be fixed and the only way FF was to appear on a Nintendo home console was by using the Q-Fund.


S-E had found its audience on PlayStation and it pretty much remains the same to this day. Yeah, the mainline games do appear on the Xbox as well but it's still seen as a PS brand.


Kojima has always worked very closely with Sony, ever since the success of MGS on the original PlayStation. In an interview a while back he stated how Sonys platform have the right audience for his cinematic style of game, which is why he has always worked with them. He had very little to do with Twin Snakes and wasn't really that keen on the idea.


It does seem weird that Square would spend the time to develop a Gamecube exclusive instead of producing a port of Final Fantasy X. I guess Sony must have had some sort of exclusivity deal for mainline FF games.


What are the differences between Twin Snakes and MGS2? I know that Konami didn't develop it, Silicon Knights handled the development, but I was under the impression it's an entirely different game but I've never played it and i'm not a fan of the series, so I don't know if that's the case.


There were some really strange deals going on in the Gamecube days, like Capcom making Resident Evil 4 a Gamecube exclusive (albeit only for a couple of years) when the Gamecube was so far behind the PS2 in terms of market share. Imagine the uproar if that happened nowadays.


Resident Evil 4 was actually pitched to Microsoft as a Xbox exclusive. However, the people representing MS at the time didnt really sell Capcom on the platform so it went to Nintendo instead. Crazy to think it could have hit the Xbox first!

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Despite it's commercial failure, the Gamecube really did have a fantastic catalogue and all signs pointed to improved relations with third parties on future platforms, especially when you consider the collaborations between Nintendo, Sega and Namco, if Nintendo had continued down that route and nurtured those relationships on the Wii then we might be in a completely different scenario with the Wii U, even if it had still failed commercially the strong relationships may have resulted in quality titles early in the consoles life. For example, Ubisoft seemed really keen to support the Wii U in the beginning and i'm sure if the Wii U had shown more encouraging signs commercially they would have continued to support it strongly.

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He had very little to do with Twin Snakes and wasn't really that keen on the idea.


Wow... Did he state why?


Despite it's commercial failure, the Gamecube really did have a fantastic catalogue and all signs pointed to improved relations with third parties on future platforms, especially when you consider the collaborations between Nintendo, Sega and Namco, if Nintendo had continued down that route and nurtured those relationships on the Wii then we might be in a completely different scenario with the Wii U, even if it had still failed commercially the strong relationships may have resulted in quality titles early in the consoles life. For example, Ubisoft seemed really keen to support the Wii U in the beginning and i'm sure if the Wii U had shown more encouraging signs commercially they would have continued to support it strongly.


Wholeheartedly agree. With the commercial success of the Wii its as if Nintendo sold-out on these relationships for the mighty dollar.


And Namco... Ahhh, games like Soul Calibur 2 with Link and his whole sword range...:heart:

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Wow... Did he state why?


I don't recall the details. Probably because the original was hailed as perfect, and seeing as he wasn't going to be really working on it, he may have been a bit dubious about how it would turn out. Given that a lot of the hardcore fans hate the remake, his hesitation towards the project was probably justified.

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I don't recall the details. Probably because the original was hailed as perfect, and seeing as he wasn't going to be really working on it, he may have been a bit dubious about how it would turn out. Given that a lot of the hardcore fans hate the remake, his hesitation towards the project was probably justified.


Oh yes, I remember hardcore fans generally didn't like the matrix-like cinematics which took away from the gritty realism of the original. I was quiet content with the game.

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Oh yes, I remember hardcore fans generally didn't like the matrix-like cinematics which took away from the gritty realism of the original. I was quiet content with the game.


I still prefer the original but I have no real issues with the remake. I think Silicon Knights done a great job, even if the Matrix scenes were a little overboard.

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Was just about to mention Pro Evo!!! I think I was one of the few here who imported the jap version of Pro Evo for GC on my Panasonic Q - needless to say, even with the language barrier I went to the trouble of editing everything to fit the current season... I was that desperate for quality football on a Nintendo console, especially after the IMO Pro Evo golden years on the PS2.


Pro Evolution Soccer on the PS2, at least up until PES 6, was the game that everyone at school seemed to play and that meant some epic multiplayer tournaments throughout my teens. It was a special time :love:


I always felt a little handicapped by not owning a PS2 and any of those games but I was still able to compete given just how often we all played together : peace:


I did, however, buy Winning Eleven 6: Final Evolution on Gamecube, like yourself :grin: Strangely, it came only a couple of weeks after teaming up with my brother to purchase the UEFA Champions League 2004/2005 game as even something like that seemed so unlikely on a Nintendo platform at the time :heh:Winning Eleven was easily the best football game on the Gamecube and is actually still really fun to play now. I used to have a guide printed off to get me thrrough the menus but I'm not sure where it is now :red:


Good times :bouncy:


And Namco... Ahhh, games like Soul Calibur 2 with Link and his whole sword range...:heart:


I wish Nintendo would do more of this sort of thing. If EA bring FIFA to NX, for example, having an exclusive mode to train up your Mii or something would help differentiate it from the other systems but I wouldn;t want it at the expense of other modes!

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Same nando, I still have the printed translation. I also translated eery single team and player int eh game.... I actually think it's one of the greatest football games I've ever played - and phrases like "Long ball-o" and "nice idea" (and other of the random english phrases the commentator used to whack out!) still come out with my mates.


As for Mii's in a fifa, I suggested stuff like that a few weeks ago and got shot down by people on here :)


With the pS4 and especially the vita being most disappointing consoles; I'd be delighted if NX got Fifa (and most 3rd parties) so I can bin it off (Unless ps4 becomes my VR machine); I'mn mega confident on that though.

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The third-party publishers will return with their big name franchises when Nintendo cultivate an appropriate audience for them. That means Nintendo need to up their game and create exclusive reasons for the wider gaming market to buy their consoles (this isn't Mario or a cel-shaded Zelda) - because no matter what else Nintendo do they'll not give the wider gaming market enough reason to even consider a shift to Nintendo from competing platforms.


They'll either need to shore up a bunch of games with exclusive third party deals or hit the ground running with self-developed (or second party) titles.

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To be fair, the Miis in FIFA has happened before..



Miis may have appeared, as indeed they did in Pro Evolution Soccer, but the fact is that FIFA on Wii wasn't anywhere near the standard of FIFA on other platforms. I know I have plenty of complaints about the series but what I played of it on PS3 was significantly better than any of the Wii versions.


It would be nice to have games at least as good as what's available elsewhere whilst having a nice little Nintendo extra, be it Mii support or allowing players to interact with amiibo in some way :smile:


As for Mii's in a fifa, I suggested stuff like that a few weeks ago and got shot down by people on here :)


I don't see the harm in it. I love Miis :love:

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