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Nikkei: Nintendo to stop producing Wii U consoles this year


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Well this is what happens when you announce your next console early. The media become primarily interested in the unannounced hardware and rumours/speculation steal all the attention.


You reap what you sow :p

If they hadn't, then the media would have gone on the "Nintendo dropping hardware to develop mobile games" angle. We all know it. That's exactly why Iwata revealed NX was in the works. I believe he even said so.


They were fucked either way :p

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I'd say its true and Nitnendo are also telling the truth - Q4 this year production will cease by which point they will either have launched the NX or have enough stock to survive until well after the Nx launch


Its a little bit of a non story, but hyped up on semantics 'this year' is a broad time definition in the business world, especially when Nintendo choose if this year refers to the Gregorian calendar year or the financial year to suit them i.e they could say they aren't ending this year meaning before December, playing on semantics as in Jan 2017 they stop production, which would technically be this financial year

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This is definitely a case of being caught between a rock and a hard place. I'm sure it's true but does it really matter? The Wii U has run its course and while it didn't succeed in any conventional manner, it carved out its own little eco-system and audience. I think it's better for everyone that Nintendo make a swift as possible a switch to the NX, there's no point in throwing more good money after bad if they don't need to.

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So they're not going to be stopping production within the next 2-3 quarters; that much we know now.


Either way, I can't see them stopping before the NX Console actually releases, for reasons I've already mentioned. They'll probably stop a few months after the NX console launches, like they did with the Gamecube.


so if GC production ended 1 quarter after the Wii released... NX should release in 1-2 quarters :P


April - June is the next quarter... Jul-September the following one... So June release for the NX...


I don't see the NX releasing that early, but then who knows? (ok probably a fair few people but I imagine no one on this forum)

Edited by Pestneb
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