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Nintendo forcing developers to use new controlling scheme?


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I just read the news about Resident Evil 5 not being released for the revolution and although I am not really surprised this is still sad news. Again the developers mentioned that the new controlling scheme may not fit the game.


Well, maybe I missed something, but wasn't there supposed to be a special shell to play games in a more classic way? I know that you cannot tell the people to use the gamecube controller as there will be some who do not even own a gamecube.


So why do developers just do not program their games with the shell controller in mind? Could it be that Nintendo simply wants as many games as possible to use the new technique (which I guess does make some sense) or is the shell thing something that will be released a while after the launch?

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It's probably because they haven't shown the shell yet, so devs won't know if it will work well with the game. There is another theory that suggests that Capcom are developing another RE game for the rev and would not want to release RE5 as well as they would not want to be competing with themselves.

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people still have hang ups over ports for the rec. I dunno how many times I'm going to have to say this but let me point out a few things:


1. for all intents and purposes, we can effectivly consider the 360 and the ps3 to be the same kind of machine, capable of the same technological level in games.


2. the revolution, aside from the fact that it has an entirely different style of control and interaction, is effectivly a vastly inferior console in terms of raw horsepower.


it just amazes me when people act the slightest bit surprised that a company dosent say they will release a game designed for super powered hd consoles on the rev.

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The most likely reason RE5 is not coming to the Rev is because it doesn't have the power


- When has capcom said that its NOT coming to Revo...they just haven't said it is.


- It should have the power to run it - the extra power the 360/PS3 have is for HD


- There is a shell controller, and im pretty sure the developers have them/early versions of them.

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- When has capcom said that its NOT coming to Revo...they just haven't said it is.


- It should have the power to run it - the extra power the 360/PS3 have is for HD


- There is a shell controller, and im pretty sure the developers have them/early versions of them.



About HD: even without HD, the Rev will be far inferior to the 360 and PS3. HD doesn't need that much more power, and the 360 and PS3 will be able to push better graphics with HD - possibly so much better that games can't be ported to it.

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Bla bla bla can you tell me whenever such power will be used ?

What i have seen until now is nothing that a single core can´t do. By the way. It´s nearly impossible to utilize all the power that this xenon and cell are rumored to deliver.

That are only Benchmarks with so low quality code executed. Thinking before writing is a good way to not loose integrity, understand?????

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Actually, Iwata has said the graphical quality with be indifferent from a 360 on a non HD TV.

Since they also say that on paper, it looks as though it will have a lot worse graphics than the others, the only thing that could be up is that they are using new graphical technology which uses less power.


And yes, I can tell you that the PS3 uses more power for polygons (duh) and Reggie has stated that the PS3 has a frame rate about 3X more than is needed.

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It's not that Nintendo are forcing developers to use the freehand controller but that lots of developers want to use it but getting it to fit perfectly is the challenge with some games. Power is not the major issue with multi-platform games. I mean look at the DS, it has gotten lots of multiplatform games even though the system is weak. The DS being weaker hasn't stopped developers from making games on it compared to PSP.

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It's not that Nintendo are forcing developers to use the freehand controller but that lots of developers want to use it but getting it to fit perfectly is the challenge with some games. Power is not the major issue with multi-platform games. I mean look at the DS, it has gotten lots of multiplatform games even though the system is weak. The DS being weaker hasn't stopped developers from making games on it compared to PSP.


I agree. I do think developers are looking at the new controller a bit too much sometimes. Though since there are pleanty on big developers deciding to go for the new control system it shouldn't be too much of a worry. Even EA are taking up a challenge for once. :P

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On another note there will be games that use the shell, don't forget that. Nintendo will even have some that use the shell. Also something that I have to say again because some people forget that with the shell and freehand controllers sensors could still be used.

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In another post somewhere on this forum (not gonna go digging, maybe later) there's an interview with someone who worked on RE or something, and he basically said that he doesn't want to attack the RE series. He wants to try out the new control scheme to see how it copes or whatever and then he can incorporate that with an RE game.


[edit] http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3811

there's the post. read.

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People are failing to realise something. There's absolutely no reason for third party developers to make Revolution exclusives that DON'T use the controller. The controller is essentially the only draw for developers to work on the system. In other words, third party support isn't being forced to use the controller, they're using it because it's the whole point of developing for Revolution. I actually doubt there'll be any Revolution EXCLUSIVE games that don't make use of the controller. This includes SSBM, Mario Revolution and others. Remember, the shell likely isn't going to ship with the system.


Anyway about RE5...I don't think Rev has the power for it, plain and simple. Anyone who's seen the video and read the comments can tell there is a SHITLOAD of polygons being rendered there, way more than a console slightly more powerful than the Xbox can handle, regardless of definition. Or, more accurately, with a ton of enemies at that (assuming it's him) Chris model detail level on screen, which there'll likely be, it'd be impossible. It'd only be possible with significant downgrades.

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People are failing to realise something. There's absolutely no reason for third party developers to make Revolution exclusives that DON'T use the controller. The controller is essentially the only draw for developers to work on the system. In other words, third party support isn't being forced to use the controller, they're using it because it's the whole point of developing for Revolution. I actually doubt there'll be any Revolution EXCLUSIVE games that don't make use of the controller. This includes SSBM, Mario Revolution and others. Remember, the shell likely isn't going to ship with the system.


Anyway about RE5...I don't think Rev has the power for it, plain and simple. Anyone who's seen the video and read the comments can tell there is a SHITLOAD of polygons being rendered there, way more than a console slightly more powerful than the Xbox can handle, regardless of definition. Or, more accurately, with a ton of enemies at that (assuming it's him) Chris model detail level on screen, which there'll likely be, it'd be impossible. It'd only be possible with significant downgrades.

you never saw what revolution is capable of did ya? you need for times the power just to do the same graphics you see in gamecube in HD, so revolution might be even more powerful than a Xbox 360 if it's using standard definition were X360 is using 720p or better...


Also... Shitload of polygons? most next gen games rely on heavy bump mapping, even that MGS4 video... otacon's beard for example is that's those "massive" polygons you're refering to in chris face? that's bump mapping... from what I saw in the video... that could easily run on a gamecube with a tweaked RE4 engine, see... OoT had great graphics and was the first to use that same engine, now compare it to Majora Mask... a new RE in GC could have the same diference, and what RE5 displayed was very crisp colors (and textures) aswell as bump-mapping, cube could probably recreate every single polygon and even the colors... but not that amount of bump mapping and texture quality, still it wouldn't equal to the RE4 PS2 versus RE4 GCN...


Also... I can assure you that when they shown that video it was computer generated, they weren't running it on Xbox 360 nor PS3, they even said they could have to cut down the engine for it to run, and that was in the CPU department... not GPU...


You guys seem to think these new consoles are going to beat the hell out of a "3D workstation" those who did Shrek and Ice age.


N64 also equaled to a entry 3D workstation from Silicon Graphics back then... but... graphics that came out of a SG were pre-rendered, with lots of RAM... And we know well what N64 could do in real time... pretty far from the pre-renders from "Donkey Kong Country" in 1994... also made in those same "3D workstations"

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I don't remember Resi 5 being confirmed as not turning up on the Revolution, i thought capcom have just not said anything regarding it yet... (which i presumed was because the revolution has not been fully unveiled yet). I'm also amazed that so many people seem convinced that the Revolution will be vastly inferior in power compared to the competition despite the fact that all information regarding the Rev's specs are pure speculation at this point.

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Also... I can assure you that when they shown that video it was computer generated, they weren't running it on Xbox 360 nor PS3, they even said they could have to cut down the engine for it to run, and that was in the CPU department... not GPU...


Thank you pedrocasilva. I dont know much about technology but it still pisses me off when people look at these and think its in game graphics.

Also remember that 360 and PS3 have to run all that crap in the backround that isnt needed in a games console. That will surely be a drain on power.

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its deja vu all over again from 5 years ago. Remember how the PS2 was supposed to be 'vastly' superior to the Dreamcast? or how the Gamecube's lowly specs would equal ugly, inferior games? or how the Xbox was twice as big so it must be twice as good?


you would think people wouldnt fall for these absurd spec sheets and graphical predictions this time around, yet here it is once again, unfounded claims supported by the press that the the next Playstation is 32 times prettier than the PS2, that Nintendo is suddenly going to start producing ugly games, etc....


All of these systems are going to have a mix of AAA and shit titles, just like every generation before it. If you get a disappointing game, dont hate the hardware, hate the developer.

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People say the most illogical things sometimes. The power of the machine is NOT going to hurt it. It just means developers will have to spend some time downgrading AND polishing it for rev. It does not mean that because a game was designed for the graphical power and resolution of PS3 it would be impossible to put it on Rev.


Have people learned nothing from RE4

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People say the most illogical things sometimes. The power of the machine is NOT going to hurt it. It just means developers will have to spend some time downgrading AND polishing it for rev. It does not mean that because a game was designed for the graphical power and resolution of PS3 it would be impossible to put it on Rev.


Have people learned nothing from RE4

we don't even know is that is the case at all... nintendo was never lazy with the development tools in GC they wont be in this generation either, ok... less RAM (according to the rummors) i'd say just like GC had conversion to S3TC on the dev pack they'll include a downgrader in resolution, bare in mind that it won't look worse because it's 640x480 versus 1280x720/1920x1080... then on the other points... if you put a 9600pro doing 640x480 and a 9800pro doing 1280x1024 or above in a computer... I bet 9600pro will equal it in framerate and detail, bare in mind that this is not even the case, but a GPU made from ground for it, I wouldn't be surprised if it could rival with Xbox 360, when X360 is using 720p and revo 480p... That's their goal as far as I saw... RE5 won't have any problem running.
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I´ve read a patent of Nintendo that describes how in normal 3D-Image-generation tetxures have to be stored multiple times in the ram. This would fit because otherwise you could load a hole game´s textures in a geforce 512MB! The Patent also describes a way around it and it seems the texture/memory-ratio is about 4 times higher compared to "normal" 3D-generation.

I´ll post the link when i´ve found it because i didn´t save it to my favourites!


Edit: Resolution doesn´t affect my framerate on PC. It´s all the same: 1280x1024 works as good as 640x480.

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