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Pokémon Sun/Moon


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Just a reminder that the Online Competition is taking place now, in case anyone apart from me and Serebii are taking part.


You have to actually do some battles in order to be eligible for the early Mega Stones, doesn't matter if you win or not, as long as you're active.


I managed to win 2 out of 5 battles, not bad, considering I forgot it was Double Battle format. Gonna do another 5 tomorrow.

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Just bought Moon today.


What can I expect?


You can also expect a whole bunch of Gen 1 Pokemon.

And a really irritating way of finding people online.

And ear-gratingly awful fanfares.


Other than that, it's a solid Pokemon game. A lot of people think it feels fresh. I don't agree one bit, but eh.

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Just bought Moon today.


What can I expect?


What was the last main Pokémon game you played?

If you recently played X/Y or ORAS, I think you might be dissapointed by the amount of new Pocket Monsters.


I hadn't played a main game since Diamond/Pearl so that didn't matter to me.

I was very positively surprised how the core was kept recognizable, but the stule, presentation have evolved and how they managed to give the story a lot more immersion.


After Sun/Moon I immediately bought all 4 previous entries: ORAS & X/Y.

That says it all really :)


You can also expect a whole bunch of Gen 1 Pokemon.

And a really irritating way of finding people online.

And ear-gratingly awful fanfares.


Other than that, it's a solid Pokemon game. A lot of people think it feels fresh. I don't agree one bit, but eh.


I can actually understand that, especially since you're a life time fan.

After playing ORAS, I found out how few new Pokemon were introduced in Sun & Moon.


Didn't you enjoy the extra effort that went into the story and especially into the NPC's? The Captains, the Kahunas, change from battles to more variaty through the trials. I felt more connected with the story and people on the islands than in previous games.

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I can actually understand that, especially since you're a life time fan.

After playing ORAS, I found out how few new Pokemon were introduced in Sun & Moon.


Didn't you enjoy the extra effort that went into the story and especially into the NPC's? The Captains, the Kahunas, change from battles to more variaty through the trials. I felt more connected with the story and people on the islands than in previous games.


I'm gonna stick this in a spoiler, seeing as someone just got the game.


The story was pretty good. I preferred Black/White's story, mind. N's a really compelling antagonist and the ending is still one of the biggest shake-up's the series has had.


Going through the Elite Four, same old, same old, then BAM! N beat you to the punch! No probs, just beat him up and then, huh? HE'S DONE A BLOODY RUNNER! Go follow him in his evil villain castle that he somehow managed to hide underneath the Pokemon League. How did no-one notice?

Done that, cool. Now to lay the smackdown. Oh wait, he's actually using his Reshiram! (I was playing White) That's problematic... I haven't even seen my cover Legendary...

Oh, wait. There he is! Sure showed up late, huh, Zekrom?

Catch that, then have an epic Battle with N's Reshiram.

Wahey, victory. That was a satisfying last Battle. Oh man, Ghetsis is here? And he is very annoyed. Wow, he's actually a little bit unnerving how mad he is.

Wait, I have to fight him now!? Oh well, he doesn't have a legendary, so it can't be too... What the hell's a Hydreigon? And why is it level 64!? I want one! But I can't steal his Pokemon, that would be wrong.

Oh well, evil defeated, world saved. Yay! N's learnt a lesson and flies away on his Reshiram that I want but can't have. I'm the Champion now, right?

Oh, I'm not the champion?



The biggest issue I had with Sun/Moon's new Island Trial system is that they basically were Gyms but with the Gym Leader replaced by a Totem Pokemon, which were never challenging for me. I never lost more than one Pokemon in each of those. And that last trial? Lame. Three wild Pokemon than a Totem fight? Awful. That's first gym standards!

Thankfully, the Kahuna's put up more of a fight, but there were only 4 of them, so I felt a bit short-changed.


I've said it plenty of times, but trials are nothing more than discount Gyms.


The characters were good. But I feel Aether Foundation were a bit underutilised. The moment they start their evil plan (Everyone saw that one coming a mile off), they just immediately stop about 15 minutes later. A bit of a waste.


And speaking of wastes, how about them Ultra Beasts? The fight against Nihilego gave me the impression that they'd be kinda like bosses you'd fight throughout the game. Instead they're just legendary Pokemon that you fight in a post-game side quest. What a shame. I was hoping they'd be super powerful things that you can never catch. Don't get me wrong, I love my Buzzwole. But Game Freak missed a trick there.

Still, I'm sure Chunsoft will pick up the slack there. I'm expecting the next Mystery Dungeon to feature many Ultra Beasts!


Sun/Moon is a nice experiment, but it's not something I'd want them to stick to.


Edited by Glen-i
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Update to Pokemon Sun and Moon's starter selection screen confirmed:






On a serious note it appears my 3DS' Wifi has stopped working so it looks like I'm not going to be able to get all these online rewards that are coming out. May have to consider getting a new 3DS.

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In case anyone's interested, registration for the next Online Competition has started.

Entering gets you a Pidgeotite and a Steelixite early.

While I'm at it, if you entered the one in Feburary, you can claim your Mega Stones through the Global Link website.


This competition is the Kanto X Alola competition. As the name suggests, you're allowed to use the first 149 Pokemon (Mewtwo and Mew are banned, obviously) as well as any Pokemon available in Pokemon Sun/Moon. Single Battle Format.


I'm going with a team of Zapdos, Nidoking, Machamp, Tapu Koko, Alolan Marowak and Dragonite this time. Tapu Koko and Marowak served me well last month, so I'll see if they can do the same again.


Anyway, the main reason I'm mentioning my team is because if anyone would like to be a sparring partner for my team so I can see how my strategy holds up, I'm open for a battle.


Great to hear there's yet another competition I won't be able to join because TPC can't be arsed to fix these PGL issues. Can't get my head around their ignorant attitude... :(


I was looking through the news on the Global Link website and there was something about a login issue being resolved recently.

I don't know if it's the problem you had, but it might be worth trying again.


Speaking of Global Link...

@Serebii, do you know how I can get the Mega Stones for the February tournament?

I looked in the news section but there was nothing there, cue me clicking on all sorts of pages looking for them.

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I was looking through the news on the Global Link website and there was something about a login issue being resolved recently.

I don't know if it's the problem you had, but it might be worth trying again.


Yes, they resolved it a few ago or so, works fine now. No reply from their customer care though. But yeah, issue solved and that's the important part :)

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Speaking of Global Link...

@Serebii, do you know how I can get the Mega Stones for the February tournament?

I looked in the news section but there was nothing there, cue me clicking on all sorts of pages looking for them.




For some reason, they haven't posted the link on the English PGL yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm going with a team of Zapdos, Nidoking, Machamp, Tapu Koko, Alolan Marowak and Dragonite this time. Tapu Koko and Marowak served me well last month, so I'll see if they can do the same again.


Eh, this team was a bit of a bust in the end. Didn't perform as well as I did last month.


Zapdos was great, really solid setup I had. Marowak, as always is fantastic and Tapu Koko is always a good pivot switcher. But Dragonite, despite Multiscale, didn't do as well as I expected. Not sure why.

Machamp did it's job well, tank a hit and retaliate with guaranteed Dynamic Punch. Bullet Punch as a final middle finger didn't live up to expectations much though, Shame, really. If only No Guard Fissure Machamp was possible...

Nidoking really let me down though, Sheer Force cancelled out the recoil from Life Orb, but I still didn't get much damage done with it. Despite STAB Sludge Wave with Sheer Force and Life Orb boosts...


Z-Moves keep blindsiding me, they always catch me off guard. Everyone just keeps using them as Nuke buttons.

I much prefer Mega Evolutions, at least you can predict them somewhat... Can we have them back in next month's online competition please?


Highlight for me was this match where I totally ruin a girl's day by pulling off an extremely lucky comeback. That'll teach her for using way OP Pokemon with infuriating items.




Every tournament, I hate Mimikyu more and more. Truly the Klefki of this generation. Stupid one-trick pony... What's that? It has Swords Dance. Wow! How interesting! That makes it just like every other bloody Mimikyu!

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After 3 months of failing to connect, my 3DS is finally working properly online again. No idea what went wrong in the first place, everything else in the house works


So, I've finally completed my Alolan Pokedex. Got a Rampardos off GTS and now going to backtrack through this thread to view all the battle videos I couldn't view because I couldn't get online.


Aside from the Pokemon Bank update and online competitions, have I missed any key Mystery Gift dates?


EDIT: Forgot I still need Solgaleo. So not quite, but all regional Pokedexes are complete.

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Aside from the Pokemon Bank update and online competitions, have I missed any key Mystery Gift dates?


The only one that comes to mind are the two Mewtwonites.


It was quite recent, so it might be possible to still get them. (Code is M2DESCENT)

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Brandon Jones finally got his review out for the game the other day. This got me watching his series where him and Kyle Bosman sat and talked about and played through the game. I'm only halfway through the 3rd episode but it's been a fantastic watch.


Jumping from Red then straight to this must have been a big game changer for Brandon. Listening to him get all excited about about all the new changes he has seen ( old things for lots of regular Pokemon players ) has been great. There's a certain innocence and less cynical mindset that he has and it's been very refreshing watching him and Kyle talk about their adventures. I love that he plays the game the same way as I usually do. Grinding/over leveling FTW! :D


After watching the first couple of episodes I have been inspired by their chatter and decided to fire up Pokemon Moon. I had only put a few hours into it since buying it last year and figured I would crack on with it. I looked and I hadn't even started the first trial yet!


I set about catching a couple of spare Pokemon and stuck one on the GTS before going to bed, in the hope that I would wake up this morning and have a Litten. I was pleased to find this was the case. I put another one on there, while I had my breakfast, and managed to get the Popplio before setting off for work. This has got me in a good place for when I have my lunch break. I can do some grinding and get their levels sorted, before taking on the first trial when I get home.

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The only one that comes to mind are the two Mewtwonites.


It was quite recent, so it might be possible to still get them. (Code is M2DESCENT)


Chers. Got them now, although they aren't much use since I don't have Mewtwo.


I don't have Pokemon Bank because I'm not prepared to have a subscription to such a service when I've already got enough things to pay for monthly. Only really have online stuff for lifespan in the game now since I actually managed to get my entire team up to Level 100 which is something I aimed for in past games but never actually managed to do in an initial playthrough, only to go back to them later.


Haven't done any Hyper Training yet because I'm waiting on being able to battle two friends of mine, however they still haven't finished the game yet either because they've been busy with work or other games so I'm waiting on being able to battle both of them before I go ahead with Hyper Training. That said, it's still fun to go online with my in-game team which I know is underpowered compared to the Pokemon I'm likely to face in Free Battle (even if they aren't EV trained they're usually pseudo-legendaries) and see if I can manage to win some.


Unfortunately it seems that a fair few videos have now stopped working, including the battle against Glen last year.

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Good session on my lunch break. I managed to level up both my Litten and Popplio to level 17, which nabbed me their next forms. Brionne looks like an idiot but Torracat is adorable.


I was just leveling up in the same patch of grass and eventually came across a Smeargle. I hadn't seen it before and it took a while to show up, so I figured it mustn't be that common in the area I was in. It managed to take an ember attack and I figured I could hit it with scratch to take it into the red....I was wrong. I ended up wiping the thing out. :( Luckily, I was there for another 20 mins and another finally popped up, so I nabbed that one. :D


My team now consists of Dartix, Litten, Brionne, Trumbeak, Grubbin and Crabrawler.

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I finished the first Trial yesterday night and then went on to beat Hala in my first Grand Trial. My Dartix made quick work of his fighting types.


I've now unlocked the mounting ability so I will be doing a little exploring/smash rocks with the Tauros while on my lunch break.


I caught a couple of new Pokemon while exploring the island yesterday. I nabbed a Vullaby and Oricorio, which looks hilarious with its little pom-poms. :D


I love the look of RockRuff! I need that little guy in my team, so I may just hang around the island and try and catch him, before I move on.

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I love the look of RockRuff! I need that little guy in my team, so I may just hang around the island and try and catch him, before I move on.


Got to admit, Rockruff is one of my favourite Pokemon that they introduced this Gen too and I went with one on my team


He doesn't start out with any Rock type moves though, you have to get it I think up to Level 17 before it gets Rock Throw, but when it evolves it's attack stat is really good. Only issues really are that it's unique evolution method gives it better stats in Sun than it does in Moon and it's type coverage is extremely limited outside of Rock and Dark moves. It has uses but it's type coverage is a bit more niche, I think the only other move it can learn that isn't Normal, Rock or Dark is Brick Break and that's only after it evolves.


Overall I found the first two grand trials to be best done with Dartrix. There are some really cool Pokemon on the next island though but since you're using all three starters you may not have as much of a need for them as I did. Also, Grubbin and Crabrawler will not evolve into their final forms until you reach a certain point in the game, regardless of how overlevelled they might end up getting.

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Thanks for the tips @GenericAperson.


I managed to capture a Rockruff (yay) during my lunch break but I doubt I will evolve it. I love the look of the base form too much. Just look at this adorable little fella!





I'll have to hunt down the item that stops Pokemon evolving and just keep cancelling the evolution manually until I reach that point. (EDIT: Just read where to nab an Everstone from. Seems pretty simple )


While trying to catch a Rockruff I also snagged a Zubat, Machop, Spinda, Carbink and Roggenrola. My Pokedex is coming along nicely.


My team are sitting at level 20 or above but i'll need to train Rockruff up a bit before moving on to the next area.

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So, apparently Arcanine can under the right circumstances be effective as a Physical Wall. This Arcanine set completely destroyed me, but then I did bring an all physical attacking team so that didn't help matters.



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I continued my adventure last night. After finishing the trial, I could have left the island straight away but I decided to look around for a bit. There was a girl who was after a Drifloon so I went in search of that. While searching for it I came across an old woman at the graveyard.


Man, the story she told me was sad. Poor guy died but saved his Pokemon in the process. Poor Machamp is so traumatised that we can't go back in a Pokeball. Dark stuff.




I managed to catch a Ghastly, Drifloon and Misdreavus while in the graveyard area. I also went back to see the girl who wanted a Drifloon. She gave me quite a bit of cash for recording it on my Pokedex.


I nabbed that Everstone I was after. I had to take down Llima in a battle but it was worth it. Now my Rockruff will stay that cute forever, instead of turning into some kind of weird werewolf type thing.


I headed into the mall ( think it was the mall ) and had a good laugh at the poster. It certainly was a nice little call back to the previous games.


After seeing my fill of the first island, I set off to the second island and once arrived I just spent a bit of time getting to know the area. I finally seen the wooden house that had all the Magmar residing in it that Kyle and Brandon were talking about. :D


On this new island I have managed to capture an Eevee, Lillipup, Paras and Mudbray, which looks so dopey. :laughing: I also got an egg from around that same area.


Finally, I beat Lana's trial. She was quite the little liar, what with spouting things about Kyorge and catching a Red Gyarados. I kept calling her out whenever possible. :grin:


I think I made some decent progress and I look forward to making some more on my lunch and tonight.

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