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Mario Kart League 2016

The Mole

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I can tell that playing FAST: Racin Neo before Mario Kart is not a good idea :D, I kept presing ZL for drifting to the left :D. This is one of the best nights for me, last in only one of the three cups :D :D, was close to TOP 3 in some races (the guys in front of me where just few "yards" away, in some I was in really good position and then managed to get off the track and in some I was just baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad :D).


All in all a great night for me :D.

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Mixed start for me, I managed to win one race and got a Silver trophy, so I'm happy. Got robbed on the line of Baby Park by a shell that was bouncing side to side then hit me. I went from 5 to last on the line.



Great to see this.







Lets hope we can keep the numbers like this and get more playing too.

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I totally spaced out last week with it being my return to work after the festive period, am i too late to join in? I realise i'll be a points disadvantage but i dont mind ^_^


The beauty of it is that you can join ANY TIME :yay:


The way points are calculated means you won't have any disadvantages by missing last week :smile:

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What a great start to the league, A full group, lets keep this up and hopefully get a few more players in.


The Results




With these results, lets have a look at the league table:




Bullet Will takes an early league however, there is plenty of time to catch him, lets see if we can knock the 2015 champion off his perch. Thank you to all who attended this week, hopefully we will see you again. Nothing more to be said. Signing off for now, next weeks theme is up. See you all later!!

Next League Night Thursday 21st January 8pm




Sign Up Now!!

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The top of the table already looks a little familiar :heh:


Thursday was fun so hopefully it'll be just as entertaining next week, preferably without Toad Harbour, Wario's Gold Mine and Piranha Plant Pipeway, tracks I can't understand anyone actively selecting as their favourite to race on each week. Get a grip, you lot :grin:

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Sorry guys, this normally never happens but i have to stay on late at work tonight to help finish up a project for another team, there is a very slim chance i'd get home just in time for the event kicking off but i cant promise anything as dont know how long they will need me. This is the last of something they have been working on since last year so dont expect to have to do this again, sorry for the short notice.

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Next League Night Thursday 21st January 8pm




"Group 1: @BowserBasher is host, add NNID: BowserBasher"


1. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall

2. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher

3. @Phube NNID:Phubey

4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14

5. @punio75 NNID: Punio75

6. @Kounan NNID: KouNaNOVM

7. @RedShell NNID: RedShell


9. @WelshGamer NNID: Welshgamer

10. @Nicktendo NNID: Nikoli_86

Still time to sign up, @Katago, I haven't but if you can join us tonight just send me a quick message. See you all later tonight!!

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