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The N-Europe Super Smash Bros Anniversary Tourney Thread


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Wahey! It only took 3 tournaments, but I pulled it off!


These past 3 nights have been great! From @The Mole's "Stun, throw, drop kick mega combo", to the many Self-destructs in the For Fun final and of course, the ridiculous rules in Crazy Smash. The S-Flag and Bumper ones were incredibly... "Special"


And let's not gloss over the fact @Ugh first aid broke the laws of physics and went through the ceiling!


Thanks to everyone who took part and a special thanks to those of you who tuned in and put up with our "Professionalism"

It's quite amazing that @Dcubed was the one who was todays "dumb-dumb of the stream" after I forgot to turn customisations on for the first two rounds...


Looking forward to the highlight reel for this!

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Wahey! It only took 3 tournaments, but I pulled it off!


These past 3 nights have been great! From @The Mole's "Stun, throw, drop kick mega combo", to the many Self-destructs in the For Fun final and of course, the ridiculous rules in Crazy Smash. The S-Flag and Bumper ones were incredibly... "Special"


And let's not gloss over the fact @Ugh first aid broke the laws of physics and went through the ceiling!


Thanks to everyone who took part and a special thanks to those of you who tuned in and put up with our "Professionalism"

It's quite amazing that @Dcubed was the one who was todays "dumb-dumb of the stream" after I forgot to turn customisations on for the first two rounds...


Looking forward to the highlight reel for this!


Yeah, it really says a lot that THAT wasn't the biggest cockup of this tourney :laughing:


Still we got there in the end, and my stage eventually worked :laughing:


The Catch Up Video has now been uploaded to Youtube! (Timestamps are in place on the Youtube page description if you want to skip past all of the super interesting waiting and jump straight into the crazy action!)



The Highlight Video will be up... later ;)

Edited by Dcubed
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One thing that these tournaments have taught me is that I don't play this game enough. It's loads of fun playing against you guys :grin:
Yeah, I always think the same every time I go back to this game, it's just so much fun. :)


Yeah, it really says a lot that THAT wasn't the biggest cockup of this tourney :laughing:


Still we got there in the end, and my stage eventually worked :laughing:


The Catch Up Video has now been uploaded to Youtube! (Timestamps are in place on the Youtube page description if you want to skip past all of the super interesting waiting and jump straight into the crazy action!)



The Highlight Video will be up... later ;)

Whoa, that was some pretty shocking additional commentary towards the end of my 2nd match with nekunando! :o Major kudos to you guys for keeping composed after that. :hug:


Anyway, great job with this tourney @Glen\-i for winning the Crazy Smash, although it could've easily gone either way with that final. :laughing: Very cool idea though Dcubed. icon14.gif


BTW, Glen-i, I was surprised to see you escape Baby Face so early on! :eek: It's usually difficult to do even at 999%! :grin:

And the way you got back in was even more impressive. :awesome: There's actually a cannon at the top of Baby Face, specifically for that. ;)

I was cracking up during that match, as I pretty much couldn't move with R.O.B. because of his size. :laughing:


Is there going to be a 2nd year anniversary tourney? :heh: If so, sign me up!

: peace:

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Heh, well if we do another Smash Bros tourney, I'll definately need to prepare for it much further in advance next time! :laughing:
Yeah, it went well for having such a reduced preparation phase though.


Hopefully we'd be able to get more people involved if there's another, it's criminal how overlooked Smash Bros. has become on here, as it's such a fantastic online multiplayer game.

I understood people going off Brawl due to its online performance, but this version plays so smoothly online it deserves to be played more.


BTW, Dcubed, please send me your race to the finish custom stage, would like to play that in local multiplayer over Christmas. :santa:

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BTW, Dcubed, please send me your race to the finish custom stage, would like to play that in local multiplayer over Christmas. :santa:


This! I too would love to Race to the Finish! (of death!) over Christmas as I'm sure me and my brothers will be having a few games on it. : peace:

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Sure. I'll send it over tonight!


I'll give you my Beetle Stage and Capture the S-Flag stage as well (I swear that the latter works perfectly in 2 player! - Don't try it with 3 though ;) )


Did I ever send over my other ones like SMALL!!!, the trampoline stage and Mind yer 'ed? Pretty sure I did but if I didn't, I might just send them over anyway :p

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  • 2 months later...

Heh... I bet you guys thought I'd forgotten all about this ;)


Well, nope! Because, as promised, here is that Tourney Highlight video that I promised all those months back! (I may have been saving it for the grand launch of N-Europe's brand new YouTube channel... maybe...)


Be sure to stick around to the end... You might find it to be worth your while ;)


Enjoy! : peace:


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So... For those of you who have watched all the way to the end; I am actually planning on booking time off work for this.


I want to actually plan this AHEAD of time this time instead of doing everything at the last minute (I want to test things properly this time ;) ), so I would like to know what days/times would be best for all of you in April.


Let me know when you guys would be free in April, what days of the week work best, if you have any specific days/weeks off, what times during the day would be best for you etc and I will work around you all! : peace:


I do have some extra surprises in store for you all as well. We will probably run three brackets again (For Fun, For Glory, Crazy Smash), but I do have some things planned that I hope pan out as well ;)


I aim to make this more Professional and less PROFESSIONAL!!!!1!1!! this time : peace:

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Let me know when you guys would be free in April, what days of the week work best, if you have any specific days/weeks off, what times during the day would be best for you etc and I will work around you all! : peace:


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


9PM or later


Any week.


: peace:

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