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Dragon Quest XI


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Thoroughly enjoyed reading your write-up, H-o-T.  You're right, I do need this game, and a PS4 purchase is getting ever more tempting!


7 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

What's also great is you can automate your actions. You can make all of your team go all out attack, concentrate on healing or something in the middle of those options. This makes grinding for levels much easier and more enjoyable than usual JRPGs. It reminds me of the auto battle system from Bravely Default, something that I very much enjoy from those games.


I played VIII like that first time round, until I wanted more say over the Metal Slime battles.  It's very enjoyable to let the computer do the work, and actually, it tends to show you moves and tactics you might not have delved into yourself.



Outside of the story there is plenty of things to tackle. You can visit one of the two casinos in the game which allows you to play the slot machines or a spot of roulette. Saving up your winnings and you will be able to afford some amazing gear.


Is that still the best way to get much of the Metal Slime equipment?



The end game offers a great challenge to those who wanted something a little extra. There are challenging fights that will require you to get some of the best gear the game has to offer and level up your team to the max. Luckily the levelling up part is pretty simple thanks to to Metal Slime hunting and a special move that raises the exp you get after a battle. It makes a little prep to pull off but once you get in the swing of things you can level up super fast. My team went from something like level 70 to level 99 in the space of an hour.


I take it there are still Metal King Slimes?  I love fighting them when my Agility is high enough.



I think the only flaw I have in the game is the music. It's not the lack of orchestrated music that is in question but more the actual quality of the songs. The songs seem to repeat a lot of the time and some of them just don't fit the tone of what is happening on the screen. From the very start this is an issue. There is a chase scene right at the beginning of the game and the whole thing is very dark and very dramatic but the music used seemed far to playful and it just mesh well with what was happening. This kind of thing happens throughout the game.


Well, this does surprise me.  Some of the best DQ tunes are rather sad.  Even though there's a cartoony tone overall, I've always felt the music suited darker and more dramatic events (in fact Dragon Quest Builders was fantastic in this regard).


Anyway, I really can't wait to play DQ XI.  I was reading the other day that the 3DS releases didn't sell very well, which is a bit of a shame, but I hope they give VIII another go on Switch (but not toned down this time) and follow up with a port of this game, which sounds of similar quality to that classic PS2 release.

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8 minutes ago, Grazza said:

Is that still the best way to get much of the Metal Slime equipment?

I take it there are still Metal King Slimes?  I love fighting them when my Agility is high enough.

Anyway, I really can't wait to play DQ XI.  I was reading the other day that the 3DS releases didn't sell very well, which is a bit of a shame, but I hope they give VIII another go on Switch (but not toned down this time) and follow up with a port of this game, which sounds of similar quality to that classic PS2 release.

Until you find the recipes to make the gear, yeah, that's probably the best way to get the gear.

They do indeed make a return! They are pretty rare early on but once you reach level 70+ then there is a trick using a certain super move that gets them to spawn.

The issue with the 3DS releases were how they were released over here in the West. It took around 3 years to get VII over here and then they go and release VIII stupidly soon after. It was an absolute farce how it was handled.

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On 17/10/2018 at 9:17 PM, Hero-of-Time said:

Yeah, the music is pretty disappointing. I'd love it if the game had an epic soundtrack like heard in Final Fantasy XV but I imagine a lot of the core DQ fans would be against such a move.

@Ike you're probably the biggest DQ fan on here. What's your take on the music in DQXI? 

I'm a bit biased, but I like the music so it doesn't grate or get old with me.

I agree the chase scene had inappropriate music, but it often hits you in the feels (or maybe that's just me) for example when you get to Dundrasil. Using DQIV's battle music at one point was genius and a nice throwback (which the game is full off, even the smallest thing can be a throwback).

I'm sure there was an interview during the development where it was said DQXI would have a lot of new music, which didn't really turn out to be true, not sure if the translation was wrong or I'm misremembering though, and I'm too lazy to look it up. :p But that's the most disappointing thing, I would of liked a bit more variety and more new songs.

The game was developed as a love letter to previous games in the series and such stuck a lot to the roots, which meant no voice acting and MIDI (although I was under the impression it was synthesised) as the series isn't really known for those, voice acting was originally added to DQVIII's localised version to appeal to Western markets more and then added to the Japanese remake, maybe because they planned to bring out the localised version overseas so they added it. The 3DS remakes are kind of the exceptions as they had orchestrated music which was removed for the localised version for reasons that aren't really clear but the general consensus is Sugiyama blocked it. In case of DQXI, at least both versions have parity.

I think DQVIII may have set people's expectation too high, but saying the music is bad is overly exaggerated and in some people's complaints is bordering on entitlement. I think it's funny that the "but the developers original intent" argument is conveniently not even brought up in cases like this. The orachtrated music is much better than what's used in the game, there's no denying that, but we got what we got and at worst it's just "fine". Maybe the Switch version will use the orchestrated soundtrack.


Also Square Enix keeps complaining about sales in the west but they never market the games enough or they take too long in getting the games out. You would think they would have taken notes from DQIX doing well because Nintendo actually pushed it, even if it did market it as a dress up game.


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  • 4 weeks later...

After over one hundred hours, my journey through Erdrea has finally come to an end.  My first Dragon Quest game is complete.

And I loved it. I absolutely loved it. I have a lot to say, but I’ll let it simmer in my mind a bit longer before I come out and say it. Did I mentioned that I loved it already?

I actually want more. How strange is that? Over one hundred hours sunk into an epic JRPG and I still want more — is there any testament better than that as to just how much enjoyment I got out of Dragon Quest XI

So, wanting more...I just went ahead and ordered Dragon Quest VIII for 3DS :D 

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12 minutes ago, Julius said:

After over one hundred hours, my journey through Erdrea has finally come to an end.  My first Dragon Quest game is complete.

And I loved it. I absolutely loved it. I have a lot to say, but I’ll let it simmer in my mind a bit longer before I come out and say it. Did I mentioned that I loved it already?

I actually want more. How strange is that? Over one hundred hours sunk into an epic JRPG and I still want more — is there any testament better than that as to just how much enjoyment I got out of Dragon Quest XI

So, wanting more...I just went ahead and ordered Dragon Quest VIII for 3DS :D 

That's exactly how I felt. It was one of those games where you grew to love the characters so much that you didn't want the journey to end. I'm happy that you enjoyed it. Now I can finally talk to someone on here about the game. :D 


What did you think of the whole time travelling twist? I know a lot of people were really annoyed how all of the character development that happened previous to the event was thrown out the window. Personally I really liked it as it showed just how desperate everyone was and how much they were willing to sacrifice in order to get things back the way they were, especially Veronica! :(  It was also interesting playing sections again but seeing a different point of view or new boss show up due to the butterfly effect that happened.


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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

That's exactly how I felt. It was one of those games where you grew to love the characters so much that you didn't want the journey to end. I'm happy that you enjoyed it. Now I can finally talk to someone on here about the game. :D 

  Spoilers (Reveal hidden contents)

What did you think of the whole time travelling twist? I know a lot of people were really annoyed how all of the character development that happened previous to the event was thrown out the window. Personally I really liked it as it showed just how desperate everyone was and how much they were willing to sacrifice in order to get things back the way they were, especially Veronica! :(  It was also interesting playing sections again but seeing a different point of view or new boss show up due to the butterfly effect that happened.



I thought that it was a very interesting and creative way to lead into a third act, and I loved it for the most part. However, it did feel a bit rushed in getting there, and some great character development from the second act (Hendrik in particular I feel) was surely lost as a result. I have a couple of nitpicks, which I’ll get into below, but they really are just those — I’m more than happy with how it all played out. :D 

I think that there could have been more intriguing ways to lead into the third act, because while everyone obviously wanted Veronica to return, it was a bit jarring that everyone was quickly onboard with us rewriting the past. I would have liked if some members of the group actually disagreed with that decision and if, in fact, the Hero — feeling responsible for Veronica’s sacrifice and feeling like he could make things better — made a rash decision by himself to go back and save Veronica, which perhaps could have added some more weight to the consequences of his/our decision. 

I agree with you in that I thought that it was great to see some things play out differently the second time around (because man, that Miko stuff was pretty dark the first time around), but I did find myself a bit confused by some lingering threads from the first and second acts. The casino in Octagonia, for instance, seemingly came out of the blue in the new version of the timeline, and I much preferred the version of events which found the Octagonians taking a liking to it once the monsters left in Act II. I’m also puzzled by what’s going on with Michelle and Kainoa in Act III — if we only travelled back to the end of the first act, I’m a bit confused as to why Michelle is still alive and how that arc didn’t take place, seeing as it happened well before we made it to Arboria? 

Also, with regards to the time travelling twist, I’m a big fan of how Calasmos was hinted at in Act II with the darkling and Gallopolis arc, and that the rewriting of events brought him around in Act III. 


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  • 4 weeks later...

Now that I don't spend any of my saved up money in Budapest I decided to order Dragon Quest XI on eBay. Wanted a new and sealed copy and the UK version only cost me 40€. The game is still full price everywhere in Germany, if it is available at all :D 

If everything goes well I'll get it on Friday.  

Will be my first JRPG in quite some time. Just looked up what kind of changes the "Draconian Quest" will bring. I'll probably go with:

  • reduced experience from easy fights
  • all enemies are super strong

The rest (no fleeing, no buying from shops, no armor, Shypox which randomly makes characters fuck up/lose turns) just seems annoying.

Cannot freaking wait :D 

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12 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Just started it. Right before lunch is ready so I have to stop for now :D 

It's beautiful. That's all I can say for. It looks absolutely gorgeous. :heart: 

Get ready for one of the best JRPGs in years. It's one of those games where I wish I could erase my memories of playing it and experience it for the first time all over again.

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Oh man, this game - or rather the timing of me playing this - made me tear up a little. 

I remember getting Dragon Quest VIII for Christmas 12 years ago and it became one of my absolute favourite games. It shares its top spot for my favourite JRPG with Final Fantasy X

Dragon Quest XI kinda takes me back. No idea why I was getting a bit teary-eyed :D Maybe it's the character design, the iconic sounds, that Dragon Quest feeling, the nostalgia or all of the above. Takes me back to simpler times. :) 

Haven't experienced this with a new game in a long time now and it's great to be reminded of how much I love my biggest hobby. Video games are a big part of why I am the person I am today.

Oh boy, I am going to savor this game.


I should also play the other installments of the series...I have only played VIII and Dragon Warrior Monsters

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23 minutes ago, drahkon said:

I should also play the other installments of the series...I have only played VIII and Dragon Warrior Monsters


Well, you can overdo it, to be honest.  As fun as I-VI are, the formula really came together for VIII, and it sounds like XI lives up to that standard.  Dragon Quest IX was an epic though, that's for sure.

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Have a great time with the game @drahkon! Everything that @Hero-of-Time alluded to is spot on; you’re in for a great time :D 

I’ve been chipping away at Dragon Quest VIII over the last month, @Grazza —  though I’m taking it much slower than I did XI (I really don’t want to overdo it and accidentally burn myself out) — and I can certainly attest to the games being cut from the same cloth from what I’ve experienced in VIII so far (I’m around 35 hours in) :) these games are so charming, and as someone who was only really exposed to JRPGs through Pokémon growing up, it was so, so refreshing with these games to find myself remaining fully engaged during battles! 

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Spend a little more time with Dragon Quest XI

  • there's a forge - I'm the happiest man alive
  • the first real boss almost wiped me out...Draconian Quest modifiers are no joke - still love it :D 
  • explored a town where almost everyone spoke only in Haiku 
  • now I'm grinding some levels (until I don't get any experience) and money

Yes, I like this game. :peace: 

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3 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

The forge is great. It's best to try and get your equipment from that rather than buying it. You get better bonuses and it saves grinding for cash.

I'll keep that in mind.

9 hours in

  • two more party members :peace: 
  • I thought fights would be a little easier but fuck no - the first fight in the next area wrecked my balls :laughing: granted, I had to fight against 5 monsters...
  • decided to respec three of my characters:
    • main character now wields Greatswords
    • Erik will become a master of Swords
    • Veronica will be a whip-slashing sorceress
  • crafted a nice Greatsword for the Luminary; deals a decent amount of damage

Anyway...I'm off to play football now. Might pull an all nighter when I'm back because I have nothing to do tomorrow. And Wednesday will be my last day of work this year. :bouncy:

I'll visit my Mom for the next two weeks. Unlucky for her that I will have Dragon Quest XIDoom and (once I'm done with DQ XI) Final Fantasy Type-0 to play :D 

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5 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Ah, you've now got Veronica on your team. She's absolutely adorable and hilarious. 

She sure is :D "Veronica wins again!"

Just encountered my first batch of Metal Slimes. I do not have the ability to damage them, yet...but Serena was the hero of the fight. One Metal Slime fled but her attack on the remaining foe was a critical hit and with 38 damage sent it to heaven (or hell). About 2000 exp for everyone :cool:

Reached the next town but before I'll progress the story I'll farm a little. 

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Mymy, The Slayer of the Sands sure gave me a lot of trouble. I farmed 'til I was level 17 and brute-forcing my way through the fight was not possible. Serena did her best to heal but the boss' attacks were devastating.

Eventually I decided to give status effects a go and lo and behold...it worked. Dazzle and Snooze are clutch spells. I guess the Super Strong Enemies Draconian Quest modifier encourages a much more tactical approach than what is usual in Dragon Quest games (as far as I can remember from DQ VIII, anyway).


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Yup, status, buff and debuff spells are really useful, make sure you use them, especially with tougher enemies on as they really reduce the beating you get a little later on. You also get some stat boosts while pepped so you don't always want to unleash a pep power straight away.

My Serena didn't know midheal yet when I fought that boss, I only barely managed to beat it.

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3 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Most JRPGs I find such things useless but in DQ they can really make the difference in a battle, especially those involving a boss.


I used buffs and debuffs in the next two boss fights making them much more doable. Sadly my main character died just before killing one of the bosses meaning he missed out on a good chunk of exp. But with the inevitable Metal Slime farming this is not too much of a problem :D 

Made some progress and unlocked:


Sylvando's ship.

You can be sure that I will explore everything I can before going on with the main path :laughing: 


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