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Pokemon on Home Consoles


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The thought of the world of Pokemon in a gorgeous, online, high def openworld RPG... sorry but that more than justifies losing the portability aspect for one installment. The series needs a bit of a shake up. It would be huge and would certainly sell Wii Us.

Two of your descriptors refer to graphics and the third is referring to online of which the 3DS Pokémon games have the best system of any game on a Nintendo system. That wouldn't be a shakeup

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Because you don't understand Pokémon. You think just doing an app or making people buy a second game to do the usual Pokémon stuff is acceptable. It really isn't and would work against the game.


There's no "making people buy a second game", who said that? I sure as hell didnt. I'm just talking about making a Pokemon game for home consoles as well as making them for the handhelds.

You know, like they do with Mario and many others... people aren't forced to buy them too.


When someone is at home and might fancy playing Pokemon, how is that it's portable a huge thing then when they could just play it on console?!

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There's no "making people buy a second game", who said that? I sure as hell didnt. I'm just talking about making a Pokemon game for home consoles as well as making them for the handhelds.

You know, like they do with Mario and many others... people aren't forced to buy them too.


When someone is at home and might fancy playing Pokemon, how is that it's portable a huge thing then when they could just play it on console?!

A second game would be necessary to keep the portability aspect. An app would not be sufficient for it.


Yes, you can play at home and so forth, but you can do that with the portable anyway without sacrificing the portability aspect. You really seem to underestimate the impact the portable aspect has on the franchise.

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A second game would be necessary to keep the portability aspect. An app would not be sufficient for it.


Yes, you can play at home and so forth, but you can do that with the portable anyway without sacrificing the portability aspect. You really seem to underestimate the impact the portable aspect has on the franchise.


I couldn't disagree any more with this whole post. In my view it's some of the greatest nonsense I've read on this forum.

Edited by Kav
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That's the thing. You're not a fan of Pokémon so you don't understand how huge the portability aspect actually is and how necessary it is to the game.


I've put about 100 hours into each main game in the series and the portability aspect has never been a selling point for me. I don't know anyone else in real life who kept playing the games after 1999/2000 and with the online trading and such now available, for me there is no real need for the series to stay portable. Sure playing on the bus is nice but no different or more essential than playing any other title on the go.

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Well that is your right, and you're welcome to it, however you are ignoring a vast amount of facts and data to come to your view.


Show these facts and data. Show me that people wouldn't buy a home console version.

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I've put about 100 hours into each main game in the series and the portability aspect has never been a selling point for me. I don't know anyone else in real life who kept playing the games after 1999/2000 and with the online trading and such now available, for me there is no real need for the series to stay portable. Sure playing on the bus is nice but no different or more essential than playing any other title on the go.

For you? Sure, but there's a very large portable presence for Pokémon that shouldn't be ignored. @FireMeowth mentioned his community, and that's just a small one. There are huge communities around the globe. Premier Challenges every month across the world that attract 100+ people a piece. Regional Championships, National Championships etc. Japan in general, too.


Why should people who only buy the home console one be locked out of these things? That's why there has to be something fundamental for it to be justifiable.

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Right, where to begin?


Could Pokemon be done on a home console? Absolutely yes. Will it be done? Absolutely not.


First of all, what exactly makes a Pokemon game different to everything else out there and can that be translated from a handheld/portable experience to a home console one? The first thing that springs to mind (to me) is the basic core gameplay, which is to catch numerous Pokemon and use them to defeat opponents and gym leaders. That's the core game, right there. The game is made more interesting by the fact that you can trade and battle with your friends. When I was growing up, we had a group of mates who lived in the same street as us and we lost our shit when we all completed our Pokedexes for the first time. It was a great feeling.


Can these be translated into a home console experience? In my opinion, yes. There's been talk over the years about making a home console Pokemon game and featuring EVERY Pokemon that exists and including all of the worlds that have been discovered. Using abilities such as fly to travel from one side of the map to the other, using surf, using strength or cut to remove obstacles and unlock hidden areas. There is tremendous potential there.


We're missing a huge trick here by simply stating that all home consoles provide is the ability to improve graphics. They do so much more than that. With more power, you can build a vast landscape, you can create oceans which you can swim in full 3D movement, you have improved sound, you have the ability to use voice acting, you have more disc space to be able to store such a huge world, you have the processing power to handle more objects on screen at once, more animations, a more complex AI, more potential basically for everything.


However, and this is why I think it won't happen, it is a lot of work. It'll be a lot of work for Game Freak and/or Nintendo to be able to pull this off.


Is it easier for them to create this:




Or this:




Especially with hardware being more advanced, the time and cost to create something as expansive as Pokemon on a home console will just be too great for Game Freak. I'm not convinced that they would be able to pull it off. It would be too time consuming, it would require a lot of money and it would also require the technical know-how to be able to create the game that we want. Especially in HD.


I'm not particularly cut up about it as there are loads of RPGs out there anyway, including Ni No Kuni which has been mentioned a few times already. A part of me feels that maybe the ship for this has sailed a long time ago anyway. It's one of these fanboy dreams that, if realised, could potentially be incredible, but I can't see it happening.

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It's not lacking in imagination, though. You've been to Japan during the height of a PokéMania season. You know full well what it's like.


I have, and I do understand that Pokémon will never ever move from being focused on portables, but I'm not sure if any one here is actually arguing this.


What people want is a separate set of games. The portable main serious and a fully fleshed out console game. I really enjoyed Colosseum and XD but they were held back by their mechanics, only in XD did we see 'wild' Pokémon but it was very limited.


An example of something I'd like to see is something like this.. Let's use the 20th anniversary of Pokémon next year. Let's say they have somehow secretly developed a Pokemon game for the Wii U in celebration and it's been to where it all began, Kanto. It's a full, 3D, free roaming game. Once you get your starter, you're free to go wherever you want once you're out of Pallet Town. You could go the traditional route, but let's say you decide to head northeast. You navigate the terrain of forests, mountains, you can start to see the distant Cycling Road creep up on the horizon, all the while you're seeing roaming Pokémon that you can catch. You go straight north and wind up in Cerulean City, and face Misty for your first badge and because the game recognises it's your first badge, she uses a limited version of her team (this was implied in Origins, when Brock only takes two Pokémon when he has many more available).


I would LOVE that kind of game. My favourite part of any Pokémon game is traversing areas to find secrets after the Elite Four has been defeated and the world is so well imagined that I do curse it sometimes for being held back technically as it could be utterly breathtaking and it could have been that way starting with the Wii. I'm not sure I understand why you would be so against a reimagination like that.

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For you? Sure, but there's a very large portable presence for Pokémon that shouldn't be ignored. @FireMeowth mentioned his community, and that's just a small one. There are huge communities around the globe. Premier Challenges every month across the world that attract 100+ people a piece. Regional Championships, National Championships etc. Japan in general, too.


Why should people who only buy the home console one be locked out of these things? That's why there has to be something fundamental for it to be justifiable.


Nobody is saying to stop making handheld games... and here's the thing Serebii, plenty of those that would "miss out" on all that stuff you mention already do, they don't buy Pokemon as they don't have a handheld.


What you aren't grasping is that some people will be happy to buy only a home console version and don't care about the stuff you've mentioned... and at the same time, people will still buy just handheld games. Not one single person is being forced to buy both.

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Nobody is saying to stop making handheld games... and here's the thing Serebii, plenty of those that would "miss out" on all that stuff you mention already do, they don't buy Pokemon as they don't have a handheld.


What you aren't grasping is that some people will be happy to buy only a home console version and don't care about the stuff you've mentioned... and at the same time, people will still buy just handheld games. Not one single person is being forced to buy both.

More people have bought Pokémon Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire than have bought a Wii U. I think Game Freak is making the right call.


You are STILL missing the fact that portability is fundamental with Pokémon and there has to be some major justification for doing it without it. That's all I'm saying. I'm not saying "HURRR IT CAN'T HAPPEN", I'm saying there needs to be decent justification for it and nobody has actually suggested any legitimate reason for it, especially as handhelds are powerful now.

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What I'd like for a home console Pokémon is something a bit like the original footage for Kameo: Elements of Power



Obviously, for this to work, you would need a limited selection of Pokémon to use. You would be able to use multiple Pokémon at a time, and their sizes would be pretty important. For example, a Pidgeotto would be able to carry a Pikachu, but not a human. They would have a limited range as to how far away from you they can move.


The game would be about a group of trainers going into the wilderness to hunt for (of course) an extremely rare pokémon (most likely Mew). There would be puzzles and stuff to solve, which would have multiple options so you can use different pokémon to approach them. You'll have to use different pokémon to help you get around.


Of course, there will still be plenty of fighting. It would probably be best done so you can give orders, but also take over one pokémon (and switch at will).


Just putting the regular games on a home console would be boring. It should be something unique.

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@Serebii, we have given a justification, you've just chose to ignore it...


A home console Pokemon game would sell.

And with what evidence do you come to that conclusion? It's a risk and there is no evidence that it'd sell better than handhelds.


Would they rather sell 15 million on handheld, or 5 million on home console with a bigger budget? Not to mention the loss of a key aspect of the franchise. It's not just me saying it, it's the developers and people behind the franchise.

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And with what evidence do you come to that conclusion? It's a risk and there is no evidence that it'd sell better than handhelds.


Would they rather sell 15 million on handheld, or 5 million on home console with a bigger budget?


Why don't you listen Serebii?


They could sell BOTH handheld and console games. Why sell 5 million or 15 million when you could sell maybe 20 million in combined sales... and these aren't necessarily people buying both games, these are people who don't normally buy handheld consoles picking up the home console version.


Going on your logic, why should Nintendo make home consoles when they could just make portables?

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I have, and I do understand that Pokémon will never ever move from being focused on portables, but I'm not sure if any one here is actually arguing this.


What people want is a separate set of games. The portable main serious and a fully fleshed out console game. I really enjoyed Colosseum and XD but they were held back by their mechanics, only in XD did we see 'wild' Pokémon but it was very limited.


An example of something I'd like to see is something like this.. Let's use the 20th anniversary of Pokémon next year. Let's say they have somehow secretly developed a Pokemon game for the Wii U in celebration and it's been to where it all began, Kanto. It's a full, 3D, free roaming game. Once you get your starter, you're free to go wherever you want once you're out of Pallet Town. You could go the traditional route, but let's say you decide to head northeast. You navigate the terrain of forests, mountains, you can start to see the distant Cycling Road creep up on the horizon, all the while you're seeing roaming Pokémon that you can catch. You go straight north and wind up in Cerulean City, and face Misty for your first badge and because the game recognises it's your first badge, she uses a limited version of her team (this was implied in Origins, when Brock only takes two Pokémon when he has many more available).


I would LOVE that kind of game. My favourite part of any Pokémon game is traversing areas to find secrets after the Elite Four has been defeated and the world is so well imagined that I do curse it sometimes for being held back technically as it could be utterly breathtaking and it could have been that way starting with the Wii. I'm not sure I understand why you would be so against a reimagination like that.


I'd like to play your idea of the game.


Imagine if there's one central island or mass of land in the game with a few bigger islands that you can either sail, surf or fly to. You could even have a second biiig island that is connected by cycling road. Maybe you're free to travel to any gym leader that you want to, but perhaps you could even block off certain paths will abilities that you don't have until much later on. There's a lot of different ways of doing it.


There's potential there for proper sidequests with full on animation and voice acting. Making a character is sick and you have to cycle or fly to the next town to pick up medicine, but run into trouble on the way. Maybe there's one town that's haunted by a Ghastly, but once you defeat the Pokemon the area is cleared and the residents come back. There's huge potential there to make interesting storylines that branch off the main quest. The Witcher 3 has shown me how storylines really should be done in an RPG and I could see the same sorta world existing in a Pokemon game.

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Why don't you listen Serebii?


They could sell BOTH handheld and console games. Why sell 5 million or 15 million when you could sell maybe 20 million in combined sales... and these aren't necessarily people buying both games, these are people who don't normally buy handheld consoles picking up the home console version.


Going on your logic, why should Nintendo make home consoles when they could just make portables?


My logic is not conducive to whether it will sell or not. It's the fact that portability is KEY to the series and to remove it, even if there is a portable counterpart would damage and segment the community and so they need justification for it.


Thanks @Cube for deleting my post which was explaining this :p

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Thanks @Cube for deleting my post which was explaining this :p


There was other stuff in the post too.


If people want to dream up impossible games, let them. We all know it will never happen and we know the importance of portability.


But we can still have fun discussing what we would like to see. There are no "wrong" ideas for Pokémon games in this thread.

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Two of your descriptors refer to graphics and the third is referring to online of which the 3DS Pokémon games have the best system of any game on a Nintendo system. That wouldn't be a shakeup


Neither is releasing the same RPG every generation then remaking them. It's the same game over and over.


I don't think portability is that big a deal. People would still have their portable games they could take on the go. A HD openworld RPG with Pokemon sounds amazing, it would absolutely work, even if it was just a single player, which it wouldn't be.

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Neither is releasing the same RPG every generation then remaking them. It's the same game over and over.


I don't think portability is that big a deal. People would still have their portable games they could take on the go. A HD openworld RPG with Pokemon sounds amazing, it would absolutely work, even if it was just a single player, which it wouldn't be.

Oh god, Ronnie, you did NOT just say that it's the same game over and over. Do you know the can of worms you just opened? :p


There was other stuff in the post too.


If people want to dream up impossible games, let them. We all know it will never happen and we know the importance of portability.


But we can still have fun discussing what we would like to see. There are no "wrong" ideas for Pokémon games in this thread.

Yeah, but in doing so, to keep to the realms of reality, we should discuss what justification is included in the game to deviate and scrap the portable aspects. Yet me bringing that up has apparently caused conflict.

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Different Pokemon, different location, different vague storyline but overall you're playing the same game over and over no? That's why you hear so many people burning out at certain gens and giving up, there's just not enough difference between installments.

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