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I'm not saying they're no longer welcome here, but there's a huge amount of hypocrisy going on here. One set of gamers is allowed to shit over Nintendo, but when the opposite happens, all hell breaks loose.


The issue isn't shitting on Nintendo or Sony or Microsoft. It's why praise/shit on the PS4 in the WiiU thread. Go shit on it in the Other Consoles thread! Go sing its praises there too!


The argument goes like this;

'Nintendo are bad for this'

'But Sony are bad too!'

'Ok but I'm in the Nintendo board to discuss Nintendo'

^The main culprits for this are Nintendo defenders. Of course there's a subtle flipside of someone saying 'Sony has voice chat, it'd be nice if Nintendo had it too' as one comes before the other (not sure that entirely makes my point well)


It rarely goes like this;

'Nintendo are great for this'

'But Sony are great too!'

'Ok but I'm in the Nintendo board to discuss Nintendo'.

Because nobody feels the need to leap to the PS4's defence IN A NINTENDO BOARD. Frankly, in Other consoles, I imagine the WiiU rarely gets brought up or this'd happen there all the time too.


So I agree that what happens here doesn't happen in Other Consoles - why is that? I don't see people STOPPING anyone from praising the WiiU(we certainly don't moderate against it) but yes there will be arguments put forth from both sides, and both are valid. @Guy summed it up quite nicely with his first post. One main issue is when people seem to get too disrespectful with their conduct and start to get too personal and too off-topic by keeping an argument going. Look how many people had to be told to stop discussing COD in the Nintendo hype thread the other day - yet it still kept happening. This may, as I earlier mentioned, be a point where harsher moderation is going to be needed.

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You can though. You can put him on your ignore list but you refuse to. That, and the way you post and rile him, is just for the sake of trolling. I'm trying my hardest not to ban you Ronnie - but you can't continue to behave like it. You're the person I've seen been called out the most by other members recently Ronnie(even the more sensible ones) - do you honestly think that's indicative of nothing?


I don't post to rile him or to troll him. I post to challenge his bull$hit and correct him when necessary. This is a man who said he promised himself he would never buy an indie game out of principle. Come on!

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I don't post to rile him or to troll him. I post to challenge his bull$hit and correct him when necessary. This is a man who said he promised himself he would never buy an indie game out of principle. Come on!


Why challenge him if he riles you up? Why not just ignore him and move on? Does it matter if he says he would never buy another Indie game?

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So I agree that what happens here doesn't happen in Other Consoles - why is that?


Because the Wii U fans don't feel the need to go over there and troll the PS4 ones? Someone said it recently that the Wii U is ridiculed every so often on the Other Consoles boards, yet no one bats an eyelid. Perfectly fine over there, but not here. That sums the double standards and hypocritical nature of the board.

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@Rummy Then I don't know how to develop the debate, as you simply don't agree with what a few of us are saying. And like i said, I think that's the crux of the problem. Maybe we should settle it on Splatoon?


I don't know how you (you = everyone) can read some peoples posts and not see the trolling/baiting, so blatant to me. It's not a coincidence when certain people engage in argument after argument with a variety of different people about the same old shit.


As for behind the scenes, I think it would be good to make things more explicit actually. Get it out in the open so we can see how things are seen and death with by the mods.


I just want healthy debate and discussions and let people be passionate about the hobby they love. Not unopinionated trolly remarks? I wish people stopped saying the same stuff over an dover and over again with no development. I wish people would admit they don't like nintendo anymore or their games and not feel the need to comment on things they clearly hate! That would fix things :D

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Because the Wii U fans don't feel the need to go over there and troll the PS4 ones? Someone said it recently that the Wii U is ridiculed every so often on the Other Consoles boards, yet no one bats an eyelid. Perfectly fine over there, but not here. That sums the double standards and hypocritical nature of the board.


Someone also stated that people don't get so defensive about their consoles over there.


Kav pointed out his negative comments towards Destiny and TLOU but it wasn't met with harsh criticism, but instead a conversation as to why he though the way he did.


The PS4 online service was a mess at Christmas and all over us were kicking off over it, yet no arguments erupted because there was no person trying justify what was going on or doing some PR spin/moving goalposts to explain the situation. It was knackered and it was that simple.


That's half the trouble on here. People feel the need to defend and justify every little thing that Nintendo do, whether it be bad or good.

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So I agree that what happens here doesn't happen in Other Consoles - why is that?


I've explained this, because people not interested in ps/xb don't feel the need to go into those threads and shit on them.


I'm all for things becoming a little harsher around here but this is a little extreme. :D


It's the only way people will learn!

Edited by dazzybee
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@Rummy the Zechs and my posting wasn't trolling and it was confirmed not to be.


Zechs posted how he thought Mario Galaxy (2 if I recall) was Game of the Year for him in a thread where, at the time, the topic of conversation was if the game of the thread should be Game of the Year. That's not trolling, it's just an opinion. His post got deleted, so I posted the same thing (it was my opinion too) and it didn't get deleted... we just pointed out how some people get unfairly moderated to which it was said they thought he was trolling, just because it was Zechs.

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Civil? Your original post said that this thread would get ugly and personal. This is typical of the double standards. One person (a mod I might add) calls a poster a retarded child, but when said poster defends himself in a topic you yourself gave us half a license to get things off our chest, he's threatened with a ban. It just doesn't make any sense.


Many others here have managed to express their concerns and criticise others without telling anyone to 'fuck off'. By ugly and personal I didn't mean to give anyone free license to tell anyone to fuck off. I also fail to see how telling someone to 'fuck off' forms much of a defence.


I wonder sometimes if you come to these boards simply TO be abusive. If you've got issues like that then don't bring them here.

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Many others here have managed to express their concerns and criticise others without telling anyone to 'fuck off'. By ugly and personal I didn't mean to give anyone free license to tell anyone to fuck off. I also fail to see how telling someone to 'fuck off' forms much of a defence.


I wonder sometimes if you come to these boards simply TO be abusive. If you've got issues like that then don't bring them here.


What are you talking about? When do I ever get abusive towards another poster, apart from the above. You said things would kick off, get ugly and get personal, forgive me for assuming it was ok to tell someone to personally abused me to fuck off. Go into any Wii U or 3DS game threads and you'll see me contributing to the discussion, I love the games and I come on here to discuss the games, and defend them if necessary.


I'd be interested to hear your view on


One person (a mod I might add) calls a poster a retarded child, but when said poster defends himself in a topic you yourself gave us half a license to get things off our chest, he's threatened with a ban. It just doesn't make any sense.
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No they just get ultra defensive when they're brought up here instead.


As Rummy said though, stuff like the PS4 gets brought up for no apparent reason other than to wind people up. There's no real reason or conversation to be had from it.


There's a difference between getting riled up over a simple conversation and getting riled up because people are trolling. The latter tends to happen on a regular basis over here.

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The Zechs and my posting wasn't trolling and it was confirmed not to be.


Zechs posted how he though Mario Galaxy (2 if I recall) was Game of the Year for him in a thread where, at the time, the topic of conversation was if the game of the thread should be Game of the Year. That's not trolling, it's just an opinion. His post got deleted, so I posted the same thing (it was my opinion too) and it didn't get deleted... we just pointed out how some people get unfairly moderated.


The off-topic responses were also deleted. Nobody responded to your one, so it was left. It was the combination of both "sides" arguing that was the problem.

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I've explained this, because people not interested in ps/xb don't feel the need to go into those threads and shit on them.


Thing is, many people who are being called out as trolls own a 3DS or Wii U or even both. They are still interested in Nintendo and as such get disappointed when certain announcements are made or features are missing from their games.

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Assuming posts in the Nintendo Board are automatically troll post is a big issue. It's not helpful to anyone.


I don't think it's a big issue, but I do agree it is an issue. And one I'm guilty of, but not int he general sense, more specific people. Though that is fluid and easily changed.


Something I've mentioned before is balance. If someone is just thats shit, thats shit thats shit this is shit... never anything positive (magnified in hideousness when none of it is qualified, just an inane comment), it gets a bit much to take to be honest. It's like an absuive relationship! Just constant demeaning comments...


Anyways, this is a good thread, as long as it doesn't get personal. Have to go now, need to get a birth certificate!

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I haven't read a lot of replies, so I'll just vent my opinion.


I feel some members have genuine personality/psychological issues, which is fine and I try to accommodate for it, but some members are just twats, or at least seem like it. These are the people I have problems with.


It also seems like nothing gets done by the forum staff. Maybe things get done behind the scenes, but to the normal forum user, its looks like nothing. I'm all for giving plenty of warnings and being a bit relaxed on the rules, but I feel it has come to a point now where bans need to be handed out, temporary or otherwise.


I'll admit, I do go to the Nintendo boards for a bit of a laugh at the latest drama, but I do feel the need to add an opinion when people are being overly aggressive or just plain twats. Or if I feel I have a valid point to be made.

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As Rummy said though, stuff like the PS4 gets brought up for no apparent reason other than to wind people up. There's no real reason or conversation to be had from it.


There are reasons though. The whole chat about AAA games being samey and shooter obsessed a number of months back was all part of the discussion at the time. I also don't think there was anything wrong with comparing the Wii U's variety of games to the competition when the subject was brought up, and not by me I might add.


I was called a tool the other day by a mod, naturally @Rummy ignores it. Just as he ignored other people riling me up about the voice chat issue, but banned me for doing the same in response.


Retro and I have since kissed and made up, but it's again typical of how this board is run.

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Retro and I have since kissed and made up, but it's again typical of how this board is run.


I take issue with people saying hings like this.


As a former mod I know just how hard it is to keep the peace and run this place. People need to remember all of this is voluntary. The mods, admins, staff, they don't get paid. They take time out of their personal lives to make sure things run the best they can.

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I take issue with people saying hings like this.


As a former mod I know just how hard it is to keep the peace and run this place. People need to remember all of this is voluntary. The mods, admins, staff, they don't get paid. They take time out of their personal lives to make sure things run the best they can.


To be clear, I'm hugely appreciative of the mods and admins for running this site and the amount of hard work they put in. I know it isn't easy.

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It's always difficult to know when to jump in. With how well we know some members, we know they tease and insult each other in a friendly way. For example, some stuff said about (and by) @ReZorceman would be absolutely shocking if we didn't know it was in jest.

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What are you talking about? When do I ever get abusive towards another poster, apart from the above.


Often, to Wii.


You said things would kick off, get ugly and get personal, forgive me for assuming it was ok to tell someone to personally abused me to fuck off.


I said ugly and get personal - I didn't say it'd 'kick off'. Did you actually, genuinely, and reasonably think I meant it was fine to come in here and tell someone to fuck off? How does that do anything to further discussion except vindicate yourself? Should I tell you to fuck off every time I have a problem with you? Do two wrongs make a right? I honestly struggle to believe you find it acceptable to behave like that.


Go into any Wii U or 3DS game threads and you'll see me contributing to the discussion, I love the games and I come on here to discuss the games, and defend them if necessary.


And there's nothing wrong with that. People may, and likely will, disagree with you and argue against you - if your 'defences' are going to constantly take topics off-topic, that isn't good for the boards.


I'd be interested to hear your view on
One person (a mod I might add) calls a poster a retarded child, but when said poster defends himself in a topic you yourself gave us half a license to get things off our chest, he's threatened with a ban. It just doesn't make any sense.


You post these pictures, you haven't quoted anyone else so it looks like you just want to start a discussion about how pretty Wii U games are




Originally Posted by Happenstance

In that image I see a lot of gorgeous looking games but just so many of them look way too similar. Its not hard to see where the variety complaints come from.


Happenstance tries to enter into a conversation




Originally Posted by Ronnie

You're right, needs more of that PS4 variety...


You can't enter into a grown up discussion so bash the PS4 like some (retarded) school child in the playground.



Originally Posted by Ronnie

I bring up the lack of variety thing when someone mentions the lack of variety on the Wii U. Just as I did in this instance, and all others.


But there is NO FUCKING NEED to bring up the PS4. We are not talking about the PS4, we are talking about the Wii U. And as shown above you were the first to bring up the PS4. Just enter into a grown up discussion for once in your life without having to resort to "oh but the PS4..."


To start - Eddage isn't a mod. Greens are ones who deal with the front side of the site(graphics, I believe Eddage takes care of). But mod or not - I don't agree with it. I don't agree with a lot of things. That's why I made this thread - I want to try and work these issues out.


Whilst I don't agree with his likening you and your argument at the time to the behaviour of a retarded school child(something I distinguish from flat out calling you one) nor am I attempting to defend it - looking at the whole post in context it's related to his frustrations around the bringing up of PS4 topics all the time. It shouldn't happen, but then it brings up a newer issue;


Where do we draw the line? Is it bad to call anything retarded? To swear at all? What about calling someone a moron, or an idiot, or a prat, or likening their behaviour to that of one? Is it the same as calling someone a cunt, a prick, a fucktard, or telling someone to fuck off?


I was called a tool the other day by a mod, naturally @Rummy ignores it. Just as he ignored other people riling me up about the voice chat issue, but banned me for doing the same in response.


Retro and I have since kissed and made up, but it's again typical of how this board is run.


I'm not here all the time and even when I am I'm not everywhere. I do look at whatever posts are reported as I get an e-mail notification. I make judgements on them and their severity. My above explains one concern - where do we draw our line on what's acceptable and what's not.


And as I constantly tell people - if you have a concern use the report post button and even PM me. I haven't seen the post in question where you were called a tool (and importantly not the context), but I can't pretend I'd neccessarily have done something about it unless you expressed a concern to me(some people may be fine with that, I wouldn't be too bothered being called a tool on here depending on the context).

Edited by Rummy
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