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Has gaming on other platforms/PC lowered your appreciation of Nintendo's software?

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Interesting stuff, cheers for all the replies.


A lot of mentions of the N64, I'm assuming most of your first experiences of Nintendo were with the N64/GCN, rather than the NES/SNES. :blank:

It seems those that were gaming earlier are also the ones who are actually less likely to become disillusioned/bored with Nintendo, which is weird. :heh:


The N64 is getting mentioned a lot because that's possibly the time that many fans here agree that Nintendo were at their creative best.


I've been gaming aaaaaages before the N64, as have many on here. I had a Commodore64, a Master System, a MegaDrive and the SNES all before the N64. I went back for the NES a few years later down the line.


I also think some people have set their expectations of Nintendo way too high. Don't be at all surprised if you continue to be disappointed in the future, as it looks like it'll take a miracle for them to please you again. :grin:


Well, here's the kicker: If we're under the assumption that Nintendo's games are the best out there, then we should have high expectations, right?


I think the expectations are reasonable, tbh. They've set the bar high, but I think they're getting by at the moment based on their past successes. They're essentially a step above Liverpool of the gaming world. They're great, the fans think they're great, but they're not as great as the fans make them out to be. Or, at least, they're not at the moment. Occasionally they put in a big performance here and there.

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Not at all. I've never lost my love for them; if anything, I feel that the industry needs at the top of their game them now more than ever.


I have found myself largely losing faith in the industry as a whole over the last few years though, outside of independent developers; what with the rise of mobile, F2P/race-to-the-bottom pricing and the fall of Japanese developers and mid-tier games in general. Outside of independent games, there's very little for me to get excited about anymore as it's all flash and no substance - you do still get the occasional AAA game to look out for (in particular I'm looking forward to seeing how Scalebound turns out, but I'm sceptical because Microsoft have a long history of corporate meddling that Kamiya has already alluded to be happening here... and there are some lower profile releases like DMC4 Special Edition that I'm sure will be great), but I can't really see myself ever buying a non-Nintendo console again as I've transitioned completely over to PC now for everything non-Nintendo.


The sad part is that it feels like the larger developers who are actually trying to create real gameplay focused games are constantly getting punished for doing so (and Nintendo are no exception to that rule either, as they're taking a real battering right now :( ). Seems like it's a rare exception these days when an honest to goodness gameplay focused game is actually a success anymore.


Thankfully the independently developed scene is on the up and up! And hey! Most of the noteworthy titles are coming to Wii U too! We live in a world where Banjo Kazooie is dead and Yooka Laylee is given a chance to live, so while it's sad, it's not all bad :)


Just hope that Nintendo manage to weather the storm, cause we really really need them to keep pushing new forms of gameplay in this industry that has largely forgotten what it was about to begin with.

Edited by Dcubed
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The N64 is getting mentioned a lot because that's possibly the time that many fans here agree that Nintendo were at their creative best.


I've been gaming aaaaaages before the N64, as have many on here. I had a Commodore64, a Master System, a MegaDrive and the SNES all before the N64. I went back for the NES a few years later down the line.




Well, here's the kicker: If we're under the assumption that Nintendo's games are the best out there, then we should have high expectations, right?


I think the expectations are reasonable, tbh. They've set the bar high, but I think they're getting by at the moment based on their past successes. They're essentially a step above Liverpool of the gaming world. They're great, the fans think they're great, but they're not as great as the fans make them out to be. Or, at least, they're not at the moment. Occasionally they put in a big performance here and there.

Not much I can say other than dissagree with your analogy (which compares an art form to a sport :heh:) although I suppose quite a few people do measure quality in the video game industry based on numbers, but I don't believe it to be a good indicator.

This also means that Nintendo are as great as the fans make out, because we're talking about something that's completely subjective.


Anyway, it's cool that you (and others) have found another outlet for your gaming needs, and at least you still have Nintendo to thank for that. :)

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This gen is a very double edged sword for me.

I think the Wii U is a brilliant console, the ability to use traditional controller, motion controls and the gamepad is great. The gamepad much like the wiimote before it, changed the way games could be played plus the offscreen and multiplayer benefits are brilliant. The first 6 months of Wii U was as good as it gets for me... we were finally getting HD 3rd party games on a Nintendo console and the promise of the Nintendo AAA libray in HD. Since then the 3rd parties buggered off Nintendo went into platformer mode and the games dried up. Whilst I'm very happy with the console and the 30+ games I have, I'm very unhappy with Nintendo for how they allowed the 3rd parties to jump ship and seemingly not do anything to get them back.


Even though I have issues with Nintendo, I do find the constant berating of them in comparison to other consoles very bewildering. As a PS4 owner, which seems to output sound as and when it feels like it, has build issues with it's controllers and has a library that consists mostly of PS3 updates and yearly releases of franchises, the bemoaning of Nintendo for releasing games that come out once a generation is quite frankly absurd.

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Yes it has, unfortunately. I have been majorly let down by the Wii U.


Once I got my PS4, I had everything I hoped I would have got from my Wii U.


Online gaming with N-E - No more sitting in a lobby hoping that they had seen my forum post. A quick and easy invite to party and away we go.


3rd party titles - If I had known 3rd party support would die so quickly on the Wii U, I honestly would have reconsidered getting one at launch. Pathetic.


Apart from Mario Kart 8 (my last Wii U game purchase when bought on release - says it all) and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on the 3DS, I've hardly played on either of them this year.


They seem out of ideas and the games they have released recently just don't interest me one bit.


I had other consoles in previous generations ((N64 + PS), (Gamecube + PS2) & (Wii + 360)) with better third party support but Nintendo consoles were always No.1 for me due to the quality of games they released that interested me. Maybe I've just grown out of Nintendo. I hope not.

Edited by lostmario
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I'm with others here that have said it's Nintendo themselves that forced me to jump ship.


The lack of games and lack of variation pushed me to buying a PS4. I've owned and played Nintendo consoles since the NES and the WiiU is definitely the worst rough patch they've been through. MK8 is good and Splatoon is quite addictive but the console seems to be in a constant state of game-drought and there's only so much Mario Kart you can play before you go literally mental.


And having only played Nintendo consoles before (and the odd PC game) the PS3 catalogue all seems fresh and exciting in comparison, even the PS3 remakes which I've never had the opportunity to play.


I've said before that the indie scene seemingly has more Nintendo "magic" and innovative ideas/mechanics than Nintendo have had for a while.

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I came to start playing on Nintendo systems back in 2003 having played previous for many years on PC, 8 and 16 bit computer systems so I don't have that rose tinted view of Nintendo that some have.


During the sixth gen I got a GameCube and then bought a PS2, during the seventh gen I first bought a Wii and then bought a PS3. I will do the same this gen.


I remember watching a presentation from Nintendo a few years back with the coin sound from Mario and them saying something about nostalgia but that meant nothing to me. The sound of my tape recorder loading a ZX Spectrum game and sounding like its having a fit does however. A few years ago I bought myself an old Gameboy and played Super Mario Land which was a lot of fun so I get this feeling now.


Nintendo still make good games but couldn't land in water if they fell out of a boat sometimes. I don't have a Wii U but have already bought a few games for it and it will be the next system that I intend to buy. They have however failed to really get 3rd parties involved which is hurting the system. 3DS is still doing ok however.


I don't think there is anything wrong with playing games on another systems but what I do have a problem with is Nintendo failing to deal with the Wii U situation right now. Their views seems to be 'we've learnt from our mistakes and will get things right with the NX'. Personally, I think they need to give the Wii U one final big push rather than giving up and hoping that their next system will sort everything out. Hope solves everything. From what I can see from NX I'm not impressed with it at all.


A company which still makes good games but can't shift their systems well reminds of an old ad from my gaming past 'To be this good takes AGES', and look what happened to them.

Edited by sumo73
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