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Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (Wii U)


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12 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

Think I'll wait a little bit for them to iron out these initial issues before playing...

Speaking of those initial issues, a statement was recently released regarding it...


"We have been investigating a PS4/Xbox One issue that is blocking player progress in the game. We apologize for this bug and thank you for your patience while we investigated.

The issue occurs when a new game is started before downloading the 1.02 update. After the update, treasure chests will appear in the incorrect open/closed state.

Without the items from these chests, progress is blocked.

Players affected by this bug will be required to restart the game with a new save in order to properly progress.

We investigated a number of options to address this issue and each fix requires a new game to be started. Despite our efforts to provide a fix that preserves pre-1.02 progress, this is the best solution to avoid future issues.

Xbox One players will also be affected by this when the update (1.00x on Xbox) is delivered next week. Switch players who will receive a physical copy should download the 1.02 patch before playing."

I think waiting is definitely a good idea, however I'm definitely going to get right on playing the game once the Switch version arrives as at least the 1.02 update will be active. :peace:

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Making some serious progress. Enemies hit harder but my max HP is quite high so usually I can easily survive between save points. Environmental hazards are much worse, though :D 

Looking forward to spending much more time with this today. I'm kind of bed-ridden due to my back pain so why shouldn't I play video games until I fall asleep tonight? :p 

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Really happy to see that most people seem generally very happy with the game itself.  Does seem like it really was worth all of the wait!


Really looking forward to sinking my (vampire) teeth into this game! :D 

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I popped out and pick this up this morning. Seeing as I played the other Bloodstained game on the Switch, I was dabbling with waiting for that version of the game but reading the impressions on Era it sounds like that the game looks pretty rough. I just ended up snapping up the PS4 version instead.

I've enjoyed the couple of hours I've put into it so far. I'm currently level 14 and my main shard that I'm rocking is the Gale Crawler. I find it's great for clearing groups of enemies.


The Zangetsu fight took some doing. He just wouldn't quit and it took me numerous attempts to bring him down. The first time I fought him I hadn't saved in around 20 mins and I ended up losing all of that progress.  

Is David Hayter voicing Zangetsu? It certainly sounds like him.

The performance on the PS4 is fine for the most part but there are instances of frame drops/game juttering. This being the case, I'd be very surprised if the Switch version runs smoothly. Although maybe that's why the visuals have been downgraded in that version? 

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19 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:


  Second boss battle (Reveal hidden contents)

The Zangetsu fight took some doing. He just wouldn't quit and it took me numerous attempts to bring him down. The first time I fought him I hadn't saved in around 20 mins and I ended up losing all of that progress.  

Is David Hayter voicing Zangetsu? It certainly sounds like him.

It is indeed him :D 


The performance on the PS4 is fine for the most part but there are instances of frame drops/game juttering.

Sometimes the game freezes for half a second when killing an enemy. It's not a major issue but still something that should be fixed. 

Edited by drahkon
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Well...I just encountered a cool area:


8-bit Nightmare

It's a throwback to the NES Castlevanias and tough as heck...enemies hit hard and the boss has quite a lot of HP it seems...he killed me after I've exhausted all my potions :D Looks like something I'll have to get back to later in the game...


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You can kill a giant domestic looking cat in this game. GOTY confirmed! :D 

There's also a giant dog head on a chain.....very weird. 

I've got a couple of Familiars with me now, with the Silver Knight being the one I've got equipped. I've also got a Carabosse but that seems pretty useless.


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1 minute ago, Hero-of-Time said:

You can kill a giant domestic looking cat in this game. GOTY confirmed! :D 

I was waiting for you to post this. I knew your hatred for pets would make this your GOTY :p 


1 minute ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I've also got a Carabosse but that seems pretty useless.

Unless you want the Platinum :p 

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37 minutes ago, drahkon said:

I was waiting for you to post this. I knew your hatred for pets would make this your GOTY :p 


Unless you want the Platinum :p 

You know me too well. :p

To be honest I haven't really looked at the trophies yet. Shocking, I know!

Is there some agreement between indie developers that states Shovel Knight has to be included in every single indie game? Dude pops up everywhere.

I've picked up the Welcome Company shard and it's a right piece of work. It doesnt cost much MP to use, it creates a barrier of portraits that shields you from attacks and does damage to enemies. Great stuff! 

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2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I've also got a Carabosse but that seems pretty useless.

If you level her up, she'll gain the ability to heal you with faerie medicines from your inventory (you can very easily farm a ton of these from the carabosse enemies while trying to max out her shard) so you don't need to worry about health as much. Also when equipped as a familiar she does a cool thing in a certain area that nets you an achievement, but it's more fun to get it from experimenting yourself so I won't spoil what that is if you don't already know.

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2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I've picked up the Welcome Company shard and it's a right piece of work. It doesnt cost much MP to use, it creates a barrier of portraits that shields you from attacks and does damage to enemies. Great stuff! 

It's amazing. I'd say it's a little overpowered, though.

Had a little break but now I'm ready to get back. Cancelled on a cocktailparty because I still can barely walk. Silver lining: Bloodstained and Crash Team Racing make for good company :D 

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I had a hilarious moment with my Dantalion familiar while grinding the Scythe Mites just there x'D

He kept zooming towards my screen and going crazy all over the place. I think it's due to the way that whole area is, but it's definitely the funniest glitch I've encountered.









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17 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Looks like I've reached the endgame. I've opened up a new area to explore. :peace: 

I want to craft a certain weapon but I need one weapon to drop three more times and a material which I have no idea where to get it from...

Just reached that area myself. I had to look up where the hell to go because the game isn't very clear at all on how to actually access the new area.

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19 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Just reached that area myself. I had to look up where the hell to go because the game isn't very clear at all on how to actually access the new area.

Yeah, it was quite obscure. An item description made it clear to me what to do, though.

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2 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Yeah, it was quite obscure. An item description made it clear to me what to do, though.

You fought the first boss in the new area yet? The framerate absolutely tanks during one of its attacks. Complete and utter slowdown. It felt like I was playing NES games again. 

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Just now, Hero-of-Time said:

You fought the first boss in the new area yet? The framerate absolutely tanks during one of its attacks. Complete and utter slowdown. It felt like I was playing NES games again. 

Nah, haven't traversed the area, yet. Will do now.

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1 hour ago, drahkon said:

I want to craft a certain weapon but I need one weapon to drop three more times and a material which I have no idea where to get it from...

Hehe, GOT IT :D 


Found the Millionaire's key and immediately went to open the corresponding door. The boss fight...a freaking slot machine that hits very hard. But apparently it immediately dies if you get 777 on the slots. :laughing: And the boss dropped one material necessary to craft the weapon I wanted. 

It's incredible. An upgraded version of the weapon I needed to find three more times. Fast attacks and therefore a great amount of critical hits :peace: 

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Well, I've reached the final boss with 93% on map completion. Not surprising really seeing as pretty much played this non-stop since half 10 this morning. :p I'm not going to tackle it yet though. I'll probably leave it until tomorrow as there's a bunch of other stuff in the game I want to try out. I haven't even played around with the crafting system yet and I think I'll need to do so in order to survive the final battle.

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51 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

You fought the first boss in the new area yet? The framerate absolutely tanks during one of its attacks. Complete and utter slowdown.

Now I did. Jesus, that attack :laughing: The fight was stupidly easy, though...


Just walk on the ceiling and you can avoid most of the boss' attacks ::shrug: 


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8 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Now I did. Jesus, that attack :laughing: The fight was stupidly easy, though...

  Endgame boss (Hide contents)

Just walk on the ceiling and you can avoid most of the boss' attacks ::shrug: 


Yeah, it also works for the harder normal enemies, like the dragons. It's a pretty broken mechanic. :D 

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