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NINTENDO @ E3: Let the Hype juices flow

Fused King

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Another great vid from the same guy on Nintendo and consumer relationships - hits the mark!


?rel=0&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>


Vital viewing for @Serebii...


"They (fanboys) care about the company more than their own gaming experience..."

Edited by King_V
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Again, the jump between Ghosts and Advanced Warfare is anything but a minor tweak. Actually, the jump between CoD3 ( or was it 2? ) and Modern Warfare was quite significant as well.


I have to admit, I always viewed them as churned same as last years sequels. But then I don't play them, just repeating what I can gleam from what I've seen. If you say they're different enough (at least the majority, there's always "one" that tries to rob you..) then I'll believe you, a person who actually plays the games rather than someone who doesn't who's just essentially repeating a mantra (sorry Ron). But then even if they were barely any different, does it matter? It's what fans want, to play their favorite game with a new story and some new gameplay elements with new graphical fizzle? It's no different than buying the next book in a long-running series, like the next Poirot or Harry Potter 10.

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Another great vid from the same guy on Nintendo and consumer relationships - hits the mark!


?rel=0&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>


Vital viewing for @Serebii...


"They (fanboys) care about the company more than their own gaming experience..."

Oh screw off. I care about my gaming experience more than the company and Nintendo develop fantastic games that boost that. I find people pigeonholing others who don't agree with their assessment to be offensive.


"I don't like this, so everyone must not like this and whoever does like it just cares about the company"

Edited by Serebii
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I wouldn't bother watching that video @Serebii it's just a rant (edit: too late but the rest of my post stands anyway). If I bought a car and it didn't have wipers, a boot, air con and whatever when I needed them surely that's my fault for not researching the car? I also expect the restaurant to have quite a lot of say in what I eat; I wouldn't go into an Italian restaurant if I wanted a curry. If you buy a console on blind faith that it will have certain features and games purely because it has the name Nintendo on it (and this is what I did before anyone thinks I'm having a go), then you really have no business sneering at other people for being fanboys.


Nintendo were very clear that this E3 would only be about games for this year beforehand. They told everyone Zelda would not be there. Several key employees have said they are fundamentally against features like voice chat. I would have loved to see a massive surprise announcement, and I agree that it was a poor E3 show for Nintendo, but I'm really not sure what people expected given the direction Nintendo has been going in for years now. Apparently that means I am blinkered and have mental issues.::shrug:


Gamers really need to start having respect for each other whatever their gaming preferences. It's like the argument over the last few page. Pokemon X and Pokemon Y are not very different. Nintendogs and Manhunt are completely different. Is it really so hard to understand that COD is somewhere in the middle and someone who plays a lot of shooters would look at the gameplay details and consider two versions completely different while someone who doesn't would be more inclined to look at setting/genre etc. and see them as more similar? Neither view is wrong it's just semantics and perspective. At any rate the issue at hand was that @Clownferret clearly has no interest in the series, so why does it even matter how different they are?

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The issue is with the mentality towards E3. Many people, including some journalists (such as an idiot on GamesIndustry.biz), think E3 is "all about the hype" and the conferences, and because Nintendo didn't meet that with their Digital Event, they shouldn't bother, they failed etc., but what they forget is that the conferences are just a small part of E3. Yeah, they're announcing big things most of the time, but that's not what E3 is. E3 is a trade show above all else.


With this mentality, E3 is a bit of a dinosaur. In this age of streaming, social media etc., having one event where all the megatons are revealed is a massively antiquated notion (yes, MS and Sony use Gamescom and PSX, but they don't actually have huge reveals there. They detail things, date things, show some minor projects but they never have the big hitters revealed), and then trashing a company if they don't do it, even when they have at least 5 other massive reveal points where even the biggest titles sometimes get revealed or heavily detailed, is beyond ridiculous. The toxicity that has come out of this E3 has made me be ashamed to be a gaming enthusiast, and a Nintendo fan. I understand the disappointment in the Digital Event, I truly do, but the overblown reaction has been disgusting.


Nintendo had a decent E3 overall. They started fantastically, had their dodgy Digital Event and then they had the busiest booth on the floor and Treehouse Live almost consistently still beat out stream viewing numbers for all others except the main Twitch feed. They had a decent E3, not because they showed games that are years away or placated to fan demand, but because they are trying to make E3 be something beyond the conference to the general public, like it is meant to be.

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I wouldn't bother watching that video @Serebii it's just a rant (edit: too late but the rest of my post stands anyway). If I bought a car and it didn't have wipers, a boot, air con and whatever when I needed them surely that's my fault for not researching the car?


Ahhh, but what if they promised you all these things would be coming just a few months later so you buy the car but then they never do and you're left with a hunk of junk that isn't even doing a very good job of being a car??

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Ahhh, but what if they promised you all these things would be coming just a few months later so you buy the car but then they never do and you're left with a hunk of junk that isn't even doing a very good job of being a car??


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Nintendo never promised universal voice chat etc., never announced a Metroid Prime, FZero or whatever and then cancelled it. The closest they got was the much quoted Reggie PR fluff about online being the air they breathe, and the Wii U is online. Any other features people believed it was going to have was pure speculation. It shouldn't be too hard to spot that a car doesn't have wipers, particularly if the previous model never did; if in doubt and it's essential wait until they're fitted to make your purchase. The Wii U is doing a perfectly good job at being a games console, but if you buy a Ford and expect a Ferrari you're setting yourself up for disappointment.


Sorry to bring up the PS4, but as someone whose primary interest is Japanese games in general not particularly Nintendo, I was equally looking forward to the PS4 as the Wii U. I was tempted to buy one at launch, but despite promises of games coming I had my doubts and decided to wait. And here we are with me still not having bought one and the game I'm most interested in that's currently released being a PSP/Vita port that I'd rather they just brought out on Vita. Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts etc. are still just vague undated promises and you can forget the quirkier stuff like Katamari. If I'd bought a PS4 at launch I'd be pretty annoyed, but I'd be annoyed at myself for not waiting until I'd seen enough games confirmed to justify my purchase. And I certainly wouldn't start slagging off PS4 owners who were enjoying the games and features available because Sony hadn't met my expectations or needs.

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The issue is with the mentality towards E3. Many people, including some journalists (such as an idiot on GamesIndustry.biz), think E3 is "all about the hype" and the conferences, and because Nintendo didn't meet that with their Digital Event, they shouldn't bother, they failed etc., but what they forget is that the conferences are just a small part of E3. Yeah, they're announcing big things most of the time, but that's not what E3 is. E3 is a trade show above all else.


With this mentality, E3 is a bit of a dinosaur. In this age of streaming, social media etc., having one event where all the megatons are revealed is a massively antiquated notion (yes, MS and Sony use Gamescom and PSX, but they don't actually have huge reveals there. They detail things, date things, show some minor projects but they never have the big hitters revealed), and then trashing a company if they don't do it, even when they have at least 5 other massive reveal points where even the biggest titles sometimes get revealed or heavily detailed, is beyond ridiculous. The toxicity that has come out of this E3 has made me be ashamed to be a gaming enthusiast, and a Nintendo fan. I understand the disappointment in the Digital Event, I truly do, but the overblown reaction has been disgusting.


Nintendo had a decent E3 overall. They started fantastically, had their dodgy Digital Event and then they had the busiest booth on the floor and Treehouse Live almost consistently still beat out stream viewing numbers for all others except the main Twitch feed. They had a decent E3, not because they showed games that are years away or placated to fan demand, but because they are trying to make E3 be something beyond the conference to the general public, like it is meant to be.


I disagree with a lot of this.


E3 is about hype. It's about selling yourself and your product to the press and consumers watching. The press conferences are the centre piece of the sales pitch and are the opening shots to the week ahead. If you fail to excite or capture the audience in the hour or so you are given then you are in for a tough week.


The conferences are usually the first thing people are going to see in regards to your E3 lineup. Annoy them or bore them, then you are going to feel the repercussions. It works both ways though. Equally, if you excite them then a lot of goodwill will head your way.


They certainly lost me this week. Last year I stayed up and watched all the Treehouse events. This year I haven't watched a single one. This was partly because the games line up is average at best but also because I'm still peed off with what little effort has been shown from the company.


What made the DE even worse was that you had Microsoft showing a very strong lineup of 1st party and 3rd party games coming this year and then Sony showing MANY gamers what they've been waiting for for years. Nintendo then trickle out the gate with a desperate lineup.


Nintendo have said many times in the past that they don't care what the others are doing or don't compete with them. The fact is that they do and this year they have come off the worst out of all of them. People do compare them with the other companies. How can you not? You are in the same industry.


The backlash from the Nintendo fans is no different to the backlash that Sony received when they announced the PS3 or when Microsoft fumbled the One announcement. People are passionate about gaming and have every right to be upset when a company doesn't deliver.


I'm on listening to the post E3 podcast from RFN and Greg makes a very good point. Nintendo have constantly been on the back foot with the Wii U and this forced them to reveal a bunch of games far too early, which is now biting them in the butt. The games we already knew about were filled in with what essentially are filler games. Add to the fact that their wasn't a single hype inducing, killer game in their E3 lineup and you're in for a rough reception.


At the end of the day, E3s come and go. This one will be remembered for all the wrong reasons, at least the Nintendo side of things. I'm sure there will be a few surprise before the year ends but at the moment it's a pretty grim lineup from where I'm standing.

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I disagree with a lot of this.


E3 is about hype. It's about selling yourself and your product to the press and consumers watching. The press conferences are the centre piece of the sales pitch and are the opening shots to the week ahead. If you fail to excite or capture the audience in the hour or so you are given then you are in for a tough week.


The conferences are usually the first thing people are going to see in regards to your E3 lineup. Annoy them or bore them, then you are going to feel the repercussions. It works both ways though. Equally, if you excite them then a lot of goodwill will head your way.


They certainly lost me this week. Last year I stayed up and watched all the Treehouse events. This year I haven't watched a single one. This was partly because the games line up is average at best but also because I'm still peed off with what little effort has been shown from the company.


What made the DE even worse was that you had Microsoft showing a very strong lineup of 1st party and 3rd party games coming this year and then Sony showing MANY gamers what they've been waiting for for years. Nintendo then trickle out the gate with a desperate lineup.


Nintendo have said many times in the past that they don't care what the others are doing or don't compete with them. The fact is that they do and this year they have come off the worst out of all of them. People do compare them with the other companies. How can you not? You are in the same industry.


The backlash from the Nintendo fans is no different to the backlash that Sony received when they announced the PS3 or when Microsoft fumbled the One announcement. People are passionate about gaming and have every right to be upset when a company doesn't deliver.


I'm on listening to the post E3 podcast from RFN and Greg makes a very good point. Nintendo have constantly been on the back foot with the Wii U and this forced them to reveal a bunch of games far too early, which is now biting them in the butt. The games we already knew about were filled in with what essentially are filler games. Add to the fact that their wasn't a single hype inducing, killer game in their E3 lineup and you're in for a rough reception.


At the end of the day, E3s come and go. This one will be remembered for all the wrong reasons, at least the Nintendo side of things. I'm sure there will be a few surprise before the year ends but at the moment it's a pretty grim lineup from where I'm standing.

E3 isn't meant to be about "hype" though. It's a trade show. It's only about "hype" because of the people at home who can't go and experience the actual show, and so people incorrectly assume that it's all about the conferences.


Yes, the conferences are a big part of it, but it's not the be-all and end-all. Look at Sony's. While they did reveal a load of fan pleasing things (some of which have sparked a little hitback over the past few days with them now saying they can't commit to 2016 for TLG etc.), what of those things were actually on the show floor?


Again, I'm not saying Nintendo didn't mess up with the Digital Event, I'm saying that E3 is more than that and people need to stop thinking that the conferences are E3. It's the same crap we had 2 years ago when people insisted Nintendo weren't attending E3 because they weren't doing a conference. People need to drop this mentality, it's detrimental to the industry.


You missed out with Treehouse Live, though, they sold Starfox, Metroid etc. far better than the Digital Event did.

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E3 isn't meant to be about "hype" though. It's a trade show. It's only about "hype" because of the people at home who can't go and experience the actual show, and so people incorrectly assume that it's all about the conferences.


Yes, the conferences are a big part of it, but it's not the be-all and end-all. Look at Sony's. While they did reveal a load of fan pleasing things (some of which have sparked a little hitback over the past few days with them now saying they can't commit to 2016 for TLG etc.), what of those things were actually on the show floor?


Again, I'm not saying Nintendo didn't mess up with the Digital Event, I'm saying that E3 is more than that and people need to stop thinking that the conferences are E3. It's the same crap we had 2 years ago when people insisted Nintendo weren't attending E3 because they weren't doing a conference. People need to drop this mentality, it's detrimental to the industry.


You missed out with Treehouse Live, though, they sold Starfox, Metroid etc. far better than the Digital Event did.


We'll have to agree to disagree because to me E3 is all about the conferences. Anything else that happens is just icing on the cake.

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We'll have to agree to disagree because to me E3 is all about the conferences. Anything else that happens is just icing on the cake.

To you, yes, because you're not attending. E3 is a trade show above all else and people keep forgetting that, and you're proving it here.


But yeah, agree to disagree.

Edited by Serebii
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Listening to Jonny Metts on the most recent Away team RFN podcast, and he brought a good point about the features of the New 3DS, and why is it that Nintendo have seemingly forgot that this new console exists. He was well ticked off that no new New 3DS compatible games were announced. Sure games like Metroid Prime: Federation Force will have additional features (i.e. the c-stick), but no exclusive titles. Being such an early purchaser myself I feel disappointed, not angry. How about others?

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Listening to Jonny Metts on the most recent Away team RFN podcast, and he brought a good point about the features of the New 3DS, and why is it that Nintendo have seemingly forgot that this new console exists. He was well ticked off that no new New 3DS compatible games were announced. Sure games like Metroid Prime: Federation Force will have additional features (i.e. the c-stick), but no exclusive titles. Being such an early purchaser myself I feel disappointed, not angry. How about others?

I think part of it is because you think and he think it's a "new console". It's not. It's just a new model of 3DS and to segment the market too often would be damaging. It is still a 3DS, not a new device.

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Personally for me the upgrade to New 3DS XL was worthwhile just for the general improvements.


The circle pad on my old model was basically shot from how much use it got, I had that annoying scratch on my original XL screen from day 1 plus shiny gold Majora's Mask edition... I couldn't say no, despite the fact that I wouldn't have minded it being purple. ;)


I'm not expecting Nintendo to release anything huge as a New 3DS exclusive as it would fragment the market too much but I am pleased at having the convenience of the C-stick for camera control at all times without the need for any cumbersome attachments. : peace:

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Personally for me the upgrade to New 3DS XL was worthwhile just for the general improvements.


The circle pad on my old model was basically shot from how much use it got, I had that annoying scratch on my original XL screen from day 1 plus shiny gold Majora's Mask edition... I couldn't say no, despite the fact that I wouldn't have minded it being purple. ;)


I'm not expecting Nintendo to release anything huge as a New 3DS exclusive as it would fragment the market too much but I am pleased at having the convenience of the C-stick for camera control at all times without the need for any cumbersome attachments. : peace:


I had similar problems with my original 3DS and it was just time to upgrade for me, just as the New 3DS was released (good timing). So, far I think I've had my moneys worth just through playing Xenoblade 3D, and the extras (mainly c-stick and stable 3D) for games like Majoras and Monster Hunter 4. But I can't help shake that feeling as if Nintendo promised too much to buyers when they released it. Verbally they didn't promise anything, but I was expecting at least one more New 3DS exclusive title to have been mentioned by now.

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There was never going to be a mass onslaught of New 3DS exclusive titles. That'd segment the market and they'd not want to do that.


What there will be are a plethora of New 3DS enhanced titles.


It's the exact same scenario as it was with the DSi

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To you, yes, because you're not attending. E3 is a trade show above all else and people keep forgetting that, and you're proving it here.


But yeah, agree to disagree.


Most people don't care that it's a trade show. They watch it for the next new hardware announcement, game announcements, trailers. It's the Mecca of showcasing games. I too didn't watch any of the Treehouse Live. You say Nintendo are trying to get away from E3 being the centre piece, I guarantee they'll be there next year with a live conference with all the fanfare doing what Sony and Microsoft do annually and what Nintendo used to do too. Nintendo have avoided the live shows because well imagine their Direct was live, can picture the reaction in say the Kodak theatre?

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Most people don't care that it's a trade show. They watch it for the next new hardware announcement, game announcements, trailers. It's the Mecca of showcasing games. I too didn't watch any of the Treehouse Live. You say Nintendo are trying to get away from E3 being the centre piece, I guarantee they'll be there next year with a live conference with all the fanfare doing what Sony and Microsoft do annually and what Nintendo used to do too. Nintendo have avoided the live shows because well imagine their Direct was live, can picture the reaction in say the Kodak theatre?

Then most people are incorrect in what E3 is. It doesn't matter if they "don't care", it's what it is and should be treated by people as such.

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I was very close to upgrading my New 3DS just recently as I saw it for a low price and figured that maybe I'll snap it up as they'll most likely announce some cool, exclusive stuff for it and the price will rise again (Just like the Vita did last year when a few popular titles had their release dates revealed).


Good thing I didn't really. As nice as it looks, there's just not enough to convince me to upgrade.

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It may have started out as a trade show, and may still be that at heart but it has become much more than that now. If it hadn't, why would anyone bother with public conferences?

The conferences are meant to set up the stuff that they are showing on the show floor, including reveals.


Funnily enough, that's exactly what Nintendo did. Was their new content disappointing? Yes, it wasn't what we were hoping, however that doesn't mean they're "doing E3 wrong" or anything.


It is a bit sad that people seem to think it's all the conferences.

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Most people don't care that it's a trade show. They watch it for the next new hardware announcement, game announcements, trailers. It's the Mecca of showcasing games.


Yup. This is what most gamers care about. Hell, the people presenting know this as well. It's why they address the millions watching at home and why it's streamed live to the public. If not then they may as well just do private screenings for the press.


I was very close to upgrading my New 3DS just recently as I saw it for a low price and figured that maybe I'll snap it up as they'll most likely announce some cool, exclusive stuff for it and the price will rise again (Just like the Vita did last year when a few popular titles had their release dates revealed).


Good thing I didn't really. As nice as it looks, there's just not enough to convince me to upgrade.


Yup. I managed to resist the hype. Very glad I did as well.

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