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NINTENDO @ E3: Let the Hype juices flow

Fused King

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E3 for me was a let down on all fronts. The only 2 games I will probably buy for the foreseeable future are Battlefront and 90's Arcade Racer and one of them is far from certain that it'll actually see the light of day.


This Gen is not even 2 years old and we're already approaching our 4th installments of FIFA, COD, AC etc. It's just year after year of the same tired old shit getting churned out. None of these games play any differently from one installment to the next. This is why Nintendo could/should never go third party, with each console they try and create a new way to play games, if they were forced to use a dualshock forever more they would lose the ability to continually make things fresh. Sometimes their ideas are brilliant and get copied, othertimes they don't work and they get criticized, but the industry needs it and I think they should be applauded for being the only ones to keep pushing the envelope.

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E3 for me was a let down on all fronts. The only 2 games I will probably buy for the foreseeable future are Battlefront and 90's Arcade Racer and one of them is far from certain that it'll actually see the light of day.


This Gen is not even 2 years old and we're already approaching our 4th installments of FIFA, COD, AC etc. It's just year after year of the same tired old shit getting churned out. None of these games play any differently from one installment to the next. This is why Nintendo could/should never go third party, with each console they try and create a new way to play games, if they were forced to use a dualshock forever more they would lose the ability to continually make things fresh. Sometimes their ideas are brilliant and get copied, othertimes they don't work and they get criticized, but the industry needs it and I think they should be applauded for being the only ones to keep pushing the envelope.


Advanced Warfare plays completely differently to Black Ops 2 or Ghosts.


In terms of disappointment then I'm sorry but that's your issue. The industry as a whole is fine. Off the top of my head you have Rare Collection, Halo 5, Gears Remaster, Xenoblade, Yoshis Wooly World, Project Zero, Jumpstars V+, Uncharted Collection, Tearaway, Until Dawn, Batman, Tomorrow Children, Battlefront, Tomb Raider, Tales of.....however you pronounce it, Dragon Quest Heroes all coming this year. I could go on.


Seriously, if none of the above excite you then maybe a new hobby is in order.


Your comment about them being the only ones pushing the envelope is laughable.

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The same old franchises do get churned out every year, FIFA, AC, COD, Rainbow Six etc, offering the bare minimum in terms of what's new. But thankfully we do seem to be seeing a fair amount of new-ish games as well. And some of the industry finally appears to have discovered vibrant colour palettes, which is refreshing and nice.


Advanced Warfare plays completely differently to Black Ops 2 or Ghosts.


Please define "completely differently". How is one COD "completely different" to next year's COD (apart from different weapons or maps)?

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The same old franchises do get churned out every year, FIFA, AC, COD, Rainbow Six etc, offering the bare minimum in terms of what's new. But thankfully we do seem to be seeing a fair amount of new-ish games as well. And some of the industry finally appears to have discovered vibrant colour palettes, which is refreshing and nice.



Please define "completely differently". How is one COD "completely different" to next year's COD (apart from different weapons or maps)?


Rainbow Six was last year? I must have missed that one.


Advanced Warfare introduced Exosuits, which changed the game completely. You were running up buildings and jumping off high ledges. It felt like a mini Titanfall as you were no longer stuck to the floor.


As for this years CoD, I have no idea. I have yet to play it.

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Advanced Warfare plays completely differently to Black Ops 2 or Ghosts.


In terms of disappointment then I'm sorry but that's your issue. The industry as a whole is fine. Off the top of my head you have Rare Collection, Halo 5, Gears Remaster, Xenoblade, Yoshis Wooly World, Project Zero, Jumpstars V+, Uncharted Collection, Tearaway, Until Dawn, Batman, Tomorrow Children, Battlefront, Tomb Raider, Tales of.....however you pronounce it, Dragon Quest Heroes all coming this year. I could go on.


Seriously, if none of the above excite you then maybe a new hobby is in order.


Your comment about them being the only ones pushing the envelope is laughable.


Surely that's the point of his post though, it is his issue?


You may be absolutely ecstatic at the line up of games coming out across all formats, but obviously Clownferret feels let down by Nintendo and the other platforms as well as to what appeals to his game tastes.


I wouldn't suggest a new hobby, maybe take a chance on a game that you haven't experienced before or wouldn't think to, either on PS4 or Wii U. Maybe an indie title so there's minimum loss if it turns out you don't enjoy it :)

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Surely that's the point of his post though, it is his issue?


You may be absolutely ecstatic at the line up of games coming out across all formats, but obviously Clownferret feels let down by Nintendo and the other platforms as well as to what appeals to his game tastes.


I wouldn't suggest a new hobby, maybe take a chance on a game that you haven't experienced before or wouldn't think to, either on PS4 or Wii U. Maybe an indie title so there's minimum loss if it turns out you don't enjoy it :)


The point I was making is that there is a wide variety of titles out there and that are coming, yet for some reason he focuses on annual releases. It's certainly not the same old pants year after year.


Ok I think your view of what makes game completely different is different to mine. I suspect had Titanfall not come out that little addition wouldn't have been in Advanced Warfare.


That little addition changed the game completely, so much so that many people didn't care for the entry in the series due to not playing like the other CoDs. Not to sound like an elitist prick but I've played the older CoDs and AW extensively. I think I know just how different they are.

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All the games we've seen for WiiU are out Q4 2015 or sooner right? do we know of any other games coming in say Q1 2016?


If we don't would it be safe to say the first half of 2016 is the swan song of the WiiU and perhaps the end of 2016 could see an NX launch (even if its just Japan)


Lets try to be less negative and more speculative of a possible future, i think we've all done to death how bad Nintendo have been perceived to handle E3, but perhaps that s because lots of first and third party games are coming for NX and they obviously couldn't announce that.


actually couldn't this thread now be closed and discussion moved to the WiiU and NX threads?


I applaud the positivity but there's a major problem for me in looking to the future - I'm not sure I'd want to be part of it. The WiiU has stretched me more than I expected(in terms of expectations+reality) and I wouldn't be keen to get an NX no matter what titles were on there. The WiiU sold to me on Smash and Zelda and XCX - but right now I can't say that even if all of those were due on NX that I'd adopt until they were out - and that is going to be a HUGE problem as I don't think I'll be the only one thinking along those lines.


As for topic closure, I'll give the topic a bit more time(until next week) but hopefully people will slowly migrate into the other threads - some people may not be catching up on all of the Nintendo stuff quite yet(treehouse bits etc).


Also, its not like annual franchised games are the only games. You guys talk like COD etc are the only games the other consoles have. They're just the only ones that sort of fit this weird argument you try to make.


I must say I do agree with this, but that's again the sort of thing taking us off topic - plus I'm not particular verse or experienced enough in the other consoles to comment(plus I haven't followed anything Sony or MS did this E3).

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Ok I think your view of what makes game completely different is different to mine...


With such a blinkered view as this (especially so seeing how you've not played either) it's no wonder you're so absolutely full of shit statements you so often make.


Granted I blast things for not having voice-chat and any decent online functions but at least there's merit in that. Here, your post is just completely nonsensical BS!

Edited by Kav
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You honestly think there would have been mech-like things you can crawl around on buildings had Titanfall not been around and hyped like crazy?


I should have deleted that part of your quote, the part I was calling crap was the whole "the last few CoDs were the same" part... as I've now edited it to be.

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I think we're arguing different things here. Obviously COD mixes up the formula a little bit between iterations, they wouldn't get away with releasing a new game every year if they didn't. But 90% of the gameplay is the same, and I don't think the differences are big enough to justify yearly sequels. Obviously you do.

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...COD... offering the bare minimum in terms of what's new.


Please define "completely differently". How is one COD "completely different" to next year's COD (apart from different weapons or maps)?


...Advanced Warfare introduced Exosuits, which changed the game completely. You were running up buildings and jumping off high ledges...


Ok I think your view of what makes game completely different is different to mine...


That little addition changed the game completely, so much so that many people didn't care for the entry in the series due to not playing like the other CoDs. Not to sound like an elitist prick but I've played the older CoDs and AW extensively. I think I know just how different they are.




I think we're arguing different things here. Obviously COD mixes up the formula a little bit between iterations, they wouldn't get away with releasing a new game every year if they didn't. But 90% of the gameplay is the same, and I don't think the differences are big enough to justify yearly sequels. Obviously you do.


We don't appear to be talking about different things.


They play very differently, not just slightly, very differently!


It's like if I were to say Splatoon plays just like any other team based shooter. It'd be bollocks, they play completely differently.

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It's like if I were to say Splatoon plays just like any other team based shooter. It'd be bollocks, they play completely differently.


So you're saying the difference between Black Ops 3 and Ghosts is on par with the difference between Splatoon and COD?

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So you're saying the difference between Black Ops 3 and Ghosts is on par with the difference between Splatoon and COD?


Not quite on par but not nearly as far off as you'd imagine.


In Ghosts it was very much a typical infantry soldier shooter, you'd be able to run around on the ground and climb small obstacles, that's it.

In BO3 you've got crazy jumping about the place with some sort of jet/booster packs and wall-running etc.

The difference in the gameplay between Ghosts and BO3 is huge.


Not so much with some CoDs going back, but recently the difference is as clear as day.



The difference between those CoDs is larger than the differences between the last few Mario Karts and between the last few Zelda's and between plenty of Nintendo games (I'm not slating Zelda, it can stay like that forever, I love it).

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Jet packs and boosters :blank: ok gotcha. Clearly night and day difference just like Splatoon v COD.


Again, you're ignoring the issue at hand. The BS statement you made initially, I've quoted the conversation between you and Hero, I've also stated as he had the differences in gameplay between the 2 CoDs. You're just taking my statement, which was made as a BS statement (I stated that) and twisting it because you can't actually admit you're incorrect and have made a nonsensical statement.


This is why you rub people the wrong way.

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There was no Nintendo E3 Hype, it was a Nintendo E3 letdown, so we have to discuss something... :p


I'll draw a line under it there, hopefully @Ronnie will look back on the conversation and take onboard what's been said and draw a line under it too.

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I don't really get why some people keep bringing up games like COD and AC and whatever and saying it is shit how they are released yearly. The thing is, no one is forcing you to buy them or even to pay attention to them. If you don't like them, ignore them.


There is plenty of other stuff out there that might be worth your attention. I can only speak in regards to the PS4 now, but there are a lot more games on there than just COD and AC (even though I did play AC:Black Flag and really enjoyed it).


Also, why does it matter that Sony aren't releasing that many first party games? I don't see the point in arguing over first party, as that is not what defines a console. It's about the overall gaming experience you can get, not just about a few games that were released first party. I have been playing more games than I have in years because of the PS4, and most of those games are third party/indie games. The only game I have really played on Wii U this year was Bayonetta 2 (great game, but I need more games!). Even my 3DS hasn't seen much love this year, as there simply aren't enough games out that interest me.


A lot of it will come down to what your interests are I guess. If you like what Nintendo has shown at this E3, then great! You will have something to look forward to! But I am quite disappointed by their showing this year and can't say I am really looking forward to anything other than FE (not even the Zelda 3DS game seemed interesting, even though I loooove Zelda games). I do hope they can turn things around in the future, but I think I will be more cautious in buying their consoles, at least until I know there are at least a few games coming that I really want. The Wii U has disappointed me too much to invest in a Nintendo console again straight away.

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There's nothing to take onboard. COD iterates with minor gameplay tweaks every year. They release the same old FPS with small changes each year because people keep buying the games. Good for them. @Clowferret shouldn't be called out for daring to suggest that we get iterative sequels each year.

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People shouldn't be called out for daring to mention that Splatoon doesn't have voice chat, but God knows how that normally goes down.


The reason people get called out is because its like a broken record in this place. "Wah wah wah, no voice chat", " Wah wah wah COD is shit so the whole console must also be shit".

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There's nothing to take onboard. COD iterates with minor gameplay tweaks every year. They release the same old FPS with small changes each year because people keep buying the games. Good for them. @Clowferret shouldn't be called out for daring to suggest that we get iterative sequels each year.


Again, the jump between Ghosts and Advanced Warfare is anything but a minor tweak. Actually, the jump between CoD3 ( or was it 2? ) and Modern Warfare was quite significant as well.

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