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NINTENDO @ E3: Let the Hype juices flow

Fused King

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Hmmm...like to see...


Super Mario U(niverse) Galaxy/3D hybrid with "parallel universe" physics.


Metroid X2. 3DS 2D and Wii U 3D. Stories synch up, plus a co-op Hunters online/offline hunting the galaxy's worst scum. Extra DLC Hunter packs to come.


Pokemon Z. Region to east of Kalos, Kalos as post-game. ALL starter Megas. Some new Mon.


Eshop Battle Frontier. Mon can transfer from Pokemon Bank(ORAS/XY/Z compatibe). Expnded Frontier bosses/challenges etc.Has PWT, too. Special trainer card to collect ALL badges from past gym leaders after defeating at PWT, then at a hidden base style mini gym mod.


Nintendo/Squaresoft partnership to fast track all those DQ games that are likely NEVER coming to the west.


Animal Crossing U. Expanded EVERYTHING. Online tower flat mode separate to your town included with your own big single room apartment. It's online only with the object being other player interaction on a massive scale, with zillions of tiny interactions/scenes to witness with your neighbours. Each town is assigned one of four seasonal islands, others you visit other towns for.


Kid Icarus U. I'm sure the 3DS one was being ported years ago. The heck happened?


Freemium Nintendo Land Challenge. 3DS. NES/SNES/GB etc. various bite size NEW levels/challenges from Nintendo games. Like a Mario level where you have to find as many hidden 1up block mussrooms as possible, or a Zelda digging game for hearts, Mario Kart where you have to run over all the goombas in a time limit etc. Lives/money represented by various Nintendo currencies.


Pokemon Z - Wii U exclusive - I'll drop my pants in public for that.

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Looking at Nintendo's financial prediction for the sales of Wii U, you've got to figure(hope) some big surprises must be coming from E3.


Wii U


Hardware Sales (financial year) — 3.38 million units

Hardware Sales (life to date) — 9.54 million units

Hardware Sales Projection (2014 to 2015) — 3.4 million units


Though the sales are modest, there's nothing that we know of so far that would be as big as Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. Wii U from 2014. So it could be a couple of big titles(Starfox is not going to cut it in comparison), a price drop or a combination of both that would see the Wii U match last years sales total.

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I mentioned a price cut. It's about time for one and if there's no major game announcements at E3 it's the only way I could see those numbers happening. It would be unusual for a major game to come out of nowhere. I know SM3DW did it but it didn't have the sales power of Smash and MK8. I think it'll be a price cut for its last Christmas on the market before the NX takes centre stage the following Christmas.

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I mentioned a price cut. It's about time for one and if there's no major game announcements at E3 it's the only way I could see those numbers happening. It would be unusual for a major game to come out of nowhere. I know SM3DW did it but it didn't have the sales power of Smash and MK8. I think it'll be a price cut for its last Christmas on the market before the NX takes centre stage the following Christmas.


Oh yeah. Must stop skimming :)


I think a price cut is coming, but also just more games hopefully means more people want one. Add in splatoon, star fox, xenoblade etc, surely added to all the others makes it more desirable. Add in a slightly cheaper price and it could do okay.


I've gone past caring about sales though. Just want good gsmes. I just want star fox to be great. Throw in an extra big surprise (not AC) and some smaller gems and I'll be happy!

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My problem is that I generally enjoy multiplayer games more than the single-player experience, so when I want to game with my friends I'll look to do it online. Here's where Nintendo are losing me with their attitude towards online and their poor implementation of it.


As a result, the only games that would tempt me to buy a Nintendo console these days are Zelda, Metroid and Xenoblade. No other game is a system seller to me anymore... and I've always been a Nintendo fan. If their games aren't appealing to me, would they appeal to non-Nintendo fans out there?

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My problem is that I generally enjoy multiplayer games more than the single-player experience, so when I want to game with my friends I'll look to do it online. Here's where Nintendo are losing me with their attitude towards online and their poor implementation of it.


As a result, the only games that would tempt me to buy a Nintendo console these days are Zelda, Metroid and Xenoblade. No other game is a system seller to me anymore... and I've always been a Nintendo fan. If their games aren't appealing to me, would they appeal to non-Nintendo fans out there?


They might. Other people aren't you :p

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I think Nintendo will never become the leader percentage-wise within the core PS/XBox demographic.

Their appeal differs too much from the other two manufacturers nor do I feel they want to change/evolve towards that demographic.


I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing as long as there is enough market/money to be made.

Another problem seems to be that the bigger third party developers don't seem to be willing to take any risks anymore and play safe with franchises that sell well within their core demographic.

During the Wii era we got third party games like Zack and Wiki, Eledees, Boom Blox, De Blob, Dewy's Adventure, Little King's Story, Kororinpa, Muramasa and Opoona.

Ofcourse with the Wii U selling nowhere near as good as the Wii did, that will be the biggest reason not to. But I have a feeling that there are fewer and fewer of those games out on all systems this generation.

I'm very happy to see that Indie developers offer some nice quirky and very creative titles but the bigger studios are really letting me down this generation. Maybe there are too few consumers like that are willing to throw enough money in these kind of games :(


Something totally different that keeps popping up in my mind is an idea that could give Nintendo a lot of hardware sales (I think):

imagine Nintendo NX being a hybrid handheld/gamepad connecting with cloud streaming apps on multiple devices... Something like Netflix for Nintendo games. That way home, handheld and mobile gaming would all be possible with one device... Just a weird thought and I think something like that would appeal to both a lot of casual "gamers" AND more veteran gamers alike.

Edited by markderoos
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I think Nintendo will never become the leader percentage-wise within the core PS/XBox demographic.

Their appeal differs too much from the other two manufacturers nor do I feel they want to change/evolve towards that demographic.


Well they won't become the leader by doing nothing. They had their chances to win the PS/XBOX demographic but they had to do it generations ago. They let Sony and Microsoft win the core market. Those companies didn't just enter the market and everyone decided these are for the hardcore gamer. They made efforts to attract that market and now they've built up a loyalty that I don't think can be broken. Nintendo would have to try and attract the next generation of gamer.


When they had Rare and they were making Goldeneye and Perfect Dark they had a slight grasp on that market. But when they sold Rare, they sold their only studio that was capable of making Western aimed games for the FPS market. Their only real Western studio today is Retro Studios. Could they do it? I don't know. Metroid Prime says maybe. But Retro's output is incredibly slow. You get about 2 games on average from them every generation. Nintendo need more Western Studios. Nintendo had numerous chances to pick up talent and form studios from bankrupt companies. I can't remember a lot of them off hand but there was Free Radical and companies within THQ's umbrella.

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Yeah, I totally understand your points but I just don't think Nintendo want to move in that direction, even if they could.

They seem to have a really recognisable focus/style with their library and I think that direction doesn't win over that demographic.


Western taste hangs a lot towards more story driven, believable game worlds as apposed to the more Asian approach which focusses more on the bizarre, colourful, weird worlds and mechanics of a game.

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Well they won't become the leader by doing nothing. They had their chances to win the PS/XBOX demographic but they had to do it generations ago. They let Sony and Microsoft win the core market. Those companies didn't just enter the market and everyone decided these are for the hardcore gamer. They made efforts to attract that market and now they've built up a loyalty that I don't think can be broken. Nintendo would have to try and attract the next generation of gamer.


I once thought like this but this generation has shown that people aren't as loyal as you may think. Sure there will be a core of loyal fans but for the most part people go where either the crowd go or where the bargain is. That's why we have seen a big shift in 360 owners going to the PS4 this generation.


Yeah, I totally understand your points but I just don't think Nintendo want to move in that direction, even if they could.

They seem to have a really recognisable focus/style with their library and I think that direction doesn't win over that demographic.


I think they can have their cake and eat it, it's just that they choose not to. I mean there's nothing stopping them creating more realistic games and at the same time continue to make the kind of games they are known for. I certainly wouldn't want them to give up what they do now for a more westernised approach.


Personally i'm happy with their output as it is, but I suppose it's easy to say that as I get my western fix from the other consoles.

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Yeah, I totally understand your points but I just don't think Nintendo want to move in that direction, even if they could.

They seem to have a really recognisable focus/style with their library and I think that direction doesn't win over that demographic.


Western taste hangs a lot towards more story driven, believable game worlds as apposed to the more Asian approach which focusses more on the bizarre, colourful, weird worlds and mechanics of a game.

Yeah, they shouldn't even attempt to go there I reckon. Keep trying (although perhaps a bit harder :heh:) to get 3rd party developers to deliver that type of content, sure. But Nintendo themselves absolutely shouldn't change their established style.

Bizarre, colourful and weird Nintendo for life! :DOr at least my life. :hehe:

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Yeah, I totally understand your points but I just don't think Nintendo want to move in that direction, even if they could.

They seem to have a really recognisable focus/style with their library and I think that direction doesn't win over that demographic.


Western taste hangs a lot towards more story driven, believable game worlds as apposed to the more Asian approach which focusses more on the bizarre, colourful, weird worlds and mechanics of a game.


I completely agree with Wii.

Due to lost third party support, Nintendo must figure out a way to appeal to both demographics. I would never want Nintendo to drop their traditional style.

However, Nintendo must understand that the "Nintendo experience" isn't just nostalgia towards the NES and SNES.

It's also nostalgia towards the N64. Towards Pilotwings 64, 1080 Snowboarding, Banjo Kazooie and Goldeneye.

So, summing it all up: Nintendo need to broaden their spectrum.

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I completely agree with Wii.

Due to lost third party support, Nintendo must figure out a way to appeal to both demographics. I would never want Nintendo to drop their traditional style.

However, Nintendo must understand that the "Nintendo experience" isn't just nostalgia towards the NES and SNES.

It's also nostalgia towards the N64. Towards Pilotwings 64, 1080 Snowboarding, Banjo Kazooie and Goldeneye.

So, summing it all up: Nintendo need to broaden their spectrum.


Does anyone know what Nintendo team was responsible for Pilotwings and 1080?

Obviously Banjo and Goldeneye were Rare games, so these developers are absolutely not Nintendo employees (or second party) anymore.


It seems like (almost) every Nintendo game which focusses more or less on the Western audience was also developed by a second party from the West.

So that leaves us with Retro now or Nintendo buying/supporting more Western studios if we want those kind of games.


I just think Nintendo doesn't see enough profit in those franchises and prefers to invest in their usual big hitters.


And lastly: as much as I love games like F-Zero, Excite series, 1080, Pilotwings etc, these are not the games that I think persuade a lot of non-Nintendo gamers into buying a Wii U.

It would please a small group of the hardcore Nintendo fans that already have the console. So: not many sales within an already small group of consumers.


I'm sorry to sounds so negative because I would too love these games to release, I just think it's not very realistic to expect those franchises to win back large groups of Western Sony/Microsoft owners. ::shrug:

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Does anyone know what Nintendo team was responsible for Pilotwings and 1080?

Obviously Banjo and Goldeneye were Rare games, so these developers are absolutely not Nintendo employees (or second party) anymore.


It seems like (almost) every Nintendo game which focusses more or less on the Western audience was also developed by a second party from the West.

So that leaves us with Retro now or Nintendo buying/supporting more Western studios if we want those kind of games.


I just think Nintendo doesn't see enough profit in those franchises and prefers to invest in their usual big hitters.


And lastly: as much as I love games like F-Zero, Excite series, 1080, Pilotwings etc, these are not the games that I think persuade a lot of non-Nintendo gamers into buying a Wii U.

It would please a small group of the hardcore Nintendo fans that already have the console. So: not many sales within an already small group of consumers.


I'm sorry to sounds so negative because I would too love these games to release, I just think it's not very realistic to expect those franchises to win back large groups of Western Sony/Microsoft owners. ::shrug:

Pilotwings 64 was developed by Nintendo and the now dead Paradigm

1080 Snowboarding was pure EAD

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Does anyone know what Nintendo team was responsible for Pilotwings and 1080?

Obviously Banjo and Goldeneye were Rare games, so these developers are absolutely not Nintendo employees (or second party) anymore.


It seems like (almost) every Nintendo game which focusses more or less on the Western audience was also developed by a second party from the West.

So that leaves us with Retro now or Nintendo buying/supporting more Western studios if we want those kind of games.



There's also Next Level Games and Monster Games. Sadly, MG seem to have been pushed into doing ports now, with them doing DKCR and Xenoblade on the 3DS.

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There's also Next Level Games and Monster Games. Sadly, MG seem to have been pushed into doing ports now, with them doing DKCR and Xenoblade on the 3DS.

Ah yeah, how could I forget those! :wtf:


It looked up 1080 on wikipedia and surprise, surprise: "1080° was programmed by Englishmen Giles Goddard and Colin Reed, developed and published by Nintendo, and produced by Shigeru Miyamoto."


You Britts sure know how to develop some nice games! :bowdown:

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Does anyone know what Nintendo team was responsible for Pilotwings and 1080?

Obviously Banjo and Goldeneye were Rare games, so these developers are absolutely not Nintendo employees (or second party) anymore.

PW was developed by a western developer, believe they had actually developed simulators for the US Air Force before.

While Rare is gone, Nintendo

It seems like (almost) every Nintendo game which focusses more or less on the Western audience was also developed by a second party from the West.

So that leaves us with Retro now or Nintendo buying/supporting more Western studios if we want those kind of games.

They're in a tough spot.

However, indie developers are on the rise. Some of them will be tomorrows AAA devs. If Nintendo take this opportunity, build strong relationships by making it easy and cheap for indies to develop their games for their systems, maybe even offer some level of funding for anyone willing to go exclusive, their future consoles may have a broad variety of cool exclusives that could weigh up the lack of support from the major third party publishers.

I just think Nintendo doesn't see enough profit in those franchises and prefers to invest in their usual big hitters.

I think

And lastly: as much as I love games like F-Zero, Excite series, 1080, Pilotwings etc, these are not the games that I think persuade a lot of non-Nintendo gamers into buying a Wii U.

It would please a small group of the hardcore Nintendo fans that already have the console. So: not many sales within an already small group of consumers.

I think it depends entirely on how Nintendo spin it. If Nintendo just bring out a new Excitetruck, basically the old one with HD graphics and some new gimmick, then yeah, it'll be a waste of resources.

However if they keep the realistic looks/arcade handling of Excitebike 64, throw in licensed rally cars as well, incorporate the possibility to upgrade the vehicles, a solid career mode, online play, level editor etc and suddenly you have a really good substitute for Colin McRae and Motorstorm. Let's call it Excite! Offroad Championship.

Upgrade the game engine and two years later you have a substitute for Gran Turismo. Let's call it Excite! GT.


Kick the Mii's out of Pilotwings (preferably write an apology for Pilotwings Resort on the title screen), build a few diverse, visually stunning worlds, add realist-ish vehicle handling and sense of speed like in PW64, more vehicles and mission variety. Throw in a variety of different planes and a possibility to give your vehicles custom paintjobs. Maybe an online mode and video editor so you can do formation flying flying with your mates and share on Youtube. Enable players to unlock cars so you can explore the visually stunning worlds from ground level.


If Nintendo want to save money, they could use the same game worlds in both Excite! games, Pilotwings, 1080 and Wave Race.

I'm sorry to sounds so negative because I would too love these games to release, I just think it's not very realistic to expect those franchises to win back large groups of Western Sony/Microsoft owners. ::shrug:

I agree.

However, I've got lots of friends who do want to buy the Wii U, they're just waiting for the right announcements. And that's what Nintendo need to aim for: appeal to the parts of their own fanbase that they've been missing for the past few years.

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Yeah, they shouldn't even attempt to go there I reckon. Keep trying (although perhaps a bit harder :heh:) to get 3rd party developers to deliver that type of content, sure. But Nintendo themselves absolutely shouldn't change their established style.

Bizarre, colourful and weird Nintendo for life! :DOr at least my life. :hehe:


Of course they should. There's gold in them thar hills. Look at Fatal Frame, look at The Last Story, look at Xenoblade, look at Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Skies, look at Zangeki no REGINLEIV, look at Trauma Center(various games), look at Pandora's Tower, look at Disaster: Day of Crisis.


They're just from the Wii. Not your typical colourful Nintendo games. There are others but the case may not be as clear cut. Would anybody argue that the console would have been better off without them? They're all published and funded by Nintendo. Where were all those studios from?


Now someone care to make a list of Western developed Nintendo published and funded games please? It shouldn't take too long.

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Hmmm...like to see...


Super Mario U(niverse) Galaxy/3D hybrid with "parallel universe" physics.


Metroid X2. 3DS 2D and Wii U 3D. Stories synch up, plus a co-op Hunters online/offline hunting the galaxy's worst scum. Extra DLC Hunter packs to come.


Pokemon Z. Region to east of Kalos, Kalos as post-game. ALL starter Megas. Some new Mon.


Eshop Battle Frontier. Mon can transfer from Pokemon Bank(ORAS/XY/Z compatibe). Expnded Frontier bosses/challenges etc.Has PWT, too. Special trainer card to collect ALL badges from past gym leaders after defeating at PWT, then at a hidden base style mini gym mod.


Nintendo/Squaresoft partnership to fast track all those DQ games that are likely NEVER coming to the west.


Animal Crossing U. Expanded EVERYTHING. Online tower flat mode separate to your town included with your own big single room apartment. It's online only with the object being other player interaction on a massive scale, with zillions of tiny interactions/scenes to witness with your neighbours. Each town is assigned one of four seasonal islands, others you visit other towns for.


Kid Icarus U. I'm sure the 3DS one was being ported years ago. The heck happened?


Freemium Nintendo Land Challenge. 3DS. NES/SNES/GB etc. various bite size NEW levels/challenges from Nintendo games. Like a Mario level where you have to find as many hidden 1up block mussrooms as possible, or a Zelda digging game for hearts, Mario Kart where you have to run over all the goombas in a time limit etc. Lives/money represented by various Nintendo currencies.


Oh and...


A new 4 pack of streetpass games.


That rumored Capcom vs Nintendo 2D fighter game.


TLBW style graphical remake of OoA/OoS with planned third version added. Eshop exclusive with Wii U/3DS crossbuy. £9.99 each.


Zelda Four Swords, again with TLBW graphical style...again with Wii U/3DS crossbuy and offline/online co-op.


Donkey Kong Country Returns 3 (I'll eventually get round to the last one).


Bomberman Universe. Onine/offline multiplayer for standard battle mode. (Classic overhead stuff). A rpg mode, multiplayer co-op, with zillions of different bombs, weapons/players that level up, collectible costumes/hats, long overhead levels, huge bosses. Has a Diablo/Borderlands style RAID for rare items from enemies/boss system. Plus puzzle bomb mode, with online sharable level editor.


Puzzle Dragons Z Pokemon. You KNOW it's an eventuality.


Pokemon Shadow U. Like the CUBE versions except longer with alterations to battle system to make it more jrpg type. The continuation of shadow Pokemon arc! A few preview Pokemon for the next gen (to amp sales toinsane levels). Possible alternate "shadow mega" fors for those that feature and have them. The usual tournament/multiplayer extras.


Goemon U. Some of my favorite games. Cartoony style though, not that weird "real" type.


Wario Dominion. Wario is intent not just to steal all the world's loot...but every other worlds too! Journey to Mario's world and collect classic coins, red coins, blue ones, yoshi coins...or visit Mario Kart and steal all those gold trophies! Stop by Animal Crosding and make off with the town jewels/gems! Go to hyrule and rob those rupees! A platform adventure with the goal of collecting EVERY loot imaginable while a myriad of Nintendo worlds/characters guest star! Classic Wario hidden treasure system!


Tamo Yoshi. Collect many different fruits via streetpass (loooooooots of different fruit) or coins to feed your yoshi, pet it, play with it until it lays an egg. Steps will hatch it. Starts of baby and grows to big. Every colour of streetpass costume available (24?) Fruit will affect stats/personality/abilities. Many mini games to win such as racing, eating, hide 'n' seek etc. Plus other minigames where yoshi transforms into vehicles like the Island games, but many more available. Utimate goal is to get all gold trophies and collect all yoshis.

Edited by Mr_Master_X2
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Of course they should. There's gold in them thar hills. Look at Fatal Frame, look at The Last Story, look at Xenoblade, look at Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Skies, look at Zangeki no REGINLEIV, look at Trauma Center(various games), look at Pandora's Tower, look at Disaster: Day of Crisis.


They're just from the Wii. Not your typical colourful Nintendo games. There are others but the case may not be as clear cut. Would anybody argue that the console would have been better off without them? They're all published and funded by Nintendo. Where were all those studios from?


Now someone care to make a list of Western developed Nintendo published and funded games please? It shouldn't take too long.

Err... not one of those games was developed by Nintendo. :blank:
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Err... not one of those games was developed by Nintendo. :blank:


I didn't say they were. My point is those games were great and they were developed by Japanese studios and funded and published by Nintendo. Some met with more success than others. Now if Nintendo were to buy or fund Western studios then its possible that the games would have greater success this side of the world.

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Err... not one of those games was developed by Nintendo. :blank:

And none of them sold well at all, too. Which is a shame really. Though Xenoblade did alright.


Technically Xenoblade should count since Monolith is a first party studio, same with Disaster: Day of Crisis

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I didn't say they were. My point is those games were great and they were developed by Japanese studios and funded and published by Nintendo. Some met with more success than others. Now if Nintendo were to buy or fund Western studios then its possible that the games would have greater success this side of the world.
Don't think you got my point before then (despite disagreeing with it :heh:), I'm saying Nintendo themselves shouldn't be trying to create those kind of games. Publishing them, fine. Funding them, fine. Getting 3rd parties (wherever they're from) to create them, fine.


But as far as development is concerned, Nintendo should continue to do what they've always done and what they do best.

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Don't think you got my point before then (despite disagreeing with it :heh:), I'm saying Nintendo themselves shouldn't be trying to create those kind of games. Publishing them, fine. Funding them, fine. Getting 3rd parties (wherever they're from) to create them, fine.


But as far as development is concerned, Nintendo should continue to do what they've always done and what they do best.


I agree.


What Nintendo need is another Rare. They need a Western developer that can create something like a Nintendo exclusive FPS but tailored to suit the strengths of a Nintendo system like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.


One of Nintendo's biggest mistakes during the Wii and DS era was not to invest more into acquiring studios or building new studios that could take this role.


Nintendo could easily have a studio like Bungie to churn out a Western orientated game like Halo every few years.


I think if Nintendo could produce a first person shooter as an exclusive, a simulation or realistic racer and a gritty third person adventure, they would have three more important bases covered and have another important group of exclusive franchises under their belt.


Project Cars raised $5,000,000 from crowd funding (I think I'm right on this?) to get this game off the ground. I'm pretty sure Nintendo could stump up that kind of money to get a game into development and ensure exclusivity. What's more, if the game sold 250,000 copies (not a huge number for an exclusive) it would have brought in more than double that spend at $50 a copy.


These are only basic maths - but I do believe that Nintendo could easily benefit from bringing small and talented independent developers on board in order to pad out their releases and benefit from a wider range of exclusive games on their systems.

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