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Is Nintendo-Only gaming Damaging Your Hobby


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That's a bit disrespectful towards the indie games, imo. I've spent tons of time playing PSN games. Currently playing OlliOlli2 and Ine is playing Rogue Legacy. Both are top quality titles. Indie games aren't really a lesser choice, they are just another option. It's nice being able to flip between something like The Last of Us one moment and then be on OlliOlli2 the next. THAT is variety.


Which is all very well and good. But why aren't they also on the WiiU for similar value? SOME indies are there, but those you mention I believe aren't - why not?


I ask as a continuation of a post in the Wii U General board and this is something that I feel has affected me.


I basically feel that being a Nintendo-only console owner (I always hated having multiple, over clogging systems around) has dampened the love I have had for gaming.


I feel this is due to a lack of variety of games and under-whelming Nintendo first-party games.


A good example of the latter was my lack of desire to complete Skyward sword - Zelda being my favourite series. I also couldn't be bothered to try Smash Bros U after 3 generations of traditionally buying the previous games - I guess this could fall under variety.


I know my lust for gaming still exists as I still thoroughly enjoy Command and Conquer 3 online on PC and play it weekly.


My question is does anybody else who tends to own one Nintendo home console feel the same? Or maybe you feel a decline in your gaming activity but attribute it to something else? Essentially, is anyone in the same boat as me? Or are your needs perfectly met by Nintendo's offerings - why?


(Disclaimer: i have no bias agenda here).


I feel I identify a lot with Flink generally, and his post kinda hits the nail for me too - only I do handheld a little bit too(ease) and don't have an alternative home console. My gaming has definitely gone down with time - but I don't think it's lack of interest. It's still very much a big part of me, otherwise I wouldn't be coming here every day. I do think I'm limited by time and money though - money to buy things, time to do things - socialising takes a lot away from what could be my gaming time. The fact I bought a WiiU stopped me getting a XBone or PS4. I know it comes up a lot(and I don't want it to be focus here) but social aspects to consoles such as good online, and importantly voice chat, will allow me to both game at the same time as socialising somewhat - thus doubling up my value for time. I've said it plenty times before, but I played what I'd consider a lot of Halo Reach and Halo 4 - the latter exclusively online pretty much, and that was all helped by the good online/social structure available to me.

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Or we have differing tastes in games. Has nothing to do with double standards.



I question your criticism of Nintendo for doing sequels over the other ones when Nintendo's sequels are few and far between, typically one per device rather than annual which happens on the other formats. Why is it a problem for Nintendo to have a sequel to say Mario every few years but not Ubisoft for their annual Assassin's Creed and so many other examples? Especially as Nintendo's sequels are usually vastly different to their predecessor (New Super Mario Bros. series notwithstanding)

Doesn't matter either way whether it's NSMB every few years but over several years and generations or AC more regularly but over fewer years and generations. Same problem. The problem is that nearly all Nintendo's big games are like this, be it Mario Kart, NSMB, Mario, Zelda, Smash, Animal Crossing or Pikmin - the console is sold on sequels that rely on the same construct. On the other consoles there are more fairly big games that are new to me.


Also I'd argue games like NSMB bring less to the table each iteration whereas at least some of the iterative games on other consoles are story driven and feature different settings/characters.

Edited by Sheikah
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I don't think I've ever been a 'Nintendo only' person.


But let's pretend for a second that I could ONLY chose one platform to have. I would probably go for the 3DS. I barely get time to play games these days so I find myself playing the 3DS more than any of the others. Would I be missing out? Very much so. I can name games that I have really enjoyed playing on every platform.


And, on the topic of indies from the first page, I've got turned off indies purely because there is a sect of people (I don't specifically mean on N-Europe) who think that all indies are great and that to criticise them is wrong.

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Yep, though a laugh is putting it politely.


That's...actually pretty unbelievable. You just caused an argument by bringing in a quote I made over 2 weeks ago in the PS4 topic and completely misinterpreting it, then you sit back and pat people on the back in agreement when they remark the topic has become a slagging match.

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Great another slag off Nintendo thread and where you get ridiculed for supporting Nintendo. This forum is a laugh.


Not exactly how much this is 'slagging off' Nintendo and tbh @King_V made a good choice imo in taking something he found an interesting topic of discussion from the Wii U General and made a thread of it rather than clog that thread up with it all.


The discussion is here to be had by some folks - if you don't like it then avoid the thread/discussion/forum if it's really that bad for you. Personally I've found most of the posts both from the General thread and in here quite interesting.


Posts such as yours do nothing to benefit this thread, or this forum - what is it going to achieve except rile people and derail the thread into an argument?

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I question your criticism of Nintendo for doing sequels over the other ones when Nintendo's sequels are few and far between, typically one per device rather than annual which happens on the other formats. Why is it a problem for Nintendo to have a sequel to say Mario every few years but not Ubisoft for their annual Assassin's Creed and so many other examples? Especially as Nintendo's sequels are usually vastly different to their predecessor (New Super Mario Bros. series notwithstanding)


I find it hilarious and rather hypocritical that the same people who literally jizz in their pants over a new Assassins Creed (games that are churned out on a yearly basis on what seems like a production line) then cry and moan over a new Mario Kart every 6 years!


Great another slag off Nintendo thread and where you get ridiculed for supporting Nintendo. This forum is a laugh.


Just what I thought mate!


My take on this topic - it's pretty simple:


If you like Nintendo and they fulfil your gaming needs, there's no need to buy another console. If you don't like Nintendo, or Nintendo alone doesn't fulfil all your gamings needs; buy another console. Pretty simple.

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The Nintendo Defence Force is forming. :p


I've never been a Nintendo only gamer, I've always had multiple consoles. I have, however, always preferred Nintendo games to others and up until this generation (maybe ever so slightly last gen) I have started to lose faith in Nintendo as both a developer and definitely a console manufacturer.


If I were to game on Nintendo only, the single player games would not cause issue as I think they are absolutely exceptional. Their multiplayer efforts however are severely lacking due to their attitude towards online. This is where my gaming would suffer... and for me, it's unacceptable.

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My take on this topic - it's pretty simple:


If you like Nintendo and they fulfil your gaming needs, there's no need to buy another console. If you don't like Nintendo, or Nintendo alone doesn't fulfil all your gamings needs; buy another console. Pretty simple.


Mostly spot on - it seems King_V is interested in the prevalence and extent of this feeling amongst forum members, and would like to have a discussion about it. Ofc, as I mentioned, there's opportunity costs of sorts - I've already invested money in the WiiU that I won't get back(not that I necessarily regret that, of course).


Just what I thought mate!


Hmm. I fail to see the ridiculing of Grazza, Fused King, mr-paul, Jimbob, dazzybee to mention just a few - who all seem to have posted showing support for Nintendo-only/mostly gaming.

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And from a personal perspective, I love Nintendo gaming and get more out of it than gaming on other systems.


I have access to a PC capable of playing games and a 360. I use them occasionally for gaming, but I never get as much out of them and always end up returning to Nintendo as I just enjoy their output more than that on other systems.

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Funny that, Nintendo fans on a Nintendo message board.


Yeah, because only those that blindly defend Nintendo, including defending the indefensible, are the only Nintendo fans here. :rolleyes:


I'm talking about these overly defensive posts as well as posts criticising the thread incorrectly, that needn't be made.

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Yeah, because only those that blindly defend Nintendo, including defending the indefensible, are the only Nintendo fans here. :rolleyes:


I'm talking about these overly defensive posts as well as posts criticising the thread incorrectly, that needn't be made.


Don't be surprised to see people on a Nintendo message board defend Nintendo is all I'm saying, assuming this still is one. Hard to tell sometimes.

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It's a shame that the same Nintendo fanboys on this forum come to complain about a topic that has generated some pretty neat discussion, seemingly because it's faintly anti-Nintendo.


I swear, it's almost like becoming a multiformat gamer is a rite of passage. The difference in maturity between people who broaden their horizons and those that don't is pretty revealing.

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It's a shame that the same Nintendo fanboys on this forum come to complain about a topic that has generated some pretty neat discussion, seemingly because it's faintly anti-Nintendo.


I swear, it's almost like becoming a multiformat gamer is a rite of passage. The difference in maturity between people who broaden their horizons and those that don't is pretty revealing.

Could you please drop the elitist/snobbish attitude? Just try to consider that people have differing views to you. They don't need to agree with you, so accept that.

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Don't be surprised to see people on a Nintendo message board defend Nintendo is all I'm saying, assuming this still is one. Hard to tell sometimes.


I'll happily defend Nintendo. What I won't do is defend them when I'd be in the wrong to do so. Or to go on moaning how people aren't Nintendo fans just because they criticise.


This thread is a perfectly fine discussion. It's not a thread to rip Nintendo.


For example, some people may only be able to buy one console and they choose the WiiU for Zelda/Mario because they want these games more than others. However, they may feel that only having the WiiU is still effecting their hobby because they're missing out on other games/feautures that Nintendo aren't providing that they would like.


The topic is very relevant. To attack it is overly defensive and incorrect.

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I swear, it's almost like becoming a multiformat gamer is a rite of passage. The difference in maturity between people who broaden their horizons and those that don't is pretty revealing.


Hahaha you are such a condescending prick.


So now, becoming a multiformat gamer is a 'rite of passage' and if you simply like playing Nintendo you haven't 'matured' and it's pretty 'revealing' if you haven't.


Maybe people who don't go multiformat just like playing Nintendo? In the same way that people who just have an XBO just like Microsfot exclusives more and are content with that choice, or people who just have a PS4 or PC are content with their choice and make that choice because it is their preference because they prefer games on that system.

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Hahaha you are such a condescending prick.


So now, becoming a multiformat gamer is a 'rite of passage' and if you simply like playing Nintendo you haven't 'matured' and it's pretty 'revealing' if you haven't.


Maybe people who don't go multiformat just like playing Nintendo? In the same way that people who just have an XBO just like Microsfot exclusives more and are content with that choice, or people who just have a PS4 or PC are content with their choice and make that choice because it is their preference because they prefer games on that system.


Wow, could you have proven my point any better than you just did?

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Wow, could you have proven my point any better than you just did?


You are a total tool. You basically assert that anyone who doesn't own more than one console hasn't grown up - I'd assert that the person who hasn't grown up is the one who can't accept that people have different tastes in gaming - and that whilst some prefer to game on more than one system, others are more than happy to play games one system as that suits them.


Whereas the person who doesn't buy another system when they want to play certain games that don't come out on Nintendo consoles is bascially holding themselves back and is being rather foolish, equally the person that is satisifed by Nintendo's output but buys another console to achieve a 'rite of passage' would be equally foolish.


People are free to decide what they game on and how many systems they own. It doesn't make you better or worse if own more or less consoles!

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@Zechs Merquise Not at all.


I never stated all Nintendo-only gamers are immature, I'm pointing out that on this forum it's never usually the people who have broadened their horizons who are complaining about anti-Nintendo topics, because they're able to see the bigger picture. They can see how well things like online and third party relations are being done on the other formats that they own and so don't feel the need to defend Nintendo every time criticism is levelled against them. And rather than make generalisations about games they haven't played, they have the means to play them to make informed judgements.


Anyway I'm taking a step back from this topic now, you've pretty much ruined it by throwing personal insults and swearing at me. Good job.

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[MENTION=2344]Anyway I'm taking a step back from this topic now, you've pretty much ruined it by throwing personal insults and swearing at me. Good job.


No you ruined another thread with you nonsense and condescending shite. Trying to claim that those who only play on Nintendo system are inferior or somehow haven't passed a mythical 'rite of passage'. As if there are gamers, then there are real gamers - people who have passed your special rite of passage.


Never before have I heard such ludicrous nonsense!


There's a guy who works in my office, he only buys Microsoft consoles, because he likes Halo. One of my closet friends only has a 360 and he loves playing COD style games, but only does the single player and never once purchased a gold account. My sister's boyfriend has a Wii U, XBO and a PS4. Another friend of mine only plays PC games and never owns consoles.


There is no right and wrong, you just play the games you want to play. If they happen to be Nintendo games and you are satisfied with that, you only buy Nintendo systems. If you need more to satisfy your needs, you buy another console. But either way, it's not some 'rite of passage'. You don't 'become a man' because you went out and bought a PS4!

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Could you please drop the elitist/snobbish attitude? Just try to consider that people have differing views to you. They don't need to agree with you, so accept that.
Thats incredibly hypocritical of you Serebii, when you have a history of flat out telling people that Nintendo will never do certain things and that you know this to be the case; something disproved just this week. At times you aren't even prepared to consider or have fun discussing peoples ideas before shooting them down. Edited by Retro_Link
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