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Tom Phillips confirmed that it is two detachable controllers and not just two halves of one whole controller.


Not feeling that at all. Doesnt sound very portable.


wait so it isnt gonna have its own buttons and analogue sticks. are we looking at something like this?




The Eurogamer renders are probably most like the "real" unconfirmed thing.




That being said, no idea how the controller with both a circle pad and D-pad would work...and I definitely see this having some Pro controllers for bigger hands and a more immersive controlling experience.


Pinch of salt and all that, but if we get something like this, then




EDIT: okay, on second thoughts: how often will this thing need charging? I mean, I'd expect it'd be pretty draining on any battery...

Cheer up Serebii, at least this way the big online openworld Pokemon RPG makes sense. Play at home, battle outdoors.


Now THAT sounds like a brilliant idea - ala Pokémon Go, some sort of mechanic where you actually have to go outside to battle (perhaps for a special incentive - you will still have the obvious wifi option).


Pokémon Go and a Portable hybrid opens up so many doors!


The Eurogamer renders are probably most like the "real" unconfirmed thing.




That being said, no idea how the controller with both a circle pad and D-pad would work...and I definitely see this having some Pro controllers for bigger hands and a more immersive controlling experience.


Pinch of salt and all that, but if we get something like this, then




EDIT: okay, on second thoughts: how often will this thing need charging? I mean, I'd expect it'd be pretty draining on any battery...


Count me in too - as long as the peripherals are not cheap-feeling like the Wii stuff.

EDIT: okay, on second thoughts: how often will this thing need charging? I mean, I'd expect it'd be pretty draining on any battery...


This is what worries me most...3 devices that need charging. :hmm:

I think iPad mini/IPhone 6 + Size is big enough, no?


IPad mini too big I think.


Has to be something which can go into a pocket or it isn't portable.

IPad mini too big I think.


Has to be something which can go into a pocket or it isn't portable.


True dat - Exciting/nervous times. I kind of think a new, "gimmicky" attraction would be better served for the Christmas season.

IPad mini too big I think.


Has to be something which can go into a pocket or it isn't portable.


just trying to imagine carrying around an ipad mini with detachable controllers. That would be a chore for sure.


I mean, this thing has got to be at least as powerful as the Wii U, right? To run Breath of the Wild at at least the same running power, anyway?


That said, it'd be a mighty fine achievement if this thing were at least as powerful as the Wii U. Only problems I'm potentially seeing here are charging and bullies.


Will Nintendo offer a first-party insurance program not too dissimilar to Apple Care? Because, I mean, the console would be very easy to damage, and I see there being riots if we then have to sort out replacing a £200+ console.

I mean, this thing has got to be at least as powerful as the Wii U, right? To run Breath of the Wild at at least the same running power, anyway?


That said, it'd be a mighty fine achievement if this thing were at least as powerful as the Wii U. Only problems I'm potentially seeing here are charging and bullies.


Will Nintendo offer a first-party insurance program not too dissimilar to Apple Care? Because, I mean, the console would be very easy to damage, and I see there being riots if we then have to sort out replacing a £200+ console.


the 3ds was over £200 at launch... I don't think they'll be offering insurance, people will just have to be careful.


If this is only as powerful as the Wii U I'll be holding off till a price drop, I'm not big on handhelds so there will need to be some very attractive games on offer and probably a really good price on the console to tempt me.

I mean, this thing has got to be at least as powerful as the Wii U, right? To run Breath of the Wild at at least the same running power, anyway?


That said, it'd be a mighty fine achievement if this thing were at least as powerful as the Wii U. Only problems I'm potentially seeing here are charging and bullies.


Will Nintendo offer a first-party insurance program not too dissimilar to Apple Care? Because, I mean, the console would be very easy to damage, and I see there being riots if we then have to sort out replacing a £200+ console.


Wha? I'd say it HAS to be ATLEAST as powerful as an X1/PS4 - WiiU (IMO) had tech closer to consoles which came out around 2006 (PS3)... a decade later, if its still running on a closer end to WiiU tech, I wont even bother.


But I doubt Nintendo would do that now - X1 bare minimum.

Wha? I'd say it HAS to be ATLEAST as powerful as an X1/PS4 - WiiU (IMO) had tech closer to consoles which came out around 2006 (PS3)... a decade later, if its still running on a closer end to WiiU tech, I wont even bother.


But I doubt Nintendo would do that now - X1 bare minimum.


You want an Xbox One that can fit in your pocket? Keep dreaming lol


Anyway the leak has already said it's based on the Tegra X1 chip


But just how powerful is the NX relatively? In terms of the capabilities of Tegra X1, consider this: Doom BFG Edition on Xbox 360 and PS3 runs at 720p60 with frame-rate drops. The same game running on the Shield Android TV micro-console, based on X1, hands in a near-flawless 1080p60 presentation. Trine 2 - another 720p30 game on Sony and Microsoft's last-gen consoles - operates at 1080p30 on Tegra X1. Typically speaking, OpenGL games port really well to Tegra X1, while DirectX ports, like Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and the recently released Resident Evil 5, aren't so impressive.


So better than Wii U, which on a handheld sounds great to me.



You want an Xbox One that can fit in your pocket? Keep dreaming lol


Anyway the leak has already said it's based on the Tegra X1 chip


The leak also mentions that the X1 in dev kits is fan cooled, so it's performance might therefore be higher than the standard X1 which leads them to suggest that the chip in the final product could be the X2.


Either way though the power of the NX is going to be at least better than the Wii U, I just hope the battery life is an improvement over the gamepad.


when it comes to power cant say I got much to complain about. being more powerful then a Wii U for a handheld is impressive no doubt.


expecting PS4/X1 on a handheld is fantasy land.


Battery life is a major concern though.

Posted (edited)

Okay, here's another thing I've been thinking about (sorry, I keep sporadically blurting stuff out; not trying to be rude or anything!): the handheld itself could play the games at 720p (cost and size wise, this would make total sense) and then the dock - I have to definitely assume this has a dock - will contain the extra processing power to make the game play and look stunning, almost as good as - if not more powerful than - other mainstream home consoles such as the PS4 and XBOX ONE.


It could also serve as a charging station, too?


EDIT: thinking about that, I could see the NX releasing with the dock - meaning it is both a handheld and home console - but further down the line the dock could be sold separately (perhaps even upgraded?!) to the handheld part. I don't know, seems 2/3 handheld, 1/3 console at this point, so it'll definitely be interesting to see how primarily handheld Nintendo franchises - such as Pokémon - make their way over?

Edited by Julius Caesar
Okay, here's another thing I've been thinking about (sorry, I keep sporadically blurting stuff out; not trying to be rude or anything!): the handheld itself could play the games at 720p (cost and size wise, this would make total sense) and then the dock - I have to definitely assume this has a dock - will contain the extra processing power to make the game play and look stunning, almost as good as - if not more powerful than - other mainstream home consoles such as the PS4 and XBOX ONE.


It could also serve as a charging station, too?


Think it could end up being 540p. All depends on battery life I guess. Can any tech heads let is know about the tegra chip how it handles power.



expecting PS4/X1 on a handheld is fantasy land.


Battery life is a major concern though.


I don't think its too far fetched for a console releasing 5 years after said tech.


I feel this is really going to be a gamble, the whole point of attracting third parties was about not making alien tech away from the other two, to alienate developers.


This is looking largely like a Nintendo party, which is fine, providing I don't get the usual droughts and strategic stalls to make ends meet.

Think it could end up being 540p. All depends on battery life I guess. Can any tech heads let is know about the tegra chip how it handles power.


I've been doing some research into this, and here I think is a rather telling quote:


"But how efficient is it? We were told that Tegra X1 hits peak power consumption of 10 watts when rendering an Unreal Engine 4 demo. That’s certainly impressive when you consider the Xbox needs 100 watts to do the same thing."


A word of warning on this matter, though:


"However, 10 watts is still way too much for a tablet—most tablet processors consume maybe half that at the very top end."


Now, let's not forget that this chip is over a year old, first and foremost, meaning it may have been engineered so as to be more powerful and efficient since then, which doesn't seem to be too far reality considering that, the last I heard at least, Nvidia had teamed up with Nintendo for this console (allowing them to strike great deals which could drive the price point down, after Microsoft and Sony moved away from them for the PS4 and X1).

Posted (edited)

BTW, the console portion doesn't necessarily have to come out at the same time as the handheld...


Just sayin' ;)

Edited by Dcubed

I like JC's idea of the home console being a boost - maybe hence the fan in dev kits? So the extra power it needs for 1080p 60fps comes from a chip in the docking station? maybe also sound improvement, better internet connectivity? dare I suggest voice chat?


But the main point being that if the handheld and "docking station" are two separate entities that can be upgraded individually, it allows at once for both a compelte upgrade of the home console, but at the same time a half upgrade for the handheld, or a full upgrade of the handheld and a partial upgrade of the home console. basically Nintendo would have 2.5 year generations with the individual components being 5 years old....


Also just thought, the merging of the handheld and home console divisions fits with this NX...


I've been doing some research into this, and here I think is a rather telling quote:


"But how efficient is it? We were told that Tegra X1 hits peak power consumption of 10 watts when rendering an Unreal Engine 4 demo. That’s certainly impressive when you consider the Xbox needs 100 watts to do the same thing."


A word of warning on this matter, though:


"However, 10 watts is still way too much for a tablet—most tablet processors consume maybe half that at the very top end."


Now, let's not forget that this chip is over a year old, first and foremost, meaning it may have been engineered so as to be more powerful and efficient since then, which doesn't seem to be too far reality considering that, the last I heard at least, Nvidia had teamed up with Nintendo for this console (allowing them to strike great deals which could drive the price point down, after Microsoft and Sony moved away from them for the PS4 and X1).


the 3ds apparently uses 4 watts (unless my maths is out) so with a 3ds battery 10 watts should last a day....or so. Presumably battery tech has advanced a little since?

Posted (edited)
I like JC's idea of the home console being a boost - maybe hence the fan in dev kits? So the extra power it needs for 1080p 60fps comes from a chip in the docking station? maybe also sound improvement, better internet connectivity? dare I suggest voice chat?


But the main point being that if the handheld and "docking station" are two separate entities that can be upgraded individually, it allows at once for both a compelte upgrade of the home console, but at the same time a half upgrade for the handheld, or a full upgrade of the handheld and a partial upgrade of the home console. basically Nintendo would have 2.5 year generations with the individual components being 5 years old....


Also just thought, the merging of the handheld and home console divisions fits with this NX...


Yes, this sounds plausible, and quite exciting too! :bouncy: If you sell them separately though, does this mean that it won't be backwards compatible with the WiiU? Or maybe, if you want the handheld you can have only that, but if you want the home console you need both? That might be a bit weird though.


EDIT: I have read somewhere too (reddit I think) that the dev kit has a Tegra X1 + fan, but the actual console could come with the X2?

Edited by The Cape

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