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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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Looking into it even further the US price dropped to $149 in March 1997, at the same time it launched for £250 over here, absolutely despicable to have such a difference in price between regions.


How much are you guys hoping to spend on Switch launch? I had pessimistically expected to spend about £500 all in for the console and some games before we'd got any announcements, so I'll obviously be pretty pleased to spend £300-odd for the console, a couple of games and a pro controller.

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I also don't get it. Why does some utterly random person have a Switch? Why would there have been a single person watching that stream to even see it happen? I can't imagine anyone wanting to watch that guy, I wanted to stab my ears after 2 seconds.

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Guys...3D printing. We've been here enough times.


He admitted it pretty soon after. Was just internet lolz


I realised now my post probably read somewhat rhetorically, but this is what I was actually wondering. Whether it was a mockup thing or something else. It looks pretty decent from the one and only time I actually watched said video; but maybe that's a trick of being so obnoxious that no one will look twice :p

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How in the world am I supposed to answer that?


I... Just don't get it. How am I supposed to explain what I don't get if I don't get it in the first place.

And now my head hurts.


You said you didn't get the joke, but it wasn't posted because it was a joke, it was posted because someone seemed to have the switch.


But he didn't.

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Star wars battlefront 2 or plants v zombies.


I've read at least one version of fifa and madden have to be released as part of EA's licensing agreements where a game is released for any device powerful enough to run a version.


Fifa 17 even released in March should still sell well if the audience actually appreciates third parties.


Fifa sells good numbers all year round on PS4/Xb1 so there is no reason why it a March release on switch should bomb. If it did the excuse of the game being old wouldn't run.


Daniel Ahmad (ZhugeEX) on Twitter




I think plants v zombies garden warfare 2 is a good shout.

Edited by liger05
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Don't think this has been posted.


Taken from gaf


So our good old SuperMetalDave64 interviewed Brjann Sigurgeirsson, CEO of Image & Form (the studio behind SteamWorld Dig and SteamWorld Heist). The video is 1h30 but the actual Nintendo Switch discussion begins after 36 minutes.


Here's what I thought were points worth discussing :


- It's Nintendo who actually approached them to ask them if they wanted to develop games on Switch, and gave them a devkit.

- The Image & Form CEO speaks about how tight the NDA was, and how they "absolutely couldn't talk about it".

- Not the whole team was disclosed to work on the console, they have a special room for the allowed developpers.

- They're effectively working on a "project" they don't want to talk about it because they feel like they announced Steamworld Heist too early.

- They also don't feel like making sequels, they prefer to make something new every time.

- The Image & Form CEO was worried about how they would sell the concept in the reveal trailer, but ended relieved as he really liked the video.

- The Switch is qualified as a "straightful" development system, opposed to all the problems they had on Wii U with Unity. He talks about how easier it is to work with it.

- He said that right now the most exciting thing about the Switch is how "they haven't really mentionned everything"

- He talks about how they had to develop games "for the 3DS" (by that he means that they couldn't make games for HD systems and then scale down, because of how weak the 3DS is) and now they're relieved it's not a weak-ass system anymore.

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