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Toukiden: Kiwami [PS4 and PSVita]


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All you need to know is that this is a Demon version of Monster Hunter, coming to PS4 :yay: and PSV set in feudal Japan. This is the ultiamte version, in much the same way the MH series does it so more Oni, weapons, story, etc.


Personally after looking at a quick gameplay trailer, I need this now. Trailers follow but more info can be found on the blog here: Click me for ps blog entry.


Anime Trailer:



Edited by Deathjam
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Haha. Just posted in the PS4 thread about this as well.




Cannot wait. Finally get to do some hunting action on the PS4! :yay:




I wonder if it will be a budget release?



Wonder if the ps4 version will look any better than the psv version

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  • 1 month later...
So who here is actually going to buy this on release?




I have my pre-order down for it, March 27th is the release date, so who else is in? : peace:



Yup you can include me in launch get. Where would you say is the best place to pre-order?


Also ps4 and vita comparison vid:


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Yup you can include me in launch get. Where would you say is the best place to pre-order?


ShopTo because The Game Collection don't have it.


Only one thing I'm concerned about in that video, are all the enemies similar to that one or are there a range of them that look more... beast-like?


That's one thing I love about Monster Hunter is the enemy designs, these don't seem quite as good but the gameplay still looks really fun. :)

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Only two days before the game comes out though, shame it isn't a week.


Still at least it's getting a demo, but two days before? Pre-orders will likely be processed by then with the game to arrive the following day.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Need to play some more, but first impressions are pretty good.

Anyone else try it?


Not yet but i've got it on downloading.


Here's what you can carry over from the demo.


Introductory Demo:

This allows you to play Chapter 1 and part of Chapter 2 of "Toukiden: Kiwami."

All acquired elements can be carried over to the full game.

*Note: This is the same content and Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of "Toukiden: Age of Demons."


Special Missions:

This allows you to play special missions designed specifically for this demo version. You can equip the weapons, armor and MItama prepared for you.

If you clear all of the missions initially available, then you can begin playing the story from Chapter 8, which is where the new "Toukiden: Kiwami" story begins. At the same time,additional special missions will also be added.

*Clearing missions and quests can also allow you to receive special features that can becarried over to the full game.


"Special Missions" difficulty level

"The "special missions" have been designed to provide a challenge for those players who have already completed "Toukiden: The Age of Demons." It is for this reason that the difficulty levels of these missions have been set fairly high, and equipment and Mitama usage has been restricted.

For those players who have never before played a game in the "Toukiden" series, these missions may be too difficult at first.

However, the full version increases the difficulty of missions in a much more gradual manner, and even more difficult stages can be cleared after powering up your equipment and Mitama.


Please note also that the special features available from clearing the "special missions" can be claimed even after progressing through the full version of the game. For players who would like to obtain these features, but feel the special missions are just too difficult, it would be a good idea to play the full version for a while to develop your skills, and try the special missions again later.

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I've downloaded the demo, I'll be on this evening, is it multiplayer?


No fancy an hour devoted to a normal run of Crota? Was going to do a signup as today seemed the best day for people (also the day before most people lose themselves to Bloodborne...).

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I cancelled my pre-order for this as I wasn't sure how many people were going to buy this, plus it's now a busy(ish) release time, will definitely download the demo though I reckon and see what everyone else thinks of it too. :)

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Just played a bit of the demo. I can't believe how blatant a ripoff of Monster Hunter this is! :heh: Sooo many similarities it's unreal.




Need to play some more, but first impressions are pretty good.


Anyone else try it?





Downloaded demo. Will try it out sometime tonight

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Finished the final mission of the demo earlier. They bring in another boss Oni and just as you think you're gonna fight it... "Thanks for Playing!" :hehe:

Good way to make people go and buy the full game. :D

Anyway, I found the demo quite fun, so I'll definitely be keeping the full version in mind for the future.


Yes it's essentially a poor man's Monster Hunter, but that's what makes it enjoyable. I like how it's also got aspects from the silly side of MH, like a cute pet animal thingy you can look after/send on quests, and the same kind of goofy dialogue from the NPCs. icon14.gif

Gotta love ω-Force's character designs too:


They just can't be beat in that department. :p

Couldn't get into the demo at all, maybe it's the weapon type I chose but the controls were terrible.
Well if it's anything like Monster Hunter (and let's face it, that's basically guaranteed :heh:) then the type of weapon you chose will have a huge influence on the controls and how the game plays as a result.

But I've not tried anything other than the club on Toukiden (being a hammer user on MH) so can't say for sure.

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Having the full game and training with all the weapons shoes that it's a clone of MH but with some flair of its own.


Weapon choice makes a big difference but they are all really fun. Surprisingly the coolest looking one - the long sword - is actually the least fun imo. There are some deep controls in the game and I can see that good co-op will lead to crushing of bosses in this game.

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