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"A Quiet Revolution?"


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Sorry to bump this thread up from january, but I thought it would be fun to see all of our "Revolution" preditions from last january. Pretty much none of them hold thue.




Now with Sony no longer supporting PS3's spring release at there press conferences it is probably likly that PS3 will lauch in late summer giving it a good chance of it coming out in the same time frame as Revolution. So I made this thread to get your input on how you think the Revolution launch and sales thrue it lifespan will turn out.


This is what I am expecting anyway. PS3 will be released some time in july or early august in japan with America a mounth or 2 behind and europe might have to wait till early 2007. Revolution will come out sometime in september with a near simultainious Japan and American launch with europe only a mounth behind. PS3 will imo get all the news coverage and hype from all the media and talk shows that preach to the average familly rather than hardcore gamers Giving it Xbox 360esk sales in america. Revolution will come in a little quieter being the system no parent has ever heard of but because of gaming magazines and web sites any Hard Core gaming fans dream.


PS3 will continue to sell fairly well due mostly to sony's reputation and will be about even in sales with Revolution in Japan. The sales will remane steady untill about late october when Nintendo will launch an huge marketting compane with comercials that would be impossible to miss regardless of the amount of television you watch aday.


Revolution will quikly become the critic's choice and nearly every local news team will have it on there hot list while most news papers will have features taking up an entire page to explaine all the great fetures such as the virtual console, the flash memory, the unlimited peripreal posibilities, the Wifi conection, the amazing games and an indepth exsplenation of the controller.


Due to Halo 3 and a price cut, xbox 360 sales will boost abouve PS3 in the US. Buuut... Revolution will be widly known and so hyped as the best christmas gadget for the best price its sales though out december will beat its launch sales on a weekly basis.(That includes Europe and the US) What? you think it is going to sell out?... Not this time. This time Nintendo will be ready with a good surplus of systems unlike the DS this year.(Think about it, if they make too many systems now its not like they won't sell eventually. No risk is involved so they can pull it off without worrying about weather or not sales really do meet thier huge expectations.


Revolution will quickly become the gaming standerd and will reseve unpresidented 3rd party support. "A Quiet Rvolution"

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Guest Stefkov

personally i think itll be the same as this generation. the news will all be about 360 and ps3 and only a little mention about the revo. only just to say its a gimmick and wont last. theyll praise the ps3 saying its god like and not mention the price/i]anywhere in any article. The revo will boost above all consoles hopefully in japan as the ds did. the sales for the ps3 will maybe be a bit low beacause of the price. then itll be in europe and america. the revo will be winning like ds but everyone will praise the ps3. everyone will be bias to the ps3. i think theyll even put the revo games at the back of the stall as they did with the GC and DS

thats what i think but i really dont hope it happens.

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I honestly think that Nintendo have a great chance of winning this generation. The PS3 will be higher priced whereas the Revo will be cheap and innovative. Japan will be in the Revo's favour, and i think Europe will start to favour it too (just like it has the DS). Hopefully it will get some big titles too within the first 6 month. I've followed Nintendo for a long time, and this in my opinion, is their chance to strike gold :bouncy:

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Oh please, Playstation will win simple as.

Nintendo will do the same as this generation in terms of sales.

Microsoft will gain more ground over Sony.

Sony will still be miles ahead, because it will have all the key and popular franchises.


Other possible outcome:

Small developers don't develop for Sony and Microsoft due to soaring development costs and no real support from them. Nintendo gain more games and gets key developers on board to make fully exclusive games and Shigsy is hailed a God.


(second outcome very unlikely)

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Theres no way its gonna do the same as this generation. If your talking about user base, yeah hordes of people will be in line to buy a blu-ray player, but if your talking about general console success its gonna be close between all 3. I think MS and Nintendo will both have better software sales than the PS3. Dont be suprised if the software charts show PS3 owners buying up the movies instead of the games.

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I did think the ps3 was going to be released in spring 07, must have been mistaken :S


It'll probably be the same as this generation in popularity but the rev being the only money-maker. With Nintendo gaining profits instead of losses for Rev's sold, we'll still have all the innovative titles from them. And better 3rd party support this time round.

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i really dont think we will see deja-vu with this generation. all the people who i know that are aware of the revolution say that they 'must have one'. i have a mate who is a total PS fanboy and HE wants one as soon as it comes out. dont underestimate nintendo. they could potentialy do to video game consoles what apple did for the portable music industry. how many people now a days go out and buy a cd walkman... not many. im not saying that nintendo revo will be the only console people will own but i believe alot of people who already own ps3's and xbox360's will have one. and that in itself is enough to ensure that nintendo get a larger fan base, which then leads to more games, which then leads to more market share.

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interesting question, i have to give my 2 cent to this.


i don't think we will see again what happened this generation. if you look at the past, every gaming company that was at the top got arrogant and lost it's market share, this happened to sega, to atari, last but not least in the terms of the gamecube, it happened to nintendo too. and this time it's sony's turn. if you listen to what kutaragi talks; it's sheer madness. no, people won't work longer to buy his "gadget". for many people it's still "only a gaming machine", no matter if it plays blue ray and dvds.

the revolution, however, is different. when i talk to people about the revo who didn't know about it before, they are amazed when i tell them about the revo's controlling technique. the revo will outstand the other consoles because of it's uniqueness. an example: my parents can't differ a playstation from an xbox or a gamecube, but when i mention the word revolution they know what i mean, because it attracts them. the same with the ds. non gamers are not attracted watching me playing the minish cap on the ds, but they instantly started taking away the ds and playing with it when nintendogs was inserted.

and yet, this isn't everything. we haven't seen yet the graphics of the revo. if no one can differ the graphics from a ps3 and from a revo on a normal (non hdtv!) tv screen, but one will have unique plus standard controls and a price that's the third from the other, additionally look more stylish and given the option to download games, which one might get chosen?

and don't forget, there's not everything revealed yet...


long talk, short prediction: the revolution will be fucking awesome, the ps3 will fail because of it's price and shortage of games (you know how hard it is to develop a game for a console with 7 cpus? i don't ^^) and the x360 will become the standard "console" with average games. so there you have it.

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Also note that Nintendo doesnt have the 'gay purple handbag' stigma hanging over it this time around. That alone guarantees it will trounce GC sales at the very least.


Couple that with the success that 360 will have with its online clan following and marketing might and you have a much weaker Sony this time around.

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I hate to say it, but I want a ps3. I actually like the Sony games. Pro Evo is a god send. Burnout entertains me no end, not to mention Grand Theft Auto. Yes, I'm aware it isn't innovative, but its FUN. Isn't that what Nintendo is meant to be about? I don't like it because its "mature". Its just a laugh...


Anyway. Nintendo's position. I dearly dearly dearly hope Nintendo will beat Microsoft wherever in every region. But it'll only happen in Japan. Second Place this time, but only just (us and msoft switch places)

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I hate to say it, but I want a ps3. I actually like the Sony games. Pro Evo is a god send. Burnout entertains me no end, not to mention Grand Theft Auto. Yes, I'm aware it isn't innovative, but its FUN. Isn't that what Nintendo is meant to be about? I don't like it because its "mature". Its just a laugh...


Anyway. Nintendo's position. I dearly dearly dearly hope Nintendo will beat Microsoft wherever in every region. But it'll only happen in Japan. Second Place this time, but only just (us and msoft switch places)


Duuude, if you like those games buy a 360. Seriously, XBOX Live is probably one of the coolest things ever. You'll never see Kameo on another console and Sony aren't making a propper online service for their PS3. Meaning they are trailing on that one...

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With the Playstation 3 Sony will reign again this generation. Nintendo will do better than with the Gamecube but there is no way that it will become a close race - not even against the 360. I guess the user base of the Revolution will be over the 20+ million the Gamcube had but in no way near the Playsation 3. The Gamecube is only "on par" because the Xbox was a failure in Japan but Nintendo can't rely on that forever.


First year will show what will happen and I am confident that the Revolution will be a success but it is important what happens afterwards. If Nintendo decides to continue with the Gamecube way I don't see any major changes. Marketing is a keyword in this case...

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I think the DS vs PSP is a good indication of how thigs could turn out to be. Especially in Japan. Another thing is the price point of the Revolution, making it much cheaper than a PS3. The focus on gameplay, rather than graphics, also makes it a much different machine than Xbox 360 and PS3, possibly resulting in Xbox 360 and PS3 gamers buying a second machine. The key is being different. By being different, people might not look at you as just another gaming machine. But an experience unatainable anywhere else.

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I can see Nintendo doing really well in Japan, America I think will pretty much be the same as the cube did and Europe... I just don't think europe will give the Rev a chance!


Overall... 2nd Place in total worldwide sales. (PS3 first, Xbox 360 third)

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Personaly I think that Revolution will own japan , but will be second in the U.S. due to all the media hear hating nintendo but I would expect many gamers who already own a 360 or PS3 might look at some games for the Revolution and say "I NEED ONE... NOW!" making it the second console in most multiple platform homes. Now if you combine that with Nintendo's fan base plus nongamers and old school gamers who want the classics on an actual platform(which is the waty it should be imo) Revolution has a chance to come out on top evan in america.

Think about it... If your going to buy a second console why would you waste your money on a clone of your current hardwere when you could get a totaly unique(and AWESOME) experience with the Revolution.


PS. I hate the abrieviations Rev. and Revo. I just love the way Revolution sound rolling of your tounge.

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I would expect that the advertizing will be exponetial(Did I evan use that word right?) for revolution becuase they did so much for the DS that I don't think they would slow it down for something there evan more excited about.


If they did make a comercial I would want it to be something simple that would grab your attention with a brief explanation and a web adress for people to kniow more. That is how I would do it anyway

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I wrote a legnthy piece then i realized id been sucked into the media trap.

Microsoft lost the current generation, and im not sure who exactly won out of sony or nintendo but i have a feeling it may have been nintendo. Heres a hint as to how to tell who won: The company that made the most money (as they are all businesses.


In terms of hardware sales Sony sold a lot but their figures are hazy. It would be nice if we could have software sales figures to compare to see who truly "won" in that respect.


Next gen is again wide open sony have left themselves vulnerable in terms of raw hardware sales (expensive consoles possibly) AND software sales (expensive games).


More and more the PS3 begins to look like sonys modern day version of the N64 if i turns out like that then expect similar performance and pplenty of ports away from the the console


I personally expect rev to dominate assuming it hits all the aims that nintendo have already laid out for the machine.


But its wide open, anyone who believes sony has it looked needs to go look over the history of the video game market, note the rise and falls, note consumer loyalty, note developer loyalty, look out for trends.


If it happened, sony's retention of their current position would be the biggest surprise of the next gen for me.

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The console that makes the most money is the winner?


Just becuase nintendo made the most money this generation doesn't help them with making money for the next one. The company who spread the most influence is the company that is the real winner. Do you really believe MS enterd this generation losing money for no reason? It was so that they could make a crap load more money the next time around.


Just becuase Nintendo made money this generation doesn't mean it isn't going to screw them in the long run. The console battles have always been fuaght in antisipation of the next generation. Think about it, if you lose market share, you are losing potential money for the next gen. That is why nintendo needed a revolution. They saw that there near monopoly was completly gone and needed a way to continue making money. The only way they would be able to do that was to stay in the console making busness becuase that is where the big money is at.


In the end a company is about making money and securing the chance to make money in the future.


It costs money to make make money.

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I think every company has it´s own strategy. But if you loose 3,6 billion! in one generation like MS did and then push your new gen straight forward there is no money for them to earn in this gen too. Now they loose money on every console and when this situation is going to change there will yet be a modchip that fucks up the software sales. Doesn´t look good for MS .

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The console that makes the most money is the winner?


Just becuase nintendo made the most money this generation doesn't help them with making money for the next one. The company who spread the most influence is the company that is the real winner. Do you really believe MS enterd this generation losing money for no reason? It was so that they could make a crap load more money the next time around.


Just becuase Nintendo made money this generation doesn't mean it isn't going to screw them in the long run. The console battles have always been fuaght in antisipation of the next generation. Think about it, if you lose market share, you are losing potential money for the next gen. That is why nintendo needed a revolution. They saw that there near monopoly was completly gone and needed a way to continue making money. The only way they would be able to do that was to stay in the console making busness becuase that is where the big money is at.


In the end a company is about making money and securing the chance to make money in the future.


It costs money to make make money.


I never declared nintendo the winner of the home console market, i merely said the most profitable was the winner, most likely that was sony, it'd be pretty pathetic if they failed to make more money than GC considering they sold like 5 times more consoles


Im sorry but your thinking is painfully flawed. Making money screws a company in the long run?? MS frankly were chatting BS. You dont have to lose money to enter the market, Sony didnt and they came out on top in their first generation, and Nintendo are known for NOT losing money on their machines.


Gamecube made money from day 1, PS2 is now profitable on the hardware. What excuse can you give me that microsoft HAD to lose money?? Even at its current price point gamecube is Nintendo's most profitable current machine yet its performance is close to that of Xbox. And at the end of the day they only had an extra 4 million sales more than nintendo. was that worth $4 billion??


There is no excuse for the losses microsoft made with the xbox, other than they messed up, and rushed to market too quickly.


Nintendo saw their near monopoly was nearly gone??? They lost their monopoly after NES. They could happilly put out another gamecube and still be fine as a company. GC was not a failure, selling 19 million units of your most profitable product is a failure? Its simply not as good as their past sales that is all.


While revolution is a response to their diminishing marketshare, it is not a back to the wall reaction. Whether you believe them or not the reasons Nintendo have outlined for creating their revolution are valid and real within the market, and developers have been saying similar things also.


Development costs are too high, hardware too complicated and the market is stagnant and doesnt support innovation in the way that it should. Whether they truly address these issues or use them as a convenient excuse doesnt change the fact that those problems are present. And neither sony or microsft are truly addressing them. Meaning there is a genuine space for nintendo to come in and make money uncontested.


But yeh my mainpoint is that its a business, marketshare is nothing without the money to show for your efforts that applies even to MS. Otherwise they wouldnt be talking about trying to make profit. With that said i can declare the true winner of this next gen right now.


An the Winner is......IBM

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