Mandalore Posted November 23, 2014 Posted November 23, 2014 So far I'm impressed with the sense of scale compared with the previous games. Only bad thing I've noticed is the choppy cut scenes. Apparently that's an issue on all versions and nothing to do with frame rate. Playing it on console rather than PC will take some getting used to. The combat feels much more cumbersome when pausing and trying to give orders to each party member.
Shorty Posted November 24, 2014 Posted November 24, 2014 (edited) I never really use that, the tactics menu. I don't really understand it, feels unnecessarily complicated. I just give my team overall tactics, switch to them if they're not doing things right and otherwise the main thing I use is the "attack my target" option (which I mostly need because Cassandra often seems to just stand there doing nothing). I'm over the clunkiness of the controls now and forgiving the bugs because the game gets really, really awesome after Reveal hidden contents Haven gets attacked. Skyhold is brilliant. Edited November 24, 2014 by Shorty
Happenstance Posted November 24, 2014 Posted November 24, 2014 The tactics menu is a lot more helpful in the previous games, especially on PC where you are pausing and planning a lot more. Ive found with 3 that I rarely take control of my other team members.
flameboy Posted November 24, 2014 Posted November 24, 2014 Mandalore said: So far I'm impressed with the sense of scale compared with the previous games. Only bad thing I've noticed is the choppy cut scenes. Apparently that's an issue on all versions and nothing to do with frame rate. Playing it on console rather than PC will take some getting used to. The combat feels much more cumbersome when pausing and trying to give orders to each party member. Yeah I've noticed a bit of choppiness when going from gameplay to cut scenes that's very disorientating. Also I wouldn't pine after the PC apparently the mouse and keyboard controls are not up to much. Happenstance said: The tactics menu is a lot more helpful in the previous games, especially on PC where you are pausing and planning a lot more. Ive found with 3 that I rarely take control of my other team members. I used the tactics menu a lot in Origins but don't even think I did it once in 2 because of it's more arcadey combat. I've found myself in this game doing a mix. I prefer to switch character on some occasions rather than pause, be it to use Varic to shoot a far off enemy or use a warrior to get up close. I started as the mage. One issue I've always had is it kind of feels like I'm playing a crappy shooter at times and I struggle to shake that feeling.
Ganepark32 Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 Not entirely sure what I think of this yet. Was a big fan of Origins, although I didn't finish it as I moved on to other games and never got back in (and also got stuck trying to finish Morrigan's quest the involved killing that dragon!) and didn't bother touching the second but from what I've played so far, this feels more like he second looked to play with a few bells and whistles from the first one included. Have been using the tactics option when I go into battle but to be honest, it doesn't feel like it's that necessary or intuitive just a little bit clunky. And I don't seem to be having too much trouble with the other characters not doing their job without me giving them orders (apart from a single moment where Cassandra was stuck in her Shield Wall pose and it wouldn't end the battle after the enemies were defeated). Maybe it'll come in to play more later on. The cutscenes being jittery is bugging me a bit though, don't really get why that's happening but never mind. On top of that and, as others have pointed out, the clunkiness and the combat being a bit dull, what I've seen has been alright. Remember a review saying that the game is a bit of a slow burner at the start so that may well explain why its not really grabbed me entirely yet. World does look nice, for the most part, but there are some textures and stuff that look pretty poor for the PS4/Xbone era of consoles (they look like they've been lifted from the earlier Dragon Age games, and it wouldn't surprise me if they have been). So yeah, looking forward to playing more to see how the game and story moves on and whether it's going to grab me like Origins did originally (did like that Leliana is in this game, remembered the name from Origins and have seen little bits here and there that remind me of playing that). Hopefully some of that old school difficult will appear as well in this and make the tactics menu more relevant. Didn't bring any choices or anything across as I didn't bother going to the Keep webpage or whatever to do it.
Shorty Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 (edited) I was very unsure for a while. There's a real turning point early in the game though, basically just after you make your first real choice. Since then I've been totally sold. Edited November 26, 2014 by Shorty
Happenstance Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 I've been told a couple of times to finish up and leave the Hinterlands as soon as possible at the start of the game as it picks up afterwards. I assume that's around the same time you are talking about as well?
Shorty Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 Yeah, just progress through the story until you have a choice of two missions which state that they lock out the other one, and it will be worth it. You can still go back to the Hinterlands.
Happenstance Posted November 27, 2014 Posted November 27, 2014 Problem is that Persona Q arrives today and I can see that taking up all of my time from now on! Lol
Shorty Posted November 27, 2014 Posted November 27, 2014 This is why you should never buy two RPGs within the same few weeks :p
drahkon Posted November 27, 2014 Posted November 27, 2014 Ganepark32 said: Didn't bring any choices or anything across as I didn't bother going to the Keep webpage or whatever to do it. Is the story still comprehensible? Have played the first DA, but that was years ago. And that Keep webpage...Urgh so clunky. Tempted to get Inquisition tomorrow.
Happenstance Posted November 27, 2014 Posted November 27, 2014 Shorty said: This is why you should never buy two RPGs within the same few weeks :p Lol yeah I know but I expected to play a lot more of Dragon Age first than I did as ive been too tired after work. I figured I would be further through it by now and that would keep me going before I started on Persona but having done so little I can already feel Persona Q calling to me!
drahkon Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 Started this today. Sunk 3 hours into it already The whole interface needs some time to get used to. Still need to figure it out completely. Has potential. Will see how the game will turn out to be after I've hit that moment @Shorty has talked about.
Mandalore Posted November 30, 2014 Posted November 30, 2014 Clocked up over 20 hours so far and it still feels like I've only just scratched the surface of this game. really enjoying it so far. I've encoutered this warping glitch a few times now. In certain places my companions seem to get stuck but then they'll unstick themselves and appear behind me. But if I switch to them, I suddenly warp to back where they were stuck. Sometimes falling through the floor to my death.
drahkon Posted December 1, 2014 Posted December 1, 2014 (edited) Mandalore said: Clocked up over 20 hours so far and it still feels like I've only just scratched the surface of this game. really enjoying it so far. 8 hours in and I feel the same. Haven't even reached the "turning point" (that moment when the game gets really good) that people have mentioned here. : peace: Currently doing quests in the Hinterlands to level up and advance the story. However, there are areas I can't safely explore because enemies are level 8 there and wreck my shit Speaking of wrecking my shit...I encountered a dragon...I survived 10 seconds. I have some problems getting into the lore, though. All this talk of Mages, Templars, the Divine, the Breach, etc. etc... Think I'll read Kotaku's spoiler-free guide before I continue playing. By the way, I'm playing as a Human Rogue. Dual Daggers ftw! Edited December 1, 2014 by drahkon
Shorty Posted December 1, 2014 Posted December 1, 2014 Took that dragon down last time I played, awesome fight Rogues are awesome, I love switching to Sera from time to time. Glad I rolled a mage though, I like the extra dimension it adds to your role in the Inquisition. As for the guide, if you're happy to read up on all the lore you find lying around, or ask all the backstory questions, it does fill in a lot of gaps. But I'm still glad I understood some basics from that guide such as Lyrium, Dwarves' role in the world, Mage circles/templars etc.
drahkon Posted December 2, 2014 Posted December 2, 2014 11 hours in now. Level 8. Done the story bit about Alexius. Holy shit that was awesome :awesome: Love to play as a Dual-Wielding-Stealth-Rogue Positioning each party member and setting up the first strike with the tactical view is crucial in the way I play. : peace: So far, it's a really great RPG.
flameboy Posted December 3, 2014 Posted December 3, 2014 So I'm around 8 hours in now... I've taken to using the tactical view for every battle now even things I'm a higher level than. I feel as a Mage I kind of miss out on the combat and it can feel a very passive experience just sitting back hitting special attacks. Part of me wishes I'd gone rogue but I keep holding out as I've heard that at some point you can specialize and the Mage dual classing is amazing. Also as an elf mage I really like the conflict that exists by being an outcast in two ways and trying to find a way to make a difference in this world.
Shorty Posted December 4, 2014 Posted December 4, 2014 You know, you can just switch to playing as someone else and then it's basically the same as if you rolled another type.... Mage does get better later on although I think I have the most fun playing as an archer.
flameboy Posted December 4, 2014 Posted December 4, 2014 Shorty said: You know, you can just switch to playing as someone else and then it's basically the same as if you rolled another type.... Mage does get better later on although I think I have the most fun playing as an archer. Yeah it's just one of those disconnects with not been my main character. I have done a bit of that.
somme Posted December 4, 2014 Posted December 4, 2014 Got this an hour or so ago. Enjoying it quite a bit so far, but you guys say it gets even better?
Shorty Posted December 5, 2014 Posted December 5, 2014 Yeah I can't say it enough, there's a turning point after the first "choice" mission which makes everything up to that point just feel like a prologue. Everyone should at least get that far before losing sync with the game.
drahkon Posted December 5, 2014 Posted December 5, 2014 Sheikah said: Jesus ****, he's selling the Plan C again! Well, it would be a nice weapon for the Inquisition. :p
Sheikah Posted December 5, 2014 Posted December 5, 2014 Ha. I think something is genuinely fucked up with my Tapatalk app as it should not be possible to make these cross-topic posts!
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