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Iwata Re-Elected as Nintendo President


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The cynic inside says some of this was a sympathy vote because of his health. Playing MK8 at the moment and my gripes of battle mode prior to launch have been confirmed. It's crap. I said this game wasn't ready but no way was it seeing another delay. It was coming out prior to E3 and the AGM one way or another. If it didn't Iwata would have signed his own death warrant.

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Actually, the number of votes for Iwata stayed relatively the same from last year, but there were less votes in general so no, it wasn't a sympathy vote (also, sympathy for health of a CEO doesn't exist. When a CEO starts to get unwell, they typically are wanted to be removed)

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I really like Iwata, but personality-wise more than anything :p


I still think that he is a good leader and he just got the Wii U wrong. Sure, there's plenty wrong with Nintendo, namely online, but it can't all be blamed on him, I think it's a bigger problem that won't be solved by getting rid of one guy.


Most people seem to really dislike his decisions, and I can see why, but I think he's done way more good than bad. The DS and Wii pretty much put Nintendo back on the map, and he dragged the 3DS from being dead upon arrival to, obviously not DS levels, but a very good system as far as steady sales are concerned.


And I probably wouldn't still be gaming or have ended up posting in here after the age of 17 if it wasn't for all the weird, party, dance crap that came out on Wii. And let's be honest, releasing the Wii was one of the ballsiest moves anyone has done.

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We have already released “Mario Kart 8” for Wii U and would like to carry on that momentum to “Super Smash Bros. for Wii U,” which is our general strategy for Wii U this year.
Well that certainly isn't going to go according to plan judging by the release shedule, which on the retail front currently consists of Wii Sports Club this month and then nothing at all in August. :indeed:
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In addition to that, we have ideas for Nintendo 3DS which we have not announced yet, so I hope you will look forward to them.


Majora's Mask? Pleeeeeeaaaassseeeeeeeeee.


In addition, we are still having a hard time to make the best use of its new controller, the “Wii U GamePad.”


No kidding. :D

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Q9: "I do not understand video games and I even feel angry because, at Nintendo’s shareholders’ meetings, the shareholders always discuss things relating to video games or such childish topics as “what the future of video games should be,” while I, for one, was flabbergasted

that Mr. Iwata continues to hold his position although he had said that he would resign if the company’s performance were bad*.

I hope that Nintendo’s shareholders’ meeting will become an opportunity where the shareholders discuss the company’s business operations from the viewpoints of capital gain and dividends.


Ha ha! The translator clearly had a lot of fun portraying this guy as the pretentious and clueless knobhead that he is :laughing:


This response from Miyamoto also made me smile...


Q11: I do understand that Nintendo is planning to improve its performance with Wii U and Nintendo 3DS for this fiscal year and the next, but in the long term, I, as a video game fan who wants Nintendo to keep on running a game business, am worried that Nintendo might be going to become a manufacturer of health devices in the future. I would like to own Nintendo stock for as long as ten years, so please show game fans like me something that will convince us that the game business will have a bright future in that period. It seems to me that the hardware-software integrated platform business will not last forever. Is Nintendo not going to change this business model? If not, I am concerned that failure of the next hardware system could be critical. In order to wipe away my anxiety, I would like to hear about Nintendo’s dreams for the future, especially from Mr. Miyamoto.




Thank you so much for expecting a lot from the future of the game business. My comment relates to the comment made by another shareholder today, and I believe that these kinds of questions on video games from shareholder are not irrelevant to our company management. This is because, for an entertainment company like Nintendo, the most essential question is not to improve our profitability but how to maintain a high level of sales and sustain the company over a timespan of, for example, 10 years. The entertainment business inherently has a lot of ups and downs. When I joined the company over 30 years ago, Nintendo had a great amount of debt loans. Now, it is sometimes said that Nintendo is too cash-rich, but this is essential for us to try new endeavors. I am sorry for the shareholder who just asked this question, but I cannot predict what is going to happen 10 years from now. It is true that I have a sense of fear in that “hand-me-down smartphones,” as pointed out by another shareholder, are becoming hardware systems on which to play games due to their prices being lower than that of our most inexpensive video game system in our history. However, I do not believe that will completely control the future of video games. Of course, it is important to gain profit in effective ways, but Nintendo always has to take seriously, for example, network security for children. Taking into consideration that more and more children have a good command of these kinds of media, which help these media to spread, the most important task for Nintendo is how to provide new styles of entertainment by using these technologies, and how to make these new kinds of entertainment yield significant sales and profits. It goes without saying that Nintendo has been trying to improve its profitability at the same time. For example, at E3 this year, we were able to obtain more page views on our website while considerably reducing our E3-related costs.


About the prospects of “ten years from now” (which were mentioned in the question), I believe it will work itself out because new forms of entertainment are always born. But, we always need to work with a clear consciousness that we have to act now to make that happen. This consciousness is mounting high among people at Nintendo now, so please wait for our next move. I believe the appeal of video games is not transient and human beings have an instinctual love of games. I would like to keep on producing new products that surprise people all over the world.


It's nice to see that he's not letting their current plight get to him and stop him and the rest of the staff at Nintendo from getting on and continuing to try and break new ground :)


That guy that went to ask them to give him free games was hilarious as well :laughing:

Edited by Dcubed
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