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Kirby and the Rainbow Curse


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So I decided to get into this game now, rather than hold off until after Splatoon, and I'm seriously glad I did.

Been having an absolute blast! :bouncy: So fun, and so damn adorable. :love:


The presentation is something else, I actually can't get my head around just how good the graphics are. :o Obviously this kind of visual style has been done several times in the past, but never as well as this. I mean it looks real! Kirby, the enemies, the environments, they all look like genuine handmade plasticine models. icon14.gif And yet they haven't just taken the easy route of digitizing real-life objects and then displaying them as 2D sprites, pretty much everything on screen appears to be rendered in 3D in real-time, as Kirby casts shadows and also deforms the terrain on contact.

The attention to detail is astonishing, undoubtedly one of the most beautiful games ever made. :bowdown:


And those diary paintings... Cuteness overload:

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However, this makes playing it exclusively on the GamePad (and you really are forced to play it on the GamePad if you want to play it well) all the more frustrating. :( I was worried about this before getting the game, and sure enough the compression does damage the picture quality quite a bit. Kirby does indeed have fuzzy feet when viewed on the GamePad screen. :heh:

You get used to it, but I just wish there was an alternative control option (other than playing as a Waddle Dee) that allowed you to play the game while looking at the TV screen. Wii Remote pointer controls for example, could have worked pretty well for this.


Anyway, I got through the first world last night, and a bit of the second (Tank Kirby is hilarious! :laughing:) would've progressed further if it weren't for Challenge Mode, which is seriously addictive. :awesome: Did all of the challenges that were available to me, but looks like I need to collect some more gold medals in Story Mode now to unlock additional challenges.

But yeah, super impressed with this game, in both presentation and gameplay. :)

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Started to play this in earnest last night. Bought it for the kids really, but I am loving it. In the first two worlds I am finding playing the game very relaxing - the perfect level of challenge whilst you get used to drawing controls.


How old are your kids? Mine's nearly 6 and expressed an interest but I'm not sure if it will be a bit too difficult for her or not?

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How old are your kids? Mine's nearly 6 and expressed an interest but I'm not sure if it will be a bit too difficult for her or not?


There may be a couple of tricky parts but you could always just jump in and help her. The co-op is drop and out so you can just help her get past the hard part and then instantly leave her to it.

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I started playing this tonight.

I looooooove it. :heart:


The game looks so good. And I still lol at RedShell's "fuzzy feet" so cute :laughing: but I'm not really seeing them?! I was looking out for the fuzz foot but I think the gameplay on the gamepad is good!


Obviously it looks better on the HD screen but I think it's good enough and I love that the game finally utilises the game pad. I've been waiting for this kind of unique play since the Wii U was announced!

It feels very satisfying when there is a circle of stars and you manage to successfully manoeuvre Kirby around them to collect every single one. :D

Good times.


I love the music too - and I've only played world 1!


Looking forward to putting more time into this.

I also played some Triple Deluxe on my 3DS and pretty much wrapped up the first world there. Definitely preferring this game to that at the minute though.


Ahhh I love Kirby. :)

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And I still lol at RedShell's "fuzzy feet" so cute :laughing: but I'm not really seeing them?! I was looking out for the fuzz foot but I think the gameplay on the gamepad is good!
Really? Look harder. :heh: I'm definitely not imagining it... I hope. :D


Anyway, glad to hear someone else enjoying the game. :)

I actually just finished the Story Mode earlier today. :awesome:

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Took me just over 10 hours to reach 99%, but that includes quite a bit of Challenge Mode and time spent admiring the figurines/listening to the soundtrack. :love:


Gonna need a screenshot/bit of Kirby's surprised face (@RedShell ;)).

That is pretty damn funny I must admit. :laughing: Gotta love Kirby.

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  • 1 month later...

Month bump. (As if no one's been talking about this more!)


I started playing this and then I just haven't played anything for like a month due to having little time to game.


I now have a whole 2 weeks off (always book Wimbledon fortnight off) and I shall now be tennis-ing and gaming til I can take no more! :D


After getting frustrated (again) with Batman Arkham Knight earlier I turned to this to continue on.

I so love it. :heart:


It's such a different type of game that I found myself actually feeling rather relaxed playing it. :heh:

Finished up world 2 and really enjoyed it. The tank level was fun and bonkers all at the same time (especially when there's loads of things to shoot on screen) and it kept making me titter how Kirby's tank mode made him look like Pingu. :laughing:





I say it was relaxing, it was until I got to the boss battle. :mad: Which I lost 8 lives on!

I couldn't work out how to finish it off and then realised I had to press and hold Kirby to power him up to break through the metal bit of the boss.

That was testing!


Still, onwards! I finished my night off with some Mario Kart and can't wait to play more of this tomorrow now! : peace:

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Well I'm having way more fun with this than I first expected to!


The first couple of worlds were great (and I've loved each boss battle) but the later worlds are starting to get a little more tricky and I'm enjoying that. You couldn't really do much wrong in worlds 1-3 as Kirby never really went anywhere he just landed on the ground if you mistimed the drawing of the rope. It almost felt pointless having the drawing function as half the time I wanted to reach for the buttons / stick to just make Kirby run / jump like normal :heh:


Now though, he's in the skyyyyy! So I'm finding myself having to pay more attention to stop him from hurtling to his death... which has happened a few times. :heh:

Poor guy.


I also love the sections where you go into a room with like 15 seconds on the clock to get the treasure chests and not only do you have to work out what the bloody hell you need to do to get it, you have to do it against the clock! :D

I'm not normally one for collectables but this seems like it'd be pretty fun / challenging in a good way so I may look into it after I've completed the story.

Also, I kinda love the sound effect after you tap a treasure chest at the end of the level :laughing: so there's more inspiration haha.


Onward! : peace:

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Well that was short and sweet!


Think my play time ended up just over 5 hours for the story. Bear in mind I spread that over like a month :laughing: but very short.

Haven't got all the collectables, my play file is at like 80 something percent so I think I may go back and try and pick some of those up.


I'm disappointed there isn't more after the story.

Like a more difficult world to get stuck into. The challenges are good and I've worked through the ones that I've unlocked but it still seems fairly low on content particularly compared to Yoshi which I haven't yet played, but noticed a few of you uploading screens of all the worlds collectables and extra worlds after. This seems much smaller.


I never really felt tested with the game either. A couple of the later worlds were more difficult than the first few but even that didn't cause me much concern. And that's not testament to my 'skills' haha more to the ease of getting through it unscathed.


The final boss was the most difficult of it all. I also thought it was cheap to re-use the same bosses every other world! What's up with that?!


Having said that, it was still very enjoyable. I'd recommend this to anyone, but I'd suggest waiting until it went down in price. If it ever does :heh:.

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Yoshi is the same in that you could probably finish it in around 5-6 hours if you don't go for the collectables. Both that and this game suffer a lot in terms of time played if you're not interested in getting 100%. If you do go for it then you will be looking at around 12-15 hours on Kirby and 20+ hours on Yoshi.

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This game...




It's so gooood!! I'm up to world 3 and I'm loving it!! :bouncy:


Even without the copy abilities, it's definately a worthy successor to Canvas Curse! :D


The wide open level design is a great fit for the huge Gamepad screen. It really sets itself apart from the DS game in that respect and yet it is also a blast to just rush through as fast as possible too! The level design does a great job of encouraging exploration, while also encouraging speed running (drawing?), it's masterfully executed!


It's also the most disgustingly adorable looking game I've ever played. I think I'm gonna have to carry a barf bag all throughout! (And also amongst the most visually impressive games I've ever seen as well; it really does look and animate like real clay!)


Everything is polished to near perfection (about the only complaint I could make is that I wish there was a way to erase all the lines at once, like in Yoshi's Touch N' Go)


I'm not that far into it yet, but it is already in the running for my absolute favourite Wii U game! After being somewhat disappointed by Tropical Freeze, this game blows me away! :D


Can't wait to sink my teeth into the Challenge Mode. I can already tell that it's gonna be addictive as hell! :yay:

Edited by Dcubed
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  • 10 months later...

I just started playing this tonight and cleared the first two worlds. Mixed feelings on this one, here are my first impressions:


+ Incredible graphics and presentation, and I mean incredible. Looks beautiful on my HD TV, really eye popping and unique too.

+ Superb music and sound

+ All round high production values, attention to detail and polish.

+ Unique play style makes for a fresh experience.

+ Loads to collect and see.

+ Tank level is awesome, could have played a full game of that


- You spend the entire time looking at the gamepad, you don't use the TV so you never really get to appreciate the beauty of it.

- Feels like a mobile game and that the control scheme isn't deep enough for a full console game.

- At times it is fiddly


Bit of a mixed bag for me so far. Definitely has the Nintendo charm, just feels a bit shallow as the controls limit the experience.

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While the game may feel shallow and easy, once you start having a crack at the challenges then things really step up a notch. Just like every other Kirby game, really. :D


I loved the game to bits. Great amount of challenge, colourful world to explore, amazing soundtrack. Brilliant stuff and another high point for the Wii U catalogue.

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Controls are fantastic. Game is a ton of fun to speedrun, just like its predecessor (bit of a shame about the autoscrolling levels though, since they slow the pace down quite a bit).


But yeah, this is one of my top 3 Wii U titles for sure!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have now almost finished this, 96% complete and my opinion of it changed a lot as I played it.


Much like Star Fox Zero at first it made quite a negative impression, but over time as I got used to the controls I found a really engaging and utterly charming game and a really interesting take on the 2D platformer.


Each level has plenty to do in it and plenty to find, without feeling like a collection grind like Yoshi did at times. The transformations work very well and the tank and sub are amazing.


Overall, I liked this game a lot, it's short and completing it isn't difficult, but finding all the chests and really exploring every level adds a lot to the overall package.


I pleased I took the time to play it.

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