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Let's ignore the negative arguments and outweigh them positivity :) Best way to combat it!


I'm just really excited about playing it tomorrow, I hope it makes the wait excruciating!! I'm also looking forward to a regular drip feed of content. I wish Smash did that, exploding all the characters on us straight away was more overwhelming than anything, if they released a new character a week most people would've played it every week to try out the new characters and such.

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Have to admit, I wasn't so sure strategy would play a big part in this game but having seen how many weapons types and abilities there are, I've definitely changed my mind. It's actually a bit daunting as someone who's only shooter experience is Mass Effect and Goldeneye!


Let's ignore the negative arguments and outweigh them positivity :) Best way to combat it!


I'm just really excited about playing it tomorrow, I hope it makes the wait excruciating!! I'm also looking forward to a regular drip feed of content. I wish Smash did that, exploding all the characters on us straight away was more overwhelming than anything, if they released a new character a week most people would've played it every week to try out the new characters and such.


Certainly seems like Nintendo are experimenting with a drip feed approach the past year or so, definitely feels like it keeps interest up in the long haul. They could have done something similar with Captain Toad, release a new chapter every month, but then I suppose the issue arises as to how much the original game is worth, even if the updates are free. Makes me wonder if the rumours of Starfox being an episodic based game are true, I'd certainly welcome it. I think it would give better value for money than a game you can finish in a couple of hours in one sitting.

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FUUUUUCK. I won't be able to try the Demo tomorrow :(


Hope there is a bit of singleplayer in there so I can at least give that a go next week...


Nope. Multiplayer only!


Don't worry, it'll go drastically wrong Nintendo will be forced to extend it I'm sure :)

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Well I quite like the look of the single player, I'm disappointed that I won't be getting to experience it in the new demo... also I realised a few minutes ago that I have plans on saturday at midday so not even sure I will be around for the middle demo :(

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Let's ignore the negative arguments and outweigh them positivity :) Best way to combat it!


If it's all the same, i'd rather not be ignorant. I would much prefer to engage the people who have a different opinion than me in conversation.


It's like battle lines have been drawn in this part of the forum. You either have to love Nintendo or hate them, there's simply no middle ground. It's ridiculous.

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If it's all the same, i'd rather not be ignorant. I would much prefer to engage the people who have a different opinion than me in conversation.


It's like battle lines have been drawn in this part of the forum. You either have to love Nintendo or hate them, there's simply no middle ground. It's ridiculous.

It's not about being partisan, it's about what you want. If people want to look at the half empty glass, more power to them, I hope they have a great time enjoying their misery. I prefer to look at the half full glass and enjoy the liquid goodness I am preparing to enjoy, than pine for the half of the glass of goodness that isn't available.


Also I would say some positive points made about this game are being made in a negative way, I'm ignoring those as well.


For example there is a difference between:


"would be so good being able to (something involving vchat), hopefully they'll reconsider including it in the future"



"No voice chat no buy. This game was going to be AAA, now it's going to be a crappy game cos no vc."


There are "positive" points that have been made negatively too, but I chose the above example because I think a large number of people have made points about that, and I don't want anyone to feel I'm picking on them!


Life is depressing enough, I don't want a hobby website to add to it :D

And tbh one or two of the worst offenders make pretty good contributions, so I am loathe to add them to my ignore list, I'd far prefer them to lighten up a touch :D


but w/e

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How do they review COD and Battlefield games when usually they're unplayable mess for the first month or so?


I'll be honest: I'm not happy Nintendo are shipping a game like this.


However, they have admitted it before hand, have offered free DLC and have a schedule for more modes and additional options and strong post-release support. This doesn't make what they have done right, but it does ease the issue and at least we know where we stand.


I've been around for 5 major COD releases and never once have Activision said 'this is an unfinished product and will be supported after launch to get things up to scratch'.


Whilst I can fault Nintendo's approach, they have at least been honest and promised the game will get what looks like excellent support post release with FREE DLC and more modes.


I think we should judge Splatoon on what it is with a mind to what it will be.


But the most important aspect to me is how it plays - the core experience. If that is solid, fun and most of all FRESH, I'm in!


After 6 years of COD and shooters in general, I'm a little burnt out. So this looks like the new experience I want. I'm hyped for it and really am excited for the core mechanics and the new aspects it brings to the genre. If they are what I'm hoping for, I can forgive the extra modes coming in a few months later.


Geat post. I agree with a lot of it though in fairness COD has in my opinion and all the versions I own never shipped in the unfinished state Splatoon will. I bought Splatoon as well for €35 from thegamecollection so I can be patient with it and I wanted to support it from the start as it's a new ip which I'd like Nintendo to do more of. The game still looks great and I'm hopeful they'll do the DLC as great as MK8.


This game could be part experimental with Nintendo trying to get us to embrace digital more and more until a day in the future when all games are digital. They also can monitor alot of aspects now that couldn't be in the past. Total sales, individual playtime, total playtime, favourite battle grounds, weapons, modes, favourite character customisations and perhaps tailor DLC more around what we like than don't like.

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If it's all the same, i'd rather not be ignorant. I would much prefer to engage the people who have a different opinion than me in conversation.


It's like battle lines have been drawn in this part of the forum. You either have to love Nintendo or hate them, there's simply no middle ground. It's ridiculous.


Way to blow what I said completely out of proportion...


If you see value in page after page of people arguing about the same things fine, but I'm just saying that rather than get defensive about people not liking certain aspects, be positive and post what you do like!!


And I obviously wasn't talking to you, was obviously talking to people like Ronnie who's fed up with the negative comments, if that's the case be positive.


This place... Does anything not get pounced on?!


With the game not being completed, Smash was and still is the same. And although it's not ideal, there's a big difference between games being broken and wonky and being fixed post launch than a game missing a few features. I thought the uproar was against that more.

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Further evidence of cheap prices for this game.


Splatoon Costs Just $35 in Europe!


This morning, Nintendo had its brand new Nintendo Direct on Splatoon. Immediately after the Nintendo Direct, Splatoon went up on the eShop for pre-order. The game will cost a full regular retail price of $59.99 in the United States. This is rather weird, as the game is much cheaper all across Europe.


In Spain, Splatoon can be purchased for $35. Germany is a little pricier, selling the game for $45. Amazon France has Splatoon for $40. Even the UK, which is generally considered to have outrageous game prices, is selling Splatoon for $50.


Nintendo has not revealed any official statement concerning these incredibly low game prices in Europe. Hopefully Nintendo will get a similar pricing scheme as well!




I'm going to convert those prices because we in Europe use the Euro and Sterling not the Dollar. The article does link to the individual sites and prices.


Spain = €31.44

Germany = €39.99

UK = £32.99 From GAME, avoid like the plague that they are.

France = €34.99

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Way to blow what I said completely out of proportion...


It was the way it was worded. It came across as saying that posts from someone like Kav hold no merit or value to the conversation and as such should just be ignored.


You never meant it like that so fair do's. : peace:

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It was the way it was worded. It came across as saying that posts from someone like Kav hold no merit or value to the conversation and as such should just be ignored.


You never meant it like that so fair do's. : peace:


Oh not at all. I understand completely why people would be a little annoyed about it, and even if I didn't it's absolutely valid. I think it's the back and forth back and forth. More of a if you don't like it, then combat it with positiveness instead of moaning about their opinion.

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Who's taking part in the testfire demo then? I know Dazzy and myself have said we will be doing the early morning rounds. Anyone else? What about the ones on later in the day?
Will definitely be there for the afternoon/evening ones, probably won't make the 4am one though...


Like Judd the cat, I like my sleep. :heh:

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Who's taking part in the testfire demo then? I know Dazzy and myself have said we will be doing the early morning rounds. Anyone else? What about the ones on later in the day?


If I'm awake I'll be there.

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Who's taking part in the testfire demo then? I know Dazzy and myself have said we will be doing the early morning rounds. Anyone else? What about the ones on later in the day?


I'm hoping to make all 3, don't see what I won't. I'm using the 4am one as practice for the baby turning up next month! :) And let's hope for friends matches. Really hope this game is as fun as it seems!

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I'm hoping to make all 3, don't see what I won't. I'm using the 4am one as practice for the baby turning up next month! :) And let's hope for friends matches. Really hope this game is as fun as it seems!


I thought exactly the same yesterday when you mentioned you would be having a crack at the 4am session. :D


Looking at the Nintendo site it mentions that the demo will be Turf War (obviously) and that you may end up playing against your friends. Seems like the join friend option will be in place for the demo then.


I'm gonna have to add you on my Wii U so we can hook up for some early morning splatting....sounds wrong. :heh:

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I thought exactly the same yesterday when you mentioned you would be having a crack at the 4am session. :D


Looking at the Nintendo site it mentions that the demo will be Turf War (obviously) and that you may end up playing against your friends. Seems like the join friend option will be in place for the demo then.


I'm gonna have to add you on my Wii U so we can hook up for some early morning splatting....sounds wrong. :heh:


Ha! Sounds so so right to me!! If Wii us up for it, I reckon @david\.dakota might be too... And if there's a few more in the afternoon maybe even get some skype/ps4 on the go too. Really looking forward to this, more than most games in a long time actually.

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