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Fixed that blooper. ;)


Wouldn't a team of friends have a huge advantage over a team of randoms IF there is friend voicechat and in game which would also be a first from Nintendo on Wii U?

Will you stop with your bullshit. At E3 they said they were thinking of ways for communication. They didn't forget it exists. Stop with your constant anti-Nintendo crap.


All we know right now is that you cannot communicate with RANDOM players. We have no idea if you can with friends or not.


So for the love of god, stop being an ass.

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Will you stop with your bullshit. At E3 they said they were thinking of ways for communication. They didn't forget it exists. Stop with your constant anti-Nintendo crap.


All we know right now is that you cannot communicate with RANDOM players. We have no idea if you can with friends or not.


So for the love of god, stop being an ass.


Cop on Serebii. I'm not anti Nintendo nor constant. You're the one talking crap as always. It's not my fault that you can't recognise a joke. But then you don't recognise yourself. Let me spell it out for you.


-No communication with players you are matched with


-They didn't think of using Bloopers when they decided on squids (they apparently forgot they existed)


-No communication with players you are matched with


-They didn't think of using voicechat when they decided on online (they apparently forgot it existed)


Fixed that blooper. ;)


I made a joke and then asked a genuine question. You're pathetic. There was far more vocal criticism preceding my comment but you single out me out? Sad, really sad.

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What is Nintendo's problem? Seriously. The console on its knees and it's pushing its head further into the mud.


They must know how people feel, they must know everyone was pissed off woth mario kart. They must see the success of the other consoles, and how evey game has online etc. they have to know it's what the gaming community want (not literally every single one before some gimp chimes in "I don't want it"). So why aren't they giving us it? The Wii u has failed because the mass gaming market don't see Nintendo as a serious part of it, rightly ot wrongly, they're seen as backwards with their lack of full account system, no in,Ine sops, no cross buy, no online modes, barely any dlc, no voice chat. They're improving bits but they're still seen in a huge,y negative light. How do they not know they need to start changing this perception with everything game, service, application they release.


Splatoon may have friend voice chat. It likely won't. But even in their communication of it all it seems Nintendo doesn't want to improve. Get bigger. Get better! It's so bizarre to see. And again, how come no fucking journalist interrogates them about this? I why don't they get a straight, intelligent as wer out of them? Games journalists are the biggest, arse licking pussies in all journalist mediums.


Did Nintendo ever give and intelligent reason that made sense about using friend codes? Because all their bullshit excuses, which were clearly bullshit at the time, have been proven so now they have a proper username system and kids aren't getting raped by strangers while they play smashbros.


Maybe it'll be like when they released steel diver, and you can't even play with friends :D

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It's not that big a deal ?


Agree. I've never seen a community so obsessed with voice chat, to the point where this thread will be ruined for the next six pages of people bitching about nothing but that, completely ignoring the game itself. Nintendo as a family company don't want to open the can of worms of kids chatting to adults, that's always been the way.


I'm hyped we finally get a 3D platformer, Mario aside it's been way too long :) So hyped for this game, going to be fantastic

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Two words:


Nintendo Letterbox


The potential for misuse is not a valid reason. I could attach a picture or voice recording to a message and send it to anyone on PSN, so why can't I do that on 3DS? If parents don't want their kids doing this then they should turn on parental controls.


Don't you bleeding well dare present that as a valid reason!

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Cop on Serebii. I'm not anti Nintendo nor constant. You're the one talking crap as always. It's not my fault that you can't recognise a joke. But then you don't recognise yourself. Let me spell it out for you.






I made a joke and then asked a genuine question. You're pathetic. There was far more vocal criticism preceding my comment but you single out me out? Sad, really sad.

The other statements were valid, and mostly ones I agree with. Yours, however, was disruptive and continues the continual bile you spit out here

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Great post from gaf, having played this at EGX a number of times, I can't imagine voice chat strategy will be of much use. The battles are so chaotic that strategy would go out the window pretty quickly.


I'm not bothered by the lack of voice chat. The games are 2 or 3 minutes long, you don't have really time for a team strategy and mostly for changing the team strategy on the run. It's mostly about watching the map and making individual decisions. Also it's not about calling someone to help you, as you practically die very quickly and you can respawn near your teammate.
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I've never seen a community so obsessed with voice chat, to the point where this thread will be ruined for the next six pages of people bitching about nothing but that, completely ignoring the game itself.


It was one of the first things I noticed when I joined.

It's kinda funny at this point.

I get the complaints, but I don't get the tone.


To be fair, I don't think that people want to discuss strategies through voice chat. Game's too chaotic for that.

People just want to chat. And that's a perfectly valid complaint, even if it is taken to extremes on this site at times.

Edited by Glen-i
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The other statements were valid, and mostly ones I agree with. Yours, however, was disruptive and continues the continual bile you spit out here


What's that smell? Oh, you know, just the constant stream of $h1t€ spewing forth from your mouth. What a lie Serebii. It's there in plain sight on the last page for people to see. I made a light hearted joke and asked a genuine question. There's comments both with stronger language and opinions and you expect me to believe your statement? Get real, just face it, you overreacted and messed up. I get it, you wanted to have a pop but you'll have to wait for one of my more aggressive comments.


Tell me what was so bad about what I said? Nothing.

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It was one of the first things I noticed when I joined.

It's kinda funny at this point.

I get the complaints, but I don't get the tone.


In the case of a lot of people here, Nintendo gamers who've hardly ever had it can hardly miss it.


It always seems to me that the more antisocial/awkward Nintendo folks about these parts are the ones without a clue why anyone would want it that much.

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Well that sounds pretty shit. No strategy, really?


I don't think there's no strategy, it sounds like it's more a case of constantly being on top of an ever changing situation.


It's no excuse for a lack of voice chat though. But it's not gonna ruin the game either.


In the case of a lot of people here, Nintendo gamers who've hardly ever had it can hardly miss it.


It always seems to me that the more antisocial/awkward Nintendo folks about these parts are the ones without a clue why anyone would want it that much.


Hey! I'm not that anti social!

I completely get the complaints. People like to talk to each other.

I just find that the general reaction here is a bit over the top.


(And for the record, I don't use voice chat not because I'm anti-social, but because if I did, all you would hear is the background noise of my cousin's house)

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Hey! I'm not that anti social!

I completely get the complaints. People like to talk to each other.

I just find that the general reaction here is a bit over the top.


(And for the record, I don't use voice chat not because I'm anti-social, but because if I did, all you would hear is the background noise of my cousin's house)


Yeah, don't worry about it, you seem like a pretty nice guy. :p I was more or less suggesting that some other people around here playing down Nintendo's lack of features just don't strike me as the social type anyway - they don't get it and possibly never will.

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No way at all is strategy not I portent to this game, don't believe it for one second at all. Utter bull. For me it's about strategy and the fun of banter while playing the game.


"You stupid squid fuck!" As Kav misses the paint free wall and gets my face instead.


It's missed in mario kart, but not essential. In this the game will miss out so much.


AND, this game needs to be statement from Nintendo. Hyrule Warriors didn't need all that dlc but what a statement of intent it was. This game, a Nintendo take on the FPS, they need to show they can compete woth online, in play, innovating in it, in online modes and he's, communication. This gsme could be huge. Or it could be another mild hit with so much more potential, but more proof for the doubters that Nintendo are far too far behind the times and they're not looking like catching up any time soon.

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It always seems to me that the more antisocial/awkward Nintendo folks about these parts are the ones without a clue why anyone would want it that much.


That's out of order, I'm not anti-social in the slightest, I just don't like people bothering me when I play games. I get why people would like it, it's just the never-ending obsessive moaning in every single post on this thread is getting too much.


No way at all is strategy not I portent to this game, don't believe it for one second at all. Utter bull.


Have you played the demo? I'm sure there'll be some elements of strategy but the heat of the moment action is so chaotic that it's more of a make it up as you go along type of combat.

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That's out of order, I'm not anti-social in the slightest, I just don't like people bothering me when I play games. I get why people would like it, it's just the never-ending obsessive moaning in every single post on this thread is getting too much.


It's never ending because Nintendo refuse to make such a thing a standard feature in any of their games. Once they do get with the times then everything will be gravy and people wont complain. Until then...enjoy. :D


It's not just on here either, Gaf kick off about such things. I know you listen to NVC and even they were on about it the other week and how the game needs it.

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That's out of order, I'm not anti-social in the slightest, I just don't like people bothering me when I play games. I get why people would like it, it's just the never-ending obsessive moaning in every single post on this thread is getting too much.


Then add us to your ignore list. Just like you'd mute someone with voice-chat online. Problem solved.


Also, it's not just about strategy, the biggest thing is being able to talk to my friends. Since when is talking to your friends not fun?

Yet still, those that say it's not strategic will be those losing games more than winning, because those that use even the slightest bit of strategy will beat those without any!

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Splatoon may have friend voice chat. It likely won't. But even in their communication of it all it seems Nintendo doesn't want to improve. Get bigger. Get better! It's so bizarre to see. And again, how come no fucking journalist interrogates them about this? I why don't they get a straight, intelligent as wer out of them? Games journalists are the biggest, arse licking pussies in all journalist mediums.


Actually, the Radio Free Nintendo guys tried asking about such things at E3 last year and they got completely fobbed off with non answers.


Also, it's not just about strategy, the biggest thing is being able to talk to my friends. Since when is talking to your friends not fun?

Yet still, those that say it's not strategic will be those losing games more than winning, because those that use even the slightest bit of strategy will beat those without any!




To be honest I don't care about winning or losing. Just ask the FIFA lads on here. For me it's all about the friendly banter and having a laugh with people. Yes, it's nice to win but when you are too busy crying with laughter down the headset it's easy not to care. :)

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That's out of order, I'm not anti-social in the slightest, I just don't like people bothering me when I play games. I get why people would like it, it's just the never-ending obsessive moaning in every single post on this thread is getting too much.


Maybe saying awkward was a bit far, sorry. But what I mean is there are different types of gamers; saying you don't like being bothered when playing games makes it sound very much like you're the kind of person I was referring to (ie. not someone who wants to play games with others). Nintendo seems to positively select for these gamers since a lot of the people who aren't happy probably just leave.

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It's never ending because Nintendo refuse to make such a thing a standard feature in any of their games. Once they do get with the times then everything will be gravy and people wont complain. Until then...enjoy. :D


It's not just on here either, Gaf kick off about such things. I know you listen to NVC and even they were on about it the other week and how the game needs it.


NVC spoke about it for about a minute before Peer said that Nintendo doesn't want kids talking to adults in their games. People need to accept that, it just won't happen. Gaf talks about voice chat but there's also lots of discussion about the game itself on there. Before today it had been 7 pages since the last mention of it, we'd be lucky to go 3 posts on here without someone bringing it up. Fine complain about it but it's just the same things being repeated over and over.

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NVC spoke about it for about a minute before Peer said that Nintendo doesn't want kids talking to adults in their games. People need to accept that, it just won't happen. Gaf talks about voice chat but there's also lots of discussion about the game itself on there. Before today it had been 7 pages since the last mention of it, we'd be lucky to go 3 posts on here without someone bringing it up. Fine complain about it but it's just the same things being repeated over and over.


Gaf also has a crazy amount of members. We have like 10-15 active members who play Nintendo stuff. We are also a very old community ( the average age is probably the high twenties ) meaning a lot of us don't have the luxury of playing games locally with people like you used to when you were younger. Hence us kicking off when Nintendo forgets about the gamers who helped get them to where they are in the first place.

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NVC spoke about it for about a minute before Peer said that Nintendo doesn't want kids talking to adults in their games. People need to accept that, it just won't happen. Gaf talks about voice chat but there's also lots of discussion about the game itself on there. Before today it had been 7 pages since the last mention of it, we'd be lucky to go 3 posts on here without someone bringing it up. Fine complain about it but it's just the same things being repeated over and over.


I get this and agree with it totally, HOWEVER, there's no excuse for not allowing friends to chat. Only being able to chat/hear people on your friends list ticks all boxes for everybody, so why no do it.


Mario Kart would not work with voice chat unless you could only chat with people who were in the vacinity of your kart. Otherwise it would just be noise.

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I get this and agree with it totally, HOWEVER, there's no excuse for not allowing friends to chat. Only being able to chat/hear people on your friends list ticks all boxes for everybody, so why no do it.


Mario Kart would not work with voice chat unless you could only chat with people who were in the vacinity of your kart. Otherwise it would just be noise.


Isn't it easy for some random guy to add a kid as a friend? I've seen loads of posts on Miiverse saying "add me as a friend and I'll add you back"

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Isn't it easy for some random guy to add a kid as a friend? I've seen loads of posts on Miiverse saying "add me as a friend and I'll add you back"


Yes, extremely easy. Which is why parents need to be made aware of parental controls somehow.


No idea where to even begin with that though.

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