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Super Mario Maker


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Some interesting discussion but worrying speculation on warp pipes - was really hoping they might put some warping/secret functionality in(and hell, they might still...imagine it being an unlockable feature!). I'm getting increasingly interested in this, not at all from a creator PoV but from playing other people's creations instead.


I was just looking at my last few posts too and thought about a further challenge/potential rivalry aspect. I recall with N4SMW me and @Fierce_LiNk spent a small amount of time trying to beat each other's times(via posting screens on miiverse) and that could be something else to be done here.


Say you finish a particularly hard level - get an opportunity to send a challenge to a friend to beat it. Like 'hey, i beat this in xx! can you do better??'. You can have 5 challenges outgoing at a time, but only one per person. I can see it building up a little friendly rivalry(challenging and re-challenging etc) and maybe that'd be something else you can view in comparison side-to-side. Say you compare me and Flink - it shows all the levels we've both completed(inc level creator's name), with our best times and number of attempts to get that time, as well as the number of challenges sent to each other and successfully completed(due to the 'one' limit option, you either beat it or forfeit it). You can always beat it later, not under the challenge condition, which will still show but there'll be something to distinguish that you met the challenge when it was set(possibly put an expiring time limit on them).


Ofc this is another easy gamepad integration feature - just like they do popups atm you can come home and see your Gamepad light flashing, hit the button and there's a way to see you've been issued a new challenge - with quicklaunch right into it again. After all, it's a Mario level right? It's not going to take long to beat..;)

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The amount of content in this is pretty staggering, at least compared to the E3 reveal. They seem to have added tons to it. It'll be interesting to see if you can use power-ups across all the game styles, like the feather in the original SMB. The 10 uploads per person sounds like something Nintendo would do, limit the number to keep the quality up rather than people just spamming with loads of rubbish.


Looking forward to the Mario World end goal, hope they kept the music intact, so much better than a flag pole :)

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IS it just me, or does anyone else feel like this could have been a great game to be out already? I feel like the Wii U is a bit quiet at the moment, and something like this if it had good online infrastructure would essentially be an excellent trickle of content to kinda get some WiiU momentum building up with the big and somewhat social releases due to arrive soon this year(Splatoon and X jump to mind). I know they'll delay til the anniversary date, but I feel like this is something that should really be happening around nowish.

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IS it just me, or does anyone else feel like this could have been a great game to be out already?
Nope, I also think this should've been released ages ago. Even when it was first revealed I was like "shut up and take my coins!" :hehe:


It blatantly hasn't just been a strategic delay for the anniversary though, I mean they have been adding quite a bit of content. But what with this new style (or new to Nintendo at least) of releasing games and then adding to them later via patches, I feel that they could've definitely released this earlier, and then just added extra stuff later on.

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IS it just me, or does anyone else feel like this could have been a great game to be out already? I feel like the Wii U is a bit quiet at the moment, and something like this if it had good online infrastructure would essentially be an excellent trickle of content to kinda get some WiiU momentum building up with the big and somewhat social releases due to arrive soon this year(Splatoon and X jump to mind). I know they'll delay til the anniversary date, but I feel like this is something that should really be happening around nowish.


At first I thought this too. It looked like a pretty simple game to push out. But I'm not a developer, and I can imagine there will be plenty of pitfalls and a lot more testing and tweaking needed when making a game that is based around content creation.


I also think over the past few months they've also seemed to ramp up the amount of content by a considerable amount and I love the way that you can play Super Mario World content in Super Mario Bros. 8-bit graphics and vice-versa.


The only thing I have thought about this is that the different graphical styles are now just totally that - interchangeable graphics. I'm not sure whether it would have been better to have levels created for Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros 3. with each providing a different experience as they did when originally released. Now all of them will provide the same experience.

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IS it just me, or does anyone else feel like this could have been a great game to be out already? I feel like the Wii U is a bit quiet at the moment, and something like this if it had good online infrastructure would essentially be an excellent trickle of content to kinda get some WiiU momentum building up with the big and somewhat social releases due to arrive soon this year(Splatoon and X jump to mind). I know they'll delay til the anniversary date, but I feel like this is something that should really be happening around nowish.


Tricky one, obviously NOW not as urgent what with kirby just released, platoon next week, Yoshi in a few weeks with E3 in between, but maybe a couple of months ago.


But if they've been adding all the extra stuff they have and need time to sort the level sharing out then obviously it's good to be delayed. When is it out? September? Hopefully they bundle in a full game made with it too, that'd be nice, really show what it is capable of!

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Nope, I also think this should've been released ages ago. Even when it was first revealed I was like "shut up and take my coins!" :hehe:


It blatantly hasn't just been a strategic delay for the anniversary though, I mean they have been adding quite a bit of content. But what with this new style (or new to Nintendo at least) of releasing games and then adding to them later via patches, I feel that they could've definitely released this earlier, and then just added extra stuff later on.


I think particularly with a game of this nature, where the content isn't essentially made post release, adding to it post release isn't going to be as irksome to the customers either. Mario Maker Maker(meta!)! It's exactly the sort of thing that could be released and be added to with feedback from the fans, though it could be they'd like to have it very complete at release instead.


At first I thought this too. It looked like a pretty simple game to push out. But I'm not a developer, and I can imagine there will be plenty of pitfalls and a lot more testing and tweaking needed when making a game that is based around content creation.


I also think over the past few months they've also seemed to ramp up the amount of content by a considerable amount and I love the way that you can play Super Mario World content in Super Mario Bros. 8-bit graphics and vice-versa.


The only thing I have thought about this is that the different graphical styles are now just totally that - interchangeable graphics. I'm not sure whether it would have been better to have levels created for Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros 3. with each providing a different experience as they did when originally released. Now all of them will provide the same experience.


I'd concur, but would put forward my view that they're essentially making a drag and drop-esque level creator - would these be the sort of things they'd use in creating Mario games of the past anyhow? Obvs they have more debug ability there if so, but still...I've seen some pretty damn decent ROM hackers out there(again, big shout out to Lunar Magic and FuSoYa for an SMW one) so have to wonder how much work it takes - especially when you're the original content creator so you know how everything works.


Ofc, implementing the cross-style functionality is an issue that brings new challenges and need for new graphics and testing etcetc. Whilst we can talk about them adding new content - a lot of it is existing assets and not re-design jobs; it's just tweaking to fit with the cross-style changes. One thing I do wonder, and haven't particularly noticed from vids - is it all mechanically the same? I'm sure SMW, SMB3, SMB etc all would have controlled slightly different - are they keeping that for this(I'd suspect no, due to issues with style changes again) - so I guess that's a whole mechanics model and testing needed there too. Given they're building the building blocks and not the content, I can see why it'd need to be perfect as any small glitches or bugs can easily become hugely amplified as a result, rather than bugs that'd normally slip through into specific content issues.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I really hop not, not because I don't love them. I do. Probably my favourite game series. But give it a break, let mario maker be the big mario. Then launch the next home console with the greatest mario ever!!!


Well Bill did say they wouldn't be a new one this year.


In an interesting interview with Nintendo of America’s director of product marketing, Bill Trinen, he confirmed that there will be no new Mario game released in 2015.


Saying that “Mario games release more frequently but we don’t have a new Mario game this year so it’s not an annual event.”


I agree with you and also hope the next Mario game is a grand affair that launches their next console.

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I really hop not, not because I don't love them. I do. Probably my favourite game series. But give it a break, let mario maker be the big mario. Then launch the next home console with the greatest mario ever!!!


Yeah completely agree. Plus a new Mario announcement would take all the hype away from Mario Maker.

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Funny observation how the games are quite spaced out and then... 09, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13.


Quite excited to see if we get a big Mario Wii U announcement at E3 outside of Mario Maker.


I think the next game will be a successor to the Mario 64-> Sunshine -> Galaxy games. You know, single player focused with an emphasis on adventure platforming as opposed to strictly platforming like the 2D focused Mario games are.


I'd prefer the game to be less linear but Sunshine and Galaxy were pretty linear and I bloody loved them so hey ho!

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I really hop not, not because I don't love them. I do. Probably my favourite game series. But give it a break, let mario maker be the big mario. Then launch the next home console with the greatest mario ever!!!
Oh for sure I'd take Mario launching a console over most other things, it's where it belongs. But I dunno, I guess the Wii U just seems to have been out for relatively so little time and not had that expected Mario.


Paper Mario then ;)


(Also I guess it's because Mario Maker doesn't excite me AT ALL. Just not a 2D Mario fan)

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Yeah, always a mix of what we want and what we think they'll do.


I'd probably prefer Super Mario Land 2 on the 3DS actually more. At the most I could maybe see Super Mario Sunshine HD remake on the wii u... it is 30 year anniversary so they'll have something more than maker, but like @Ronnie says, don't want attention taken away from Maker so who knows.

Edited by dazzybee
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Yeah, always a mix of what we want and what we think they'll do.


I'd probably prefer Super Mario Land 2 on the 3DS actually more. At the most I could maybe see Super Mario Sunshine HD remotes on the wii u... it is 30 year anniversary so they'll have something more than maker, but like @Ronnie says, don't want attention taken away from Maker so who knows.


I wouldn't be surprised if Mario Sunshine did make an appearance at E3. Whether this is a HD version or a New 3DS version is up for debate. Bill did say that a NEW Mario title wouldn't hit this year and he wouldn't be wrong if it was Mario Sunshine. :)


While I enjoyed back in the day, the game did really lack polish. Out of all the Mario games, I think this is the one that do do with a bit of polish and tweaking the most.


Didn't Iwata say there would be more Mario surprises to celebrate the anniversary? At least words to that effect, anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Best Buy's pin set sure has some interesting elements going on. Here are some tidbits worth pointing out.


- Bowser Jr. in the original Super Mario Bros. tile set

- Koopa Clown Car in the original Super Mario Bros. tile set

- Spiny Shell Hat for Mario


Are these made just for the pins, or are the pins showing off elements for Mario Maker that we haven't seen yet?


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