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Well some of those aren't Nintendo's fault. This and the Zelda face plates, for example. Blame The Hut Group as they're the ones running the online store.


Yes it fucking IS nintendo's fault. They've decided to use the hut group. If I have a job and I need a camera operator and the camera operator fucks the job up, it is MY RESPONSIBILITY and the client will, rightly, came me for it. And I'll accept that.

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Yes it fucking IS nintendo's fault. They've decided to use the hut group. If I have a job and I need a camera operator and the camera operator fucks the job up, it is MY RESPONSIBILITY and the client will, rightly, came me for it. And I'll accept that.

Overall, yes, but to pass the buck over the people who are actually responsible to those who are responsible for them being responsible is ridiculous. The Hut Group is at fault with this situation, not Nintendo. Most of what happens via the Nintendo UK Store isn't bad.

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Well some of those aren't Nintendo's fault. This and the Zelda face plates, for example. Blame The Hut Group as they're the ones running the online store.


Nah, we need to find the employee within The Hut group who made the actual cancellation/wrote the programming to do it. Then we need to find their parents, because it's their fault s/he even existed in this world. In fact, I'd even take it to the grandparents, for giving birth to such irresponsible children that could then have a child who could do this...


Whatever it is though, it's definitely NOT Nintendo's fault in any way shape or form. Nintendo are good. Nintendo are god.

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Nah, we need to find the employee within The Hut group who made the actual cancellation/wrote the programming to do it. Then we need to find their parents, because it's their fault s/he even existed in this world. In fact, I'd even take it to the grandparents, for giving birth to such irresponsible children that could then have a child who could do this...


Whatever it is though, it's definitely NOT Nintendo's fault in any way shape or form. Nintendo are good. Nintendo are god.

That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is blame the company actually at fault before you start going up the ladder. If it was a repeat occurrence then yes, it's Nintendo's fault

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It takes months for a figure to get from start of production to release, so ones coming now would be ones that started production in December when shortages occurred and became noticeable. The demand surprised them and with amiibo, unlike with games where all they have to do is record to a disc, print a label and be done with it, it can take time to sort out.

I find this excuse such a cop out covered in bullshit. The chip inside can probably be done rather quickly. It's very likely that they have the molds to make the models which can also be made very quickly.


Hand painting will take longer, but several months? If it's done by one person and they have to finish a thousand models before they can all be sent out? C'mahn. Don't bullshit me. I could make a model out of green stuff and paint it in less than a month.


I'll now be putting all the ones I have on ebay. Well done, Nintendo, you just saved me a bunch of money and have lost a customer.

I'll trade you them all for a sealed - check it - sealed copy of Metroid Other M. Very sought after.

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I find this excuse such a cop out covered in bullshit. The chip inside can probably be done rather quickly. It's very likely that they have the molds to make the models which can also be made very quickly.


Hand painting will take longer, but several months? If it's done by one person and they have to finish a thousand models before they can all be sent out? C'mahn. Don't bullshit me. I could make a model out of green stuff and paint it in less than a month.


Sorry but it's true. It's not me making crap up. Here it is if you don't believe me




There's also a difference between making something, and making it right.


@Serebii Forever the Nintendo apologist.


Yeah, how dare I use facts with my argument.


All I said was that the blame here rests with The Hut Group, not Nintendo. Yeesh.

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Yeah, how dare I use facts with my argument.


All I said was that the blame here rests with The Hut Group, not Nintendo. Yeesh.


You haven't used facts though. The blame ultimately lies with Nintendo, not The Hut Group. That's a fact!

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My word, some of you really do go ham on Serebii sometimes.


It's starting to border on plain meanness.

Either way, saying it's all Nintendo's fault is very narrow minded. I highly doubt it's as simple as that.


Yes, this sucks. But it's not as easy as deciding whether Ninty are completely at fault or completely not at fault. Because both answers are wrong.

They are partially to blame for the whole Amiibo fiasco, but in this current situation, this situation going on right now, this seems like it's mostly The Hut's fault.

After all, they made the decision to cancel the orders, didn't they?

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My word, some of you really do go ham on Serebii sometimes.


It's starting to border on plain meanness.

Either way, saying it's all Nintendo's fault is very narrow minded. I highly doubt it's as simple as that.


Yes, this sucks. But it's not as easy as deciding whether Ninty are completely at fault or completely not at fault. Because both answers are wrong.

They are partially to blame for the whole Amiibo fiasco, but in this current situation, this situation going on right now, this seems like it's mostly The Hut's fault.

After all, they made the decision to cancel the orders, didn't they?


I haven't said it's completely Nintendo's fault. Nintendo could have planned better, chose better partners, produced more, etc. They are the ones who call the shots, they chose The Hut Group. They are not acting totally independent of Nintendo. If Nintendo says "jump", The Hut Group says "how high"? And Serebii brings this attention upon himself by talking nonsense.

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I haven't said it's completely Nintendo's fault.


No, but at least one person here has.

And you even gave them a thanks for it.


And Serebii brings this attention upon himself by talking nonsense.


Does he? That seems awfully harsh. He's made some valid points in my opinion.

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You know it's against the law to lie in press releases, though.

Yes, but you can massage the truth to make it fit, if you keep specific details out and people make assumptions.


Such as if you take something of a friend's and hide it and they ask you if you've taken it. You say "I haven't stolen [item]", because you haven't.

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Yes, but you can massage the truth to make it fit, if you keep specific details out and people make assumptions.


Such as if you take something of a friend's and hide it and they ask you if you've taken it. You say "I haven't stolen [item]", because you haven't.

Well yes, but they're being specific here in their statement of duration from beginning of production to being in store.

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I wasn't aware of the Zelda faceplate situation. Just read about it elsewhere and didn't know what ye were referring to. It seems every other week something is going wrong. I bet Nintendo really regret their decision to hire The Hut Group.

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My word, some of you really do go ham on Serebii sometimes.


It's starting to border on plain meanness.

Either way, saying it's all Nintendo's fault is very narrow minded. I highly doubt it's as simple as that.


Yes, this sucks. But it's not as easy as deciding whether Ninty are completely at fault or completely not at fault. Because both answers are wrong.

They are partially to blame for the whole Amiibo fiasco, but in this current situation, this situation going on right now, this seems like it's mostly The Hut's fault.

After all, they made the decision to cancel the orders, didn't they?


AS @dazzybee has already mentioned - if I were a company delivering something to you, but instead of doing anything myself and contracted everything out to sub-companies and other companies etc - do I then hold no aspect of responsibility or blame when things go wrong?


People here weren't buying from TheHut. They were buying from The Nintendo Store. It's got their fucking name and brand all over it! For all intents and purposes, it's Nintendo's gig - regardless of whether or not we know who's running it for them.


Second - that's just the retail aspect for these amiibo, not accounting for the supply issues - again, whilst you can give whatever reasoning and 'PR' to apparently account for this occurrence - it's still something that Nintendo are not on top of.


So yes, this is Nintendo's fault, and yes, the blame should be lay at their door. If not, I'm gonna start a company of companies and get rich taking responsibility for fuck all.




EDIT: In fact, a quick cursory look around the amiibo pages on Nintendo Official UK Store and there isn't even a mention of TheHutGroup(or whatever they're called) anywhere. If you didn't know Nintendo had gotten TheHutGroup to handle their stuff - why would you even blame TheHutGroup? Technically TheHutGroup(or whatevs) aren't even TheHut. Essentially you're apportioning blame to them just because you class them as a separate entity because they existed and ran TheHut before Nintendo decided to use them. If you never knew it was them, would you be blaming some mysterious 3rd party storefront runner, or Nintendo?

Edited by Rummy
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According to a South African retailer, we may see another series of Amiibo launch in May.


The retailer, Raru, currently has listing for "Amiibo - Splatoon Boy," "Amiibo - Splatoon Girl," and "Splatoon plus Amiibo Squid"; this suggests that there will be three Splatoon Amiibo (a male and female character, and a squid Amiibo). It also seems that the squid Amiibo will be exclusive to a bundle with the game, similar to the Mario Party Mario Amiibo; the retailer also has listings for the Greninja and Jigglypuff Smash Bros. Amiibo for a May release.


By all means, keep releasing the things without restocking any of the others that have been released so far.

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They are restocking them... they sent a PR saying so.


In May and in Japan. Will the west see a restock of the various waves? I'm not so sure. Japan hasn't really had a stock issue, which is why many people have resorted to importing them. The west on the other hand have had stock issues since December, yet Nintendo continue to announce more and more waves.


Basically I will believe it when I see it. I don't take everything Nintendo say as gospel.

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In May and in Japan. Will the west see a restock of the various waves? I'm not so sure. Japan hasn't really had a stock issue, which is why many people have resorted to importing them. The west on the other hand have had stock issues since December, yet Nintendo continue to announce more and more waves.


Basically I will believe it when I see it. I don't take everything Nintendo say as gospel.

They're doing both. They can't just suddenly delay waves just for restocks. That's not how business works. They've had the wave timing planned out from the get-go.


There have been restocks, they just sell out ridiculously fast still, and the manufacturing does take a while (the April wave had manufacturing begin in January, confirmed.), so we're going to start seeing true restocks this month as, based on that, the notification in December that there were stock shortages would have pushed through an increase in manufacturing.


It's not gospel, it's logic based on the facts and information we have. I get you've been burned, but please don't become a cynic like some of the others here. I miss your happiness :(

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They're doing both. They can't just suddenly delay waves just for restocks. That's not how business works. They've had the wave timing planned out from the get-go.


There have been restocks, they just sell out ridiculously fast still, and the manufacturing does take a while (the April wave had manufacturing begin in January, confirmed.), so we're going to start seeing true restocks this month as, based on that, the notification in December that there were stock shortages would have pushed through an increase in manufacturing.


It's not gospel, it's logic based on the facts and information we have. I get you've been burned, but please don't become a cynic like some of the others here. I miss your happiness :(


Considering you think the blame here is with TheHutGroup rather than Nintendo, I honestly don't think you know how business really works to comment on it.


AND for all you'll say about amiibo manufacturing; despite my slightly tongue in cheek attitude earlier - a valid, relevant, and parallel question still stands against all you're saying - why are Gamecube adapters still lacking? I've been unable to find much, if any, evidence there was ever a UK restock of them.

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Considering you think the blame here is with TheHutGroup rather than Nintendo, I honestly don't think you know how business really works to comment on it.


Yeah, how dare I blame the company at hand, the company who is actually at fault for the issue that has befallen with the cancelled preorders. Yes, Nintendo's name is on it, but we here are smart enough to know better. Stop trying to be pedantic to further a feud.


AND for all you'll say about amiibo manufacturing; despite my slightly tongue in cheek attitude earlier - a valid, relevant, and parallel question still stands against all you're saying - why are Gamecube adapters still lacking? I've been unable to find much, if any, evidence there was ever a UK restock of them.


I honestly have no idea with that.

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They're doing both. They can't just suddenly delay waves just for restocks. That's not how business works. They've had the wave timing planned out from the get-go.


There have been restocks, they just sell out ridiculously fast still, and the manufacturing does take a while (the April wave had manufacturing begin in January, confirmed.), so we're going to start seeing true restocks this month as, based on that, the notification in December that there were stock shortages would have pushed through an increase in manufacturing.


It's not gospel, it's logic based on the facts and information we have. I get you've been burned, but please don't become a cynic like some of the others here. I miss your happiness :(


To my knowledge there has been 1 major restock since the launch of wave 2 and even then it was limited to the Nintendo UK store and they still didn't get all of them in. In terms of retail there hasn't been any restock at all. Both GAME and Argos haven't had the likes of Little Mac in stock since launch and most stores didn't even get Shulk, Meta Knight or Dedede.


Just last week I was talking to a guy who works in GAME about the situation. He said they didn't get enough of wave 3 to even fill preorders and the preorders themselves weren't even that high. They haven't had a single wave 2 and beyond figure restocked.


As for using logic, this rarely applies when talking about Nintendo these days. Regardless if I had been burned or not, the handling of this has been a total cock up and it's been a lesson in how not to launch a product, something Nintendo are becoming very familiar with.

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