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Young Gamers Are Not Growing Up On Nintendo


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I think it's facile when talking about gaming to talk about East vs West simply because the former is Japanese, by a clear margin, while the latter is a host of countries with different histories, art, cultures etc. Furthermore, in many regards Japan is probably the most occidental country out east, with very little economic similarities to their neighbours.


Japan's history and culture can be seen in their games, sure, but I wouldn't say its the East's history and culture we see.

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I think it's facile when talking about gaming to talk about East vs West simply because the former is Japanese, by a clear margin, while the latter is a host of countries with different histories, art, cultures etc. Furthermore, in many regards Japan is probably the most occidental country out east, with very little economic similarities to their neighbours.


Japan's history and culture can be seen in their games, sure, but I wouldn't say its the East's history and culture we see.


Yeah this is another pet peeve of mine. When's these people talk about "East vs. West" what they really mean is "Japan VS America". It's a lazy shorthand that pisses me off; I don't want to be lumped in with the Yanks, we're MUCH better than them :p (it also conveniently skirts past the issue of xenophobia that would be more obvious if people used the correct terminology... all the more obvious if you look at the influence of anti Japanese propaganda during World War 2... and it also unfairly pits the entire western world against one country by effectively merging all countries in the Western Hemisphere into America... but let's not get into that ;) )

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I've always seen it as meaning Japan vs America and Europe. I think a lot of people many games are made in Europe too.


I don't think it's xenophobia, rather lack of cultural variety people are expressing.

Edited by Sheikah
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I think we were just using these analogies to talk about Japan and the rest of the world. As I said, celebrating cultural diversity.

Bet yeah you are right. I'm not keen on being lumped in with America too. Unfortunately, due to political and socio-economic reasons we are often put in the glove of America.

Nice insights though @Dcubed love that old Nintendo art. They should make a game in their 1940's art-style. Beautiful.

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My niece was obsessed with her DS/Wii. She never even bothered getting a 3DS and like her mom and dad seems to be obsessed with whatever the latest fad Phone game is only.


It always bothers me when a company just sideswipes a portable console to release the game for phones instead. I'm pretty much never getting one, as...I live with the only people necessary for me to communicate with. The 3DS has what...40 million units sold? C'MON DEVELOPERS!! Its western support is terrible considering how many units are out there. Proof yet again most western developers only care about making the latest pretty/shiny thing. Their excuse for Wii U is not enough units sold; Fair enough, I say. Their excuse for 3DS? WELL, WHAT IS IT?

Edited by Mr_Master_X2
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My niece was obsessed with her DS/Wii. She never even bothered getting a 3DS and like her mom and dad seems to be obsessed with whatever the latest fad Phone game is only.


It always bothers me when a company just sideswipes a portable console to release the game for phones instead. I'm pretty much never getting one, as...I live with the only people necessary for me to communicate with. The 3DS has what...40 million units sold? C'MON DEVELOPERS!! Its western support is terrible considering how many units are out there. Proof yet again most western developers only care about making the latest pretty/shiny thing. Their excuse for Wii U is not enough units sold; Fair enough, I say. Their excuse for 3DS? WELL, WHAT IS IT?


I agree western third party support for dedicated handhelds suck but one argument they could use is software sales. 3DS software sales are way lower than they should be on a device which has sold over 30 mil units.

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I agree western third party support for dedicated handhelds suck but one argument they could use is software sales. 3DS software sales are way lower than they should be on a device which has sold over 30 mil units.


I think the main issue is that there isn't 3DS support in Unity. Otherwise, I have a bunch of ideas that could be made quite cheaply for the eShop.

The major problem here is always the devkit. Developing for the iPhone requires a 100 Euro per year developer license and an iPhone.

If 100 Euro, a 3DS and a free and readily available and free version of Unity was all it took to develop for the 3DS, then I can tell you where our next game will end up.

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If 100 Euro, a 3DS and a free and readily available and free version of Unity was all it took to develop for the 3DS, then I can tell you where our next game will end up.


Missing amongst thousands of other free or 69p apps? :heh:

I just don't see the value in the App Store. Is it really a viable platform for games?

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Missing amongst thousands of other free or 69p apps? :heh:

I just don't see the value in the App Store. Is it really a viable platform for games?


I absolutely love it and easily spend more time gaming on my iPad than on my 3DS, but I'm one of those people who doesn't take my 3DS out and about all the time. It's great being able to play some games, check my email and browse the net all on one quick and light device.

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Missing amongst thousands of other free or 69p apps? :heh:

I just don't see the value in the App Store. Is it really a viable platform for games?


I think this 'all app store games are worthless and shit' approach is really disrespectful. Some of the most interesting and innovative games (Monument Valley, Year Walk etc) in the last few years have been on mobile devices. Yeah there's a lot of crap out there, but there was a lot of crap amongst DS games.

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I agree western third party support for dedicated handhelds suck but one argument they could use is software sales. 3DS software sales are way lower than they should be on a device which has sold over 30 mil units.


BUT...one could say that is because most support for the 3DS is from Japanese developers...unappealing to a lot of "casual" gamers. And that if more western developers made games for it, they'd see the sales pick up. Possibly.

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I absolutely love it and easily spend more time gaming on my iPad than on my 3DS, but I'm one of those people who doesn't take my 3DS out and about all the time. It's great being able to play some games, check my email and browse the net all on one quick and light device.


I think this might be the issue I have. On a device that offers such a multitude of factors I find it can be difficult to just zone in on the game. I usually end up putting the iPad or iPhone into aeroplane mode during gaming for peace and quiet. Interesting debate though as with the advent of multi-tasking on consoles and handhelds it's becoming the norm to be dipping in and out of games. Maybe that's why twitch, quick gaming is so good on these devices. Also fits into the idea of a quick game when waiting/bored.


I also respect the 'indie' titles on the App Store and would never deem anyone's hard graft as 'shit'. I just question the value of the race to the bottom pricing structure and the way we are seeing companies like EA adopt this methodology, which crushes the little guys. I get the impression the value of the App Store is built on rocky foundations. Apple have also softened their procedures on crude apps meaning an avalanche of fart/burp apps could land. An interesting decision. It's not like they need the cash?


I DO think Nintendo should be in this marketplace though just for the audience in the mobile space. Crazy not to be on there in some format, even a Nintendo app that sends notifications or gives you access to Miiverse/eShop/Club Nintendo would be a start. (It's coming...yeah.)

Edited by tapedeck
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Maybe that's why twitch, quick gaming is so good on these devices.


Did you mean something else, or did you conflate two entirely different things (twitch, a service to stream gaming of any length, and "quick gaming")?


I could be misinterpreting as it's late and I should be in bed :heh:

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Did you mean something else, or did you conflate two entirely different things (twitch, a service to stream gaming of any length, and "quick gaming")?


I could be misinterpreting as it's late and I should be in bed :heh:


Twitch as in a quick spasm? Which can also mean quick and impulsive as an adjective, such as twitch decision and twitch response.

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