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The LEGO Mafia DIY


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I'm Spiderman.


I know that Sméagol targeted me. I tracked him so even if he could kill as well as use his ability, surely my information would say he also targeted Rummy?


I don't trust anyone other than myself at this point but I'd be more inclined to vote for one of ReZ or Yvonne based on you both having the same power.

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[..] I still say we should kill Smeagol



And why is that?


I want character claims from @Diageo, @The Peeps and @Sméagol.

Why would you want this? I mean, I´ll give you my character, no problem. I´m Wilfred Walrus. But what are you going to do with that info? As far as I know, you´re character has no bearing at all on gameplay.


Diageo and ReZ have both been sketch with info (with Diageo calling me secretive[/i]. Between Yvonne and ReZ, I don´t know. I´m inclined to go for ReZ because of the info, but Yvonne is trying hard to get me lynched.


Is there no alignment investigator by the way? Is there no useful info at all?

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OK, I'm gonna have to go with Smeagol then. There's 4 people left except me and probably two mafia so it's 50, 50 anyway. Smeagol has the same power basically as Jonnas and mafia don't need to protect against kills because they're the ones doing the killing, so he can easily target someone and get them killed while protecting them from protection.


Vote Smeagol

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The town had decided on who had to go, and down into the abyss he went.




@Yvonne is dead. We was Zombie and could discover the powers of others.


The Mafia have won the game




@Sméagol has won. He was Wilfred Walrus. He could use a selection of items.




@ReZourceman has won. He was Angstrom Levy. He could pull someone from another universe to do his bidding and use a selection of items.




@Cube sits by the side and laughs maniacally. He was Lord Business and acted as a third member for the mafia, but couldn't vote, talk or count towards the majority.


The remaining town are now servants of evil




@The Peeps was Spider-man. He could track players and find out who they targeted.




@Diageo was Tahnok. He could protect players from kills.




With the amount of players, I felt that two mafia members would be too weak, while three would be overpowered, so I opted in between. As the killer would be tricky to find and/or stop, I gave the town two kill protectors. The powers that the mafia had access to were mirrors of a few townie powers, so other than killing, they had no unique powers (except their protect didn't work on kills, while Jonnas' did). I also gave the town no alignment investigator, I felt like there was enough for the town to go on without it and, due to only two real mafia, a lucky result on night 1 would change the game much more than a bigger game.


Unfortunately for the town, @Jonnas died on the first night, and @DuD had targeted him, leading to his lynch (the write-up did specify that two people targeted Jonnas, though).


I personally felt like this was a nice balance, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.


One thing I would love to have seen is the reaction when a tracker found me, which almost happened on night one as @Jimbob redirected @Rummy to the last player to send their PM me, and the last confirmed target was me. Without the protection from Sméagol, he Rummy would have discovered that nobody targeted me.


Lastly, I did realise part way through the game that @Sheikah's power wasn't really much use. It could get information, but the names of the characters ultimately wasn't much use to anyone. So sorry about that.

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For the longest time I thought Yvonne was mafia. A really strong hunch.


Also "protects from everything except kills" just screams "Mafia", guys. The "protected" person becomes a sitting duck for kills (since they wouldn't be targeted from real protectors), defeating the purpose of protection. Can't believe some of you bought Sméagol's story.


ReZ never really registered in my radar, though. Well done.


(Also, dammit, DuD, I agree with The Peeps)

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