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Xpert 11 Season 30: The End of History, The Era of One Champion


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Haha, had this message through in my official league team inbox today...


After having his sports drink spiked with a psychadelic substance by a rival league player during the annual player awards, Thierry Henry has become convinced that he is a ballet dancer, and is struggling to kick a ball without pirhouetting. As a result Thierry Henry loses some form.


...still, is dancing your way around defences such a bad thing? :p

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Russian Revolution 0 - 3 DuD’s Baggies




Perhaps the most tactically interesting of the games today, this match saw two opposing styles of football clash. Russian Rev set out to dominate possession, yet despite their 57% of the ball, the Baggies defence proved impenetrable, only allowing 2 shots. The disallowed goal in the 76th minute proved the decisive moment, Russian Rev subsequently losing heart and shipping two goals in the last ten minutes. Fullback S Bould should also be applauded, hurricaning down the wing and providing two assists from the flanks, proving complimentary to Shearer’s heading abilities. Rarely do DuD excel in all areas of the pitch, and today it was the midfield that was sacrificed as the central three were overwhelmed in the middle, quickly moving the ball further up the pitch. Bewilderingly, defender Unnarsson played as an attacker today, perhaps to make best use of his heading abilities. Whilst with his all round play he looked a little lost, he set up a goal for Izon - this was another unpredictable move from a manager who’s tactics are always surprising and never easy to read. For Russian Rev this admirable performance was merely a strong bonus for fans, given it has been a season about building for the future, and they can be proud of their effort here.


Coloccini FC 1 - 3 Intergalactico Stars




If this round could be defined by plucky performances from the lowers leagues overcome by stronger clubs this was the quintessential last-16 game. After an hour had passed Coloccini’s fans couldn’t help themselves from daring to dream. In many ways Coloccini were unlucky that a injury to youngster Figo meant that Zorro had to come on for Inter, bulking up their midfield - his all-round play was impeccable. Coloccini were unlucky here, having had almost equal shots on goal, but in terms of style the best team came out on top. Returning to 4-4-2, perhaps for the sake of DVs, Inter nonetheless dominated midfield, and ultimately had more fuel in the tank in the dieing minutes, as they ruthlessly pounced upon Colo, who first gave away a sloppy free kick and then were taken by surprises two minutes later with a howitzer from Grey. Inter look strong across the pitch - but this match shows fallibility - on another day Coloccini could have ground out a draw or better.


Kippen 1 - 3 Yellow Sub




In his post match press conference Charlie praised his players for a ‘valiant effort’, and the board will be pleased to have registered on the scoreboard and avoid a drubbing. Maceller again took his goal well, surely only a season away from being a top talent. Bedford meanwhile again solidfied the back line, whilst Charlie smartly allowed his youths to garner some last drops of Dv from the season, fielding a young selection. Yet this match was all about a supurb attacking masterclass from Zell, who took no chances with a first eleven that showed strength and intelligence going forward. Delipiano, bought five seasons ago as a 24-9, has proved to be the the kind of thoughtful acquisition that has fast-tracked this club to the top. Now a 29-12, he ran the game, captaining the team with a brace and an assist, and finishing the match with 17 skill. The way that these attacking players link up is near-terrifying, a host of potential playmakers that today ratchet up huge individual player ratings. This writer was not convinced of the Sub’s chances in the early stages of the league, but with this their 6th win on the trot, it is clear that in each game they are improving. A defence rating today of 10, however, will be exposed by stronger teams.


Haden’s Legends 2 - 1 Dragooooo




With a heavy heart this writers pens his final match report on Dragooooo - a team that have risen from the lower leagues alongside the new era of teams that have included Haden and Winston. After ten seasons of steady improvement and growth Dragooooo fought their last battle. The game itself was perhaps more one-sided than most have expected, Haden nailing every tactical battle and orchestrating perfect counter attacking football, taking advantage of a high line of pressing that left Ryding and Ravelli horribly exposed on the break for Dragooooo. Club legends Iacopino was silenced, and whilst Wielink performed well in his final game, was not able to pull out a final deadly rocket from outside the penalty area. For Haden the Mallet proved again to be the coach’s strongest tool, continuing an exceptional season, particularly for a player of only ten skill. His electric pace represented the kind of counter-attacking football that Haden will be relying on in the remaining knockout stages against teams that will dominate possession. At the end of the game both sets of fans cranked up the decibels as raucous applause accompanied the exit from the the dugout of one of the game’s great managers for the final time.






@Ellmeister @Haden @Nikos9 @DuD @Fierce_LiNk @Zell @MilaGi @Charlie

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As the Champions League hots up and kicks on to the business end of the tournament, we are now at the stage of the competition which separates the boys from the men. There are only strong teams left in the competition and the serious competitors and strongest contenders have proven their worth and shown their desire to win. Everyone wants to win this, some expect it, some crave it from afar, others have but a glimmer of hope. Danlikestrees of Winston Garden Lions is my final guest on this seasons Inter View today, it's a pleasure to have you here:-


Question 1) Your trophy cabinet is has been rapidly filling up with silverware of late, what with a second Middle League winners trophy in Season 29, Manager of the Month in March 2014, adding to April 2013s and a few individual player Merits with Elroy Goodison getting a bronze medal for goals scored in the Special League of the Champions League group stage, Guang Hu Liu with a silver Merit for assists and Bradley Thomas with bronze also in that category. Having proven yourselves good enough to reach the quarter finals, can Winston Garden Lions add one more trophy as Champions League winners or have you reached the end of the line with DuDs standing between you and your route to the semi final?


The first point Winston ever registered in lower league was against DuDs, so for our fans this fixture has a lot of history behind it. The only player remaining from that lineup was club legend Archie Rosebotham, who that day set up one and scored one. For he and Del Grosso this cup will be the last realistic chance to lead the team to something special so we will at least be wanting to make the semis. My only issue is my midfield crisis - Coren’s injury reduces my tactical options for the remained for the cup.


People might think of DuDs as favourites here because they’ve been a league above us recently but we’ve grown up together - Winston were formed only a season after DuD - and like for like, our players are almost identically set up, whilst our average form is both 15, so it could go either way. I have always said that anything can happen over one leg and let me tell you that the changing room is brimming with confidence after our strong showings against Eights and Haden in the group, so if we can make it through to the semis I’m positive we have a shot at winning the cup.


Question 2) Thinking beyond the competition, what are your plans for the future in terms of your squad and where as a club you want to be and how long you'd forecast it taking?

My aim for the next two seasons is to place in the top three of the elite league. Given the quality of teams coming through right now it will be a big ask. I always look to Eights for a model on which to base my future team and some of my players are capable of fitting that model. Akera has the potential to be one of the top players in the league and with Kroers and Manuel coming through we have a bright future. If all goes well in the change report I will have at least four 12-skill players to field next season. Lately I have been slack with youth academy talents so I will need to blood some eighteen year olds to compliment the players coming through in their early twenties.


Question 3) Being in a position where you seem to have overcome the adversity of relegation a few times, it looks as though your yo-yo days may be coming to end and one would think you have what it takes to stick around in the Elite League from now on...what words of advice would you give to up & coming teams like Coloccini & the Russians who harbour dreams of one day being in a position to break through like yourselves?

I think that for a long time - and probably because of Battlestar Odwinica and Eights only using youth players - noone was buying players older players. Yellow Sub came along and changed that to huge success and this has been emulated by AC Elites and also Winston, both of which boast a number of players bought as early-mid twenties who have grown into quality first teamers. There is no substitute for authentic youth but I think that by combining youth with clever acquisitions you not only cut down on the slog of developing a team from 18 year old to peak - an 8 year+ cycle - but also it benefits youth development, who tend toward higher dvs because of player alongside better players. This has been a good shortcut for me to breach the bridge between middle and upper league.


I would also like to sing the praises of Middle league, which myself and Haden’s teams have hugely benefited from playing in. There is in my opinion a little too much of a rush to rush to make Elite league - After a couple seasons in mid league I feel far more prepared to face the top teams week in week out.


Any final words...


It seems like now is the time when so many clubs years in the making are starting to hit their peak. I want to say to the fans: the future elite league competition is sure to be more fiercely contested then ever before but the Lions will be ready to make an impact.


Some very interesting food for thought there and great info & advice for rival or up & coming managers to ponder over as the pre-season period approaches.


Well folks, as always it has been a pleasure and this wraps up my time on this side of the Inter View mic on the Season 30, Champions League Special. However, in an act of role reversal I now pass the reigns over to Haden who will be assuming the role of interviewer to give you all a View of Inter on what can only be known as Haden's Heyday!


Until next time...


The Inter View list:-



Yellow Subs






@Clownferret are you still interested in joining? You'd be one of three new managers so you won't be on your own ;)


Make that four...one of my friends (Tom) has just registered on Xpert so he's applied to join our league and is waiting for acceptance! :) I'll let him know he'll need to wait until the season's over to get his new team!

Edited by Nikos9
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Fully expecting the loss tomorrow but hope my midfield can hold their own for a part of the match will be an interesting game to see how far we have come our ratings in our last game vs Dragooooo were our best ever so that is promising.


@Nikos9 I will interview you after you lay the smackdown on me :P nice one on getting a new manager! That is not Tom King is it? hahaha

Edited by Haden
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Fully expecting the loss tomorrow but hope my midfield can hold their own for a part of the match will be an interesting game to see how far we have come our ratings in our last game vs Dragooooo were our best ever so that is promising.


@Nikos9 I will interview you after you lay the smackdown on me :P nice one on getting a new manager! That is not Tom King is it? hahaha


It's gonna be an epic encounter no doubt! Sounds good to me. Haha, no I've not seen him since we left the guetto! You don't know this Tom, I met him through my gf's friend, he's a big footy fan and into management games!

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Proud of my team today I think 3-0 was quite harsh on us it didn't quite click today oddly enough both Inter and I thought we were switching tactics and playing wing plays.


Hopefully after a decent change report we can start to compete with the big teams next season.


Will get reports out this weekend sorry for being behind.


Dansliketrees shall I do your loss and Eights and you do my loss and Yellow?

Edited by Haden
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Haden’s Legends 2 - 1 Dragooooo




With a heavy heart this writers pens his final match report on Dragooooo - a team that have risen from the lower leagues alongside the new era of teams that have included Haden and Winston. After ten seasons of steady improvement and growth Dragooooo fought their last battle. The game itself was perhaps more one-sided than most have expected, Haden nailing every tactical battle and orchestrating perfect counter attacking football, taking advantage of a high line of pressing that left Ryding and Ravelli horribly exposed on the break for Dragooooo. Club legends Iacopino was silenced, and whilst Wielink performed well in his final game, was not able to pull out a final deadly rocket from outside the penalty area. For Haden the Mallet proved again to be the coach’s strongest tool, continuing an exceptional season, particularly for a player of only ten skill. His electric pace represented the kind of counter-attacking football that Haden will be relying on in the remaining knockout stages against teams that will dominate possession. At the end of the game both sets of fans cranked up the decibels as raucous applause accompanied the exit from the the dugout of one of the game’s great managers for the final time.










Thank you, brahs. I've had a great time.

Good luck to all of you. Even you, Ell.



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Who was that guy?




Anyway, close game between Recall and me! But I win on chances right? Right!?


Into the Europa League Final I go!


Just about... 18 chances to 8, well done!


@Esequiel did you fail to send a challenge to Dedede? I see he played against Sixty-Fourthers instead


@Fierce_LiNk it's been great having you and you're welcome back any time, you will be missed!

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Why quit the game? You know if you come back you have to start all over. How that is fun to people I will never understand :p


Anyway, good match today. Was seriously worried Ellmeister would screw me over again. An ideal semi final would be me against Dud, with the potential of an Eights-Submarine epic final.

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Proud of my team today I think 3-0 was quite harsh on us it didn't quite click today oddly enough both Inter and I thought we were switching tactics and playing wing plays.


Hopefully after a decent change report we can start to compete with the big teams next season.


Will get reports out this weekend sorry for being behind.


Dansliketrees shall I do your loss and Eights and you do my loss and Yellow?


That sounds good to me yeah.


Cannot believe my stupidity with my tactics today. Accidentally subbed on a forward for a defender when he was meant to come on up front. Had been a tight game but then instantly conceded. Possibly would have lost anyway but really threw it away. Arghh ah well. Roll on change report!


Have loved the cup in general - as has Roger - Could it become a regular fixture? Once every three seasons say? Perhaps with the earlier-touted idea of having a lower league underneath? Perhaps four groups of five and then a lower league underneath it all for beginners?


If there isn't a third place playoff someone should organise it as a friendly!


EDIT: Peepsy, i'd also say 2 weeks off season sounds about right. Got 10 mill to blow.

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You do realise I was winning before that sub right? :p


Haha, yeah, when I say 'possibly' it's more like 'almost definitely would have lost anyway' - but at 1-0 with equal chances I could have snuck one in the final 15 - but instead ruined my back line, conceded, then the striker I meant to sub off got injured without my boy Elroy to replace him - game over.


Roll on our elite league rematch!

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