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Wrestling Mafia - The Game


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The fuck? I've given everyone practically everything. You, along with everyone else has yet to even come close to the pinnacle of revealage I have displayed.



So, to summarise: Blow me.


My post pretty much explained the question - apart from the effect on Jonnas what do we have to confirm your claims? I do think you've given more than anyone else so I wouldn't vote for now; but I'm just wary as it's a claim I haven't seen substantiated and know for a fact one thing claimed within it is potentially untrue(affecting myself with myself) - as for me, I'm fairly sure at least one person if not two is aware of what I do and sitting on it, presumably for the same reason I am in a game like this.

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Votes (as they stand)


ReZourceman - The Peeps, Rummy, Jonnas, EEVILMURRAY (4)


Majority is 4 (7 players)


Majority Reached!!


The WWF Superstars had their suspicions, and they pounced when it was least expected. Security escorted him out of the arena.


The British Bulldog has been eliminated - ReZourceman is no longer in the game




One of the most under-rated superstars of the WWE, Davey Boy Smith aka British Bulldog has won many titles, but never the WWE title in his career. He’s had some legendary matches, including his Royal Rumble runner up appearance and the Summerslam 95 main event vs Bret Hart for the Intercontinental title. In later days, he’s helped elevate the careers of The Rock.


You have the following role/power - Investigator. On odd days, you can gain knowledge on location and whom they targeted. On even nights, you find out what power your target has. An optional power, you can pass on information regarding your investigation to another player.


He was a member of the Town


A tribute video aired as he was escorted from the arena



With Bulldog gone, the match continued






@The Peeps








Day ends, night begins. Night phase to be extended until 12:30am Wednesday night/Thursday morning.

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C'mahn! not so late chico!


I got invited out for a few drinks with a old friend after work tonight, sorry chap.


Sorry for the delay - this part below written at 1:30am


Eventfull evening as the Rumble beared on. Various talents were backstage watching the event. The Rumble came down to 2 participants, The Rock and The Big Show. Back and forth the match went, until eventually The Big Show made a mistake. Rock captilalised and eliminated Show. Rock was going to Wrestlema.......



What are these guys doing, not this time. Not as this moment. But alas, they came and as they did before they ambushed Rock and took him away like all the others. Not a word was uttered.


The Rock has been kidnapped - Rummy is no longer in the game




The Rock, one of the most charismatic superstars of the Attitude era. Started off as a mid-carder 3rd generation who’s name was made when he formed the Nation of Domination before heading off for one of the best single’s careers of the era. Some great matches made his career, including his 60 minute iron man match vs Triple H


Your main power of the game – Target Swap Reflector. You pick 2 targets, whomever targets your first choice gets choice 2 and visa versa. Or you can choose 1 target and reflect the power back onto themselves. Only one choice per night.


He was Town


With that done, what was to be done. Tune into Monday Night RAW tomorrow night to find out.






@The Peeps









With 5 players, majority is 3


Day due to end 12am Friday


A skip was found backstage

Edited by Jimbob
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At this point, I'm guessing that an RTC member is already dead, but came up as good (like a trickster power). Explains why they haven't won yet when a previous write-up said there were 3 members.


Logically, only ReZ could be this theoretical member, as he's the only one who was lynched.


Either way, we must lynch someone if we want to win. I still suspect Cube, by the way. How about you guys?


NEW POST: More importantly, who have all of you targeted?


Cube: ???

Jonnas: The Peeps ; Told to "stay in your locker room"

Mr-paul: ???

Evilmurray: ??? ; Told to "look closer to home"

The Peeps: ???


C'mon, people!

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Cube: Jonnas (no power claim given)

Jonnas: The Peeps ; Told to "stay in your locker room"

Mr-paul: ???

Evilmurray: Jonnas ; Told to "look closer to home" (apparently he was unaffected by this)

The Peeps: ??? ; Roleblocked (claims no flavour)


I'm inclined to vote mr-paul simply because he hasn't given his story yet. But The Peeps' claim is also flimsy.

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Been at work all day and then to a pub quiz for the evening, so apologies for not being on sooner.

I tracked Peeps but got no result, was told to look closer to home for about the third time this game. Who is this redirecting us away all the time?


Inclined to think that there might be two mafia out of the four that voted for the lynch yesterday, but really unsure. Don't 100% trust any of you yet! Cube what is it you do? Part of me thinks it must be you causing this mischief.

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