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Wrestling Mafia - The Game


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I think Eevil's power doesn't force Rummy to target himself. Rather, it simply makes Eevil target Rummy with the same power that Rummy has.


(So, he protects protectors, investigates investigators, roleblocks roleblockers, etc.)


Jonnas, Cube was my target but I didn't reach him


I'm thinking your action was related to targeting Cube... But then again, there's the "closer to home" thing.


You're sure this wasn't just an advice, instead of a full on redirection?

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I was told to look closer to home earlier in the game, and it was definitely a redirection to myself.


And Rummy,, I think you should explain a bit more about Kevin Kelly, other than he's just "flavour". What did you do last night?


I apparently passed a note to him to complete my night action - it's nothing to do with me or my character; so I assumed it was flavour as it hasn't come up before(though the night before I was doing a promo with Coach, promos are also not directly related to me afaik). If he isn't flavour, then I'd assume it to be some sort of track or investigate - but I was definitely successful in what I did.

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So you'd use my ability on me - which means you know what it is, no?

I do not use your ability on you. You use your ability on you. The PM didn't specify your power, it just told me I was successful.

However as you've been somewhat fishy since early claims

How am I fishy? I've revealed my power and my targets for each night and no one else has barely been as open.

and somehow being under the impression of you targetting me last night makes me suspicious(I've explicitly been told I was successful and I definitely was)

And you claiming to be successful when I've explicitly been told I was successful makes me suspicious of you.

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I don't have any effect on who I target, so you wouldn't feel anything regardless.

And I think DuD was asking as I was told to look closer to home that night, similar to Peeps the night just gone. Tonight's the first time I actually managed to get any info this game.

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That is correct.


Anywho, let's get on with the show.


Heading into our main event of the evening, we are now at the Royal Rumble event itself. 30 competitors will enter the ring one at a time in 2 minute intervals. The winner will go onto Wrestlemania and fight for the WWE title.


Many competitors were preparing themselves for the event, some had drawn out their numbers earlier and were preparing for what could be their night. 2 individuals, known as the New Age Outlaws drew out numbers 1 and 2 similatiniously. They were to head out to begin the night.



Both out in the ring, fighting for what was the first 2 minutes. The countdown went down from 10 to 1, the buzzer sounded. And the next competitor entered the ring in the form of the 500 pound Big Show. He eliminated both men in quick succession leaving himself as the only man in the ring. Upon leaving however...........



The dreaded music hit, and the 3 members of the RTC stormed down to the ring. Still showing signs of injury at the hands of Undertaker and Kane earlier, they ambushed the Outlaws with lead pipes knocking them out. They carried them out of the arena.


The New Age Outlaws have been kidnapped, DuD is no longer in the game




The team of the Road Dogg and Bad Ass Billy Gunn. Collectively known as the New Age Outlaws, they are the 6 time WWE Tag Team Champions of the World. Bought in by Triple H back in 1998, they dominated the Tag division racking up 5 tag title reigns between 1998 and 2001.


Your main power of the game – You are a protector. You can prevent all night actions, including a mafia kill.


You can choose one power per night-phase, but be aware that the skip power has 2 uses only


He was a member of the Town!!!


With the RTC kidnapping more victims, what would happen next as the Rumble rolled on.






@The Peeps







A skip was found backstage


With 7 players, majority is now 4


Day is due to end midnight Tuesday 18th February

Edited by Jimbob
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Pick up skip if I can please!


As for last night, I totally got fucked over by DuD it'd seem! I used my one use item - which would have investigated and given me alignment, reverse tracked, and info(on an even night) - went for ReZ at random and found that he was in a skip labelled up by the New Age Outlaws. What an absolute waste(oho) -.-

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I roleblocked Cube last night. Meanwhile, DuD was the only one I pretty much trusted.


Anyway, if there are 3 members to the RTC, they only need one more kill to win. We need to lynch somebody, or we lose, simple as that.


Eevil has been pretty straightforward with his claims, but we know next to nothing from... everyone else.

Right now, the ones I suspect the most are ReZ and Cube, but truth be told, I don't have any good reason to trust or distrust anybody else.

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