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I'll take it I was the only one who loved KotOR, then?


I was loving it, and would still love it. If I didn't get XBL 2 weeks after I got it. I haven't played it since I got XBL. I've traded it in now because I never played it.

I was loving it, and would still love it. If I didn't get XBL 2 weeks after I got it. I haven't played it since I got XBL. I've traded it in now because I never played it.


I loved it too - but not as much as Killer 7...


Resident Evil 4 definately, others worthy of mention are Skies of Arcadia Legends and Tales of Symphonia, but whats the bet that Twilight Princess will be at the top come May (or whenever the hell it's actually gonna be released ^_^ )

*shockness* am i the only dreamcast fan here? BLASPHEMY I TELLS YA, IT'S BLASPHEMY!


What are you crazy?! EVERYONE loves the Dreamcast!! It's just that I don't consider it a current-gen console although I still have one and still play it to death. :happy:


DC would be this generation, but died out too early IMO to be considered current-gen.


Anyway favourite games - Metroid Prime (Unbelievable game), Ninja Gaiden, Halo 2. I'm tempted to put Outrun 2 on here aswell although I've only had it for a month, but I'll be damned if I have played a more fun arcade racer this gen.

*shockness* am i the only dreamcast fan here? BLASPHEMY I TELLS YA, IT'S BLASPHEMY!


Nonsense, I am #1 Dreamcast fan !!


I have 4 working PAL Dreamcasts and more legal games than copied ones!


Metroid Prime, Halo and Fable really defined this generation (of consoles) for me.


[EDIT] Notable mentions: Timesplitters 2, Halo 2, Outrun 2, LOZ: The Wind Waker, Prince of Persia, Burnout and Mario Kart: Double Dash. XIII was good too. Everything! Just everything!



Half-Life 2 - pure genius FPS from start to finish



Halo 2 or Oddworld Strangers Wrath



Smash Bros Melee, Zelda, Mario and Metroid Prime 1.



err... probably Zone of the Enders as its one of the only games i've ever played on it.


Overall, i'd say Half-Life 2.


Well, depending if you class dreamcast as this generation or not. here is my list.




Shenmue 1 and Shenmue 2, both amazing rpg's.




Resident Evil 4, i diddn'tget very far in this but from what i played it was extremely good. Also Wind Waker i consider to be probably the 2nd best zelda game, and so one of the best games this generation.




Halo 1, for the amazing single player and all the laughs the multiplayer brought. It really revolutionised console fps in my opinion and halo 2 improved on the formula. Halo 2 still being the best console FPS around i think. The online mode in particular has been a big step forward.


Splinter Cell Series, very good stealth games. The online multiplayer alas is underplayed but i think its really good. The single player in number 3 is also extremely good and not something i'd seen before this generation. Quite unique.




I played GTA San Andreas on xbox but i think this game has to be one of the best of the generation, perhaps i'm a GTA whore but these games just keep getting better. Vice City deserves to be included in this list in its own right and GTA 3 was the one that actually took the big lead to 3d which worked so well.

Nonsense, I am #1 Dreamcast fan !!


I have 4 working PAL Dreamcasts and more legal games than copied ones!

*jealous* i never got to play seaman, did you? nintendogs ripped off seaman big-time though. oh my god i just remembered my favourite EVER dreamcast game, bangai-o! you HAVE to play it :)


Disgaea saw me putting over 400 hours of play into the game (3 times through... for the moment).


The Gran Turismo outings on the PS2 should also get an honorable mention as I like car racing games.


I suppose having completed a game (there have not been many) ought to count for something which would give us:





Brute Force

Jade Empire




Phantom Brave

Makai Kingdom


If there are any more titles I have finished they are obviously nowhere near as memorable.

*jealous* i never got to play seaman, did you? nintendogs ripped off seaman big-time though. oh my god i just remembered my favourite EVER dreamcast game, bangai-o! you HAVE to play it :)


I have Bangai-O, but only a copy.. It was originally an N64 game.


I have Seaman! I had an original factory wrapped copy with the microphone!!


So there ^___^


Edit: oh and as for for the Seaman joke they were making, they were meaning "semen"... Yeah they were being a bunch of dirty fuckers... :P

I have Bangai-O, but only a copy.. It was originally an N64 game.


I have Seaman! I had an original factory wrapped copy with the microphone!!


So there ^___^


Edit: oh and as for for the Seaman joke they were making, they were meaning "semen"... Yeah they were being a bunch of dirty fuckers... :P

ohhh, i get it now :)


i'm so jealous! is it worth importing it now, because i've really been thinking about it. i'd have to buy another dc though too, i've sold one and broken another.

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