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Nintendo and Online Gaming. What's The Deal?


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I agree with @Sheikah I don't want to buy amiibo, I don't want to as someone here said be scanning away like a worker in Tesco(I think it was Markderoos).


It was me. : peace:


Luckily amiibo doesn't unlock anything worth having at the moment. But if it does in the future I would hope they'd let people have to option to buy the content separately, without the tacky figures.

Edited by somme
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Dude, learn to paragraph. Here are some essentially bullet points to address a few of your concerns.


And yes, you can use the Smash ones on that, so your argument is flawed.


It's also not Nintendo's fault you have no friends with the Wii U.


People CAN find amiibo, they just struggle to find the rare ones, but that's being resolved soon.


Nintendo will elaborate on the Splatoon amiibo usage by the time the game comes out. Unlike some companies, they wish to tantalise and spread out release reveals.


Splatoon amiibo are also compatible with: Hyrule Warriors, Captain Toad, Mario Party 10 and Girls Mode 3


Also, they're not taking people's money 2 months before the game releases. That's not how pre-orders work


You really need to rework your arguments. Most of it is flawed.


You're talking Pony Serebii. I mentioned paragraphing at the end because I was obviously aware of it but I was busy and wanted to have my say and as I said, meh. I do paragraph for the most part, in fact probably exclusively.


I also said "not all amiibo are compatible with every game" and I was right. Mentioning those games just backs it up. Girl Mode 3? :laughing:


Re Splatoon, "tantalise and spread out release reveals". Yes just like they tantalised us for so long about voice chats inclusion or nay.


"People CAN find amiibo, they just struggle to find the rare ones, but that's being resolved soon." Utter lies, it's not just the rare ones, if you didn't buy them when they first came out, good luck, and the same applies trying to find the older ones. Rereleasing soon? I've heard that before countless times, we're still waiting, just like the Gamecube controller adapter, what nearly 5 months later and not a sign of it.


As I've said to you countless times before, learn to read. Did I say pre-orders? I've bought and paid for Splatoon a week ago. I'm busy and can't be bothered so I'll just quote yourself.


"You really need to rework your arguments. MostALL of it is flawed."


I was me. : peace:


Luckily amiibo doesn't unlock anything worth having at the moment. But if it does in the future I would hope they'd let people have to option to buy the content separately, without the tacky figures.


Ah very good, sorry. That quote made me laugh.

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You're talking Pony Serebii. I mentioned paragraphing at the end because I was obviously aware of it but I was busy and wanted to have my say and as I said, meh. I do paragraph for the most part, in fact probably exclusively.


I also said "not all amiibo are compatible with every game" and I was right. Mentioning those games just backs it up. Girl Mode 3? :laughing:


Re Splatoon, "tantalise and spread out release reveals". Yes just like they tantalised us for so long about voice chats inclusion or nay.


"People CAN find amiibo, they just struggle to find the rare ones, but that's being resolved soon." Utter lies, it's not just the rare ones, if you didn't buy them when they first came out, good luck, and the same applies trying to find the older ones. Rereleasing soon? I've heard that before countless times, we're still waiting, just like the Gamecube controller adapter, what nearly 5 months later and not a sign of it.


As I've said to you countless times before, learn to read. Did I say pre-orders? I've bought and paid for Splatoon a week ago. I'm busy and can't be bothered so I'll just quote yourself.


"You really need to rework your arguments. MostALL of it is flawed."


So you ignore the points where I actually correct you and attempt to discredit my entire argument based on your poorly grasped straws?


They never tantalised us in regards to Voice Chat. Do you even know what it is?


I also never said that all amiibo were compatible with every game. I didn't counter you on that point. I did however bring up the ones Splatoon amiibo are compatible with since you were stating that it was only for Splatoon.


Why the hell did you pay for Splatoon so early? That's not how pre-orders are meant to work. Not our fault you're such an idiot you pay pre-orders in advance.


Also, you hanging a candle on your lack of paragraphing in your post does not mean I cannot make a comment about it.

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So you ignore the points where I actually correct you and attempt to discredit my entire argument based on your poorly straw grasps?


They never tantalised us in regards to Voice Chat. Do you even know what it is?


I also never said that all amiibo were compatible with every game. I didn't counter you on that point. I did however bring up the ones Splatoon amiibo are compatible with since you were stating that it was only for Splatoon.


Why the hell did you pay for Splatoon so early? That's not how pre-orders are meant to work. Not our fault you're such an idiot you pay pre-orders in advance.


I thought I covered most of it but I seen there now you say "It's also not Nintendo's fault you have no friends with the Wii U."


Yes it is Nintendo's fault. That's like saying it's not Nintendo's fault the Wii U is selling poorly. Give up Serebii, you've lost.

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I thought I covered most of it but I seen there now you say "It's also not Nintendo's fault you have no friends with the Wii U."


Yes it is Nintendo's fault. That's like saying it's not Nintendo's fault the Wii U is selling poorly. Give up Serebii, you've lost.

I have countered most of your points with facts that have proven them wrong, aside from the opinion based ones, and you focus on one hyperbolic statement of mine and claim I lost.


Ok :)

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I'd argue that Nintendo are the only ones who are attempting to move forward with the industry, but that's a discussion for another time.


Man, I disappear for three days to cover a game and this place has become a warzone.


Hmmm, why not make a topic about this subject?


I'm curious to know what makes you think this...

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Yup. This is me all over.


I have one mate who has a Wii U and he only bought it last week. The rest of them either have PS4s or XBOnes. The same goes for my family members who enjoying gaming, all of which own PS4s.


Haha, me too! He's essentially just got it for Smash, and I can't see him buying into the whole Amiibo deal quite yet. He did ask me, I admit I didn't sell them particularly hard because I don't think they're great, but they are pretty nice and cool for Smash, as he's seen from my Tink himself, so he's consididering one of that front but I don't know if/how much Splatoon will interest him and if he'd get amiibo for it(I won't be if I do get Splatoon, unless they're a bit cheaper than current Amiibo prices).


This is all going rather onto the topic of Amiibo rather than DLC(arguable 'online gaming' aspects) anyhow. The above does highlight another issue though - online appeals less to me on WiiU due to the reduce numbers of people with them(especially friends) and interested.

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On this weeks RFN, the crew deal with a listener mail question in regards to the lack of voice chat in Splatoon. Needless to say they aren't that impressed and I know John hasnt been a fan of Nintendos shoddy online setup for a long time.


They brought up a good point in that we are expecting voice chat from Nintendo, yet they can't even put a simple messaging system together for their console. The guys make a valid point.

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  • 2 weeks later...
These still feel like small issues for a game capable of much grander ambition. Splatoon is fun to play. And it’s rewarding. Whether splattering foes with a roller brush or using it to claim a swath of territory, both actions come bundled with a thorough feeling of accomplishment. This inky new game could be a big win for Wii U, and one that makes the typically harsh world of shooting games approachable.


Can't wait for this gem of a game.

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It sounds yet another backward, simplification that will force people to drift away from the game with no room for changing things up. But then I started to think about what kind of things would you want to change anyway?


Though it does sound painfully simplified. Which means it may get boring quickly... The reason modern online games, especially FPS' are so popular is the sheer amount of stuff you can change and does etc. But saying that, maybe the customisation is all about the character and that's how it's changed up.

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The bitching over the practice of unlocking content already on the disc you paid for at added cost is absolutely justified. Doesn't matter what came out of it, it's still a crappy thing to do, and can very easily set a bad precedent.


I agree, though it will be a bad precedent for Nintendo. Many others have gone before them.


Edit: Well actually I thnk Mario Party 10 was their first precedent. And Kirby, though it hasn't released here yet.


Edit 2: Smash was maybe their first game to commit this disgusting practise.

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"Smash was maybe their first game to commit this disgusting practise"


Facepalm. So much for avoiding a bitch fest.


The reality of the Splatoon "DLC" makes all the whinging pretty laughable. Seems like Nintendo know exactly how far to push the amiibo perks, definitely been the right side of the line so far.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nintendo getting egg on their face again with Splatoon and the lack of online modes/options for this predominantly online-focused game. Only realising late in development that it's lacklustre and having to patch it in... 3 months later!

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Nintendo getting egg on their face again with Splatoon and the lack of online modes/options for this predominantly online-focused game. Only realising late in development that it's lacklustre and having to patch it in... 3 months later!


You don't actually believe that.

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You don't actually believe that.


I do. I honestly believe they are that clueless in regards to online gaming. All their other online efforts prove it to be the case.


I believe this more than people saying Sony waited until Microsoft showed their hand with the XBO at E3 regarding used games etc and then "changed their minds" within 24hrs to say they weren't doing it the same way. That's more ludicrous.

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I do. I honestly believe they are that clueless in regards to online gaming. All their other online efforts prove it to be the case.


I believe this more than people saying Sony waited until Microsoft showed their hand with the XBO at E3 regarding used games etc and then "changed their minds" within 24hrs to say they weren't doing it the same way. That's more ludicrous.


I don't mean about their general ineptitude with online, I'm with You there. But surely they're not adding loads to splatoon after some backlash (otherwise voice chat would be in which people have complained more about). You've turned cynical Kav :)


You'll download the demo. You'll fall in love. And that preorder will be in by Saturday night!

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