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V 1.3.0 is out today

Hello everyone, Wii Fit U director Hiroshi Matsunaga here!


We’re releasing a new Wii Fit U update (Ver.1.3.0) today! The big news for this version is that we’ve added new courses for Fit Meter Challenge! There are twelve new courses each for Walking Challenge and Climbing Challenge. The new Walking Challenge courses take you on exciting journeys through various countries, and there’s lots of interesting cultural and historical information to discover along the way. We’ve also added exciting new Climbing Challenge courses, with more famous mountains and buildings from around the world. Are you ready to tackle these new challenges? You’ll get something really fun at the end of each course, so do your best and try to clear them all!


Now I’ll tell you about another change we’ve made. If you’ve been using My Routines to put together your own training routines, you’ll know that up to now you’ve always had to use a controller to proceed to the next activity. Switching activities has been made automatic in this update, so now you don’t need to pick up the Wii Remote or Wii U GamePad every time. It should make My Routines much more convenient to use.


And one more new feature... When you choose to view your weight changes over one year on the Graph Screen, up to now you’ll have seen only an average weight for each month. With this update, you’ll be able to see individual dates! I think this will be an especially nice feature for those of you who were already training on Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus.


You can find out about lots of other changes too by visiting the Wii Fit U official site. If the weather is good, I hope you manage to go out with your Fit Meter – and if it’s bad, have lots of fun training at home with Wii Fit U!

Adds a total of 24 new Fit Meter Challenge courses: 12 Walking Challenge, and 12 Climbing Challenge courses

Adds new headgear for your Mii character, unlocked by completing the new Walking Challenge and Climbing Challenge courses

Adds automatic progression between activities in My Routines, removing the need to use a Wii Remote or Wii U GamePad

Increases support for posting screenshots to Miiverse

Adds display of individual dates to the Graphs screen when viewing weight changes over one year

Adds ability to check altitude data in more detail from the Fit Meter Data screen

Introduces additional enhancements to improve the user’s experience and enjoyment

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V 1.3.0 is out today
Yeah, was just about to post this myself. :)

New courses, cool! (still haven't completed all of the old ones :heh:) Also...


Are you ready to tackle these new challenges? You’ll get something really fun at the end of each course, so do your best and try to clear them all!
Really fun, ey? :hehe:

Interesting. Guessing it's just new Mii outfits though.

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It's not downloading yet for me, and I have a couple of weeks of data I have yet to put on the courses so will be rinsing these through soon :p


Almost up to the Danube, that's 2700km since December...


...I think I work out too much haha.

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Almost up to the Danube, that's 2700km since December...


...I think I work out too much haha.

Nice. :)

How's that race around the equator between you and @VsPhoenix going? :D Every time I check the overall progress, one or both of your Miis are missing. I wonder if this update finally fixes that issue as well. :blank:

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I lost my fit meter so had to stop it :(


Good update, that did annoy me, but does it still do it for the ones it warns you of keeping your balanace!


Also I hope it's got rid of that REALLY ANNOYING thing it does every time you start about telling you about mirror mode and you have to click out (but rush clicking turns on mirror mode - argh!!!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't unlocked any yet. Still making my way up Mont Blanc from the original climbs, and didn't have any steps saved up as I just used them to go round the courses twice. I wish they'd put some shorter new walking courses in as they all seem to go on forever, which takes away the motivation to walk more for me. Love the new hat though.

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I take it all of the new courses unlock hats. @Serebii, @VsPhoenix, have you unlocked many?


I'm gonna try to complete the course I'm on before I decide which new course to start, but it'll probably take a few more weeks :heh:


I generally get around 8000 steps from work every day but other than climbing a small step ladder a couple of times each shift, I never really have any stairs or hills to climb. It's taking me so long to get anywhere with the climbing challenges :hmm:

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  • 4 weeks later...

My Fit meter has vanished :|

I've not been out much today, just around the house pottering about, and in the garden.. checked both pretty thoroughly... no sign of it :( I don't understand how it can just vanish like that :(


The only two things I can think of is

a) it's hidden in plain sight

b) maybe it dropped out in the Garden and some animal took a liking to it...



or option C) it dropped out in the garden, grey side up to improve it's camouflage :/


Having recovered the Wii Fit meter.. do you guys have any tips on helping it stay in its rightful place?

Edited by Pestneb
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Is it really just 3 of us using this now, or does the game still randomly display people whenever it feels like it? :indeed:


I'm still using it too, although I've started to fall behind Serebii distancewise. I've had a lot of stuff to deal with the last few months, and when I do have time to walk it's either ridiculously hot or raining. Still, at this rate we've got at least ten years to go getting round the equator, so I'm not giving up yet! :heh:

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"My fit meter popped off and rolled under a car... again"


Crock of shite, cheap crap Fit Meter. This time it wasn't even my car it rolled under, had to slide underneath a strangers car to retrieve it - should this have been observed by car owner it would have led to one or two questions.

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"My fit meter popped off and rolled under a car... again"


Crock of shite, cheap crap Fit Meter. This time it wasn't even my car it rolled under, had to slide underneath a strangers car to retrieve it - should this have been observed by car owner it would have led to one or two questions.

Why don't you keep it in your pocket then? :p

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most of my pockets on my newer clothes seem to have ben orientated to allow the contents to stealth slide out onto the seat I am sat on. I'm tempted to I think I'm going to use an old wiimote writband strap on the bottom of my fot meter, and put a belft through were my wrist out to fit, Then attach the meter to the belt holder bits round my jeans/shorts. That way it SHOULD hopefully stay in place!

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