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Extra Life 2013 (Marathon Begins 2nd Nov)


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Nice to see it actually going up. Not sure how many I'll get until either the day of the event or afterwards, thats usually how it goes anyway.


Yeah hoping for the same....despite me thinking I didn't make much last year due to not having work it looks like I made the most I ever have done.


I wonder if now there are more of us we can finally hit that $1000 mark!

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Well one of you will have to take the crown from me since I have earned the most every year!? lol.


Me not taking part kinda gives a big helping hand there! haha.


But we need the might of your sponsoring power lol!


Got my first two sponsors today, new my facebook spamming would pay at some point.

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Last couple of days have seen us shoot up in terms of sponsors we now stand at $315 as a team. Still desperate to break that $1000 mark for the first time!






is the link, why not sponsor early and kick back and enjoy some streaming fun (2 streams from around the world :eek: ) on 2nd November safe in the knowledge you've done you bit?!

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Why not watch some classic N-Europe Extra Life moments and then stop by our team page and sponsor one us?!!!!



http://www.djcube.co.uk/extralife as always for all your sponsoring needs.


Remember you can also get involved on the day by providing us with some multiplayer challenges. A lot of us will be on GTA Online rocking it in our Extra Life crew, we will have other games as well that you join us and am certainly open to suggestions?!!!!!

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Is that the site you'll be using this year for the live stream so?


Will both the UK Team and your own Candian stream be on that same page or will you have a different stream like last year?


Also what was the final total raised last year?


Wanna try get the usual article up on the front page for ye again :wink:

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