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I ate two light blue beans, they were re directs :/ So i ended up switching Sheika and Rummy, i also switched cube and mr paul.


Sorry that actually says rummy to sheika and rez to mr paul.


DUN DUN DUN! How many beans do you now have Jon Dedede, and what colours are they?


Vote: Jon Dedede because I think his beans will be dodgy too.


Also I ate a blue one and Jimbob targeted Rummy.


It's a bold claim, the day has only just begun, I'm more keen to keep discussion going before lynchmobbing too quick. We have the info, we can lynch later.


  Esequiel said:
I ate two light blue beans, they were re directs :/ So i ended up switching Sheika and Rummy, i also switched cube and mr paul.


Sorry that actually says rummy to sheika and rez to mr paul.


Two questions : why did you eat two beans? why were you so mistaken in what happened/your targets there?

  Mr-Paul said:
I used a clear bean, and I now know which beans Sheikah has! I will keep this information confidential for now.


Very dodgy. Why would you want to know my beans? Especially since I was said to be town by someone.


Definitely the one to watch now.

  Sheikah said:
Very dodgy. Why would you want to know my beans? Especially since I was said to be town by someone.


Definitely the one to watch now.


It was simply a random choice. I've had a very busy weekend, too many very early mornings (was up at 3am today) and overlooked that detail. I don't know if I know your bean selection from the start of the night or the end of the night, have asked for clarification!


To avoid me having to wait for Yvonne, have you got three beans now or four?


I'd also like to say that one person saying you're town does not mean you necessarily are - they could be a team-mate of yours. Nonetheless, I do think you are probably town, but in the case you're not, I can catch you out on any lies over what beans you have used.


I had a clear bean. I looked at the list of beans, no-one had used it yet. I thought I'd find out and picked you out at random.

  Mr-Paul said:
I'd also like to say that one person saying you're town does not mean you necessarily are - they could be a team-mate of yours. Nonetheless, I do think you are probably town, but in the case you're not, I can catch you out on any lies over what beans you have used.


I had a clear bean. I looked at the list of beans, no-one had used it yet. I thought I'd find out and picked you out at random.


Except, that person is now dead and confirmed town. Keep up.

  Sheikah said:
Except, that person is now dead and confirmed town. Keep up.



OK, so that situation probably doesn't apply to you, as I said, I've been up since 3am! SORRY! No need to be so antagonistic about it!


Could you please be helpful and confirm your number of beans, then we will all know if clear beans give us what's in the cup at the beginning or end of the night?


I'm not confirming that to you, I really don't trust you at all now. Out of all the people you could have used it on, you picked the guy someone said was town and the guy who happened to have picked from the bag with rare beans.


Put it this way, which player would a Mafioso want to investigate for unusual beans that hadn't been played yet (of potential danger to them)? That would be the guy who picked from the bag with rares mixed in.


Also, the answer to your question can be worked out from what has been said so far.


Seriously, it was random. I'm just trying to help. For someone who really wanted to know what all the beans did yesterday, you're being a bit hypocritical. I admittedly paid less attention over the last couple of days as I've been very busy in real life so missed out on your picking from the bag and the investigation. I understand why you think I may have done it for evil motives, but if I were evil, would I really come out so openly with something like that? I'm not a stupid player. I probably could have chose a better target, yes, I absolutely agree with you. But i'm trying to be helpful here and you're being very antagonistic.


Anyway, I'm off to bed.


For what it's worth, I know there's no white bean in your cup, if they are in the cup at all!


Sheikah's being totally mafia in avoiding questions. Vote: Sheikah.


Oh wait, is that not how it works?


Answer him @Sheikah, for all we know you could be mafia that appears town - he's trying to out the information that you and Diageo apparently craved so hard in the last day phase that justified voting for me for trying to have a discussion on the way forward. Telling him how many beans(not even what ones) you have helps us to determine the full power of the clear bean for later reasoning.


Or, ykno, don't answer him and risk him outing your beans. Which he's actually said he won't do...yet. You want to push him into revealing your beans? Or other people pushing for the same? I'm highly disturbed by your behaviour.


Remove vote, as that was a joke.


Though I'm seriously contemplating it. Trying to lead an entire town against me for apparently stifling info and yet...doing exactly that now.

  Sheikah said:
Put it this way, which player would a Mafioso want to investigate for unusual beans that hadn't been played yet (of potential danger to them)? That would be the guy who picked from the bag with rares mixed in.


Or, even though it isn't mr-paul reasoning, look at it this way - who would a town want to investigate to know what beans are out there other than someone who's potentially acquired a bean that most people are unlikely to have yet?


Personally I'd have probably done the same, but I was paying attention to the thread. Being confirmed town(by someone NOW dead, not dead as of last night) is one thing - but you tried to lead an entire lynch on me yesterday(Day TWO) - even if I hadn't been the target of your zealousness, I'd have found that highly suspect in itself.


Indeed, if I hadn't opted to use my protector bean before I died and had an info bean to use - I'd maybe have used it on you, too.

  Sheikah said:
You know, if other people suspect Rummy they could do something about it. A wrong lynch isn't going to end the game at this stage.


Mmhmm. Definitely not trying to convince the whole town to lynch me.


Additionally, good job ignoring every single other point I made in that post.


  Sheikah said:
Definitely the one to watch now.


You know, earlier I was gonna reply to this with 'Sure that's Jon Dedede' but expected a smart response - I'm actually somewhat surprised you've not even mentioned or referred to that finding at all.


You convince my further you could possibly be a mafia turning up as town. However, it doesn't give me cause to lynch you, but it does give me cause to Vote: Jon Dedede now rather than later.

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