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American Dad! Mafia


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The Langley Post

**Who's This**


A one time east german ski jumper readied the machine that years ago left him imprisoned in a bowl. He managed to trick the same reporter to step inside, and invited a young teen to join him.

After leaving his machine to do its thing he relaxed for the evening.


This seems.... worrying?

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No, i sent Bad Larry to hold Mr Paul, while Duper carried out Mr pauls actions. I assume Mr paul thought someone would kill me, and reverse tracked me to see who it was. As i carried out his role i effectively reverse tracked myself and found out only Mr Paul targetted me.


Eevil, i have proven myself in my eyes. I dont like that you keep making me spell everything out. What did you do last night?

I forgot about your role having two elements, apologies. You have proven yourself. FOR NOW.


I was going to vote Diageo but majority was reached before :(

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So am I following this right in that the contraption role blocks 2 people and makes one publish a news story...but this is different from the machine Klaus which I guess from the 'who's this' part of the writeup that can swap brains between animals and people?


Is it possible that the reporter and young teen have switched brains/character?

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I was successful last night. What do you wish to know? - I won't be revealing my character, nor my power, unless there is good reason to do so.


Mainly confirmation of that your character is half machine. It sounds a bit neutral to me, but that could mean nothing.

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Ah or it could be that they were switched for the night so anyone targeting one would end up at the other.


Ah yeah, thinking about it that seems much more likely. Permanent character swapping every night would be chaos! Unless it is a single use thing perhaps...

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Originally Posted by Esequiel View Post

No, i sent Bad Larry to hold Mr Paul, while Duper carried out Mr pauls actions. I assume Mr paul thought someone would kill me, and reverse tracked me to see who it was. As i carried out his role i effectively reverse tracked myself and found out only Mr Paul targetted me.


Eevil, i have proven myself in my eyes. I dont like that you keep making me spell everything out. What did you do last night?


I forgot about your role having two elements, apologies. You have proven yourself. FOR NOW.


I was going to vote Diageo but majority was reached before



This feels like a mafia post, my spidey sense is tingling. You managed to completley avoid answering my question, what say ye @EEVILMURRAY

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I didn't really avoid it, so much as ignore it completely :D, I don't answer to you yet. In fact I'm not even sure what I've done during the nights. I know loosely what my power does but I need another night to test something out. By all means, anyone track me. Tomorrow you may have your answers.

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How do you not know what your power does? Its not about answering to me, its about answering to the town. I dont buy it, something seems off. Id like to know what you have done so far, and who you have targetted.

Well I've targetted a few people and it seems to have resulted in the Breaking News thing, which isn't part of my power. I was going to see if it would happen again tonight before confirming.

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So your the rugged woodsman who:


A rugged woodsman was spotted in the forrest on the outskirts of the town, keeping watch over the towns people as he planned his next move.


**Breaking News**


At a high grade FBI holding facility, the sirens had been whirring for a few minutes. A large explosion erupted and a solid steel wall imploded,...smoke billowed from the area. As it cleared, the searchlights saw a large hole in the facility. A shadowy, strange anatomised figure flashed past. The searchlights darted across the floor to try and catch a glimpse of the escapee, but it was already too late and the indvidual has easily found themselves past the tall security fence.


Dont trust eevil at all, and from the sounds of it Magnus escaped from the FBI which cant be good.


Vote Eevilmurray, your next magnus!


In fact re-reading this at home, it looks like Eevil targetted magnus on night one. Care to explain guys?

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