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Wii U General Discussion


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I hardly think anyone on here is a Playstation/Xbox fanboy. Most of us on here own multiple consoles ( Wii U and either a Playstation or Xbox ) and as such have become accustomed to having certain features on a games machine.


No offense to any Nintendo only gamers but I find it easier to take on board the opinion of someone who does play on the other consoles, as well as Nintendo ones, as they have a wider view of things.


You may be happy with the console ( to a degree I am aswell ) but there are people on here who aren't. Just look how many people on here have jumped ship to another platform.


If Nintendo were doing their job and appealing to gamers then the Wii U would be looking a lot healthier now. I know you don't like sales chatter but sales figures give a good indication of what the market wants and at the moment they simply don't want the Wii U. Do these figures matter when it comes to enjoying the console? Not at all but they may have future repercussions as to how long Nintendo will stay the course.


The part in bold is what confuses me - I mean isnt it enough that someone is enjoying the games their playing? I'm not apart of Nintendo's business, so I don't really care who isn't down with them.


Its ok to discuss such issues, but ramming - for example - no online features or suspected no online features down every thread just becomes a bore and monotonous - unless people are actually going to Nintendo with these ideas.


In many instances it just turns into people finding every opportunity to fault the Wii U.


Anyway Im not here to start a debate on this for the 100th time, Im just stating what I see in comedic fashion.

Edited by King_V
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The part in bold is what confuses me - I mean isnt it enough that someone is enjoying the games their playing? I'm not apart of Nintendo's business, so I don't really care who isn't down with them.


Its ok to discuss such issues, but ramming - for example - no online features or suspected no online features down every thread just becomes a bore and monotonous - unless people are actually going to Nintendo with these ideas.


In many instances it just turns into people finding every opportunity to fault the Wii U.


Anyway Im not here to start a debate on this for the 100th time, Im just stating what I see in comedic fashion.


Yeah, of course it's fine that people enjoy the games they play. The point I was making is that people are playing a game on one of their other consoles and then coming back to the Wii U and finding it lacking. It's in the same generation of consoles as the others on the market, which is why comparisons happen.


The online debates happen and will continue to do so until Nintendo actually start taking online gaming seriously. I know a few people on here who have protested on Miiverse about things like lobbies and voice chat but get zero response from any Nintendo rep. When Nintendo are actually confronted about online options they give vague answers or give non answers. NWR were on about this and said during the Smash Bros roundtable at E3 they asked a question about the online of the game. Nintendo didn't really answer it and sidestepped it.


As you can see, people are trying to get answers from them but they just aren't interested. I've said this before, Phil Harrison of Microsoft and Yoshida of Sony often talk to fans on Twitter and give responses to questions. Nintendo has nothing like this.


I think people on here get all up in arms because they think a select few are having a go at Nintendo because they don't care, when in fact it's probably the opposite. Most people want Nintendo to do well and it simply frustrates them to see some of the decisions they make.

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The part in bold is what confuses me - I mean isnt it enough that someone is enjoying the games their playing? I'm not apart of Nintendo's business, so I don't really care who isn't down with them.


Its ok to discuss such issues, but ramming - for example - no online features or suspected no online features down every thread just becomes a bore and monotonous - unless people are actually going to Nintendo with these ideas.


In many instances it just turns into people finding every opportunity to fault the Wii U.


Anyway Im not here to start a debate on this for the 100th time, Im just stating what I see in comedic fashion.


You always say this, but you should definitely care how Nintendo are doing from a business perspective. The belief that it doesn't affect you as you're not a shareholder is incredibly naive. Nintendo's poor fortunes this generation has as a result led to a colossal drop in third party support, meaning you're getting far less good games on the system.


Also, when people aren't happy that their demands for online features aren't being met then they're going to complain, that's just the way people are. It's no different to how when good games comes out you can praise each one - so to, you can criticise.

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How the hell would that even work?


What a ridiculous idea lol

Bit rude, how about being a bit more open minded? (especially as you always dismiss the idea of user generated content, and then Mario Maker goes and happens)


It's not exactly difficult to see how a Pokémon maker could work...


Build your own towns, connect them via your own grass/woodland/etc area... and then draw invisible paths/place points within these for wild Pokémon to be.


It may not make the most sense for a game/what Nintendo needs to be doing, but it's certainly possible.

Edited by Retro_Link
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You always say this, but you should definitely care how Nintendo are doing from a business perspective. The belief that it doesn't affect you as you're not a shareholder is incredibly naive. Nintendo's poor fortunes this generation has as a result led to a colossal drop in third party support, meaning you're getting far less good games on the system.


Also, when people aren't happy that their demands for online features aren't being met then they're going to complain, that's just the way people are. It's no different to how when good games comes out you can praise each one - so to, you can criticise.


No - because I have a life that doesn't revolve around gaming. Its as simple as that. If Nintendo no longer had anything to offer me, I'll move to another platform - Simples.


Yeah, of course it's fine that people enjoy the games they play. The point I was making is that people are playing a game on one of their other consoles and then coming back to the Wii U and finding it lacking. It's in the same generation of consoles as the others on the market, which is why comparisons happen.


The online debates happen and will continue to do so until Nintendo actually start taking online gaming seriously. I know a few people on here who have protested on Miiverse about things like lobbies and voice chat but get zero response from any Nintendo rep. When Nintendo are actually confronted about online options they give vague answers or give non answers. NWR were on about this and said during the Smash Bros roundtable at E3 they asked a question about the online of the game. Nintendo didn't really answer it and sidestepped it.


As you can see, people are trying to get answers from them but they just aren't interested. I've said this before, Phil Harrison of Microsoft and Yoshida of Sony often talk to fans on Twitter and give responses to questions. Nintendo has nothing like this.


I think people on here get all up in arms because they think a select few are having a go at Nintendo because they don't care, when in fact it's probably the opposite. Most people want Nintendo to do well and it simply frustrates them to see some of the decisions they make.


I dont think anyone gets up in arms anymore, they just simply stop posting. Im definitely not one to care so much to the level of 'defending' or having any emotional connection with a company that dont know of my existence beyond a customer number.


I understand the frustrations, but Im sure at the same time people are getting some enjoyment out of Nintendo's produce. Like playing a game you enjoy, yet cursing at it everytime... a bit pointless. But I digress.

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No - because I have a life that doesn't revolve around gaming. Its as simple as that. If Nintendo no longer had anything to offer me, I'll move to another platform - Simples.


And yet during this not-at-all-game-oriented life of yours you always seem to have the time to tell people what game-related things they should and shouldn't be talking about. Funny, that.

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You always say this, but you should definitely care how Nintendo are doing from a business perspective. The belief that it doesn't affect you as you're not a shareholder is incredibly naive. Nintendo's poor fortunes this generation has as a result led to a colossal drop in third party support, meaning you're getting far less good games on the system.


Also, when people aren't happy that their demands for online features aren't being met then they're going to complain, that's just the way people are. It's no different to how when good games comes out you can praise each one - so to, you can criticise.


Completely agree with this.


Wii U doesn't sell, that has a knock on effect with third parties. No third party games has a knock on effect with future sales for the systems AND it tarnishes the image for the next one. When Nintendo release the next console, they won't be starting from fresh; perceptions still carry over, as do relations to the market and third parties...as well as gamers. How many people didn't go for a Wii U after being "burned" by the Wii.


If gamers were happy with the Wii U, we wouldn't see as much complaining. Nobody wants the system to fail. It actually makes more sense that we want the system to thrive AND have the big third party titles AND have a robust online system/interface. If Nintendo offered me these things, I wouldn't need to then spend more money on another gaming system.


Also, @King_V, @Sheikah made a great point and you completely sidestepped it. It isn't about whether your life "revolves around gaming", because I'm sure that many of us have lives, jobs, relationships that aren't tied exclusively to gaming. However, this is our hobby, so obviously we care about it.

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Bit rude, how about being a bit more open minded? (especially as you always dismiss the idea of user generated content, and then Mario Maker goes and happens)


It's not exactly difficult to see how a Pokémon maker could work...


Build your own towns, connect them via your own grass/woodland/etc area... and then draw invisible paths/place points within these for wild Pokémon to be.


It make not make the most sense for a game/what Nintendo needs to be doing, but it's certainly possible.


The funny thing is, it would be so easy to do it with Pokemon. The structure of each game is so similar in many aspects that it practically writes itself. Pick one of 3 of the same types of Pokemon, talk to Professor named after a tree, go and get the gym badges, thwart evil organisation, defeat elite four, catch legendary.

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Completely agree with this.


Wii U doesn't sell, that has a knock on effect with third parties. No third party games has a knock on effect with future sales for the systems AND it tarnishes the image for the next one. When Nintendo release the next console, they won't be starting from fresh; perceptions still carry over, as do relations to the market and third parties...as well as gamers. How many people didn't go for a Wii U after being "burned" by the Wii.


If gamers were happy with the Wii U, we wouldn't see as much complaining. Nobody wants the system to fail. It actually makes more sense that we want the system to thrive AND have the big third party titles AND have a robust online system/interface. If Nintendo offered me these things, I wouldn't need to then spend more money on another gaming system.


Also, @King_V, @Sheikah made a great point and you completely sidestepped it. It isn't about whether your life "revolves around gaming", because I'm sure that many of us have lives, jobs, relationships that aren't tied exclusively to gaming. However, this is our hobby, so obviously we care about it.


To be frank I side-step many things that dude has to say because his conduct is always usually of an irritable sort. I can ignore the people I don't want a conversation with right? (as stated in the rules of conduct). @Sheikah unless I quote you, please don't quote me.


What Im talking about is when someone is genuinely happy with what the Wii U can do and offers, its scrubbed aside as an anomally - as if it can't be. Its all just personal opinion, yet this is whats being hailed as the truth.

Edited by King_V
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It isn't about whether your life "revolves around gaming", because I'm sure that many of us have lives, jobs, relationships that aren't tied exclusively to gaming. However, this is our hobby, so obviously we care about it.


I agree very much with this. I think most of us on here have full time jobs, studying, have families to take care of etc. We aren't exactly a young forum. :D

We all know there are more important things in life than gaming.


You can be passionate about things in life without your life revolving around them. I love football and get upset when Liverpool loses. Just because I get emotional about a football result doesn't mean my life is centred around it.


I'd argue that if you didn't have things you were passionate about in life that it would make for a very boring existence.


What Im talking about is when someone is genuinely happy with what the Wii U can do and offers, its scrubbed aside as an anomally - as if it can't be. Its all just personal opinion, yet this is whats being hailed as the truth.


I don't think it's being hailed as the truth, more of a majority kinda of thing. There's probably more people on here that aren't happy with their Wii U purchase than there are that are happy with it.

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To be frank I side-step many things that dude has to say because his conduct is always usually of an irritable sort. I can ignore the people I don't want a conversation with right? (as stated in the rules of conduct). @Sheikah unless I quote you, please don't quote me.


What Im talking about is when someone is genuinely happy with what the Wii U can do and offers, its scrubbed aside as an anomally - as if it can't be. Its all just personal opinion, yet this is whats being hailed as the truth.


Sure, I don't think many people realise that you had an issue with him. At least that's out in the open now. *ducks for cover*


Nobody is saying that you can't like the Wii U, just like you should be allowed to voice your displeasure. It works both ways. Just like how you can say that you don't like the other systems (which many here also do), whilst others can say why they do like them. But, surely you must see that there is a reason why, on a "home venue" (a Nintendo forum), there are so many people not happy with the system. It's a universal thing, and even those in the pro-Nintendo camp (I'm still in there, as are the vast majority here, otherwise we wouldn't be here) can admit that Nintendo are continuously dropping clangers. People feel the need to discuss this and we hope that things will change for the better. Just like they'll discuss the good times (Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros, Pikmin 3), they'll also discuss the things that are going wrong or could be improved. It's healthy to have both.


I agree very much with this. I think most of us on here have full time jobs, studying, have families to take care of etc. We aren't exactly a young forum. :D

We all know there are more important things in life than gaming.


You can be passionate about things in life without your life revolving around them. I love football and get upset when Liverpool loses. Just because I get emotional about a football result doesn't mean my life is centred around it.


I'd argue that if you didn't have things you were passionate about in life that it would make for a very boring existence.




I don't think it's being hailed as the truth, more of a majority kinda of thing. There's probably more people on here that aren't happy with their Wii U purchase than there are that are happy with it.


Completely agree with this. What is life without passion. The fact that so many people are discussing this very thing in this particular topic (which almost acts like a gateway for everything right and wrong that Nintendo are doing) shows that everybody here cares. If we didn't care, we wouldn't be here.

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To be frank I side-step many things that dude has to say because his conduct is always usually of an irritable sort. I can ignore the people I don't want a conversation with right? (as stated in the rules of conduct). @Sheikah unless I quote you, please don't quote me.


What Im talking about is when someone is genuinely happy with what the Wii U can do and offers, its scrubbed aside as an anomally - as if it can't be. Its all just personal opinion, yet this is whats being hailed as the truth.


If you're unable to accept other points of view then why don't you put me on your ignore list?

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Sure, I don't think many people realise that you had an issue with him. At least that's out in the open now. *ducks for cover*


Nobody is saying that you can't like the Wii U, just like you should be allowed to voice your displeasure. It works both ways. Just like how you can say that you don't like the other systems (which many here also do), whilst others can say why they do like them. But, surely you must see that there is a reason why, on a "home venue" (a Nintendo forum), there are so many people not happy with the system. It's a universal thing, and even those in the pro-Nintendo camp (I'm still in there, as are the vast majority here, otherwise we wouldn't be here) can admit that Nintendo are continuously dropping clangers. People feel the need to discuss this and we hope that things will change for the better. Just like they'll discuss the good times (Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros, Pikmin 3), they'll also discuss the things that are going wrong or could be improved. It's healthy to have both.


Listen, it wasnt my intention to start a debate on pov with my simple joke post. It was posted in humour, and this isn't me saying "don't post anything negative about Nintendo!" - I'm just lamenting on the fact that its a reoccurring theme.


Why does it have to be? I get many people do not particularly enjoy their Us. To be honest, I want what you want; better online, more games, third party-friendly etc - But as it is, we can only deal with what is here.


But look, really I enjoy the entertainment value of the whole discussion, so pls don't think I'm calling everyone who doesnt like the Wii U out.

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Except a few times some negativity in the OTHER BOARDS has been expressed it then gets DELETED... it's quite hilarious really.


Also with regards to people who have two systems etc, well a few people who come in DONT own a wii u, and some haven't played most of the games it offers. (@Hero\-of\-Time to say there aren't sony fanboys is plain preposterous)


Not saying they're not entitled to their opinion, but this "respect" for people who own others is just a bit odd!! All opinions should be valid, though people who extensively play both obviously have more to go on, but at the same time, some things just don't bother people as much as others.


I guess for me it comes down to the fact of people who clearly clearly aren't into Nintendo anymore, still want to come here and bitch about the same things over and over. There isn't third party support and there's not going to be, Nintendo are improving with online, but very slowly, we know this. Why bitch about it all the time? I wish all these people spent their time contacting nintendo rather than saying it here all the time.


PS I love this armour people now have that because we're on a nintendo forum everyone must still love nintendo so their opinions are more valid. No. People came here originally maybe, but it doesn't take more than a browse to see that people have stayed for very different reasons than Nintendo. I don't have a problem with this, but can we stop using it as a way to justify peoples opinions.

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If you're unable to accept other points of view then why don't you put me on your ignore list?


Yeah, how do I do that? (genuinely dont know).


But again, exemplified by this post, before you state your point you always feel the need to add some passive-aggressive wit (highlighted). Thats whats annoying about you, not your views.

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Yeah, how do I do that? (genuinely dont know).


But again, exemplified by this post, before you state your point you always feel the need to add some passive-aggressive wit (highlighted). Thats whats annoying about you, not your views.


Well, in this discussion I presented a very valid counter point of view without insult (in fact, it was you that suggested people were revolving their lives around gaming by having this view, which seemed rather insulting). And the result was basically you telling me to never quote you again. :)


No matter, if I can get you to stop talking to me then I'm all for that. Click my name next to this post, then click "Add to ignore list."

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Except a few times some negativity in the OTHER BOARDS has been expressed it then gets DELETED... it's quite hilarious really.


Also with regards to people who have two systems etc, well a few people who come in DONT own a wii u, and some haven't played most of the games it offers. (@Hero\-of\-Time to say there aren't sony fanboys is plain preposterous)


Not saying they're not entitled to their opinion, but this "respect" for people who own others is just a bit odd!! All opinions should be valid, though people who extensively play both obviously have more to go on, but at the same time, some things just don't bother people as much as others.


I guess for me it comes down to the fact of people who clearly clearly aren't into Nintendo anymore, still want to come here and bitch about the same things over and over. There isn't third party support and there's not going to be, Nintendo are improving with online, but very slowly, we know this. Why bitch about it all the time? I wish all these people spent their time contacting nintendo rather than saying it here all the time.


PS I love this armour people now have that because we're on a nintendo forum everyone must still love nintendo so their opinions are more valid. No. People came here originally maybe, but it doesn't take more than a browse to see that people have stayed for very different reasons than Nintendo. I don't have a problem with this, but can we stop using it as a way to justify peoples opinions.


Basically what I meant. : peace:


Ignore feature works like a charm!

Edited by King_V
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Except a few times some negativity in the OTHER BOARDS has been expressed it then gets DELETED... it's quite hilarious really.


You mean like that time when you went into the Infamous Second Son thread as soon as the reviews hit, only to gloat that the reviews weren't great and that you wanted to know what I thought about it in a snarky way (I had a bundle preordered). You also said that the game was like something from last gen (despite never having played the game yourself). It's not like you even had a point other than to troll, since someone immediately posted a list of high review scores which completely deflated your argument.


The truth is, a lot of the people on here who are into all consoles project fair criticism about Nintendo products they usually own as they have a reference (e.g. PS3/4 360/X1) to compare it to. Whereas the other way around it's often people like yourself just trolling about things they don't even own.

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Except a few times some negativity in the OTHER BOARDS has been expressed it then gets DELETED... it's quite hilarious really.


Also with regards to people who have two systems etc, well a few people who come in DONT own a wii u, and some haven't played most of the games it offers. (@Hero\-of\-Time to say there aren't sony fanboys is plain preposterous)


Not saying they're not entitled to their opinion, but this "respect" for people who own others is just a bit odd!! All opinions should be valid, though people who extensively play both obviously have more to go on, but at the same time, some things just don't bother people as much as others.


I guess for me it comes down to the fact of people who clearly clearly aren't into Nintendo anymore, still want to come here and bitch about the same things over and over. There isn't third party support and there's not going to be, Nintendo are improving with online, but very slowly, we know this. Why bitch about it all the time? I wish all these people spent their time contacting nintendo rather than saying it here all the time.


PS I love this armour people now have that because we're on a nintendo forum everyone must still love nintendo so their opinions are more valid. No. People came here originally maybe, but it doesn't take more than a browse to see that people have stayed for very different reasons than Nintendo. I don't have a problem with this, but can we stop using it as a way to justify peoples opinions.

@dazzybee, I don't know how many times it needs saying, but I'd like to know what you think we'd all be discussing in this board if the Mods imposed the sort of moderation you seem to want.


Did you not notice a vast difference in personalities and discussion during E3 week?... I know I did.


Comments are far more likely to get left in this board because at least it's a discussion, if Nintendo were doing their job correctly we'd have other things to discuss.


And as for the repetitive 'You don't see Nintendo fans going into the Other Console board and troll those consoles'... well no, but such members just do it within the comfort of this board where they know owners of those consoles will see it anyway.


Threads are often derailed by members randomly bringing other console comparisons into things.


Also, by all means volunteer to be a Mod if you like, you'll then see for yourself that things aren't as easy to balance around here as you seem to think.

Edited by Retro_Link
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Except a few times some negativity in the OTHER BOARDS has been expressed it then gets DELETED... it's quite hilarious really.


Also with regards to people who have two systems etc, well a few people who come in DONT own a wii u, and some haven't played most of the games it offers. (@Hero\-of\-Time to say there aren't sony fanboys is plain preposterous)


Not saying they're not entitled to their opinion, but this "respect" for people who own others is just a bit odd!! All opinions should be valid, though people who extensively play both obviously have more to go on, but at the same time, some things just don't bother people as much as others.


I guess for me it comes down to the fact of people who clearly clearly aren't into Nintendo anymore, still want to come here and bitch about the same things over and over. There isn't third party support and there's not going to be, Nintendo are improving with online, but very slowly, we know this. Why bitch about it all the time? I wish all these people spent their time contacting nintendo rather than saying it here all the time.



A fanboy wouldn't buy a Nintendo device. I know for a fact those who are targeted as Sony fanboys do own such devices. If they didn't like the company or their games then why buy them? It's a bit of an expensive thing to do if all it's for is to bitch on message boards.


Not once did I say that their opinions aren't valid. I just find it easier to swallow someones opinion ( when discussing such things like online and game line ups ) when I know they have experienced what the competition offers. That person may be happy with what they've got but at the same time they probably don't any better. There's nothing wrong with this but to those who do have the luxury of dabbling with multiple consoles then it's easier to make a fair comparison between the machines.


In regards to the bolded part, did you not read my answer earlier? People have tried, both the press and on Miiverse and you get nothing from Nintendo. Who exactly are we supposed to contact? They don't have any kind of decent PR person to get answers from.

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If you want to help and you think that someone who "clearly isn't into Nintendo anymore" (which obviously would exclude any Wii U owners and people who still buy Nintendo games) trying to cause an off-topic fuss, then report the post.

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You mean like that time when you went into the Infamous Second Son thread as soon as the reviews hit, only to gloat that the reviews weren't great and that you wanted to know what I thought about it in a snarky way (I had a bundle preordered). You also said that the game was like something from last gen (despite never having played the game yourself). It's not like you even had a point other than to troll, since someone immediately posted a list of high review scores which completely deflated your argument.


The truth is, a lot of the people on here who are into all consoles project fair criticism about Nintendo products they usually own as they have a reference (e.g. PS3/4 360/X1) to compare it to. Whereas the other way around it's often people like yourself just trolling about things they don't even own.


Complete revisionist history on your part (shocker). I am actually very interested in Infamous, I SAY THIS ALL THE TIME, I don't care Infamous is just another Infamous with prettier graphics, I don't care about another Uncharted, in the same way i don't care about another Zelda, Mario etc. That wasn't my issue, that isn't my issue. So don't rewrite things to suit your idiotic agenda. My point THEN if you want to bring it back up, was your hypocrisy, days earlier you were slagging nintendo off for releasing the same franchises; then Infamous was the straw which made you buy the PS4. Again, just because you need to hear it a thousand time before it sinks in, I DO NOT SEE A PROBLEM WITH THIS. Just your hypocrisy of slagging one console off for the same reason you're excited about another. There are a hundred examples with you, this is why you piss so many people off on these forums and your opinions become suspect (though lately you've been MUCH more balanced and thoughtful)


Love you whack out the OTHER CONSOLES people as having more valid opinions, you've only recently got a wii u and haven't played many of its games, and the other two main culprits don't own Wii U's... but this is such a bizarre way to justify opinions.


I have never trolled the PS4 why say this? I have owned EVERY SINGLE GAMING DEVICE released (even the Lynx, Jaguar, Virtual Boy and Vita), except this gen with One and PS4, I've been very clear I'm getting a ps4 when there's something for it, tell me one time I've trolled? Oh you can't. Just baseless shit throwing!


@dazzybee, I don't know how many times it needs saying, but I'd like to know what you think we'd all be discussing in this board if the Mods imposed the sort of moderation you seem to want.


Did you not notice a vast difference in personalities and discussion during E3 week?... I know I did.


Comments are far more likely to get left in this board because at least it's a discussion, if Nintendo were doing their job correctly we'd have other things to discuss.


And as for the repetitive 'You don't see Nintendo fans going into the Other Console board and troll those consoles'... well no, but such members just do it within the comfort of this board where they know owners of those consoles will see it anyway.


Threads are often derailed by members randomly bringing other console comparisons into things.


Also, by all means volunteer to be a Mod if you like, you'll then see for yourself that things aren't as easy to balance around here as you seem to think.


Sorry, what moderation do I want?! I didn't know I stated anything. I guess fair moderation would be a start.


And saying people say stuff on here knowing other boards people will see it is really flimsy... The justification that happens on these boards for the two opinions is so weird!!


A fanboy wouldn't buy a Nintendo device. I know for a fact those who are targeted as Sony fanboys do own such devices. If they didn't like the company or their games then why buy them? It's a bit of an expensive thing to do if all it's for is to bitch on message boards.


Not once did I say that their opinions aren't valid. I just find it easier to swallow someones opinion ( when discussing such things like online and game line ups ) when I know they have experienced what the competition offers. That person may be happy with what they've got but at the same time they probably don't any better. There's nothing wrong with this but to those who do have the luxury of dabbling with multiple consoles then it's easier to make a fair comparison between the machines.


In regards to the bolded part, did you not read my answer earlier? People have tried, both the press and on Miiverse and you get nothing from Nintendo. Who exactly are we supposed to contact? They don't have any kind of decent PR person to get answers from.


Really, I know people who used to bitch all the time (the board has got much better recently) who don't own the machine. And someone has got one recently.


I guess it's about personalities. I have a Vita, I think it's possibly one of the most disastrous consoles released by one of the big companies, I like it, there's enough content on there, but more the support and how sony abandoned it so quickly. I don't go on the vita board all the time and slag it off and keep going on about how much I wish it was better in the various areas it could improve. It isn't going to change, that's it's life now, the odd great game and indie. I accept it, and weirdly everyone else seems to accept it.


Nintendo will listen. Just because they don't respond doesn't mean they don't. They've explicitly said many times they do listen in fact.


If you want to help and you think that someone who "clearly isn't into Nintendo anymore" (which obviously would exclude any Wii U owners and people who still buy Nintendo games) trying to cause an off-topic fuss, then report the post.


It doesn't happen as much as it used to. Just commenting on this discussion that just seems a bit weird and selective that's all. Nothing would get done anyway.


Weirdly Cube, it says you quoted me, but I can't seem to see it.

Edited by dazzybee
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I accept it, and weirdly everyone else seems to accept it.


There's one big thing about the Vita and Wii U. Few people are passionate about the Vita, so it's easy for Vita owners to go "ah well" and accept that the console is dead.


Nintendo fans are generally much more passionate, so when they're disappointed, the voice is louder.


As for the quote thing - I quoted the latest post instead of scrolling to the side to hit reply. It's still odd for it to count as a quote.


Also, @Sheikah, that latest post is a bit too far off topic.

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I guess it's about personalities. I have a Vita, I think it's possibly one of the most disastrous consoles released by one of the big companies, I like it, there's enough content on there, but more the support and how sony abandoned it so quickly. I don't go on the vita board all the time and slag it off and keep going on about how much I wish it was better in the various areas it could improve. It isn't going to change, that's it's life now, the odd great game and indie. I accept it, and weirdly everyone else seems to accept it.


Nintendo will listen. Just because they don't respond doesn't mean they don't. They've explicitly said many times they do listen in fact.


Even those who like the Vita don't discuss it, never mind those who do. :D To be fair you wouldn't get much of an argument about the Vita from most people. The way it has been handled has been terrible.


In regards to Nintendo listening.


Nintendo of America's Reggie Fils-Aime has spoken frankly about the publisher's attitude towards fan petitions and campaigns, telling an interviewer that they have a a negligible effect on policy at best.


During an interview with Silicon Era Fils-Aime was asked about Operation Moonfall and Rainfall: two fan-run campaigns which hoped to persuade Nintendo to re-release both Zelda Majora's Mask for 3DS and Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower for the Wii. In response, Reggie answered that although the company was very much aware of the campaigns, they had little to no effect on its decisions.


"I have to tell you-it doesn't affect what we do," Reggie began, bluntly enough. "We certainly look at it, and we're certainly aware of it, but it doesn't necessarily affect what we do."


There are examples of them listening though, with such things as the 60hz VC stuff. The point is their silence is much worse than an actual answer that you may not want to hear. Why not answer fans when they ask why there are no friend lobbies in Wii Sports Club? Why not give people some feedback as to why there is no party chat feature on the OS level?


The fact that they haven't got anyone to respond on things like Twitter, like the other 2 have, is baffling but then they are always super secret about stuff. In this day and age though it's probably doing more damage than good.

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