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Wii U General Discussion


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I really just want a traditional controller, hell, bring back the Gamecube controller.


I understand Nintendo are all about innovation but I'd much rather they focus their efforts solely on the actual games themselves and not on incorporating new input devices or peripherals.


That's my biggest worry with the NX if its a home console. I still am not convinced Iwata and Co have decided that gimmicky controllers are done.


I just want a standard controller (no screen) which all games can be played with and none of the controllers from previous consoles are compatible.


No confusion, no pictures of a console with multiple controllers attached to it and a new start breaking away from brand Wii

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I have quite liked the fact that the Wii controllers were all backwards compatible having bought the Wii. Probably my cheapest generation in terms of buying controllers!


If the controller is a standard type one then I would hope for some backwards compatibility still.

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It's an interesting question and one that will be on MANY gamers minds.


The Wii U has destroyed a lot of goodwill, especially during the launch period. I mean, when NX does arrive, how many are going to believe Iwata if he comes out and says they have great 3rd party support and there will be no droughts? Once bitten twice shy.


There's no way I'll believe them. We'll just have to look at the tech specs and see whether it's likely that the platform will have multi-format games. If it doesn't have multi-format games it probably won't have 3rd-party games in general.


For NX, what they need is a showcase of forthcoming games like they did with the 3DS - Metroid, Zelda, Kid Icarus etc. If they do that' I'll trust them that they're on their way, but the intention needs to be there right from the start.


I really just want a traditional controller, hell, bring back the Gamecube controller.


I understand Nintendo are all about innovation but I'd much rather they focus their efforts solely on the actual games themselves and not on incorporating new input devices or peripherals.


Even today, if you pick up the GameCube controller, it just feels so right in your hands. The Wii U GamePad was useful for some things, but for just playing HD games on a TV screen, there's no substitute for a traditional pad with analogue triggers.

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I think analogue triggers will be back next generation. I've said it before but if Nintendo don't publicly disclose the specs by launch you can be sure it's a weak system. They did that with the Wii and Wii U. I won't believe a word they say, I'll rely on Nintendo websites for information and Digital Foundry to tell the truth. There'll be no Wii branding anywhere near its name. It's toxic. The DS brand too could die.

Edited by Wii
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The Wii brand which sold over 100 million units is 'toxic', and the DS name which sold 200 million combined should die. Interesting viewpoint....


I do however agree a fresh start would probably be a good idea at this point.

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The Wii brand which sold over 100 million units is 'toxic', and the DS name which sold 200 million combined should die. Interesting viewpoint....


I do however agree a fresh start would probably be a good idea at this point.


The Wii brand has become toxic over the years. It has no identity anymore. If the brand was strong then the Wii U would have been more successful.

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I don't care, if it's traditional console I will buy it if I can as they have the games I love.


Btw. ma FIFA 13 arrived today :). Has nice things on the pad, just you need time to get used to it.


Should I get Batman Arkham City: Armored Edition, Batman Arkham Origins, Call of Duty Ghost, or Call of Duty Black Ops?

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The Wii brand which sold over 100 million units is 'toxic', and the DS name which sold 200 million combined should die. Interesting viewpoint....


I do however agree a fresh start would probably be a good idea at this point.


Blackberry says hi.


The wii was a hot brand but that ship sailed long time ago. It's toxic now and Nintendo need to ditch it and launch a new brand. Nobody cares about Wii_ anymore.


I think analogue triggers will be back next generation. I've said it before but if Nintendo don't publicly disclose the specs by launch you can be sure it's a weak system. They did that with the Wii and Wii U


We should get spec leaks from developers. We'll get an idea of what the power is like before the reveal.

Edited by liger05
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The Wii brand which sold over 100 million units is 'toxic', and the DS name which sold 200 million combined should die. Interesting viewpoint....


I do however agree a fresh start would probably be a good idea at this point.


Could=/= should.


I also agree it shouldn't have Wii anywhere near it - half of the problem at launch was the stupid name of the console!

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I think it's going to be a clean slate. That's why I think the DS name could be dropped. So there's no confusion and to help reinforce than the 2 devices are interconnected and share common features they'll have names like e.g. NX Home and NX Portable.

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I think "Wii" originally was given a whole load of unclear "reasons" for it's name.

I think the one that took hold most was the "we" ie togetherness, fun, brought together round games like Wii Sports.


The "U" added was meant to be more individual, you singular. Which kinda seems weird... we you?

Really Nintendo did a bad job of explaining it, I can't really think of a good reason for the U. Another "reason" for "wii" was everyone could say it, I can imagine some genius suggesting the "t" sound might be tricky for some people... then thought "oo".. "U!" genius, the Nintendo U! wait, lets keep the Wii brand.. U wii... sounds a bit gross. Wii U!!! we've got it!!"



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I still think 'Striim' as stream was an ideal after you get over the initial discordance. It could possibly still work for the NX if its supposed to be a streamlined/integrated approach. Having said that - I actually already quite like the NXC and possibly having denominations like drahkon mentioned(thought I'd maybe go for NXC and NXP)

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Forbes have conducted an interview with Reggie. Now normally I would paste and format the whole thing but it's quite long and it's Reggie the bull$h1tter so no thanks.


What's Next For Nintendo? Reggie Fils-Aime Talks Games, Amiibo, VR and Mobile




There was one comment I was interested in that most supports the theory that the NX is a follow-up console. Let me find it now.


Here it is.


I was a little surprised that the announcements were all games, and there wasn’t any mention of hardware. Was there a strategic decision to focus on software?


Our focus is over the current six- to nine-months. In our handheld space, we’ve just launched the new Nintendo 3DS XL. So from that standpoint, there is no new hardware coming over the next six- to nine-month period. There might be some new variants. The thing about the handheld space, consumers love new designs, new colors. And we’ll continue to offer those types of experiences. But there’s not going to be a fundamentally new piece of handheld tech coming out.


In the home console space, we’re focused on Wii U. NX is in the future. That’s something that we’ll talk about at the appropriate time. But right now, it’s all about driving our Wii U business.

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"Driving our Wii U business"


I cant see where.


Into the ground? :p


I jest, I jest. I don't really believe a lot of what Nintendo publicly say at the moment, especially Reggie. Also no new hardware for 6-9 months doesn't seem that long a window for me.

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Into the ground? :p


I jest, I jest. I don't really believe a lot of what Nintendo publicly say at the moment, especially Reggie. Also no new hardware for 6-9 months doesn't seem that long a window for me.


It's as big as their "launch window" was.

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It's as big as their "launch window" was.


Really? Wow. On that perspective it'd seem quite long to me as a customer, but surely short to them as a publisher/producer!


I had wondered what was happening with the New3DS too, I can't recall who but someone was recently saying they were expecting more for/from it after purchasing it(I noticed a lack of it at e3, essentially) but that's a story for another thread. If they're going to start focusing on it though I wonder if that does mean a reduction of focus on WiiU, already perceived by some to be less than it should be.

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Really? Wow. On that perspective it'd seem quite long to me as a customer, but surely short to them as a publisher/producer!


I had wondered what was happening with the New3DS too, I can't recall who but someone was recently saying they were expecting more for/from it after purchasing it(I noticed a lack of it at e3, essentially) but that's a story for another thread. If they're going to start focusing on it though I wonder if that does mean a reduction of focus on WiiU, already perceived by some to be less than it should be.


I know some of the RFN crew were on about that during one of the E3 RFN podcasts.

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