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Those controllers look disgusting.


Anyways, I finally got to play Wii U yesterday for the first time. It's hard to find a person with one here. We had a Japanese food party with Finnish and Japanese students and one guy brought a Wii U with Nintendo Land and Ninja Gaiden 3 (yeah not exactly a party game but...) and we played Nintendo Land for an hour or so with 5 players. It was pretty fun, my favourite from the games we tried was Luigi's Mansion, it was fun and we took turns with the gamepad. We also spent some time playing NG 3 on hard, taking turns as we died. I, of course, was the best player with my über Ninja Gaiden Black skills from Xbox era ;)


I suppose I'll pick one up once I can find one for dirt cheap, if for nothing else than to entertain random guests once or twice a year. I have at least 2 usable GC controllers for Smash Bros already.

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With Smash Bros having reignited by interest in both gaming and Nintendo I have been toying with getting a Wii U ... But I would LOVE if you guys could advise/tell me things.


Best offer out there?

Is the stable of games as tiny as it looks? (I understand third party support was limited...)

Is it a good price point?

What do I "need" to have a satisfying console experience - like memory, controllers etc?

Do I need a big fancy tv for it? By this I mean a television bought in last five years.


Games I'm interested in ; MK8, Smash Bros Wii U, Hyrule Warriors


Vague I know but I need to think about it seriously and can't tell if I just want to impulse buy something or if this is something I want.


Bear in mind: I've never been a serious gamer and always had the Nintendo console. I'm a Nintendo fan at this point and I get what it entails.

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With Smash Bros having reignited by interest in both gaming and Nintendo I have been toying with getting a Wii U ... But I would LOVE if you guys could advise/tell me things.


Best offer out there?

Is the stable of games as tiny as it looks? (I understand third party support was limited...)

Is it a good price point?

What do I "need" to have a satisfying console experience - like memory, controllers etc?

Do I need a big fancy tv for it? By this I mean a television bought in last five years.


Games I'm interested in ; MK8, Smash Bros Wii U, Hyrule Warriors


Vague I know but I need to think about it seriously and can't tell if I just want to impulse buy something or if this is something I want.


Bear in mind: I've never been a serious gamer and always had the Nintendo console. I'm a Nintendo fan at this point and I get what it entails.


Some reasonably comprehensive advice coming up...


Best offer considering you're after Mario Kart 8 would be this but it seems there are only a few left of this bundle... http://www.shopto.net/video-games/wiiu/WIIUHW90-nintendo-wii-u-mario-kart-8-premium-special-edition

Not entirely, there is now a decent selection of games available, Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Super Mario 3D World, Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart 8, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Bayonetta 1&2 are most probably the highlights.

The price point is reasonable for the long-term value of the machine.

You will need a Pro Controller and possibly an external hard drive if you intend to download a lot of DLC - which seems to be Nintendo's new 'thing' at the moment - and Virtual Console games.

As long as you have an HD TV which has a spare HDMI port then you're most definitely 'ready' for the Wii U.


You most definitely want a Wii U especially at this point being on the cusp of a brand new Super Smash Bros game being released, both you and I know that it's most definitely going to be stunning. : peace:

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I got the 32Gb version just because there was a good offer on it, but if you are getting a HDD anyway, you may as well go ahead and get the 8Gb variant.




saves you about £40. you miss out on a plastic charging cradle and 24Gb of storage, which you are unlikely to need if you go for an external HDD.

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With Smash Bros having reignited by interest in both gaming and Nintendo I have been toying with getting a Wii U ... But I would LOVE if you guys could advise/tell me things.


Best offer out there?

Is the stable of games as tiny as it looks? (I understand third party support was limited...)

Is it a good price point?

What do I "need" to have a satisfying console experience - like memory, controllers etc?

Do I need a big fancy tv for it? By this I mean a television bought in last five years.


Games I'm interested in ; MK8, Smash Bros Wii U, Hyrule Warriors


Vague I know but I need to think about it seriously and can't tell if I just want to impulse buy something or if this is something I want.


Bear in mind: I've never been a serious gamer and always had the Nintendo console. I'm a Nintendo fan at this point and I get what it entails.


Definitely, it is seriously worth it!


List of first party games I would recommend:




Super Mario 3D World

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze

Pikmin 3

The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD

Mario Kart 8

Hyrule Warriors


List of third party exclusives I recommend:


Bayonetta 2


Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate


List of third party games I recommend:


Mass Effect 3

Dues Ex Human Revolution

Ninja Gaiden 3 Razors Edge

Rayman Legends

Batman Arkham City


I have a lot more than that, but those are the games I seriously recommend.


There's also the Virtual Console, which is brilliant, especially if you're playing using the Gamepad only, great for watching TV casually and playing a few classics.


I never got a pro-controller, and don't really think it's that necessary. Especially if you have a wealth of Wii stuff left over, as you can use the classic controller from the Wii with most games.


There's also the backward compatibility and the future releases - Zelda, Smash and Xenoblade to look forward to.


I recommend:




From the Nintendo shop: Bayonetta 1+2 First Print Edition (already going for over £100 on ebay), Black Premium Wii U, Mario Kart 8 and a Pro Controller, all for £299!


If you don't like the idea of Bayonetta, you can flog that new/sealed on ebay and probably end up with the rest for around £179 in total, a good deal.

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For games, at the moment (not further down the line), it's great. It could do with Party Chat though, or the online games (Nintendo's own at least) could do with voice chat... it's the reason I don't play the console anymore, haven't done since July!


Without voice chat the multiplayer just feels a little soulless. Although Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is an amazing game and will take up months of gametime!

Edited by Kav
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Definitely worth getting a Wii U. With hindsight the white version offers better value as you will almost certainly need an external hdd at some point. But colour also plays a big part in your decision.

Overall cost of owning a Wii U is a fraction of PS4/XB1 especially if you already own a Wii and carry across controllers. You can pick up games for pounds.

The current deal for a white Wii U with MK8, Bayonetta 1&2 plus Nintendo Land (i think) is a steal.

HOWEVER, if you want to play EA games the majority of AAA 3rd party games going forward then you're going to have to get a PS4 or XB1 to sit alongside your Wii U.

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For games, at the moment (not further down the line), it's great. It could do with Party Chat though, or the online games (Nintendo's own at least) could do with voice chat... it's the reason I don't play the console anymore, haven't done since July!


I've bolded the important part and agree with it a thousand times over. At the moment, there are some decent games for it. But, I worry for the system big time because there seems to be very little coming out in the future once Smash Bros. gets here.


@Paj\!, if you're somebody who only occasionally turns on a games system, I think you'll be fine with the WiiU. The part where you mentioned that you're not a serious gamer stands out to me and I think the WiiU might be alright for you. You might also be ok with the 32GB system if you're not going to be playing it that much to warrant the purchase of an additional hard drive. I've hardly touched mine in months and can't see myself ever needing another hard drive, so I think you're fine there.


Answering one of your earlier questions about third party support being limited: The answer to that is yes, it is. Third party support is all but drying up. If you do buy the WiiU, you'll be buying it for the Nintendo games because there will be very little else out there, apart from the few third party games which arrived early on. If you're buying it for the purpose of playing Mario Kart and Smash Bros with couch multiplayer, you should be ok and get by with it.

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Is Kirby, Yoshi, Splatoon, Xenoblade, Zelda, Toad, Devils Third etc "very little coming out?"


You're pushing it by even putting Devil's Third onto the list. Very little is known about it and what is known doesn't make it sound like it'll be a great game. It would've been lost in memory if it wasn't for the fact that it's an exclusive game to the WiiU, which has somehow boosted its credibility.


Zelda is a way off and very little has been shown about that. Out of what you've posted, Xenoblade is the one that is the most interesting, although it only really appeals to a certain audience and again no date has been given. A lot of Wii owners overlooked Xenoblade because it was a very long game and required a lot of time and effort to enjoy it. I loved it.


The others that you have posted are literally it. If you love platformers, the WiiU is probably going to be ahead of the rest. Aside from that, it's going to struggle. Like I said earlier, once Smash Bros gets here and the year is over with, it's going to be a Nintendo-only machine, and there are certain genres that Nintendo themselves won't touch. Racers, for example. We've got Mario Kart and that'll probably be it. The DLC will keep that going and will probably draw certain people back in. Possibly the same with Smash Bros.


Like I mentioned in the previous post, if you can live with it only being a Nintendo-only machine, you'll probably be ok with it. But, let's not dress it up as something that it isn't and start giving the illusion that it's got a great future or lineup ahead of it, because it is going to be slim pickings. @Paj\! already mentioned that he's not a serious gamer, so if he's only going to get out the WiiU for the occasional couch multiplayer game (a few rounds on Smash Bros. for example), it'll probably be a decent or a good purchase.

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Given that's all that will be out next year, yes. Also, if Splatoon doesn't have voice-chat and given that I'm not interested in Yoshi, Kirby, Toad and the frankly awful looking Devil's Third, then it really does look like very little coming out.

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Given that's all that will be out next year, yes. Also, if Splatoon doesn't have voice-chat and given that I'm not interested in Yoshi, Kirby, Toad and the frankly awful looking Devil's Third, then it really does look like very little coming out.


I'm 99.9% certain Splatoon will have it, if only because there is no real excuse why it shouldn't have it. Smash Bros and Mario Kart can be excusable if you go down the route of them being mostly non-co-op experiences. E.g. there's no real tactical or team work element in either. Splatoon looks like it will have that element, so therefore it should be in the game. I say should, because you never know with Nintendo. (frankly, it's ridiculous that we're even pondering such a thing, it should have been there and confirmed ages ago)

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Is Kirby, Yoshi, Splatoon, Xenoblade, Zelda, Toad, Devils Third etc "very little coming out?"


Next year is going to be fantastic for Wii U, wouldn't be surprised to see one major release every month. Don't forget MK8 DLC, Mario Maker (which I imagine will be far more expanded than the E3 demo), and potentially Star Fox + whatever else they announce early next year/E3.

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Given that's all that will be out next year, yes. Also, if Splatoon doesn't have voice-chat and given that I'm not interested in Yoshi, Kirby, Toad and the frankly awful looking Devil's Third, then it really does look like very little coming out.


Next year is going to be fantastic for Wii U, wouldn't be surprised to see one major release every month. Don't forget MK8 DLC, Mario Maker (which I imagine will be far more expanded than the E3 demo), and potentially Star Fox + whatever else they announce early next year/E3.


This is the difference - it is a matter of opinion if "much is coming out next year".


If you are not particularly interested in the listed games that are coming then the Wii U is unlikely to be used much after Smash. For me I think the best Wii U games are the ones Zechs has mentioned and not what is due to be released. None of them excite me bar Zelda and new Xenoblade.


But bring it back to the discussion at hand, I think you can justify getting one on what is released rather than what is coming out over the next 12 months. It is worth the price. Certainly in my opinion I prefer the games released on the Wii U over those currently released for the other consoles

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I think next year looks amazing for the Wii U. I practically want every single game they've got lined up for release. Plus Mario Kart DLC too! Can't wait.


Also, that's just what we know about - there's bound to be at least a couple of awesome games we know nothing of yet.


I'm betting there will be a Metroid reveal sometime next year. I'm also really looking forward to what else they have going on behind closed doors. There's always a few surprises at E3, just look at Splatoon, it really came out of nowhere.

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You're pushing it by even putting Devil's Third onto the list. Very little is known about it and what is known doesn't make it sound like it'll be a great game. It would've been lost in memory if it wasn't for the fact that it's an exclusive game to the WiiU, which has somehow boosted its credibility.


Zelda is a way off and very little has been shown about that. Out of what you've posted, Xenoblade is the one that is the most interesting, although it only really appeals to a certain audience and again no date has been given. A lot of Wii owners overlooked Xenoblade because it was a very long game and required a lot of time and effort to enjoy it. I loved it.


The others that you have posted are literally it. If you love platformers, the WiiU is probably going to be ahead of the rest. Aside from that, it's going to struggle. Like I said earlier, once Smash Bros gets here and the year is over with, it's going to be a Nintendo-only machine, and there are certain genres that Nintendo themselves won't touch. Racers, for example. We've got Mario Kart and that'll probably be it. The DLC will keep that going and will probably draw certain people back in. Possibly the same with Smash Bros.


Like I mentioned in the previous post, if you can live with it only being a Nintendo-only machine, you'll probably be ok with it. But, let's not dress it up as something that it isn't and start giving the illusion that it's got a great future or lineup ahead of it, because it is going to be slim pickings. @Paj\! already mentioned that he's not a serious gamer, so if he's only going to get out the WiiU for the occasional couch multiplayer game (a few rounds on Smash Bros. for example), it'll probably be a decent or a good purchase.


Haha, true re: Devils Third but it has good pedigree, a very different type of game to a nintenco and some online focus so definitely worth keeping an eye on.


As for the rest, I don't know, project cars is coming and it's likely to be better than than the lacklustre drive club. But I guess it depends in what you see as slim pickings, I think one game a month, plus indies plus virtual console is more than enough.


The ps4 has been out a year and there's not one must have game for it that isn't a remake. Some good games but how many great games? To be confident of its future other a blind "it has third party support" shouldnt be more valid then what Nintendo are proposing, but it's all subjective. Everyone knows their tastes, it's not that difficult to see which console will cater for them.


Given that's all that will be out next year, yes. Also, if Splatoon doesn't have voice-chat and given that I'm not interested in Yoshi, Kirby, Toad and the frankly awful looking Devil's Third, then it really does look like very little coming out.


How is that all that's coming out next year? It's all we know of. Oh, and forgot starfox and the two miamoto games....


And how can any Nintendo fan not be interested in kirby and toad, It's part of a Nintendo fans dan isn't it! :)


Next year is going to be fantastic for Wii U, wouldn't be surprised to see one major release every month. Don't forget MK8 DLC, Mario Maker (which I imagine will be far more expanded than the E3 demo), and potentially Star Fox + whatever else they announce early next year/E3.


Ah yes, mario maker too... I'm going through these posts one b one and replying. Maybe I should read them all first :)


But yeah, very little out. While the other consoles have loads and loads announced...

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Also, people knocking Devil's Third is a little silly. Nintendo have a proud history of releasing very polished software and partnering with studios who do the same.


This game has been in a protracted development cycle, but the director (Tomonobu Itagaki) is the guy behind the new Ninja Gaiden games and Dead or Alive.


I am pretty excited about it, especially after looking at the online options.

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Haha, true re: Devils Third but it has good pedigree, a very different type of game to a nintenco and some online focus so definitely worth keeping an eye on.


C'maaaan, some online focus? What is this, 2006? Virtually every game out there is online these days, why is it being touted like it's some magical feature when a Nintendo game has an online mode? The pedigree may be good but good companies still have the potential to make bad games and so far it looks terrible.


As for the rest, I don't know, project cars is coming and it's likely to be better than than the lacklustre drive club. But I guess it depends in what you see as slim pickings, I think one game a month, plus indies plus virtual console is more than enough.


Where is this one game a month drivel coming from? Either way, it'll probably be the last big racing game to come to the WiiU and the game has still had lots of delays and set backs. By the way, what's wrong with Drive Club, I love it. I can see that being the type of game that has a cult following.


The ps4 has been out a year and there's not one must have game for it that isn't a remake. Some good games but how many great games? To be confident of its future other a blind "it has third party support" shouldnt be more valid then what Nintendo are proposing, but it's all subjective. Everyone knows their tastes, it's not that difficult to see which console will cater for them.


(off topic: It's funny, but Titanfall and Forza are talked about like they are killer apps, yet both have games on the 360. Yet, The Last of Us Remastered can't be counted as a killer app)


Imo, the best two games that I've played this year have been on the PS4. Alien Isolation and The Last of Us. Even if a lot of the games also appear on the One/PC, they're still there on the system. It's still early days (like you said, one year) and to many, the system feels like it's only getting going. If it's anything like last generation, we'll be playing games on it for the next 6 or 7 years, possibly more. (given the fact that there are still PS3 and 360 games coming for those systems) The WiiU won't last that long.


Also, it's not blind to have faith in third party support because it encompasses a lot of different companies/developers/publishers over a vast array of genres. It's not just EA, it's also the likes of Bethesda, SEGA, Ubisoft, etc. Even if we say that this year has been quiet for the PS4/One, there's still big hitters like Destiny, Shadow of Mordor, Assassin's Creed Unity, Far Cry 4, etc that have come out or will be out this year. There seems to be this myth that only Nintendo knows how to make a quality game which is absolutely not true, especially these days.


How is that all that's coming out next year? It's all we know of. Oh, and forgot starfox and the two miamoto games....


And how can any Nintendo fan not be interested in kirby and toad, It's part of a Nintendo fans dan isn't it! :)


I dunno, I personally don't think that these titles are anywhere near as exciting or genre-defining as games that Nintendo have done in the past. To me, that's the worrying thing about Nintendo. I don't think they're capable of producing anything that changed gaming like Super Metroid or Starwing again. I find it disappointing that Captain Toad and Kirby are being treated as some sort of huge games for the system because they look mid-tier at best. Xenoblade looks like a top, top-tier game, Zelda should be there, too. Starfox...had the strangest announcement at E3. We got zero information on that one, it was pretty poor in my eyes. A bit disrespectful for a franchise that many once held so dear.


Edit: On the subject of disrespected franchises and racing games...WHERE IS MY F ZERO, NINTENDO? F Zero GX was 11 years ago. Wow...

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Where is this one game a month drivel coming from?




Captain Toad


Yoshi's Woolly World



Devil's Third

Star Fox

Zelda U

Project Guard

Project Giant Robot

Mario Maker

Mario Party 10


That's one game every month without getting into Mario Kart DLC, extra Amiibo functionality, eShop releases like NES Remix, aaaand all the inevitable Q1/Q2/E3 announcements.


People (understandably) bitch and moan about 2014 being lacklustre for Wii U, so for balance a bit of appreciation for the quality titles coming our way next year and the potential for much more, would be good.

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Captain Toad


Yoshi's Woolly World



Devil's Third

Star Fox

Zelda U

Project Guard

Project Giant Robot

Mario Maker

Mario Party 10


That's one game every month + Mario Kart DLC, extra Amiibo functionality, eShop releases like NES Remix, aaaand all the inevitable Q1/Q2/E3 announcements.


Oh cool, I'd love to know the release dates of Xenoblade, Zelda, Star Fox, Project guard, Project Giant Robot, Mario Party 10 and Splatoon.


It's not exactly one a month like you're claiming. What you've done is wrote down the names of 12 games that may (or may not be) coming out in 2015. Somewhere in 2015. Not one a month. You can't take the total of games that have arrived this year and divide that by 12 and call that x amount of games a month.

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