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It sucks there isn't one for Wii U, let alone VR. You could be in third person on the TV and the gamepad screen acting as your first person camera, video recorder etc...


Just had to remind myself of its greatness :p



Absolutely stunning, although the thing that gives it away is that it plays DVDs!

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I loved the Oculus Rift when I tried it, but I do see a lot of potential limitations to VR, mainly in the fact that anything apart from first person view games are rather pointless.


However when you are in a cockpit, the experience is amazing. I have never felt nervous about crashing before. In 40 hours of Need for Speed Most Wanted I didn't flinch as much as I did in 2 minutes of Oculus Rift gameplay!

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Frankly, VR just seems like the next gimmick to trick people into buying things they don't really need.


Just like motion controls, dual screens, 3D and everything else before it... none of them made gaming worse but neither did they make it any better. Polished gameplay, a strong narrative and inspired art direction have always been the cornerstones of gaming... everything else might be fun but is ultimately irrelevant.


I'll obviously jump aboard VR (just like I did with all the other gimmicks) as the games will always be worth it, but I fail to see how it'll significantly push the medium forward or change anything at all.

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Frankly, VR just seems like the next gimmick to trick people into buying things they don't really need.


Just like motion controls, dual screens, 3D and everything else before it... none of them made gaming worse but neither did they make it any better. Polished gameplay, a strong narrative and inspired art direction have always been the cornerstones of gaming... everything else might be fun but is ultimately irrelevant.


I'll obviously jump aboard VR (just like I did with all the other gimmicks) as the games will always be worth it, but I fail to see how it'll significantly push the medium forward or change anything at all.


That's a very sweeping statement and simply not true. After motion controls I'll never play a dual analogue FPS ever again. It's simply archaic. The Wii remote was a godsend. There's no harm in shaking things up a bit as Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I'd give VR a go.


Remember that person's experiments with switching the sensor bar with the Wii remote a number of years ago? That had serious potential.

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Frankly, VR just seems like the next gimmick to trick people into buying things they don't really need.


Just like motion controls, dual screens, 3D and everything else before it... none of them made gaming worse but neither did they make it any better. Polished gameplay, a strong narrative and inspired art direction have always been the cornerstones of gaming... everything else might be fun but is ultimately irrelevant.


I'll obviously jump aboard VR (just like I did with all the other gimmicks) as the games will always be worth it, but I fail to see how it'll significantly push the medium forward or change anything at all.


I think motion control improved a lot of games. I think that it was rejected by many was due to in part an inability to accept change and stick to the accepted norm. For example, pointer controls are far superior to dual analog controls in games like Resident Evil 4. To not develop that concept and take it to its logical conclusion is a serious failing in my opinion.


Pointer controls also improved RTS games and could provide a much more accessible way to game for non-gamers.

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That's a very sweeping statement and simply not true. After motion controls I'll never play a dual analogue FPS ever again. It's simply archaic.

Good luck with gaming from now on. The Wii U didn't come with Wii remotes so it seems unlikely games in the far future will be built around motion controls. And the other manufacturers haven't run with Wii remote type devices on the new consoles.


I'm glad it lost its popularity as motion controls are frankly irritating, imprecise at times and altogether annoying. I hate having to waggle to do something that can be done much more easily with buttons.


Regarding virtual reality - it really depends on how well thr technology turns out. I still dream of the popularised fully virtual worlds...perhaps one day?

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That's a very sweeping statement and simply not true. After motion controls I'll never play a dual analogue FPS ever again. It's simply archaic. The Wii remote was a godsend.


If you mean Wii FPS games, those are pointer controlled, which has nothing to do with motion controls.


There's no harm in shaking things up a bit as Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.


We ARE doing the same thing. VR and motion controls are just gimmicks that change nothing in the way we play games apart from how we interact with them. The games are exactly the same, with only superficial differences. Which is exactly why it doesn't really add much.


True innovation is conceptual in nature. Different games, not different controls.

I think motion control improved a lot of games. I think that it was rejected by many was due to in part an inability to accept change and stick to the accepted norm. For example, pointer controls are far superior to dual analog controls in games like Resident Evil 4. To not develop that concept and take it to its logical conclusion is a serious failing in my opinion.


Pointer controls also improved RTS games and could provide a much more accessible way to game for non-gamers.


I didn't dislike motion controls, but I truly felt they added absolutely nothing. Some people creamed their pants at Skyward Sword's controls, but frankly it didn't add anything to the experience, from where I'm standing.


Again... pointer/IR controls aren't motion controls. 2 different things.

Edited by Oxigen_Waste
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The difference between VR and other gimmicks is that people have always wanted it, rather than a company trying to use it as a differentiating factor and just hoping people like it. VR was the dream of gamers in the Sega/Nintendo-dominated '90s, the Nintendo ON made people more hopeful/excited than I've ever seen about hardware, and now we're pushing the frontiers again with the Oculus Rift and Morpheus.


I'm not saying they'll actually be good, or that the technology is there yet, but VR is something that has always fundamentally excited people across all "sides".

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I'd say VR is gonna be the next major step in gaming, just like the 2D -> 3D transition was. How soon it's gonna come, well that remains to be seen...


Totes bro.

I'm kinda on the fence. Now it's emerging. Was always the dream in the 90's but the idea of being alone in a room totally secluded in an artificial world doesn't sit right with me these days. Adult cynicism? Not sure. We're zombified enough with TV lol.

Either way it will be insane when the adult entertainment industry get involved. :heh:

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Totes bro.

I'm kinda on the fence. Now it's emerging. Was always the dream in the 90's but the idea of being alone in a room totally secluded in an artificial world doesn't sit right with me these days. Adult cynicism? Not sure. We're zombified enough with TV lol.


Well, playing games does induce a kind of a seclusion anyway, it's like your whole focus gets drawn into it or something. So in a way, I see it just as an extension of what's going on. I mean people play games to be sucked into new worlds, with VR you could actually do that (in a sense). Just another level of immersion...


Either way it will be insane when the adult entertainment industry get involved. :heh:
Haha, good point. Next thing you know, Nintendo is selling VR headsets with these:



Wii Suck (U)!

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I'd say VR is gonna be the next major step in gaming, just like the 2D -> 3D transition was. How soon it's gonna come, well that remains to be seen...


It must be said that what we're experiencing isn't VR, though.


This is just the same thing we've always had with a screen that's very close to your eyes.


True VR entails complete (and enhanced) individual freedom (just like in real life) in a virtual environment. Like we see in The Matrix or Caprica. We're witnessing the birth of something, but it's not Virtual Reality. It's just a visor.


True VR is something I doubt we'll ever see in our lifetime.

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Well, playing games does induce a kind of a seclusion anyway, it's like your whole focus gets drawn into it or something. So in a way, I see it just as an extension of what's going on. I mean people play games to be sucked into new worlds, with VR you could actually do that (in a sense). Just another level of immersion...


Haha, good point. Next thing you know, Nintendo is selling VR headsets with these:



Wii Suck (U)!


Hah. That's like some weird ass Dalek. Nobody should be putting their love muscle in that thing. :blank:(Where can I buy one?)


I agree with you on the whole seclusion thing. That's something Nintendo has always been fighting from my perspective. Local multiplayer is awesome. Even WiiU has that covered with the GamePad approach. Their whole ethos is about inclusive gaming. To lose that would kill a side of gaming in my opinion.


The last thing we want is a room full of individuals rocking VR headsets. Would look like a Daft Punk convention.

I don't wanna ruin the fun but this seems like just another expensive add on that the American media and FPS crowd seem obsessed with. So now I can actually snap heads off with my own hands? It just sits uneasily with me.


Anyway...on discussion. Just strap a GamePad to a cap and use gyro controls for insta-VR...

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...Does anyone think Nintendo will ever move into VR? (Not counting the VB)


Its taken a while for me to really buy into VR, but after hearing anticipation from friends about how much they enjoy the Rift as well as devs online talking about the possibilities of VR I've gotten the hype too.


However, I would prefer if Nintendo led the way for actual biometric feedback in games. Obv it lends itself to horror games like for kickstarter title Nevermind but it would be refreshing to see it in a game such as Zelda where you can only solve certain puzzles dependent on your pulse rate or an underwater stage in Mario where you literally have to control your breathing. Maybe this will be how they can combine with their QOL initiative but I'm disappointed that biometric feedback isn't already mainstream in games.


My fantasy would be a biometric name based around the TV series Chuck : peace:

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Yep, just put the visor on, step on the balance board, clip the vitality sensor to your nutsack and off you go! For a solo challenge, try the Power Glove 2.0.


"Our analysis shows you were thrusting 56.3% left 43.7% right. Try bending your knees more for more balance. "

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Yep, just put the visor on, step on the balance board, clip the vitality sensor to your nutsack and off you go! For a solo challenge, try the Power Glove 2.0.


Yup...and your host is...



Edited by tapedeck
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Anyone else's local HMV, stopped stocking Wii U and 3DS in the last few days? Just the other day, both my local stores had a pretty good display for the platforms, but yesterday, I noticed Bangor had gotten rid of all Nintendo stock from their store, and that Llandudno had this rather depressing display :-




Guess I'm part of the problem as apart from one or two titles, all my games have come from online retailers since Wii U and 3DS launched. Still a sad sight to see.


Curious if it's happening nationwide in HMV stores, or just out here in rural Wales.

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