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I think we need to all hold on a sec and understand what we complain about... Its easy to give in to the darkside and be negative.


What do you truly want out of the Wii U? What are you expecting?


From what I can see, the Nintendo operating today isn't really that different from the Nintendo in the N64 era... Same advertising and marketing style, perhaps the same or similar game output.


We need to understand what we mean by 'lose faith in Nintendo'. Though some have said this including myself, truth is if they released MM remake or a Pokemon game tomorrow - you will buy it. Regardless, you are all going to by Smash and Mario kart.


From the point I sold my Wii U around this time last year, to re-owning one this week - I think the games that are out are reasonable... Mario x2, Pikmin, DK, Zelda in under 1.5 years is reasonable for Nintendo's standards.


I think it won't hurt to be a little optimistic - Nintendo knows its in a slump, I doubt they are not trying to address the issue. No matter what feelings you have now, you know your eyes will be peeled come E3. Relax a bit.

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They did. For about a three week period, there was not a prime time advert break without a Super Mario 3D World advert.


3 weeks? I think not. It was more like a week and was very sporadic. Anyone heard the rumour of a Wii U price cut coming at the end of April? I think it would be a good idea ahead of Mario Kart 8's release.

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I think for me it's the sadness of the situation. I'm a Nintendo fan boy so to see my beloved games company go from in sales terms hero to zero is just disappointing.


I generally want the things I care for in life to do well. That includes Nintendo.

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Lots of companies are skipping PAX East this year (Nintendo, Sony, Capcom, EA, SEGA, Deep Silver, Warner Bros and more...)


Probably just a matter of it being too close to E3 to be worth bothering with for most ::shrug:


Why would Nintendo bother to go out of their way to make new demos of their upcoming Wii U games in time for PAX, rather than just wait for E3? (And what would they even really show for 3DS that isn't gonna be coming out within a month of that time anyway? - it's not like the event isn't gonna be filled to the brim with people streetpassing and playing 3DS games anyway...)

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For me it's that Nintendo are losing touch with me, a fan of theirs.


I've owned a NES, SNES, N64, GC, Wii, WiiU, Gameboy, GBC, GBA, DS and a 3DS. I've grown up playing Nintendo games and love their franchises. It was a blast playing multiplayer on the N64 and GC with my brother and my friends round at ours... now we've all grown up, moved out and to different cities, we can't get together and play those games readily so online is the best option for us. This is where Nintendo are losing touch with me. I want to play with my friends and chat and have a laugh with them but Nintendo are hell-bent on making that as difficult as possible!

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For me it's that Nintendo are losing touch with me, a fan of theirs.


I've owned a NES, SNES, N64, GC, Wii, WiiU, Gameboy, GBC, GBA, DS and a 3DS. I've grown up playing Nintendo games and love their franchises. It was a blast playing multiplayer on the N64 and GC with my brother and my friends round at ours... now we've all grown up, moved out and to different cities, we can't get together and play those games readily so online is the best option for us. This is where Nintendo are losing touch with me. I want to play with my friends and chat and have a laugh with them but Nintendo are hell-bent on making that as difficult as possible!


Mario Kart & Smash.

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Hold on Serebii, this time last year you were telling us of how Nintendo were planning to market the hell out of the machine in the second half of the year... that never happened. How do you still have your faith?

To be honest, mine has gone, Nintendo as a console manufacturer are rubbish, as a game developer there's none better (in my opinion).


Exactly. Do people still believe in this so called marketing blitz. Nintendo know this console is done and its all about riding it out for 2 years. No way are they going to spend millions and millions marketing a product which the market has given a resounding 'No' too. That would be foolish throwing good money after bad.


MK8 alone cannot save the Wii U.


What do you truly want out of the Wii U? What are you expecting?


From what I can see, the Nintendo operating today isn't really that different from the Nintendo in the N64 era... Same advertising and marketing style, perhaps the same or similar game output.


And that's the problem. We are not in the N64 era anymore. The market has changed, trends have changed, the gaming landscape has changed yet Nintendo either refuse to acknowledge this or just dont care.


It baffles me that a company can keep losing money year on year yet not really do anything to fix that.


I'm not saying Nintendo software doesn't compete on some level with other manufacturer first party content (although it seems to be faring worse on Wii U). What I am saying is that I don't think Nintendo titles are as revered as they used to be, since I think more would buy the Wii U if that was the case. I remember Mario 64 literally selling the N64. I think the gaming landscape has changed a lot in the past 5 years - people more and more look for added value in their purchases.


I would argue that those Nintendo titles are the reason the Wii U hasnt been pulled yet. There is only so much the software can do when the product is the problem. The N64 had Mario 64 but at the same time it wasnt a generation behind the PS2.


As for the titles not being revered like they used to be. Funny how that doesnt seem to stop this demand for Nintendo to go third party so people can play the games on a non nintendo platform. You would think people wouldnt give a damn if the games were not that popular but with every Quarter Nintendo release there financials the result is the same 'Nintendo go third party.'

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Exactly. Do people still believe in this so called marketing blitz. Nintendo know this console is done and its all about riding it out for 2 years. No way are they going to spend millions and millions marketing a product which the market has given a resounding 'No' too. That would be foolish throwing good money after bad.


MK8 alone cannot save the Wii U.


The market hasn't said 'no' though. The Wii U is everything Nintendo gamers wanted... HD, online, new way to play/traditional control type, and in some respects somewhat decent third party support (AC3&4, Batman, Tekken, that DC fighter, Mass Effect, Deus Ex, Resi Rev)... Stuff I could only imagine for the Wii and GC.


I don't believe its over - Mario kart and Smash will definitely boost sales... Then theres the Zelda - Zelda alone has the power to change things with the right combination of HD glory and epicness. As well as a possible MM remake which they keep alluding too.


Pokemon is there, as well as a horde of untouched franchises.


Who actually believes after Smash Nintendo will abandon the console??



And that's the problem. We are not in the N64 era anymore. The market has changed, trends have changed, the gaming landscape has changed yet Nintendo either refuse to acknowledge this or just dont care.


It baffles me that a company can keep losing money year on year yet not really do anything to fix that.



Well tbh, in every respective generation Nintendo hasn't acted especially different, you always kinda knew what you'll get with a Nintendo console.


We have been echoing the same thoughts during the N64 vs Playstation and GC vs PS2 - yet we now revere these old consoles based on exactly what they produced... Its somewhat ironic.

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As for the titles not being revered like they used to be. Funny how that doesnt seem to stop this demand for Nintendo to go third party so people can play the games on a non nintendo platform. You would think people wouldnt give a damn if the games were not that popular but with every Quarter Nintendo release there financials the result is the same 'Nintendo go third party.'

Not really odd at all - some people want the Nintendo games but only to an extent (ie. they would take them on a console they already own, but not go buy a Wii U just for it). Plus all the boons that come with the other consoles that Nintendo consoles lack - that's a big reason here why people want to see them on other consoles. You've also got to remember, even though some people want this to happen, they still buy the games as they currently are anyway (hence they still get sales).


Most casuals are not willing to part £200 for the same old Nintendo content, unlike the glory days where people sank £250 (back then money) for just Mario 64. Nintendo just don't have the same pull these days.

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The market hasn't said 'no' though. The Wii U is everything Nintendo gamers wanted... HD, online, new way to play/traditional control type, and in some respects somewhat decent third party support (AC3&4, Batman, Tekken, that DC fighter, Mass Effect, Deus Ex, Resi Rev)... Stuff I could only imagine for the Wii and GC.


I don't believe its over - Mario kart and Smash will definitely boost sales... Then theres the Zelda - Zelda alone has the power to change things with the right combination of HD glory and epicness. As well as a possible MM remake which they keep alluding too.


Pokemon is there, as well as a horde of untouched franchises.


Who actually believes after Smash Nintendo will abandon the console??


Dude the sales of the platform suggest the market has said 'No'. Nobody is buying the Wii U and the PS4 outsold it in 2-3 months. How low do the sales need to be before its accepted that the market want it.


If the Wii U was everything Nintendo gamers wanted more people would of bought it.


HD yes but its a generation behind the PS4/XB1


Online but again severely lacking in online features that the PS4/XB1 has or even that the PS3/360 has.


A tablet style controller that nobody asked for. Third party support which is barebones at best.


The idea that Nintendo gamers owned a Wii and nothing else and were waiting for the next Nintendo console is crazy. People own other platforms and when you stack the Wii U up against them its lagging behind.


I'm not saying Nintendo will abandon the Wii U completely. I just think they will ride out the next 2 years the most cost effective way possible so from 2015 onwards very little development for the Wii U as projects are pushed to a new platform.


Most casuals are not willing to part £200 for the same old Nintendo content, unlike the glory days where people sank £250 (back then money) for just Mario 64. Nintendo just don't have the same pull these days.


As I said before people didnt just buy the N64 for Mario 64. The N64 was a good console which held its own against the PS2.


Well tbh, in every respective generation Nintendo hasn't acted especially different, you always kinda knew what you'll get with a Nintendo console.


But the difference now is they are losing money. Nintendo never used to lose money. They could release a console and sell at a profit from day 1 and even with smaller sales than the competition make money. The model they operated to in the past has to change now.


People expect more. People expect a console with a quick intuitive UI, they expect a comprehensive online network, a console with a decent sized hard-drive and dare I say the ability to play DVD/Blu rays and other media capabilities.


I dont think Nintendo can just release a console which ignored these kind of things when this is the norm now. If people are prepared to play £350 for a PS4 or £399 - £430 for an XB1 then that says that people that play videogames will still pay a premium price for the right product.


Nintendo simply released the wrong product.

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Not at launch they didn't. There was just Mario 64 and Pilotwings, and people gobbled it up. SM3DW had no such effect. A large part was due to the technical feat and new gameplay people had never seen before. But we can hardly let them off if they're not really at the forefront of that any more...

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Most casuals are not willing to part £200 for the same old Nintendo content, unlike the glory days where people sank £250 (back then money) for just Mario 64. Nintendo just don't have the same pull these days.


But did many people buy it at that price? Two months after launch, it dropped to £150.

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Dude the sales of the platform suggest the market has said 'No'. Nobody is buying the Wii U and the PS4 outsold it in 2-3 months. How low do the sales need to be before its accepted that the market want it.


If the Wii U was everything Nintendo gamers wanted more people would of bought it.


But of course, we can all agree Nintendo mis-marketed the console and confused the market, which handicapped its success before its release.


The PS4 had masses of hype behind it, with the usual graphics/power attraction. Fair play to it.


But its surely too soon to state that people don't want the Wii U when its bigger titles aren't even released yet and actually people all over the net are screaming for certain Nintendo games.

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But of course, we can all agree Nintendo mis-marketed the console and confused the market, which handicapped its success before its release.


The PS4 had masses of hype behind it, with the usual graphics/power attraction. Fair play to it.


But its surely too soon to state that people don't want the Wii U when its bigger titles aren't even released yet and actually people all over the net are screaming for certain Nintendo games.


Well its had DK, Mario games, the Wii_ titles, Pikmin. There is no doubt MK8 and Smash will boost hardware sales but its asking to much of them to save the sinking ship.

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Mario Kart & Smash.


These are the two games which it all is riding on, if either one doesn't have voice-chat or their online performance is sub-par (Brawl was atrocious online) then a Nintendo console can no longer be my main console. I'll play it sparingly for the big Nintendo titles and I'll pick up another console to satiate my gaming thirst.

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Well its had DK, Mario games, the Wii_ titles, Pikmin. There is no doubt MK8 and Smash will boost hardware sales but its asking to much of them to save the sinking ship.


All it takes is one game broadcasted to the masses to trigger a console purchase. An online, Nintendo all-star game at that.


If you have really lost faith, why are you still here? Though you have already classed the Wii U a sinking ship, the truth is no one knows how it will all pan out until the big hitters come.

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I think for me it's the sadness of the situation. I'm a Nintendo fan boy so to see my beloved games company go from in sales terms hero to zero is just disappointing.


I generally want the things I care for in life to do well. That includes Nintendo.


The funny thing is, even though the Wii was selling superbly, our 'hardcore' gaming needs weren't satisfied.


There is enjoyment to be had on the Wii U - how can sales affect that?

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All it takes is one game broadcasted to the masses to trigger a console purchase. An online, Nintendo all-star game at that.


If you have really lost faith, why are you still here? Though you have already classed the Wii U a sinking ship, the truth is no one knows how it will all pan out until the big hitters come.


I'm a Nintendo fan who likes this forum. Just because I have no faith in the Wii U being a viable product which will benefit company shouldnt really matter and that's coming from someone who owns the console but again its irrelevant.


Its quite a funny question from someone who owned a Wii U and then decided to sell it.


As for the one it only takes one game. That has been the Iwata way of thinking which to me translates to throwing a bunch of things at the wall and hoping one of them sticks rather than going ahead with a console with a clear coherent plan of thinking on how to achieve results.

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These are the two games which it all is riding on.


Thats just because thats all we know... Is it really a long shot to think there are other big titles in the pipeline?


I'm a Nintendo fan who likes this forum. Just because I have no faith in the Wii U being a viable product which will benefit company shouldnt really matter and that's coming from someone who owns the console but again its irrelevant.


Its quite a funny question from someone who owned a Wii U and then decided to sell it.


As for the one it only takes one game. That has been the Iwata way of thinking which to me translates to throwing a bunch of things at the wall and hoping one of them sticks rather than going ahead with a console with a clear coherent plan of thinking on how to achieve results.


I think selling a console 3-4 months after its launch is nothing unusual, and was perhaps the best time to do so. Before Pikmin 3 the games available were at a minimum.


Whats really the issue? I just don't get the point... coming here to say the same thing in ten different ways everyday. Are you saying you have no games to play at the moment? Or are you weary of there being ' no games' in the future?


If you have already deemed the Wii U a failure and do not think it has a chance in hell to have any entertainment value - why do you still own one?


I don't agree with any of the two statements - We haven't even seen Zelda since 2012. Just because they keep it top secret, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


I'm only going by logic - by Nintendo history.


GC by many is seen as a 'doomed' or 'failed' console but it was supported pretty nicely and today the Wii U has masses more potential even now.


I've been an angry 'extremist' too - how can I be when I now see the console has a decent amount of games available, which actually fits various needs. This negativity is blinding - I was actually spouting negative shite about games I haven't even played or gave a chance.

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Thats just because thats all we know... Is it really a long shot to think there are other big titles in the pipeline?


Other titles in the pipeline? Of course there will be but I highly doubt many, if any, will have online play.


I'm very much like Kav in that I'm getting on in years, life has moved forward, friends have moved on and the only way I can hook up with friends for some gaming is via online. Nintendo refuses to get with the times with online gaming and as such I end up buying other consoles to play with my friends and family. We chat while playing the likes of Gears, Halo, Titanfall etc. and generally have a cracking time and a good laugh.


It's very telling just how far behind Nintendo are when people are concerned whether there will be voice chat in their games.

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Exactly. Do people still believe in this so called marketing blitz. Nintendo know this console is done and its all about riding it out for 2 years. No way are they going to spend millions and millions marketing a product which the market has given a resounding 'No' too. That would be foolish throwing good money after bad.


Except, Nintendo just this quarter allocated a further 8 billion yen to their marketing budget.


Other titles in the pipeline? Of course there will be but I highly doubt many, if any, will have online play.


I'm very much like Kav in that I'm getting on in years, life has moved forward, friends have moved on and the only way I can hook up with friends for some gaming is via online. Nintendo refuses to get with the times with online gaming and as such I end up buying other consoles to play with my friends and family. We chat while playing the likes of Gears, Halo, Titanfall etc. and generally have a cracking time and a good laugh.


It's very telling just how far behind Nintendo are when people are concerned whether there will be voice chat in their games.

Ah, but when you get even more older and start a family, then Nintendo's strategy will be awesome again :)

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